Setting Up Participant Profiles

This chapter provides an overview of participant profiles and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Participant Profiles

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicParticipant Profiles

After you define participant types in the PeopleSoft Portal Resource Finder repository, you can use the profile definition pages to determine how Resource Finder displays information about your organization's participant resources for end users. You use display groups to organize attribute information about participants into logical groupings that emphasize important information to your end users.

Participant profile definitions provide a way to publish participant information in your organization. You can add or remove attribute information from profiles by modifying the profile definitions. Participant profiles are assigned by participant type and, therefore, affect how profiles appear for all individual participants within the participant type.

Participant profiles are based on dynamic data elements that cannot be bound to graphical user interface (GUI) controls on a page until they are rendered for display or editing. When a participant profile is requested for display or edit, GUI-related logic based on layout metadata that you have defined for the display group is applied to application data to create an object representation of a custom HTML page.

Participant profile definitions are also the basis for the detailed information for individual participants that is provided in the search results for end users who perform advanced searches in Resource Finder. In addition, when you use the Related Resources pagelet in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal Intelligent Context Manager, the details for the resources that are associated with your business processes in the portal are derived from the profile definition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicParticipant Profile Rendering Logic

Participant profiles are generated from one or more display groups. Display groups contain specific attributes that you have defined for participants and external assets. They provide logical groupings of attributes for display on participant profiles. You associate display groups with participant types to determine the attributes that appear on the participant profile. The characteristics of each attribute determine how the attribute should appear on the participant profile.

Display groups, like attributes, are reusable elements. You can define a display group, such as CONTACT_INFO, and include all relevant attributes within the group. You can then associate this display group with multiple participant type profile definitions. Upon rendering the participant profile, Resource Finder displays only those attributes within the display group that you associate with the current participant type on the Define Participant Type page. The display of attributes on the participant profile also depends on viewer security that you define for the participant type attribute on the Define Participant Types - Set Viewer Security page.

See Configuring Participant Types.

For example, the CONTACT_INFO display group may contain the following attributes: STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP_CODE, WORK_PHONE, and CELL_PHONE. The display group is associated with both EMPLOYEE and COMPANY participant type profile definitions. EMPLOYEE participant type definitions reference all of the attributes in the display group, while COMPANY participant type definitions reference all of the attributes except CELL_PHONE. Upon rendering the participant profile, although both participant types reference the same display group, Resource Finder displays all of the attributes in the display group on the EMPLOYEE participant profile, while it displays all of the attributes except CELL_PHONE on the COMPANY profile.

This diagram illustrates the participant profile rendering logic:

Profile rendering logic based on participant type, viewer security, display group, and profile definitions

Another piece of rendering logic for profiles is viewer security that is defined at the participant type level. Suppose that the CELL_PHONE attribute that is associated with the EMPLOYEE participant type has viewer security that enables only users with the EMPLOYEE role to view the attribute on the EMPLOYEE profile. If a user with the EMPLOYEE role accesses an EMPLOYEE profile, the CELL_PHONE attribute appears. However, if a user with a GUEST role accesses an EMPLOYEE profile, the CELL_PHONE attribute does not appear.

See Understanding Using Participant Profiles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProfile Layout Considerations

When defining the content and layout of a profile page, Oracle recommends that you consider the usability and visual impact of the profile. In particular, consider the following points:

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Participant Profiles

This section discusses how to use the Display Groups component (EPX_ATTGROUP) and Participant Profiles component (EPX_PTYPE_ATTGR) to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Configure Participant Profiles

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Display Group


Portal Administration, Resource Finder, Profile Management, Display Groups, Attribute Group, Define Display Group

Define display groups.

You must have already defined relevant participant types on the Define Participant Type page.

See Defining Participant Types.

View Details - Attribute Details


Portal Administration, Resource Finder, Profile Management, Display Groups, Attribute Group, Define Display Group

Click the View Details link on the Define Display Group page.

View attribute details to verify that you have selected the intended attribute.

Define Participant Profile


Portal Administration, Resource Finder, Profile Management, Participant Profiles, Define Participant Profile

Define participant profile and configuration settings that the system uses to build participant profiles dynamically.

View Details - Display Group


Portal Administration, Resource Finder, Profile Management, Participant Profiles, Define Participant Profile

Click the View Details link on the Define Participant Profile page.

