Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use IdeAction
oracle.ide Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. 
oracle.ide.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 
oracle.ide.cmd Contains classes implementing several JDeveloper commands. 
oracle.ide.db Classes for representing database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate Contains classes that control the targets available for generating database objects to in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.keyboard Defining your default accelerators 
oracle.ide.navigator Contains classes providing navigator support. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.ide.util Contains utility classes. 
oracle.jdeveloper.compiler Contains classes that allow addins to integrate their own build system translator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.db Classes for accessing database connections in JDeveloper (and other FCP products). 
oracle.jdeveloper.merge Contains classes for merge editor abstractions, including an editor addin, commands, a controller, and utilities. 
oracle.jdeveloper.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the JDeveloper runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor Contains classes that allow addins access to the UIEditor integration objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas Contains classes that allow addins access to the UICanvas integration objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util Contains assorted stateless utilities for version control system integraton. 

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide

Methods in oracle.ide with parameters of type IdeAction
static int Ide.quit(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Perform a controlled shut down of the IDE.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.ceditor

Methods in oracle.ide.ceditor with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean CodeEditorController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 boolean CodeEditorController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when the availability of a specific command needs to be determined.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.cmd

Methods in oracle.ide.cmd that return IdeAction
static IdeAction FileOpenHistory.getGlobalReopenAction()
static IdeAction FileOpenHistory.getNewReopenAction( url)
          Returns a new local IdeAction that will reopen the specified URL when triggered.

Methods in oracle.ide.cmd with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean FileOpenHistory.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean FileOpenHistory.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.controller

Methods in oracle.ide.controller that return IdeAction
static IdeAction IdeAction.find(int cmdId)
          Finds the action associated with the specified command if it already exists.
static IdeAction IdeAction.find(java.lang.String commandName)
          Finds the action associated with the specified command name if it already exists.
static IdeAction[] IdeAction.findGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          Finds the actions associated with the specified groupName.
static IdeAction IdeAction.get(int cmdId)
          Gets the action associated with the specified command id if it already exists.
static IdeAction IdeAction.get(int cmdId, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Integer mnemonic)
          Gets the action associated with the specified command if it already exists.
static IdeAction IdeAction.get(int cmdId, java.lang.String cmdClass, java.lang.String name)
          Gets the action associated with the specified command if it already exits.
static IdeAction IdeAction.get(int cmdId, java.lang.String cmdClass, java.lang.String name, ArrayResourceBundle bundle, int key)
          Deprecated. since 11.0. Declare actions in an extension manifest, or use one of the get methods that takes an Icon directly. Note for internal JDEVADF developers: The addin policy that icons must not be loaded during product startup is still in effect. You should avoid incurring the cost of icon loading during product startup by using the OracleIcons API.
static IdeAction IdeAction.get(int cmdId, java.lang.String cmdClass, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String sCategory, java.lang.Integer mnemonic, ArrayResourceBundle bundle, int key, java.lang.Object data, boolean enabled)
          Deprecated. since 11.0. Declare actions in an extension manifest, or use one of the get methods that takes an Icon directly. Note for internal JDEVADF developers: The addin policy that icons must not be loaded during product startup is still in effect. You should avoid incurring the cost of icon loading during product startup by using the OracleIcons API.
static IdeAction IdeAction.get(int cmdId, java.lang.String cmdClass, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String sCategory, java.lang.Integer mnemonic, javax.swing.Icon icon, java.lang.Object data, boolean enabled)
          Gets the action associated with the specified command if it already exits.
static IdeAction IdeAction.get(int cmdId, java.lang.String cmdClass, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String sCategory, java.lang.Integer mnemonic, java.util.ResourceBundle bundle, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object data, boolean enabled)
          Gets the action associated with the specified command if it already exits.
protected abstract  IdeAction ToolbarManager.getAction(java.lang.String cmdId)
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditCopyAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditCopyPathAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditCutAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditDeleteAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditDuplicateSelectionAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditExtendedPasteAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditPasteAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditPropertiesAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditRedoAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditSelectAllAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditSelectWrapAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getEditUndoAction()
static IdeAction IdeAction.getEnabled(int cmdId, java.lang.String name)
static IdeAction IdeAction.getEnabled(int cmdId, java.lang.String name, javax.swing.Icon icon)
static IdeAction IdeAction.getEnabled(int cmdId, java.lang.String name, java.util.ResourceBundle bundle)
static IdeAction IdeAction.getEnabled(int cmdId, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String category)
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileCloseAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileCloseAllAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileExitAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileOpenAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileReloadNodesAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileRemoveFromDiskAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileRemoveFromIDEAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileRenameAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileRevertAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileSaveAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileSaveAllAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getFileSaveAsAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getGoToDeclarationAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getHelpAboutAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getNavigateGoToClassAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getNavigateGoToDocAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getNavigateGoToLineAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getNavigateGoToNextMessageAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getNavigateGoToPreviousMessageAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getReplaceInFilesAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getSearchFindAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getSearchFindInFilesAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getSearchFindNextAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getSearchFindPreviousAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getSearchIncrementalFindBackwardAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getSearchIncrementalFindForwardAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getSearchReplaceAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getToolsDefaultProjectPropertiesAction()
          Note this command has moved to the "Application" menu.
static IdeAction IdeActions.getToolsPreferencesAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getToolsProjectPropertiesAction()
          Note this command has moved to the "Application" menu.
static IdeAction IdeActions.getViewFreezeAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getViewMainToolbarAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getViewNewViewAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getViewRefreshAction()
static IdeAction IdeActions.getViewStatusBarAction()
static IdeAction IdeAction.newLocalAction(int cmdId, View view)
          Creates a new local IdeAction for the specified cmdId and for the specified View.
 IdeAction IdeAction.newLocalAction(View view)
          Creates a new local IdeAction for the specified View.

