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Package com.bea.p13n.rules.model

Interface Summary
BoundVariableProvider A ClauseModel which represents a bound variable when in a rule's conditions.
ClauseModelRecognizer The interface for an object which can recognize rule clause types in xml structures.
RuleTypeRecognizer The interface for an object which can recognize rule types in xml structures.


Class Summary
AddContentQueryModel A rule action that asserts a ContentQueryModel.
AddContentQueryModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize this structure.
AddSegmentModel A clause model representing the assertion of a user segment (a.k.a Classification).
AddSegmentModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize this kind of xml structure.
BranchModel A clause model to represent if the randomNumber is within a range.
BranchModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize BranchModels from xml structure.
ClauseModel Base class for all models that can be clauses in xml.
DateTimeBetweenModel A clause model to represent one of three clauses for check if the current date/time is between 2 date/times.
DateTimeModel A clause model to represent one of three date time related clauses.
DefaultWLPRuleTypeRecognizer A RuleTypeRecognizer that supports the standard portal rules type: user segment, content selector, and campaign rules.
EventTypeModel A model representing a rule condition clause which checks for a set of event types.
EventTypeModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize EventTypeModels from xml.
InstanceMethodModel A rule clause representing an invocation of a method on an instance of a class bound to a variable.
InstanceMethodModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize the structure for this model.
MethodCallModel A base class for all method call models.
MethodCallModel.PropertyRefArgument Represents a method call argument which is the value of a property.
MethodCallModel.UnknownArgument Representation of an unrecognized method argument.
MethodCallModel.VariableArgument Represents a variable reference method call argument.
NamedMethodCallModel A base class for all named-method call models.
NewInstanceModel A rule clause representing the creation of an object via a java type's constructor.
NewInstanceModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize the structure for this model.
PropertyToLiteralModel A model representing a sequence of user/request/session/event/application-defined property to literal value comparisons.
PropertyToLiteralModel.Recognizer An object which can recognizer PropertyToLiteralModels.
RuleModel The model representing a rule.
RuleModel.ActionsModel A clause model to hold the action clauses of the rule.
RuleModel.ConditionsModel A clause model to hold the condition clauses of the rule.
RuleModel.Recongizer An object which recognizes Xmlobjects that can be loaded into a RuleModel.
RuleModelDocument A default model document for RuleModels.
RuleModelInfoSvc A singelton service to provide information to help with rules models.
RuleModelInfoSvc.ClauseModelInfo Base information about clause models.
RuleModelInfoSvc.RuleTypeInfo Information about rule-types.
RuleSetModel A model representing a set of rules.
RuleSetModelDocument A default model document for RuleSetModels.
SegmentModel A model representing a rule condition clause which checks for a set of segment names.
SegmentModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize SegmentModels from xml.
StaticMethodModel A rule clause representing an invokation of a static method on an arbitrary java class.
StaticMethodModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize the structure for this model.
UnrecognizedClauseModel A model representing an unrecognized set of rules/expression xml.
VariableBindingModel A clause model representing a condition which binds a variable to a name.
VariableBindingModel.Recognizer An object which can recognize VariableBindingModels.


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