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Class ScenarioModel

  extended by com.bea.p13n.model.Model
      extended by com.bea.p13n.model.XmlObjectModel
          extended by com.bea.campaign.model.ScenarioModel

All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, Cloneable

public class ScenarioModel
extends XmlObjectModel

A model representing a campaign scenario. This will have, as children, either a single RuleSetLink or RuleModels from the embedded rule-set. Adding a RuleModel as a child to a ScenarioModel with a RuleSetLink will remove the RuleSetLink and embed a rule-set. Adding a RuleSetLink as a child to a ScenarioModel with RuleModel children will remove the RuleModels.

See Also
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
 class ScenarioModel.RuleSetLink
          An object representing a link to a rule model.


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.Model
Model.ChangeEvent, Model.ChangeListener, Model.ChangeSupport, Model.Debug


Field Summary
static String DOCUMENT_LINK_NS


Fields inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.XmlObjectModel
copyRootXmlObject, instanceUri, isComplete


Fields inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.Model
childrenModels, docModel, parentModel, roChildrenModels


Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
ScenarioModel(com.bea.campaign.schema.scenario.ScenarioDocument.Scenario scenario)
          Constructor from a Scenario xml object.


Method Summary
 RuleModel addCopyRuleModel(RuleModel rm)
          Add a copy of the specified RuleModel to this scenario.
 void addRuleModel(RuleModel model)
          Add a Rule to the Scenario.
protected  boolean childAdded(Model child)
          Override to start listening to changes to child rule names.
protected  boolean childRemoved(Model child)
          Override to stop listening to changes to child rule names.
 void clearCachedData()
          Clear any cached data this model is holding onto, so that it will recomputed upon next access.
 Model copy()
          Create a copy of this scenario model.
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject createNewXmlObject()
          Create a new, empty scenario xml object.
protected  boolean determineIsComplete()
          Is this scenario complete? A scenario is complete if: It has a non-empty name All RuleModel children are complete All RuleModel children have unique names
 String findUniqueRuleName(RuleModel model)
          Find a unique rule name amongst our children RuleModels for the specified RuleModel (using its name as the basis).
 String getDescription()
          Returns the description of the Scenario.
 String getId()
          Gets the id of the Scenario.
 String getLongDescription()
          Returns the long description of the Scenario.
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the Scenario.
 ScenarioModel.RuleSetLink getRuleSetLink()
          Get our rule set link, if we have one.
 com.bea.campaign.schema.scenario.ScenarioDocument.Scenario getScenario()
          Get the Scenario rool xml object.
 String[] getValidClassifications()
          Get all the names of all the valid classifications for the Scenario.
 boolean hasRuleSetLink()
          Tell if this scenario is setup with a ScenarioModel.RuleSetLink, instead of an embeded ruleset and RuleModel children.
 void initializeNew()
          Initialize this a new, empty scenario.
 boolean isActive()
          Gets the Scenario's active attribute
 boolean isValidClassificationsOrLogic()
          Returns if the state of the operator for the valid-classification logic is a boolean "or".
 boolean removeRuleModel(int index)
          Remove the RuleModel at the specified index.
 boolean removeRuleModel(RuleModel rule)
          Remove the specified RuleModel child from this scenario.
 void setActive(boolean active)
static void setDataId(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject o, String id)
          Set the data:id attribute on XmlObject.
 void setDescription(String newDesc)
          Sets the description of the Scenario.
 void setId(String newId)
          Sets the two id's of the Scenario.
protected  void setIsComplete(boolean isComplete)
          Override to set on our scenario object also.
 void setLongDescription(String newDesc)
          Sets the description of the Scenario.
 void setName(String newName)
          Sets the name of the Scenario.
 void setRuleSetLink(ScenarioModel.RuleSetLink link)
          Set the RuleSetLink for this scenario.
 void setValidClassifications(String... names)
          Sets the list of all the names of all the valid classifications for the Scenario.
 void setValidClassificationsOrLogic(boolean orLogic)
          Sets the value of the operator for the valid-classification tag.
 void setXmlObject(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject object)
          Set the root xml object for this scenario.


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.XmlObjectModel
checkElement, fixQName, getApplicationInstanceUri, getChild, getCopyXmlObject, getDocument, getLocalName, getParent, getQName, getRootXmlObject, isComplete, isNil, preRemove, propertyChanged, removeAllChildren, removeChild, setApplicationInstanceUri, setIsComplete, setParent, setRootXmlObject


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.Model
addChangeListener, addChild, addChild, clone, doubleEquals, equals, getChildren, getDebug, getDebug, getDocument, getParent, longEquals, removeChangeListener, removeChild, removeChild, removeEmpties, setDocument


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final String DOCUMENT_LINK_NS
See Also
Constants Summary

Constructor Detail


public ScenarioModel()
Default constructor. Call either setXmlObject(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject) or initializeNew() to enable this instance.


public ScenarioModel(com.bea.campaign.schema.scenario.ScenarioDocument.Scenario scenario)
Constructor from a Scenario xml object.

