Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Class EntityImpl

  extended by oracle.jbo.server.RowImpl
      extended by oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, AttributeList, DomainOwnerInterface, JIReservedVarNames, ExprScriptSupplier, ExprValueSupplier, ExprWrappable, JboReservedVarNames, Row, Entity, TransactionListener, TransactionPostListener, ValidationListener, ValidationManager, VariableManagerOwnerBase, XMLInterface
Direct Known Subclasses:
DSEntityImpl, EntityFacadeImpl, EntityOverRow, RowIdEntityObjectImpl

public class EntityImpl
extends RowImpl
implements Entity, DomainOwnerInterface

This class implements the middle-tier representations of database rows.

An Entity Object provides an object-oriented representation of the data it caches from a database object, such as a table or view. Database rows are presented as individual Entities, in which attributes typically correspond to columns in the corresponding table.

The status of an Entity Object's data, relative to the corresponding database data, are indicated by its current post-state and Entity-state. The Entity-state indicates the state of the Entity Object's data relative to the actual database data, and the state of the transaction itself. The Post-state indicates the state of the Entity Object's data relative to the transaction's corresponding database-data.

States are set to one of these values: STATUS_INITIALIZED, STATUS_NEW, STATUS_MODIFIED, STATUS_DELETED and STATUS_DEAD based on whether the Entity Object is being created, updated, deleted, or rolled back, respectively. These operations can set either or both the post-state and the Entity-state. The status values have a slightly different meaning depending on whether they are set for an Entity-state or a post-state:

The post-state is reset to STATUS_UNMODIFIED when a post operation is invoked. The Entity-state is reset to STATUS_UNMODIFIED when the Entity Object's data is committed or rolled back.

To set/populate an attribute in an entity you could use one of the following apis

