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Class NamedMethodCallModel

  extended by com.bea.p13n.model.Model
      extended by com.bea.p13n.model.XmlObjectModel
          extended by com.bea.p13n.rules.model.ClauseModel
              extended by com.bea.p13n.rules.model.MethodCallModel
                  extended by com.bea.p13n.rules.model.NamedMethodCallModel

All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
InstanceMethodModel, StaticMethodModel

public abstract class NamedMethodCallModel
extends MethodCallModel

A base class for all named-method call models.

See Also
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.bea.p13n.rules.model.MethodCallModel
MethodCallModel.PropertyRefArgument, MethodCallModel.UnknownArgument, MethodCallModel.VariableArgument


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.Model
Model.ChangeEvent, Model.ChangeListener, Model.ChangeSupport, Model.Debug


Field Summary


Fields inherited from class com.bea.p13n.rules.model.MethodCallModel


Fields inherited from class com.bea.p13n.rules.model.ClauseModel


Fields inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.XmlObjectModel
copyRootXmlObject, instanceUri, isComplete


Fields inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.Model
childrenModels, docModel, parentModel, roChildrenModels


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void clearCachedData()
          Clear any cached data.
protected  boolean determineIsComplete()
          Named method calls are complete if they have a valid method name.
 String getMethodName()
          Get the name of the static method on the java class this will invoke.
protected abstract  String getMethodNameFromXmlObject()
          Get the method name from the underlying method call XmlObject.
static boolean isValidMethodName(String str)
          Check if the specified str is a valid variable name value.
 void setMethodName(String methodName)
          Set the name of the static method on the java class this will invoke.
protected abstract  void setMethodNameToXmlObject(String methodName)
          Set the method name to the underlying method call XmlObject.


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.rules.model.MethodCallModel
convertArgToXmlObject, convertXmlObjectArg, determineArgumentIsComplete, findPropertySetType, getMethodArgumentListFromXmlObject, getMethodArguments, getMethodArgumentsNoCache, removeMethodArgumentListFromXmlObject, setMethodArguments, setParent, unsupportedObjectArg, unsupportedXmlObjectArg


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.rules.model.ClauseModel
addBranch, addLiteral, addMethod, addMethodOrOperator, addOperator, addVariable, addVariableBinding, copy, createNewXmlObject, getClauseType, getContainingRuleModel, getCopyXmlObject, initializeNew, isInActions, isInConditions, isValidTypeAlias, isValidVariableName, makeSafeCopy, setXmlObject, toString


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.XmlObjectModel
checkElement, childAdded, childRemoved, fixQName, getApplicationInstanceUri, getChild, getDocument, getLocalName, getParent, getQName, getRootXmlObject, isComplete, isNil, preRemove, propertyChanged, removeAllChildren, removeChild, setApplicationInstanceUri, setIsComplete, setIsComplete, setRootXmlObject


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.Model
addChangeListener, addChild, addChild, clone, doubleEquals, equals, getChildren, getDebug, getDebug, getDocument, getParent, longEquals, removeChangeListener, removeChild, removeChild, removeEmpties, setDocument


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public NamedMethodCallModel()

Method Detail


public void clearCachedData()
Clear any cached data. Subclasses can override if they have additional cached data.
clearCachedData in class MethodCallModel


protected boolean determineIsComplete()
Named method calls are complete if they have a valid method name. Subclasses can override with additional requirements.
determineIsComplete in class MethodCallModel
See Also


public String getMethodName()
Get the name of the static method on the java class this will invoke.


protected abstract String getMethodNameFromXmlObject()
Get the method name from the underlying method call XmlObject.


public void setMethodName(String methodName)
Set the name of the static method on the java class this will invoke.


protected abstract void setMethodNameToXmlObject(String methodName)
Set the method name to the underlying method call XmlObject.


public static boolean isValidMethodName(String str)
Check if the specified str is a valid variable name value. Variable names need to be a letter or underscore, followed by 0 or more letters, numbers, or underscores.

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