Method Detail


protected boolean childAdded(Model child)
Override to start listening to changes to child rule names.
childAdded in class XmlObjectModel
child - the child that was added.
true if we handled this changed, false if it was ignored.
See Also


protected boolean childRemoved(Model child)
Override to stop listening to changes to child rule names.
childRemoved in class XmlObjectModel
child - the child that was removed.
true if we handled this changed, false if it was ignored.
See Also


public void setXmlObject(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject object)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the root xml object for this scenario.
object - the xml object (should be a Scenario).
IllegalArgumentException - if object isn't valid.


public com.bea.campaign.schema.scenario.ScenarioDocument.Scenario getScenario()
Get the Scenario rool xml object. No changes done through this will get picked up by this model object.


public void clearCachedData()
Clear any cached data this model is holding onto, so that it will recomputed upon next access.
Specified by:
clearCachedData in class XmlObjectModel


public Model copy()
Create a copy of this scenario model.
Specified by:
copy in class Model


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject createNewXmlObject()
Create a new, empty scenario xml object.


public void initializeNew()
Initialize this a new, empty scenario.


public String getId()
Gets the id of the Scenario.


public void setId(String newId)
Sets the two id's of the Scenario.


public String getName()
Returns the name of the Scenario. This always returns non-null.


public void setName(String newName)
Sets the name of the Scenario.


public String getDescription()
Returns the description of the Scenario.
the description, or null if not set.


public void setDescription(String newDesc)
Sets the description of the Scenario.


public String getLongDescription()
Returns the long description of the Scenario.
the long description, or null if not set


public void setLongDescription(String newDesc)
Sets the description of the Scenario.


public boolean isActive()
Gets the Scenario's active attribute


public void setActive(boolean active)


public boolean isValidClassificationsOrLogic()
Returns if the state of the operator for the valid-classification logic is a boolean "or". If the state is "and", every classification must be present in order for the scenario to be active. If the state is "or", only one of the classifications need be present for the scenario to be active.


public void setValidClassificationsOrLogic(boolean orLogic)
Sets the value of the operator for the valid-classification tag. String must be either "and" or "or"; returns without doing anything for any other strings. String argument can be ScenarioModel.AND or ScenarioModel.OR, for convenience.


public String[] getValidClassifications()
Get all the names of all the valid classifications for the Scenario.


public void setValidClassifications(String... names)
Sets the list of all the names of all the valid classifications for the Scenario.


public boolean hasRuleSetLink()
Tell if this scenario is setup with a ScenarioModel.RuleSetLink, instead of an embeded ruleset and RuleModel children.


public ScenarioModel.RuleSetLink getRuleSetLink()
Get our rule set link, if we have one.
the RuleSetLink, or null if we don't have a RuleSetLink (either no children yet, or RuleModel children).
See Also


public void setRuleSetLink(ScenarioModel.RuleSetLink link)
Set the RuleSetLink for this scenario.
the - new RuleSetLink, or null to clear out the existing RuleSetLink.


public boolean removeRuleModel(RuleModel rule)
Remove the specified RuleModel child from this scenario.
true if the RuleModel was removed, false if not


public boolean removeRuleModel(int index)
Remove the RuleModel at the specified index.
true if the RuleModel was removed, false if not


public String findUniqueRuleName(RuleModel model)
Find a unique rule name amongst our children RuleModels for the specified RuleModel (using its name as the basis).
See Also
RuleSetModel.findUniqueRuleName(Model, RuleModel)


public void addRuleModel(RuleModel model)
Add a Rule to the Scenario. This will changed the RuleModel's name to something that is unique amongst all of the other RuleModels in this scenario.
If this Scenario has a RuleSetLink, it will be removed.


public RuleModel addCopyRuleModel(RuleModel rm)
Add a copy of the specified RuleModel to this scenario.
the RuleModel actually added.
See Also


protected void setIsComplete(boolean isComplete)
Override to set on our scenario object also.
setIsComplete in class XmlObjectModel


protected boolean determineIsComplete()
Is this scenario complete? A scenario is complete if:
  1. It has a non-empty name
  2. All RuleModel children are complete
  3. All RuleModel children have unique names
    determineIsComplete in class XmlObjectModel


    public static void setDataId(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject o,
                                 String id)
    Set the data:id attribute on XmlObject.

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