JDeveloper 3.0

Field Summary
static int DML_DELETE
          Identifies that a Delete operation is to be performed in the doDML() method.
static int DML_INSERT
          Identifies that an Insert operation is to be performed in the doDML() method.
static int DML_UPDATE
          Identifies that an Update operation is to be performed in the doDML() method.
protected static int MAXATTRCONST
          Attribute constants are declared relative to their parent.
protected  SparseArray mOrigData
protected static java.lang.String ORACLE_ROWID_COLUMN
          Identifies the column name for ROWID columns in a table.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_LOOKUP_ATTR_NAME
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_LOOKUP_DISPATTR
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_LOOKUP_TYPE
protected static java.lang.String SYS_EFFDT_ROW_SPLIT
static java.lang.String XML_CI_CHANGED
static java.lang.String XML_PK_CHANGED
static java.lang.String XML_PK_CHANGED_YES
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.server.Entity
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Row
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.JboReservedVarNames
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.expr.JIReservedVarNames
Constructor Summary
          Internal: Applications should not use this constructor.
Method Summary
protected  void addToTransactionManager()
          Adds this Entity object to its transaction manager (either another Entity object based on the containership model, or the transaction object for this session).
 void addToValidationListeners(ValidationListener listener)
          Adds a listener to the list of validation listeners and marks this Entity Object invalid.
 void addTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
          Adds a listener to the list of post operation listeners.
 void addTransactionPostListenerNoCheck(TransactionPostListener listener)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void afterCommit(TransactionEvent e)
          Called to report that a Commit operation has occurred.
 void afterRemove(TransactionEvent e)
          A cleanup routine to be invoked by transaction manager when this transaction listener is removed from the manager's list.
 void afterRollback(TransactionEvent e)
          Internal: Applications should not call this method.
protected  void appendXMLElementNodes(Document xmlDoc, Node node, int nContainees, long options, AttributeDefImpl[] attrs)
          Writes XML-element nodes for each attribute in this row and appends it to the given row-node.
protected  void appendXMLElementNodesForAttrs(Document xmlDoc, Node node, long options, AttributeDefImpl[] attrs)
          Applications may override this method to customize passivation of attributes by limiting or adding attributes to the given set.
 void beforeCommit(TransactionEvent e)
          Polls transaction listeners before a commit operation.
 void beforeRollback(TransactionEvent e)
          Polls transaction listeners before a rollback operation.
protected  int bindDMLStatement(int operation, java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt, AttributeDefImpl[] allAttrs, AttributeDefImpl[] retCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retKeys, java.util.HashMap retrList, boolean batchMode)
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. This method binds current attribute values to the given jdbc PreparedStatement.
protected  int bindWhereClause(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, java.lang.Object rowid, int bindIndex)
          Bind the Primary key values for the designated Statement.
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer buildDMLStatement(int operation, AttributeDefImpl[] allAttrs, AttributeDefImpl[] retCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retKeys, boolean batchMode)
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. This method constructs the DML statement and returns it as a StringBuffer.
protected  AttributeDefImpl[] buildRefreshSQL(java.lang.StringBuffer sqlBuffer, int operation, AttributeDefImpl[] columns, AttributeDefImpl[] retKeycols, boolean withInto)
          Builds the sql SELECT statement to fetch refresh-on-insert or update attributes and uses getRefreshSQLKeyAttrs() to create WHERE clause for this SELECT statement.
protected  void buildWhereClause(java.lang.StringBuffer buffer, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, java.lang.Object rowid)
          Construct a SQL WHERE clause for the Entity into the designated Buffer.
protected  boolean checkConsistency(SparseArray target, boolean lock)
          Override this method to speed up comparing the attribute values of fetched entity data with this entity's data.
protected  void clearAttributeException(int index)
          Cleans any exception of an attribute of the given name was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode.
protected  boolean compare(SparseArray target)
          Compares the data in this row with that of another.
protected  void copyChangedNonKeyAttributes(EntityImpl targetRow)
          This method copies all the changed attributes from one entity to another.
protected  EntityImpl copyEffDtEntity()
          Make a copy of this Entity for Effective Date Updates.
protected  void create(AttributeList nameValuePair)
          This method should be subclassed to supply programmatic default values to various attributes of a new Entity Object.
protected  EntityRowSetImpl createAssociationAccessorRS(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, ViewObjectImpl accessorVO, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)
protected  ViewObjectImpl createAssociationAccessorVO(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, java.lang.String voName, EntityAssociation eoAssoc)
protected  EntityAttrHintsImpl createEntityAttrHints(AttributeDefImpl attrDef)
          Create a map to store attribute hints for this row.
protected  ViewRowSetImpl createEntityViewLinkAccessorRS(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, ViewObjectImpl accessorVO, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)
protected  ViewObjectImpl createEntityViewLinkAccessorVO(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, java.lang.String voName, ViewDefImpl vDef, ViewLinkDefImpl vlDef)
 RowSet createUnqualifiedRowSet()
