4.3 Creating New Sealed Documents

This section covers the following topics:

4.3.1 Using Windows Explorer to Create a New Document that is Sealed from the Outset


To seal a document, you need the Seal right. See "About Rights".

Use the following procedure to create a new document that is sealed from the outset:

  1. In Windows Explorer, select the File menu and choose New, then choose the Sealed menu item for the document type that you want to create. For example, to create a new sealed Word document, choose Sealed Word Document.

  2. In the Select Context dialog, select the context to which you want to seal the new document.

    If the context that you want to use is not shown, try refreshing the list by clicking the Refresh Contexts button.

  3. Select a location and enter a name for the new document.

    If you have been authorized to allocate item codes manually (see "About Sealed Document Item Codes"), you will see an Options section on the dialog for naming a document. To set the item code, check the Update Item Code box (if not already set), select the Use This Item Code option, then enter an item code in the accompanying text box.

  4. Save the new document.

The new sealed document is opened in the appropriate application, if available. You can then work on the sealed document to the extent that your rights allow.

4.3.2 Using Microsoft Office to Create a New Document that is Sealed from the Outset


To seal a document, you need the Seal right. See "About Rights".

If you have enabled integration with Microsoft Office, use the following procedure to create a new document that is sealed from the outset:

  1. In the Microsoft Office application, select the New Sealed icon on the Oracle IRM toolbar, then, on the resultant menu, select the context to which you want to seal the document. If the required context is not shown, select the Select Context menu item instead.

  2. If you have opened the Select Context dialog, select the context to which you want to seal the new document.

    If the context that you want to use is not shown, try refreshing the list by clicking the Refresh Contexts button.

  3. Select a location and enter a name for the new document.

    If you have been authorized to allocate item codes manually (see "About Sealed Document Item Codes"), you will see an Options section on the dialog for naming a document. To set the item code, check the Update Item Code box (if not already set), select the Use This Item Code option, then enter an item code in the accompanying text box.

  4. Save the new document.

The new sealed document is opened. You can then work on the sealed document to the extent that your rights allow.

4.3.3 Creating a Sealed Version of an Existing Unsealed Document


To seal a document, you need the Seal right. See "About Rights".

Use one of the following procedures to create a sealed version of a document that already exists:

  • In Windows Explorer, select the unsealed document, select the File menu, select Seal To, then select Select Context. In the Select Context dialog, select the context, then click OK.

  • If you have enabled integration with Microsoft Office, open the unsealed document in the Microsoft Office application and select the Save As Sealed button in the Oracle IRM toolbar.

If you have been authorized to allocate item codes manually (see "About Sealed Document Item Codes"), you will see an Options section on the dialog for naming a document. To set the item code, check the Update Item Code box (if not already set), select the Use This Item Code option, then enter an item code in the accompanying text box.