5.4 Retrieving Documents

In some cases you may need to share or file documents outside of Oracle I/PM. In those cases you have the option to print out a physical copy, save an annotated copy of the document, or save a copy of the original document to a local or networked drive, based on the security rights granted to you.

5.4.1 Downloading Documents

You can download a document from a Search Results Table using either the Search Results Toolbar or the Search Results Contextual Menu. You can also download a document from the viewer. You must have the proper permissions to view associated annotations in order to download a document. To download a document to a local or shared network directory from a search results table, do the following:

  1. From a search results table, select the document you want to download.

  2. Click Download in the toolbar. The Download Document Page is displayed.

  3. Disable Lock Document if you want others to be able to modify the original document in I/PM. It is enabled by default.

  4. Do one of the following:

    1. Click Download Original to save a copy of the document without any annotations and in the format in which it was uploaded to I/PM. For example, if the original file was a TIFF image, the downloaded file would be a TIFF image without any annotations. If the original file was a Microsoft Word document, the downloaded file would be a copy of the Microsoft Word document without any annotations. Note that the original document remains in I/PM, and only a copy of the document is downloaded. If you do not have rights to view the document without annotations, for example a document that is redacted, downloading the original file is denied.

    2. Click Download TIFF to save a copy of the original document in a TIFF format with all annotations on the document. This is useful if you want and annotations left on the downloaded document, or if the original document is in a format that you cannot open on your computer.

    The Download Document page is closed and a dialog box is displayed asking if you want to open or save the document to a local or network drive.

  5. Make your selection and navigate to the location you want to save the file if necessary.

To download a document using the contextual menu, do the following:

  1. From a search results table, right-click on the document you want to download. A contextual menu is displayed with the options also available from the toolbar.

  2. Select Download from the contextual menu options. The Download Document Page is displayed.

  3. Continue with the download process as detailed in the above process beginning with step 3.

5.4.2 Printing Documents

You can print a document and its annotations from the viewer using the Viewer Menus. Printing using the viewer menu will print the document and all annotations to which you have access.

To print a document, do the following:

  1. With the document displayed in the viewer, select File then Print. A print dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select your preferred printer and click OK.


The contents of sticky notes are not downloaded or printed with the document. The contents of a sticky note can be printed, with limitations, by expanding the sticky note in the Sticky Notes Panel and printing the web page.