Understanding Variable Compensation

With the flexible Variable Compensation (VC) business process in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources, you can create and manage multiple VC plans that encompass everything from one-time, ad hoc awards to stock options, bonus plans, non-cash incentives, and holiday gifts or bonuses, among other possibilities.

You can create anything from a simple, direct payout plan to a complex plan with prorated eligibility, three possible goal levels, funding allocation, smoothing mechanisms, and approval processing. You can define any number of payout formulas and assign them to workers individually or through groups.

This chapter provides a brief overview of these topics and illustrates sample diagrams:

Click to jump to parent topicVariable Compensation Plans

The Variable Compensation business process in PeopleSoft Human Resources offers flexibility in designing variable compensation plans. Select from a variety of methods of:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Plan Types

Select from these plan types, which fall into three major categories:

See Also

Understanding Variable Compensation Plan Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining Plan Membership

Select from four methods of administering plan membership:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Goals

For performance-based plans, select from two methods of administering goals:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Other Plan Business Rules and Options

After determining plan membership and selecting the variable compensation plan type, you can select additional plan business rules and options. Some options are restricted or required according to the plan type and membership rule. Choose from these options:

See Also

Processing Eligibility and Proration

Funding Variable Compensation Plans and Groups

Click to jump to parent topicEligibility and Awards Processing

For all but Ad Hoc Award plans, use three calculation processes to administer variable compensation plans:

  1. Determine Eligibility/Proration process (VC_ELIG_PRO).

    Calculates eligibility status and proration factors.

  2. Determine Allocation process (VC_DET_ALLOC).

  3. Calculate Awards by Plan process (VC_CALWRD) or Calculate Awards by Group process (VC_CALWRD_WG).

Click to jump to parent topicAward Payout

The system uses PeopleSoft Integration Broker to automatically publish awards to PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America, PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll, or PeopleSoft Enterprise Stock Administration. If the worker is paid through PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll Interface, the system automatically generates a flat file.

Click to jump to parent topicVariable Compensation Reporting

Reports help you make decisions when you progress through the variable compensation business process and summarize your variable compensation results.

Most of the reports use the same run control page. The fields available on RUNCTL_VC_REP vary slightly depending upon the report you're generating. In some cases you can select to run either a summary or detail report.

See Also

Manage Variable Compensation Reports

Click to jump to parent topicSample Plan Diagrams

This section provides diagrams and tables to illustrate a simple ad hoc plan and a complex tree and group plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAd Hoc Plan - Sample Process Flow

This diagram illustrates an ad hoc plan and includes the steps to fund the plan and approve awards.

Ad Hoc Awards plan with optional funding and approval

Sample Plan Definition

This table describes the plan variables implemented in the diagram of the sample Ad Hoc Awards plan:

Plan Variables


Plan Member Rule

Ad Hoc Award

Plan Type

Any monetary type except Goal Sharing


Not allowed


Plan Funding


Not allowed


Manual approval

Payout Formulas

Not applicable

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefine Tree and Groups Plan - Sample Process Flow

This section illustrates a sample define tree and groups plan and includes steps to define goals, fund the plan, and allocate funds to groups.

Sample define tree and groups plan with goals, proration, and funding

Sample Plan Definition

This table describes the plan variables implemented in the diagram of the sample Define Tree and Groups plan:

Plan Variable


Plan Member Rule

Define Tree/Groups

Plan Type

Any monetary plan type that uses goals


Weighted goals


Yes, with group allocation


Yes, monthly


Approval process

Payout Formulas

Target, minimum, and maximum