Managing Guest User Accounts

This chapter provides an overview of guest user accounts and discusses how the portal administrator can:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Guest User Accounts

The guest user account is an optional configuration that enables anyone to access the portal as a guest. You can configure the guest homepage with pagelets and transactions that are suitable for the guest, and by setting up the guest user security properly, you can limit which aspects of the portal guests can access.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal includes a guest user ID, which allows access to the base portal features as well as selected portal applications. The PeopleSoft system delivers a Guest homepage that contains the pagelets that are suitable for guest users.

Note. The Guest homepage does not include personalization options. Therefore, the navigation header does not display the Personalize Content and Personalize Layout links, nor the Add to My Links link.

This is an example of the Guest homepage:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Security for Guest User Accounts

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing the Guest Homepage

Access to portal features and applications for the guest user is based on the roles and permission lists that are attached to the guest user ID. The PAPP_GUEST and PeopleSoft Guest roles are attached to the guest user ID that is delivered. The following table lists the permission lists that are included in these guest roles.

Note. The delivered Guest homepage displays the database pagelets and iScripts that are attached to these permission lists.

Guest Roles

Permission Lists



PAPP0000 - Base Enterprise Portal Objects.

Provides access to the Enterprise Portal base applications.

Note. Should not be removed from the PAPP_GUEST role.


PAPP0001 - Base Guest Objects.

Provides access to the Guest homepage.

Note. Should not be removed from the PAPP_GUEST role.


PAPX0000 - Base Repository Objects.

Provides access to the resource repository.

Note. Should not be removed from the PAPP_GUEST role.


PAPP1100 - Company News pagelet.

Provides access to view company news content from the Guest homepage.


PAPP1110 - Promotions pagelet

Provides access to view promotions content from the Guest homepage.


PAPP1120 - Web Magazine pagelet

Provides access to view web magazine content from the Guest homepage.


PAPP1500 - Internet Information pagelets.

Provides access to view internet information content from the Guest homepage.

PeopleSoft Guest

PTPT1400 - Base Access

Provides the base access to the homepage and navigation menu.

Note. Should not be removed from the PeopleSoft Guest role.

To add new pagelets to the delivered Guest homepage:

Note. Be sure that the guest user does not include the role PeopleSoft User or any role that includes the permission list PTPT1000. Also be sure that the Guest user does not include the role PAPP_USER or any role that includes the permission list PAPP0002. The role of PAPP_USER specifically gives a signed-in user access to the links on the homepage for personalizing content and layout. Guest users should not be able to personalize anything.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Setting Up Permission Lists"

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Setting Up Roles"

Configuring the Guest Homepage

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Guest Default Login

Users should access the Guest homepage with a uniform resource locator (URL) that is based on the following format:



An example of the URL is:


This URL bypasses the initial login and uses the default login, which you set to GUEST in the web profile.

To set up auto sign-on with the guest account:

  1. Go to PeopleTools, Web Profile, Web Profile Configuration, Security to access the web profile for your portal.

  2. Access the Public Users group box and ensure that options are set as follows:

These settings apply to portal databases that enable guests to log on to the system.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Configuring the Portal Environment,” Configuring Portal Security

Working With the Signon Pagelet

Click to jump to parent topicCreating a Guest User ID

The PeopleSoft system delivers a guest user ID with the two guest roles assigned. The sample Guest homepage displays the database pagelets and iScripts that are attached to the permission lists that are included in the guest roles.

Note. The following procedure is for informational purposes only.

To create a guest user ID:

  1. Navigate to PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles.

  2. Add a new user ID for guests by clicking Add.

    The User Profiles - General tab appears.

  3. Access the Logon Information group box.

  4. Click the ID tab and select an ID Type field value of None.

  5. Click the Roles tab and insert the following role names:

  6. Click Save.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring the Guest Homepage

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Configure the Guest Homepage

Page Name

Definition Name



Content Ref Administration - General


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Homepage, Tabs

In the Content References scroll area, click the Edit link for the Guest value.

Hide pagelet action buttons to prevent guest users from accessing personalization options for displayed pagelets.

Content Reference Security

(for the Guest homepage)


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Homepage, Tabs

In the Content References scroll area, click the Edit link for the Guest value.

Click the Security tab.

Limit access to the guest homepage to only guest users.

Content Reference Security

(for the My Page homepage)


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Homepage, Tabs

In the Content References scroll area, click the Edit link for the My Page value.

Click the Security tab.

Prohibit guest access to the My Page homepage.

Tab Content


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Homepage, Tabs

In the Content References scroll area, click the Edit link for the Guest value.

Click the Tab Content tab.

Select pagelets to display on the guest homepage.

Tab Layout


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Homepage, Tabs

In the Content References scroll area, click the Edit link for the Guest value.

Click the Tab Layout tab.

