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Oracle® Imaging and Process Management Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.imaging

This package contains the classes exposed by the API.


Interface Summary
ApplicationService The service for interacting with imaging applications.
BatchService This service is reserved for Oracle internal use only.
DocumentService The service for interacting with imaging documents.
ImagingExceptionCode An interface that defines the message IDs for the ExceptionMessages class.
ImportExportService A service for working with import and export of definitions.
LifecycleService A service for working with items related to document lifecycles.
PreferenceService The service for interacting with preferences.
SearchService This is the interface for the search functions within the imaging system.
SecurityService The service for interacting with security.


Class Summary
Application A data structure representing the properties of an imaging application definition An imaging application is identified by both name and an key property.
Application.BpelConfig A data structure specifying the configuration to connnect to a BPEL server, and create an instance of a BPEL process.
Application.BpelConfig.PayloadItem Represents an element of a payload and the value to map to it.
Application.DocumentSecurity A data structure specifying the document security permissions for a particular security member.
Application.DocumentSecurity.DocumentSecurityPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Application.FieldDefinition A data struture specifying the definition of a single meta data field column in an imaging application.
Application.Properties A data structure containing general, simple properties for an imaging application definition.
Application.StorageStage A data structure specifying a storage stage, consisting of a volume and duration to remain on that volume, for documents within an application.
AuditEvent The AuditEvent class provides access to the event data that was persisted.
AuditEvent.Property The Property Class defines the structure that the Auditing functions use to persist and report property data.
BasePermissions The BasePermissions class provides the definition of all permissions within the Imaging System.
BaseSecurity The BaseSecurity class provides the definition of all security within the Imaging System.
Batch A Batch represents a set of documents that were indexed together into the system.
Definition.DefinitionPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Definition.Permissions A data structure specifying the current user's permissions to an application definition.
Definition.SectionPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Definition.Security A data structure specifying the security permissions for a particular security member.
Definition.Security.SecurityPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Definition.SequencePk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Document A data structure representing the properties of a document An imaging document is identified by both name and an guid property.
Document.FieldValue A data structure containing properties for a single meta data value for the document.
Document.Permissions A data structure specifying a user's permissions to a document within an application.
Document.Properties A data structure containing general properties for an imaging document.
ExportData A data structure representing the properties of export data
ImagingConstants A constants class defining property value limits.
ImportData A data structure representing the properties of import data
ImportSummary A data structure representing the import summary returned to the user
ImportValidation A data structure representing the properties of import validation
Input.FieldMap Defines a mapping between an input source field to an Applicationfield which is used to establish the flow of index data during document creation within the InputService.
Input.Mappings Defines the Input.FieldMapings for one or an Application's primary index, and provides the NameIdof the Applicationproviding the source fields used.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the oracle.imaging.model package.
PageChange Class for objects that describe changes to a document page sequence.
RenderOptions A data structure that defines the options used to render a document.
RenderPage Represents a rendered "page" of a document.
RenderResult Class to contain the results of a rendering operation.
Rendition Class to contain the results of a RetrieveRendition operation.
Search The Search class provides the structure for defining the searches of the imaging system repository.
Search.ApplicationExpression.ApplicationExpressionPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Search.Condition The Condition class defines a leaf of a Search$Node.
Search.Conjunction The SearchConjunction class provides the ability to join 2 search clauses.
Search.Node The Search.Node class provides the structure for a recursive structuring of the search expression.
Search.ParameterDefinition The ParameterDefinition class defines a parameter that is used to provide dynamic values to the search.
Search.ParameterDefinition.SearchParameterPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Search.PossibleOperator.PossibleOperatorPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Search.Properties General Properties for a search.
Search.Properties.SearchPropertiesPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Search.Result The Result class provides the ability to list the results found by executing a search.
Search.ResultColumn The Search.ResultColumn class provides the container that holds the results as part of an ordered column.
Search.ResultColumn.ResultColumnPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
Search.ResultSet The ResultSet class is a container class for the rows of results retrieved from the persistent storage.
Search.SelectedField The SelectedField class provides the information defining the source of the data being returned by a search.
Search.SelectedField.SelectedFieldPk FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
SearchArgument The SearchArgument class is the dynamic content for a Search.
SearchParameter The SearchParameter class provides the values needed to display a search form to the user.
SearchParameters The SearchParameters class provides a container for the Search$ParameterDefinition objects.
SearchValue SearchValue is an abstract classs to allow the use of multiple value types defined by the concrete subclasses.
SystemSecurity A data structure specifying the security permissions for a particular security member.
SystemSecurity.Permissions A data structure specifying the current user's permissions to definitions.
Volume Defines the storage volumes available on the system for storing documents.


Enum Summary
Application.Ability Enumeration validating that the current user has this ability on the applications.
Application.SectionFlag Flags that identify which sections are applicable to a specific request.
Application.StorageStage.DurationUnit Defines the available units for specifiying storage durations.
AuditEvent.PropertyKey This enumeration defines the property types avaialable for use within the properties list.
AuditEvent.Type This enumeration defines the events within the Imaging System.
BasePermissions.Permission The enumeration of all permissions within the Imaging System.
Batch.BatchState The flags of the various stages of a batch
BpelFunction The set of BPEL Mapping Functions to map various values to BPEL payload elements.
Connection.Ability Enumeration validating that the current user has this ability on the Connections.
Connection.ConnectionType Enumeration listing out the different possible types of connections that are available.
Connection.SectionFlag Flags that identify which sections are applicable to a specific request.
Document.Ability Enumeration validating that the current user has this ability on the applications.
Document.SectionFlag Flags that identify which sections are applicable when using the Document data structure in various DocumentService operations.
ImportDefinitionType Flag that identifies what the defintion type is within ImportSummary and ImportValidation.
ImportSummary.DefinitionStatus Flag that identifies whether or not the definition was created or modified.
Input.Ability Enumeration validating that the current user has this ability on the inputs.
Input.SectionFlag Flags that identify which sections are applicable to a specific request.
Input.StateFlag Flags that identify which piece or pieces of an input should be updated, when a call is made to InputService#modifyState(NameId,StateUpdate[]).
Search.Ability Enumeration of the availible abilities for a search assigned to a user.
Search.Condition.Property This is an enumeration of the valid Imaging Attributes that may be used in a search.
Search.Operator An enumeration of the search operators that are supoported by Imaging Searches.
Search.SectionFlag Flags that identify which sections are applicable when using the Search data structure in various SearchService operations.
Search.SelectedField.DocumentProperty This is an enumeration of the valid Imaging Attributes that may be returned in a search.
SearchValue.Type Enum for the various search value types in the app.
SystemSecurity.SystemArea Identifies a specific Imaging system area for a request.


Exception Summary
ImagingException The exception repositoryType thrown by the imaging service APIs.


Annotation Types Summary


Package oracle.imaging Description

This package contains the classes exposed by the API.

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Oracle® Imaging and Process Management Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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