View display group details to verify that you have selected the intended display group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Display Groups

Access the Define Display Group page (select Portal Administration, Resource Finder, Profile Management, Display Groups, Attribute Group, Define Display Group).

Display Label

Enter a label for the display group ID that appears along with the ID wherever it is referenced.

You can configure participant profiles to use this label as the group box title for associated attributes.


Enter a description for your information only.

This does not appear elsewhere in the system.

Valid Attributes

Attribute ID

Select an active attribute to include in the display group.

A single attribute can be associated with multiple display groups.


Enter the order in which you want the attributes to appear within the display group on participant profiles.

View Details

Click to access the Attribute View Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Participant Profiles

Access the Define Participant Profile page (select Portal Administration, Resource Finder, Profile Management, Participant Profiles, Define Participant Profile).

Participant Type ID

Displays the participant type ID for which you want to define a participant profile.

A participant type can have only one participant profile definition.

Select Display Groups

Display Group ID

Select a display group ID to display on the participant profile.

The attributes that are associated with the display group appear on the participant profile according to the order that you set for the group on the Define Display Group page. You can reuse a single display group on multiple participant profile definitions.


Select to indicate that the display group's association with the participant profile is active.

Deselect this option to inactivate the display group's association with the participant profile and remove it from the participant profile display.

This setting affects the active status of the display group only for the current participant profile definition. You can set the display group to active for one display group and participant profile definition combination and to inactive for another.

Show Label

Select to have the display label that is defined for the display group on the Define Display Group page appear as the group box title for the display group on the participant profile.

This setting affects the display of the label only for the current participant profile definition. You can set the display group label to appear for one display group and participant profile definition combination and to not appear for another.


Enter the order in which you want the display groups to appear on the participant profile.

Rendered Profile Example

This example illustrates how the profile definition on the previous page is rendered to create a profile page:

Notice that the Picture, Contact Information, Business Information, Product Expertise, and Project Assignments display groups that are selected in the profile definition appear on the profile. They appear in the order and with the labeling that is specified in the profile definition.

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Profile Managers

This section discusses how to specify a profile manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying a Profile Manager

Access the Define Participant Profiles - Specify Profile Manager page (EPX_PTYPE_PERM) (select Portal Administration, Resource Finder, Profile Management, Participant Profiles, Specify Profile Manager).

Use the Define Participant Profiles - Specify Profile Manager page to specify a profile manager for a participant profile. Profile managers are notified by email when their users modify user-editable profile attributes that require change notification. Profile managers can update user-editable information on profiles that are owned by their individual participants.

An email notification of changes is sent to the email address that is defined for the profile manager on the Email Addresses page.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, “Administering User Profiles,” Specifying User Profile Attributes

Reference Direction

This Participant References the Profile Manager

Select this option if the participant type definition contains an attribute that references, or identifies, the profile manager that you want to specify.

For example, to specify the profile manager for an EMPLOYEE profile when the EMPLOYEE participant type definition contains an attribute that identifies the employee's manager, select this option and enter the identifying attribute in the Identifying Attribute field.

You can select only from attributes with a value type that is set to Participant Reference on the Define Attribute page.

Identifying Attribute

Enter the attribute that references, or identifies, the profile manager in the selected participant type definition.

This field appears when you select the This Participant References the Profile Manager option.

Example of profile manager processing flow using the This Participant References the Profile Manager option

This Participant is Referenced By the Profile Manager

Select this option if the participant type lacks an attribute that identifies its profile manager, but the profile manager participant type has an attribute that identifies the members whose profiles you want the profile manager to manage.

For example, EMPLOYEE participants, who are account managers, have an attribute that specifies their customer contacts (CUST_CONTACT), but CUSTOMER participant types do not contain an attribute that identifies their account managers.

To specify the employee account manager as the customer profile manager, select this option, enter EMPLOYEE in the Participant Type ID field, and enter CUST_CONTACT in the Identifying Attribute field.

Participant Type ID

Select the profile manager's participant type.

This field appears when you select the This Participant is Referenced By the Profile Manager option.

Identifying Attribute

Select the attribute ID that identifies the members of the current participant type in the definition of the Participant Type ID value.

This field appears when you select the This Participant is Referenced By the Profile Manager option.

You can select only from attributes with a value type that is set to Participant Reference on the Define Attribute page.

Example of profile manager processing flow using the This Participant is Referenced By the Profile Manager option

See Configuring Participant References.