Position pagelets on the guest homepage.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Administering Portal Homepages and Pagelets,” Specifying Tab Layout.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreventing Guest Users from Changing Personalizations

The Content Ref Administration - General tab contains a special attribute you can use to prevent guest users from changing the personalization of a displayed pagelet. Selecting this option hides the following action buttons for any pagelet on the Guest homepage:

To prevent guest users from changing pagelet personalizations:

  1. Access the Content Ref Administration - General page.

  2. Select the Hide pagelet action bar option in the Homepage tab attributes group box.


See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Administering Portal Homepages and Pagelets.”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Homepage Security for Guests

To set security for the Guest homepage:

  1. Access the Content Reference Security page for the Guest homepage.

  2. Insert a row in the Security Authorizations scroll area.

  3. Set the Type field value to Permission List.

  4. Set the Name field value to PTPT1400 or PAPP0001.

    Adding either the PTPT1400 or the PAPP0001 permission list to the Content Reference Security page for the Guest homepage limits access to the selected homepage to only guest users. You can add both permission lists as a precaution just in case the attributes for one are changed.

To prohibit guest users from accessing the My Page homepage:

  1. Access the Content Reference Security page for the My Page homepage.

  2. Insert a row in the Security Authorizations scroll area.

  3. Set the Type field value to Permission List.

  4. Set the Name field value to either PTPT1000 or PAPP0002.

    The PTPT1000 permission list is attached to the PeopleSoft User role, which is the counterpart to the PeopleSoft Guest role. PAPP0002 is attached to the PAPP_USER role, which is the counterpart to the PAPP_GUEST role.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Pagelets for the Guest Homepage

To select pagelets for the Guest homepage:

Important! Do not select the Include all? option to display all pagelets from the portal registry for a pagelet category unless you want all pagelets in the category to be available to a guest user.

  1. Access the Tab Content page for the Guest homepage.

  2. Select the pagelets that you want guest users to be able to access on the Guest homepage.

    Note. Select the Enterprise Menu pagelet value if you want to the guest user to have access to portal navigation.

    Do not select the PeopleTools-delivered Menu pagelet value.

    The guest user account must have security access to the pagelet component or iScript for pagelets to be properly displayed on the homepage.

  3. Use the drop-down list boxes to set pagelet behaviors.

    Optional. The pagelet will not automatically appear on the homepage. However, it is available for selection when users personalize their homepages. This setting should not be used for guest homepage pagelets because guest users do not have personalization privileges.

    Opt-Dft (optional-default). The pagelet will appear on all user homepages if they have access to the pagelet. The pagelet can be removed when users personalize their homepage. This setting should not be used for guest homepage pagelets because guest users do not have personalization privileges.

    Req-Fix (required-fixed). The pagelet will appear on all user homepages if they have access to the pagelet. The placement of the pagelet cannot be changed and the pagelet cannot be removed from the homepage.

    Required. The pagelet will appear on all user homepages if they have access to the pagelet. The placement of the pagelet can be changed, but it cannot be removed from the homepage.

  4. Click Save.

See Also

Choosing the Enterprise Menu Homepage Pagelet

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Administering Portal Homepages and Pagelets,” Selecting Tab Content

Click to jump to parent topicPersonalizing Pagelets for Guests Using the User Personalization Component

This section provides an overview of personalizing pagelets for a guest using the User Personalization component and discusses the pages used to personalize pagelets for guest users.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Personalizing Pagelets for Guest Using the User Personalization Component

Based on the roles and permission lists that are assigned to the guest user ID, as well as settings on the Guest homepage, the guest user cannot personalize the layout, content, or even the individual pagelets on the homepage.

Because guest users cannot perform their own pagelet personalizations, we provide the PAPP_GUEST_ADMIN role that you can attach to a user who you want to perform the role of Guest User Administrator.

See Setting Up Security for Guest User Accounts.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal includes the User Personalization component, which can be used to personalize individual pagelets with the guest user in mind. This is especially useful when used with Pagelet Wizard with News Publications. You can use personalization options to force the display sections that are not set to required or that you only want a guest user to see.

Note. All pagelets accessible by way of the User Personalization feature can be personalized by the guest user administrator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Personalize Pagelets for Guest Users

Page Name

Definition Name



Personalize <Pagelet Wizard pagelet name>


Portal Administration, Pagelets, User Personalization, Pagelet Wizard

Select the GUEST user ID and the Pagelet Wizard-generated pagelet for which you want to define guest user personalizations.

Configure available personalization options for guest users of pagelets generated by Pagelet Wizard.

Personalize Company Promotions


Portal Administration, Pagelets, User Personalization, Promotions

Filter the content available on the Company Promotions pagelet displayed for guest users. If all promotion categories are required, the system displays a message indicating that personalization is not available.

See Personalizing the Company Promotions Pagelet.

