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Class P13nCacheProvider

  extended by com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
      extended by com.bea.p13n.cache.P13nCacheProvider

public class P13nCacheProvider
extends CacheProvider

Default CacheProvider implementation. This class should not be created or used directly. All caches should be obtained from the CacheFactory.

Field Summary
static String ID
          Provider id, "com.bea.p13n"


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 Cache getCache(String cacheName, CacheConfig config)
          Return a Cache instance for the given name.
 String getProviderId()
          Name or identity of this provider.
 String getVendorInfo()
          Returns the name of the organization, vendor, or company that provided this implementation.
 String getVersionString()
          Return the version of this Cache provider implementation.
 void init()
          Initialize the CacheProvider.


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
flushCache, flushKeys, getScopeIdentifier, release, releaseCache, toString


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final String ID
Provider id, "com.bea.p13n"
See Also
Constants Summary

Constructor Detail


public P13nCacheProvider()

Method Detail


public void init()
Description copied from class: CacheProvider
Initialize the CacheProvider. This method is called immediately after instantiation and before the provider is used.

This default implementation does nothing.

init in class CacheProvider


public Cache getCache(String cacheName,
                      CacheConfig config)
Return a Cache instance for the given name. If a p13n cache has already been created via the CacheFactory then that existing cache is returned. Otherwise, this creates a new cache instance using the specified configuration object.
Specified by:
getCache in class CacheProvider
cacheName - the name of the Cache to return
config - suggested Cache configuration that may be used by the CacheProvider to configure the returned Cache; this may be ignored by the CacheProvider
a Cache instance identified by the given name


public String getProviderId()
Description copied from class: CacheProvider
Name or identity of this provider. This is used to uniquely identify a provider during configuration. It is suggested that this id be based on the vendor package namespace, such as "com.bea.p13n" (which is the name of the default P13nCacheProvider).
Specified by:
getProviderId in class CacheProvider
the provider id


public String getVendorInfo()
Description copied from class: CacheProvider
Returns the name of the organization, vendor, or company that provided this implementation.
Specified by:
getVendorInfo in class CacheProvider
"BEA Systems, Inc."


public String getVersionString()
Description copied from class: CacheProvider
Return the version of this Cache provider implementation.
Specified by:
getVersionString in class CacheProvider
the version

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