          Creates a ViewObject over the full table behind this entity and returns a rowset of entities that belong to the source table.
protected  RowSet createViewAccessorRS(java.lang.String vaName)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  RowSet createViewAccessorRS(ViewAccessorDef va)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected doAllowsOperation(java.lang.String operationName)
protected  void doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          Performs INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE processing for the row.
protected  void doDMLForCascadeUpdate(TransactionEvent e, java.util.ArrayList tpl, java.util.ArrayList ecList, boolean startingEntity)
          Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method.
protected  void doDMLWithLOBs(int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          Performs INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE processing for Entity Objects that contain LOBs.
 void domainToBeModified(DomainInterface d)
          Locks the domain object and notifies the Domain owner that the value is about to be modified.
protected  void donePostingAll(TransactionEvent e)
protected  void doRefreshSQL(int operation, java.util.ArrayList refreshAttrs)
          This method is called after the entity is posted to the database to refresh the required attributes.
protected  void doSelect(boolean lock)
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method.
protected  void doSelectForAltKey(int keyIndex)
 boolean eventsDebugOnly()
          Indicates whether events are being tested.
protected  Row fetchExprValueSupplierOverrideRow(java.lang.String vdName, java.lang.String voName, Key rowKey)
          Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method. Subclasses may override to return a valid ViewRowImpl instance that can be used as ExprValueSupplier for expressions in this entity as per the override setting on the expressions.
protected  ViewObjectImpl findAssociationAccessorVO(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, java.lang.String voName, EntityAssociation eoAssoc)
protected  ViewObjectImpl findEntityViewLinkAccessorVO(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, java.lang.String voName, ViewDefImpl vDef, ViewLinkDefImpl vlDef)
protected  ViewObject findOrCreateLocalViewObject(ViewAccessorDef vaDef)
          Find or create the local view instance from the local view usage name.
 RowSet findOrCreateViewAccessorRS(java.lang.String vaName)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 RowSet findOrCreateViewAccessorRS(ViewAccessorDef va)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 ViewAccessorDef findViewAccessorDef(java.lang.String name)
          This method returns ViewAccessorDef with the specified name.
protected  ViewObject findViewAccessorVO(ViewAccessorDef va)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Key getAltKey(int keyIndex)
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(int index)
          Returns the value of an attribute, given an integer index value.
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(int index, byte version)
          Returns the attribute value.
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the value of the named attribute, given a string value.
protected  int getAttributeChangedCount()
 int getAttributeCount()
          Counts the number of attributes in this Entity Object.
 AttributeHints getAttributeHints(int attrIndex)
          Returns the AttributeHints object for the specified attribute for the row.
 AttributeHints getAttributeHints(java.lang.String attrName)
          Returns the AttributeHints object for the specified attribute for the row.
 int getAttributeIndexOf(java.lang.String name)
          Finds the index of the named attribute.
protected  java.lang.Object getAttributeInternal(int index)
          Gets the attribute value by index.
 java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
          Returns an array of attribute names in this list.
protected  java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(AttributeDefImpl attr)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 java.lang.Object[] getAttributeValues()
          Returns an array of attribute values in this list.
protected  java.lang.Object getAttrInvokeAccessor(int index, AttributeDefImpl attrDef)
 int getBaseAttributeCount()
protected  java.lang.Object getChangeIndicator()
          Gets the Change indicator attribute's value.
static java.util.Comparator getComparator()
protected  EntityImpl getContainerEntity()
          Returns this entity's container in a composition association if any.
 DBTransaction getDBTransaction()
          Retrieves this Entity Object's database transaction.
protected  int getDynamicAttributeCount()
protected  java.lang.Object getDynamicAttributeValue(int dynAttrIndex)
protected  java.lang.Object getEffDtInitEndDateValue()
          This method returns the End Date value for the new rows created for the Entity.
 java.lang.Object getEffectiveDate()
          Obtain the Effective Date Value for the Entity.
 EntityCache getEntityCache()
          A Convenience for writing a lot of code.
protected  EntityCache getEntityCacheInternal()
protected  EntityDefImpl getEntityDef()
          Gets the Entity Definition Object which governs the structure of this Entity Object.
 byte getEntityState()
          Gets this Entity Object's current Entity-state in the transaction.
protected  java.lang.Object getHistoryContextForAttribute(AttributeDefImpl attr)
 Key getKey()
          Internal: Applications should not use thid method.
protected  RowSetIterator getListBindingRSI(ListBindingDef def)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  java.util.List getListBindings()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 java.lang.String getLookupDescription(java.lang.String attrName)
protected  java.lang.Object getOrigData(int index)
protected  VariableValueManager getParentVariableManager()
protected  java.lang.Object getPKBasedRef(AttributeDefImpl attr)
protected  java.lang.Object getPostedAttribute(int index)
          Gets the value originally read for this attribute from the database.
 byte getPostState()
          Returns this Entity Object's current post-state in the transaction.
 Key getPrimaryKey()
          Returns the primay key for this Entity Object's row.