Methods in oracle.ide.controller with parameters of type IdeAction
protected  void ContextAwareLabelUpdater.configureActionMacros(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel, java.util.Map macros)
protected  void ContextAwareLabelUpdater.configureElementMacros(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel, java.util.Map macros)
protected  void ContextAwareLabelUpdater.configureExtraMacros(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel, java.util.Map macros)
protected  void ContextAwareLabelUpdater.configureNodeMacros(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel, java.util.Map macros)
protected  void ContextAwareLabelUpdater.configureProjectMacros(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel, java.util.Map macros)
protected  void ContextAwareLabelUpdater.configureWorkspaceMacros(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel, java.util.Map macros)
 boolean Controller.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 java.lang.String LabelUpdater.labelWhenDisabled(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel)
          Returns the action's label when it is disabled.
If null then the action will be left unchanged.
 java.lang.String ContextAwareLabelUpdater.labelWhenDisabled(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel)
 java.lang.String LabelUpdater.labelWhenEnabled(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel)
          Returns the action's label when it is enabled.
If null then the action will be left unchanged.
 java.lang.String ContextAwareLabelUpdater.labelWhenEnabled(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel)
 boolean Controller.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method updates the enabled status of the specified action within the specified context.
 void ActionCondition.updateState(Context context, IdeAction action)
          Updates the action's state.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.db

Methods in oracle.ide.db that return IdeAction
static IdeAction DBObjectActions.getDuplicateAction()
static IdeAction DBObjectActions.getPropertiesAction()

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate

Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate that return IdeAction
protected static IdeAction GenerateController.createGenerateAction(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<? extends TransferTarget> target, GenerateController controller)
          Creates an IdeAction for the given name and transfer target.
static IdeAction GenerateController.getGenerateAction()
          The Generate Action is the IdeAction that bring up the full Generate Wizard.

Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean GenerateController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean GenerateController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Enables the generate action ( GenerateController.getGenerateAction() ) if there is a provider source available in the given Context.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.keyboard

Methods in oracle.ide.keyboard with parameters of type IdeAction
static java.lang.String KeyUtil.buildToolTip(IdeAction ideAction)
          Builds a tooltip for an IdeAction in the form of cmd-name[ " (" accelerator ")" ]

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.navigator

Methods in oracle.ide.navigator with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean ContentSetSupport.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean ContentSetSupport.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.runner

Methods in oracle.ide.runner that return IdeAction
 IdeAction RunnableItem.getAction()
abstract  IdeAction Runner.getViewRunManagerAction()
          Return the action for View | Run Manager.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.util

Methods in oracle.ide.util with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean WeightedController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean WeightedController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ide.view

Methods in oracle.ide.view that return IdeAction
protected abstract  IdeAction MultiManager.createShowAction()
protected  IdeAction MultiManager.createToggleToolbarAction()
          Subclasses should override this method to return the IdeAction that is responsible for toggling the visibility of this manager's toolbar.
 IdeAction MultiManager.getShowAction()
          Get the IdeAction to be associated with a menu item used for raising the last managed View to the top of the z-order.

Methods in oracle.ide.view with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean PinnableManager.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean MultiManager.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean PinnableManager.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean MultiManager.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate

Methods in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean WebUpdateController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean WebUpdateController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in

Methods in that return IdeAction
 IdeAction[] ToolbarView.getToolbarActions()
          Deprecated. Gets the components to be added to the editor toolbar while the compare view is displayable.
 IdeAction[] IdeBaseCompareView.getToolbarActions()
 IdeAction[] IdeCompareView.getToolbarActions()
          Gets the components to be added to the editor toolbar while the compare view is displayable.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler that return IdeAction
static IdeAction CompilerContext.getCompileAction(Context context)

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler with parameters of type IdeAction
static void CompilerContext.setCompileAction(Context context, IdeAction compileAction)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.controller

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.controller with parameters of type IdeAction
protected abstract  java.lang.String MenuAwareLabelUpdater.disabledMenuSpecificLabel(IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel)
          Gets the label to use for the action when it appears on the menu supplied in the constructor.
abstract  int[] NodeActionDelegate.doAction(Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
          Does the action on a Node.
 int[] TextNodeActionDelegate.doAction(Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
          Does the action on a Node.
 int[] XmlSourceNodeActionDelegate.doAction(Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
 int[] JavaSourceNodeActionDelegate.doAction(Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
protected abstract  int[] JavaSourceNodeActionDelegate.doAction(SourceFile file, Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
          Does the action on a SourceFile.
protected abstract  int[] TextNodeActionDelegate.doAction(TextBuffer buffer, Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
          Does the action on a TextBuffer.
protected abstract  int[] XmlSourceNodeActionDelegate.doAction(oracle.bali.xml.model.XmlModel model, Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
protected abstract  java.lang.String MenuAwareLabelUpdater.enabledMenuSpecificLabel(IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel)
          Get the label to use for the disabled action when it appears on the menu supplied in the constructor.
 boolean NodeActionController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 boolean NodeActionDelegate.isEnabled(IdeAction action, Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text)
          Gets whether an action is enabled for a Node selection.
 boolean JavaSourceNodeActionDelegate.isEnabled(IdeAction action, Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text)
          Gets whether an action is enabled for a Node selection.
 java.lang.String MenuAwareLabelUpdater.labelWhenDisabled(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel)
 java.lang.String MenuAwareLabelUpdater.labelWhenEnabled(Context context, IdeAction action, java.lang.String originalLabel)
protected  void NodeActionController.queueContainer(Element element, Project project, Workspace workspace, IdeAction action, java.util.Map queue)
abstract  void NodeActionDelegate.undoAction(Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
          Undoes the action on a node.
 void TextNodeActionDelegate.undoAction(Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
 void XmlSourceNodeActionDelegate.undoAction(Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
 void JavaSourceNodeActionDelegate.undoAction(Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
 boolean NodeActionController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method updates the enabled status of the specified action within the specified context.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.db

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.db that return IdeAction
static IdeAction DatabaseActions.getConnectionEditorAction()
          Gets the IdeAction for invoking the connection editor.
static IdeAction DatabaseActions.getDisconnectAction()
static IdeAction DatabaseActions.getExportAction()
          The export action is used to export database connections into the DatabaseConnections.getInstance()
static IdeAction DatabaseActions.getImportAction()
          The import action is used to import database connections into the DatabaseConnections.getInstance()