Feed Reader


Portal Administration, Pagelets, User Personalization, Feed Reader

Specify URLs to RSS news content you want to display on the Feed Reader pagelet that displays for guest users. Define display pagelet options.

See Personalizing the Feed Reader Pagelet.

Click to jump to parent topicPersonalizing Guest Pagelets Unavailable by Way of the User Personalization Component

This section provides an overview of personalizing guest pagelets unavailable by way of the User Personalization component and discusses how to:

  1. Make the pagelet available for personalization on the Guest homepage.

  2. Edit the pagelet personalization on the Guest homepage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Personalizing Guest Pagelets Unavailable by Way of the User Personalization Component

If a pagelet that you want to personalize for the guest user is not available by way of the User Personalization component, you can still set personalization options for it. However, you can only personalize a pagelet that lists an edit URL to a personalization page in its content reference definition.

You can run a query to find pagelets that are available for personalization. To do this, access the Query Viewer page and run the PAPP_PAGELET_PERSONALIZATION query.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Personalize Guest Pagelets Unavailable By Way of the User Personalization Component

Page Name

Definition Name



Query Viewer


Reporting Tools, Query, Query Viewer


Run a query that lists the pagelets that already have edit URL information defined.

Tab Content

(for the Guest homepage)


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Homepage, Tabs

Click the Edit link for the Guest value.

Click the Tab Content tab.

Make the pagelet available for personalization on the Guest homepage.

Tab Layout

(for the Guest homepage)


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Homepage, Tabs

Click the Edit link for the Guest value.

Click the Tab Layout tab.

Set the layout position of the pagelet you just made available for personalization on the Guest homepage.

Content Ref Administration

(for the Guest homepage)


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Homepage, Tabs

Click the Edit link for the Guest value.

Make the pagelet action buttons available on the pagelet title bar of the pagelet you just made available on the Guest homepage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaking the Pagelet Available for Personalization on the Guest Homepage

To make the pagelet available for personalization on the Guest homepage:

  1. Access the Tab Content page for the Guest homepage.

  2. Select the pagelet you want to display on the Guest homepage and select the Required option.

  3. Access the Tab Layout page for the Guest homepage.

  4. Select the layout position you want for the pagelet.

  5. Access the Content Ref Administration page and clear the Hide pagelet action bar option.

    Important! This action displays the pagelet action buttons on the pagelet and should only be performed when guest user access is minimal.

  6. Click Save.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing the Pagelet Personalization on the Guest Homepage

To edit the pagelet personalization on the Guest homepage:

  1. Click the Sign out link and log back in to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal as a guest user.

  2. Click the Customize button on the pagelet title bar of the pagelet you just added.

    Clicking this button accesses the personalization page you defined for the pagelet.

  3. Set the pagelet personalizations.

  4. Repeat for each new pagelet.

  5. Save your changes and sign out.

Important! As soon as the personalizations are complete, log back in to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal as a portal administrator. Access the Content Ref Administration page for applicable guest homepage pagelets and reselect theHide pagelet action bar option. Selecting this option hides the action buttons on the pagelet title bars.

You can create more than one homepage tab for a guest user. Personalizations cannot be enabled or disabled at the role level, so Oracle recommends enabling or disabling them at the tab label.

Click to jump to parent topicExtending the Language Selection Pagelet

This section provides an overview of the Language Selection pagelet and describes how to extend the Language Selection pagelet to include access to languages not delivered with the PeopleSoft system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Language Selection Pagelet

The Language Selection pagelet enables a user to change the displayed language without having to log out and log back in. If the file is set so that users are automatically logged in as a GUEST user, the users do not see the login screen. Consequently, they cannot change their language at login unless they actively sign out and log in again.

Further, when the GUEST user is set as the default login, guest users do not know that the login and password are GUEST/GUEST, and thus do not have the sign out and log back in option. The Language Selection pagelet enables the guest user to change the displayed language while remaining signed in as the guest user. Logged in users as well as guest users can use this pagelet. No special setup is required—all languages that are enabled for the application database are available for selection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExtending the Language Selection Pagelet

The Language Selection pagelet displays image links for each PeopleSoft-delivered translation. Each image shows the language name in its own native language. If you enable a language that is not delivered by the PeopleSoft system, a default image appears. You can create and display an image instead of the default image.

To create and display an image:

  1. Create a *.GIF or *.JPG image.

  2. Import the new image into the database through PeopleSoft Application Designer by navigating to File, New, Image.

  3. Save the image object with a unique object name.

    For example, MY_XXX_IMAGE.

  4. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, open the EPPLS_DSPL_WRK.EPPLS_LNGCD_IMG.RowInit record PeopleCode object .

  5. Adjust the PeopleCode by adding the code shown below in bold, where XXX represents the translate value of your language in the LANGUAGE_CD field, and MY_XXX_IMAGE represents the image object's name.