protected  AttributeDefImpl[] getRefreshSQLKeyAttrs(int operation)
          Returns an array of AttributeDefImpl containing attributes that should be used in the where-clause (as key columns) when a select statement is executed to fetch refresh-on attributes.
protected  SQLBuilder getSQLBuilder()
          Get the SQLBuilderImpl which performs all SQL operations required by this Entity Object.
static java.lang.String getStateAsString(int state)
          Utility function to convert the STATE to a string: todo: this is in the wrong place - it belongs in some static utility class as a converstion between byte and string
 StructureDef getStructureDef()
          Returns the structure of the row.
protected  java.util.Vector getTransactionListeners()
          Returns a copy of the list of "detail" Entities associated to this Entity Object by a composition association, participating in a transaction post and commit operations.
protected  java.util.ArrayList getTransactionListenersList()
          Returns a copy of the list of "detail" Entities associated to this Entity Object by a composition association, participating in a transaction post and commit operations.
 int getTransPostHandle()
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method.
protected  java.util.Vector getValidationListeners()
          Return a copy of the list of validation listeners (that is, a list of Entities that must be validated).
protected  java.util.ArrayList getValidationListenersList()
          Return a copy of the list of validation listeners (that is, a list of Entities that must be validated).
protected  boolean handleActivatedRowNotFound()
          Returns true if this entity row that is not found anymore in the database (may have been deleted in the database), should be added to the entity-cache on activation.
protected  void handleEffectiveDateOperations()
          Before posting the row to the database this method is invoked for effective date book-keeping.
protected  void handleEffectiveDateRowCreate()
          Update the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date based on the Effective Date Transient Attribute Value and the Post state of the Entity.
protected  void handleEffectiveDateRowDelete()
          Performs the effective date processing for row delete operation.
protected  void handleEffectiveDateRowUpdate()
          Performs the effective date processing for row update operation.
protected  void handleListBindingMismatch(ListBinding lb, java.util.Map valuesMap, RowIterator listRSI)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  void handlePostChangesError()
          Called when a problem occurs while posting changes and restores an EntityImpl's state.
protected  boolean hasAttributeException(int index)
          Returns true if an attribute at the given index was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode.
protected  boolean hasListBindings()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  boolean hasUpdatePrivilege(int index)
protected  void initBusLogicGroupDefaults()
protected  void initBusLogicGroupDfltExprAttrs(AttributeList nameValuePair)
protected  SparseArrayInterface initData(int attrsCount)
protected  void initDefaultExpressionAttributes(AttributeList nameValuePair)
          Used to initialize this entity with values from evaluated expressions on the attributedefs.
protected  void initDefaults()
          Initialize Entity row's default values.
protected  void initialize()
protected  boolean isAttributeChanged(int index)
          Determines whether the attribute at the index been been changed.
 boolean isAttributeChanged(java.lang.String attrName)
          Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method. Invokes isAttributeChanged(index) after looking up the index of an attribute with the given name.
protected  boolean isAttributeChangedInTransaction(int index)
          Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method.
protected  boolean isAttributePopulated(int index)
          Determines whether the attribute at the specified index position is populated.
 boolean isAttributePopulated(java.lang.String attributeName)
          Determines whether the attribute specified by name is populated.
 boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int index)
          Checks if the attribute is updateable.
 boolean isDead()
          An attempt to access a dead view row will lead to a DeadViewRowAccessException.
 boolean isInCache()
 boolean isInvalid()
          Returns whether this Entity Object is invalid.
 boolean isLocked()
          Determines whether this Entity Object is locked.
 boolean isLookupIdValid(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object newValue)
protected  boolean isOrigDataEmpty()
protected  boolean isOrigDataPopulated(int index)
 boolean isPostedToDB()
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. For non-oracle databases, indicates if this entity is posted.
 boolean isTransientTransactionListener()
          Tests whether this Entity Object's transaction listener is transient or permanent.
 boolean isTransientTransactionPostListener()
          Tests whether this Entity Object's TransactionPostListener is transient or permanent.
 boolean isValid()
          Returns whether this Entity Object is valid.
protected  boolean isViewAccessorAttribute(int indexAttribute)
          Check if an attribute is the attribute to store view accessor RowSetIterator.
 void lock()
          Locks the row.
protected  void lockTopLevelEntity()
          Locks the top-most Entity Object by getting the master Entity Object defined by composition associations, and walking-up the chain of containership.
protected  void markViewAccessorsDirty(java.lang.String[] attrNames)
protected  void notifyAttributesAndBlgChanged(int[] attrIndices, java.lang.Object[] values, boolean blg)
protected  void notifyAttributesChanged(int[] attrIndices, java.lang.Object[] values)
protected  void notifyAttributesChanged(int[] attrIndices, java.lang.Object[] values, boolean markQCDirty)
protected  void notifyEntityActivated(boolean bPostRequired)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  void notifyEventRaised(java.lang.String eventName, java.util.ArrayList<EventAttrVals> payload)
 void outputEventString(EventInvocation event)