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.db with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean DatabaseActions.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean DatabaseActions.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt

Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt declared as IdeAction
 IdeAction DeployMenuItem.action

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt that return IdeAction
static IdeAction Deployment.createIdeAction(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String displayName)
          Create a new IdeAction for a deployment command, using the specified info.
protected  IdeAction DeployDesignTime.createIdeAction(java.lang.String commandName, java.lang.String label)
static IdeAction Deployment.createIdeAction(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String displayName, Controller controller)
          Create a new IdeAction for a deployment command, using the specified info.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean DeployDesignTime.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean DeployDesignTime.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt with parameters of type IdeAction
DeployMenuItem(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String displayName, IdeAction action)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.merge

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.merge that return IdeAction
protected  IdeAction AbstractMergeEditor.createLocalAction(int cmdId)
          Creates a local (view-specific) action for the given command ID.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.merge with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean MergeController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 boolean MergeController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method updates the enabled status of the specified action within the specified context.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.runner

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.runner with parameters of type IdeAction
protected  ToolButton JRunProcess.addProcessActionButtonToToolbar(IdeAction action, java.lang.String group)
          Add a process related action as a button on the toolbar.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean TemplateWizardAddin.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean TemplateWizardAddin.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor

Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor declared as IdeAction
protected static IdeAction AbstractCanvas.SERIALIZE_ACTION
          IdeAction for serializing a selected GUI control.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor that return IdeAction
 IdeAction[] AbstractFactory.getActions()
 IdeAction[] ModelFactory.getActions()
          Get an array of all registered IdeActions for this ModelFactory.
 IdeAction AbstractFactory.registerAction(int cmdID, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Integer mnemonic, ArrayResourceBundle bundle, int bundleKey, int parentID, float weight, float section)
 IdeAction ModelFactory.registerAction(int cmdID, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Integer mnemonic, ArrayResourceBundle bundle, int key, int parentID, float weight, float section)
          Generate an IdeAction for use when interacting with instances of the UIEditorCanvas produced by this factory.
 IdeAction AbstractFactory.registerAction(int cmdID, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Integer mnemonic, javax.swing.Icon icon, int parentID, float weight, float section)
 IdeAction ModelFactory.registerAction(int cmdID, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Integer mnemonic, javax.swing.Icon icon, int parentID, float weight, float section)
          Generate an IdeAction for use when interacting with instances of the UIEditorCanvas produced by this factory.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean AbstractFactory.isRegistered(IdeAction action)
 boolean ModelFactory.isRegistered(IdeAction action)
          Determine whether the given IdeAction has been registered with this ModelFactory.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas

Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas declared as IdeAction
protected static IdeAction AbstractAssistant.MOVE_TO_FIRST_ACTION
protected static IdeAction AbstractAssistant.MOVE_TO_LAST_ACTION

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean LayoutAssistant.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Respond to the given user action within the given context.
 boolean AbstractAssistant.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Respond to the given user action within the given context.
 boolean LayoutAssistant.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Update the enabled state of the given action within the given context.
 boolean AbstractAssistant.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Update the enabled state of the given action within the given context.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.annotations

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.annotations that return IdeAction
static IdeAction AnnotationsCommand.getAnnotationsAction(java.lang.String command, java.lang.String vcsId)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist that return IdeAction
 IdeAction ChangeListWindow.createLocalAction(int cmdId)
protected  IdeAction ChangeListContextMenuListener.getDefaultAction()
protected  IdeAction ChangeListContextMenuListener.getDefaultAction(Context context)
protected  IdeAction ChangeListContextMenuListener.getLocalAction(Context context, int cmdId)
protected  IdeAction ChangeListContextMenuListener.getLocalAction(ContextMenu popup, int cmdId)
protected  IdeAction ChangeListWindow.getLocalAction(int cmdId)
          Create a local action with the specified command ID, and remember it so that it can be disposed when this view is closed.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean ChangeListController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
protected  void ChangeListWindow.setEllipsisVisible(IdeAction localAction, boolean visible)
 boolean ChangeListController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset that return IdeAction
abstract  IdeAction ChangeSetAdapter.getCommitAction()
 IdeAction ChangeSetChangeList.getToggleChangeSetsAction(ChangeListWindow window)

