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Package com.bea.campaign.model

Class Summary
AdCountGoal A goal based upon ad counts.
AddDiscountModel A model representing the offering a discount from a campaign.
AddDiscountModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize the structure for this model.
AddEmailModel A model representing the sending of an email from a campaign.
AddEmailModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize the structure for this model.
AddToPlaceholderModel A rule action that asserts a content query to a set of placeholders from a campaign.
AddToPlaceholderModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize this structure.
AddToPlaceholderModel.TimeToLive Utility class to store time to live information.
CampaignModel A model representing a campaign.
CampaignModelDocument A default model document for CampaignModels.
EndScenarioModel A rule action that will cause the scenario to end for the executing user.
EndScenarioModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize this model from xml.
ScenarioModel A model representing a campaign scenario.
ScenarioModelDocument A default model document for ScenarioModels.


Enum Summary
AdCountGoal.CountType The type of goal event.
AdCountGoal.Type The type of goal counts.
AddToPlaceholderModel.ClearingPolicy An enum of the possible placeholder clearing policy.
AddToPlaceholderModel.Weight An enum of the possible weights.


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