Submitting and Editing Menu Item Requests

This chapter provides an overview of the Menu Item Requests feature, a list of common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Menu Item Requests

Menu items are pages, websites, or files accessible from the navigation menu. PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal's Menu Item Requests feature enables portal users to contribute information to their organization's intranet by submitting a menu item request for a file attachment, managed content, a website Uniform Resource Locator (URL), or a PeopleSoft URL.

The Menu Item Requests feature contains three levels of security, which allow users to submit menu item requests, managers to approve or reject the requests, and the portal administrator to register approved requests. Security for this feature is based on the following three permission lists, which are delivered with your software:

Oracle also delivers user roles that are configured to perform PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal functions. The following three roles have been configured to include menu item functions:


Role Description


Content Author


Navigation Manager


Navigation Administrator

The Menu Item Requests feature can be set up to send email notifications of status changes to menu item requests. Manager notifications are sent for newly submitted requests pending review and approval. Administrator notifications are sent for approved requests pending portal registration.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Setting Up Permission Lists"

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Setting Up Roles"

PeopleSoft-Delivered Security Data

PeopleSoft-Delivered Security Data

Click to jump to parent topicPages Used to Submit and Edit Menu Item Requests


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Submit and Edit Menu Item Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Submit Menu Items


My Content, Submit Menu Items

Search for requested menu items for reviewing, deleting, or editing.

Delete Confirmation


Click the Delete button on the Submit Menu Items page.

Confirm deletion of a requested menu item.

Edit Menu Item Request


  • Click the Add Menu Item Request button on the Submit Menu Items page.

  • Click a Menu Item Request link for a menu item request in Draft, Submitted, or Rework status.

Add a new menu item request, or edit an existing request in Draft, Submitted, or Rework status.

View Menu Item Request


Click a Menu Item Request link for a menu item request in Rejected, Approved, or Registered status.

View an existing menu item request.

Click to jump to parent topicSearching for Menu Item Requests

Access the Submit Menu Items page (My Content, Submit Menu Items).

Add Menu Item Request

Click to access the Edit Menu Item Request page, where you can add a new menu item request.


Click to execute a menu item request search using criteria you have specified in the Status and Content Type fields. The Submit Menu Item page lists menu item requests that meet your search criteria.

Menu Item Request

Click for a menu item request in Draft, Submitted, or Rework status to access the Edit Menu Item Request page, where you can edit all fields of the menu item request.

Click for a menu item request in Rejected, Approved, or Registered status to access the View Menu Item Request page, where you can view all fields of the menu item request.


Click to delete the associated menu item request. You will be prompted to confirm your deletion.

The Delete button displays only for menu item requests with a status of Draft, Rejected, Rework, or Submitted.

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting or Editing Menu Item Requests

Access the Edit Menu Item Request page (click the Add Menu Item Request button on the Submit Menu Items page).

Menu Item Request

Request Status

Displays the current status of this request. If this is a new request, the field is clear.

Email Address

If available, the email address will default from the user profile, but can be overridden. Status change notifications will be sent to this address.


Enter special instructions or additional information.

Menu Item Identifier

Menu Item Label

Enter the link text that will appear for the menu item in the portal menu.

Menu Item ID

Defaults from the menu item label, but can be changed. Special characters are removed, spaces are replaced with underscores, the defined prefix is added, and text is changed to uppercase. For example, My Submitted Item is stored as ADMN_MY_SUBMITTED_ITEM, where ADMN is the prefix as defined on the Installation Options page.

See Defining Installation Options.

Long Description

Enter text that you want to appear as hover text for the menu item link.

Publish Date

Select the date on which you want to publish the menu item. Defaults to today's date.

Expiration Date

Select the date on which you want to discontinue the menu item. Leave this field clear if there is no expiration date for the menu item.

Menu Item Content

Menu Item Author

This value initially defaults from information available in the user profile, but can be edited.

Menu Item Type

Select the content type for the menu item. Available values include:

File Attachment.

Managed Content.

PeopleSoft URL.

Web Site URL.

Note. Remaining fields discussed in this section are based on the content type selected.

Add Attachment

Click to access a page where you can browse for the file for which you want to submit a menu item request.

This button displays when the Content Type field is set to File Attachment.

File Name

The name of the selected file attachment displays as a link to the contents of the file.

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to File Attachment.

Delete Attachment

Click to delete the file attachment from the menu item request. This field displays when a file attachment has been added to a menu item request.

Date Added

Displays the date and time at which the file attachment was added to the menu item request.

This field displays when a file attachment has been added to a menu item request.

Select Content

Click to access the Select Managed Content page, where you can access a list of content that is available for selection.

Only approved content that is in a publishable category and for which you have viewer privileges is listed. Click the Content Title link to select the content and return to the Edit Menu Item Request page.

See Importing Managed Content into Other Features.

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to Managed Content.

Content Title

The name of the selected content displays as a link to the content.

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to Managed Content.

Re-Select Content

Click to access the Select Managed Content page, where you can select different managed content for your menu item request.

This field displays when managed content has been added to a menu item request.

Content Type

Displays the content type. File Attachment, Text, or HTML, for example.

This field displays when managed content has been added to a menu item request.

Content ID

Displays the identifier of the content.

This field displays when managed content has been added to a menu item request.


Select the market for the PeopleSoft URL.

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to PeopleSoft URL.

Menu Name

Enter a valid menu name for the PeopleSoft URL.

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to PeopleSoft URL.

Component Name

Enter a valid component name for the PeopleSoft URL.

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to PeopleSoft URL.


Enter any existing parameters for the PeopleSoft URL. For example: ?P1=value1&P2=value2&P3=value3.

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to PeopleSoft URL.


Enter the website URL for your menu item request. For example:

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to Web Site URL.

Search Key Words

Use the Search Key Words group box to enter up to three key words. Entering a keyword creates an attribute on a registered menu item with a Keyword parameter that contains the keyword value you enter.

The keywords you enter for the menu item are picked up in a search of the portal registry. Portal registry searches use the following criteria: Label, Long Description, and Attribute Values (with the attribute parameter of Keyword).

Save as Draft

Click to save your request in draft mode. Use this option when you want to save the menu item request, but are not ready to submit it for review and approval.

Note. No email notifications are triggered for requests with a status of Draft.

Submit Menu Item

Click to submit your menu item request for review and approval.

This action triggers an email notification to the submitter with a link to the Submit Menu Item page. The submitted status is defaulted from the email.

This action also triggers an email notification to the designated navigation manager with a link to the Manage Menu Item Requests page. The email URL sets the filter to display only submitted items.

See Also

Setting Up Menu Item Request Email Notifications