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean ChangeSetController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean ChangeSetController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in

Methods in with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean PropertiesController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean PropertiesController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share that return IdeAction
static IdeAction ShareApplicationCommand.getShareApplicationAction()
static IdeAction ShareProjectCommand.getShareProjectAction()

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi that return IdeAction
 IdeAction VCSHistoryProvider.getVersionHistoryAction()
 IdeAction VCSHistoryProvider.getVersionTreeAction()

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean VCSContextualController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean VCSController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
protected  void VCSController.handleEventImpl(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Provides event handler implementation for the given action and context.
protected  int VCSController.invokeCommand(IdeAction action, Command command)
          Invokes the given command through the CommandProcessor.
protected  boolean VCSContextualController.isHandledAction(IdeAction action)
protected  boolean VCSController.isHandledAction(IdeAction action)
          Is the specified action handled by this controller?
protected  void VCSController.preInvoke(IdeAction action, Command command)
          Provides a custom hook called just before the command is invoked.
protected  void VCSController.preUpdate(IdeAction action, Command command)
          Provides a custom hook called just before the update implementation logic is applied.
 void VCSHistoryProvider.setVersionHistoryAction(IdeAction versionHistoryAction)
 void VCSHistoryProvider.setVersionTreeAction(IdeAction versionTreeAction)
 boolean VCSContextualController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean VCSController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
protected  void VCSController.updateImpl(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Provides action update implementation for the given action and context (handled actions only).

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type IdeAction
VCSHistoryProvider(HistoryProvider historyProvider, IdeAction versionHistoryAction)
VCSHistoryProvider(HistoryProvider historyProvider, IdeAction versionHistoryAction, VCSUserFilterSubstitution substitution)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with parameters of type IdeAction
static void VCSKeyboardUtils.addKeyStrokeContext(IdeAction[] actions, java.lang.String name)
static KeyStrokeContext VCSDefaultUtils.createKeyStrokeContext(IdeAction[] actions, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a key stroke context object for the given actions.

Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with type arguments of type IdeAction
static KeyStrokeContext VCSMenuUtils.registerKeyStrokes(java.util.Collection<IdeAction> actions, java.lang.String keyStrokeContextName)
          Register a key stroke context for the specified collection of actions so that the user can define accelerators from Tools->Preferences.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory that return IdeAction
static IdeAction VersionHistoryCommand.getVersionHistoryAction(java.lang.String command, java.lang.String vcsId)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versiontree

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versiontree that return IdeAction
static IdeAction VersionTreeCommand.getVersionTreeAction(java.lang.String command, java.lang.String vcsId)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer that return types with arguments of type IdeAction
 java.lang.Iterable<IdeAction> ShowInDesignerSupport.getAvailableShowActions(Context context, boolean forToolbar)

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer with parameters of type IdeAction
 void ShowInDesignerSupport.addAction(IdeAction showAction)

Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer with type arguments of type IdeAction
static void ShowInDesignerSupport.populateMenu(javax.swing.JMenu menu, java.lang.Iterable<IdeAction> actions)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core

Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core with parameters of type IdeAction
static AuditController AuditController.createController(IdeAction action)
 boolean AuditController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 boolean AuditController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method updates the enabled status of the specified action within the specified context.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log

Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean AuditLogPanel.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean AuditLogPanel.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks

Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean BookmarkAddin.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 boolean BookmarkAddin.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method updates the enabled status of the specified action within the specified context.

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdevimpl.esdk

Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.esdk with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean ESDKController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean ESDKController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Uses of IdeAction in oracle.jdevimpl.esdk.migration

Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.esdk.migration with parameters of type IdeAction
 boolean MigrationController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean MigrationController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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