protected  void populateAttribute(int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Advanced method: Applications should not use this method.
protected  void populateAttribute(int index, java.lang.Object value, boolean sendNotification, boolean markAsChanged)
          Deprecated. since 9.0.5. Use populateAttribute(int index, Object value, boolean sendNotification, boolean markAsChanged, boolean saveOriginal) instead.
 void populateAttribute(int index, java.lang.Object value, boolean sendNotification, boolean markAsChanged, boolean saveOriginal)
          Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method.
protected  void populateAttributeAsChanged(int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Advanced method: Applications should typically not call this method from their subclasses other then when performing programmatic attribute defaulting with proper attribute values.
 void postChanges(TransactionEvent e)
          Initiates a post operation for this Entity Object.
protected  void prepareForBatchDML(int operation, TransactionEvent te)
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. A pre-doDML() step which calls prepareForDML() with the appropriate operation so that applications can perform attribute updates like history column etc.
protected  void prepareForDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          A pre-doDML() notification that allows subclasses to modify any attributes on this entity that should be updated in the database.
 ViewObject prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtRows()
          This method prepares NextRowsVO to fetch future effective-dated rows.
 ViewObject prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtRows(int count)
          Deprecated. use prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtRows().
protected  ViewObject prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtSeqRows()
          This method prepares NextSeqRowsVO to fetch effective-dated rows with higher sequence values within the same effective start date.
protected  ViewObject prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtSeqRows(int count)
          Deprecated. use prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtSeqRows().
 ViewObject prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtRows()
          This method prepares PrevRowsVO to fetch earlier effective-dated rows.
 ViewObject prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtRows(int count)
          Deprecated. use prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtRows().
protected  ViewObject prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtSeqRows()
          This method prepares PrevSeqRowsVO to fetch effective-dated rows with lower sequence values within the same effective start date.
protected  ViewObject prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtSeqRows(int count)
          Deprecated. use prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtSeqRows().
protected  boolean readAttrsFromXML(Element rowElt, AttributeDefImpl[] attrs, int ChangeState)
          Advanced: Applications should not use this method. * Reads all the attribute values from the xml-element and sets them into this row.
 void readXML(Element elem, int changeState)
          Reads the content of the row and updates the attributes, from given xml document.
 void refresh(int refMode)
          Refreshes the row's attributes with values from database.
protected  void refreshFKInNewContainees()
          This method is invoked by SQLBuilder when one or more of the PrimaryKey attributes are marked refresh-on-insert and DML for this entity has been executed.
protected  void registerAttributeException(AttributeDef attrDef, java.lang.Object val, JboException ex)
 void remove()
          Removes the row from the database table.
 void removeAndRetain()
          An Entity row does not support removeAndRetain().
 void removeFromCollection()
          An Entity row does not support removeFromCollection().
 void removeTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  void resetPKBasedRef()
 void revert()
          Reverts the row to the database's state.
protected  void revertChangesToEffDtEntity()
          Revert changes made to effective dated entity.
 void setAttribute(int index, java.lang.Object val)
          Sets the value of an attribute, given its index position.
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object val)
          Sets the value of the named attribute, given its name.
protected  void setAttributeChanged(int index, boolean flag)
protected  void setAttributeInternal(int index, java.lang.Object val)
          Validates and sets the value of an attribute by index.
 void setAttributeValues(java.util.List names, java.util.List values)
          Set attribute values for the given list of attributes names.
protected  void setAttrInvokeAccessor(int index, java.lang.Object val, AttributeDefImpl attrDef)
protected  void setDynamicAttributeValue(int dynAttrIndex, java.lang.Object value)
 void setEffectiveDateMode(int mode)
          Set the Effective Date mode in which the row updates need to be carried out.
protected  void setEntityDef(EntityDefImpl entityDef)
protected  void setInvalid()
          A helper method that marks this Entity Object invalid and adds it to the ValidationListeners list of the validation manager to which this Entity Object belongs.
protected  void setLocked(boolean lockedState)
          Sets the locked state.
 void setNewRowState(byte state)
          Advanced method: Applications should not use this method. Internal method used by ViewRowImpl.setNewRowState() to make all entities that belong to that new row as new or initialized.
 void setPostedToDB(boolean b)
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. For non-oracle databases that do not support savepoint, this method should be called from the custom sql builder to mark the entity as posted so that it's not posted again during a subsequent post cycle (if this entity was already posted but other entity/entities led to an exception in the current post cycle.
 void setTransPostHandle(int hdl)
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method.
 java.lang.String toString()
 void validate()
          Validate this Entity Object.
 void validateDateEffectivity()
          Validates the Effective Date aspects of an Entity to ensure that gaps or overlaps are not introduced.
protected  void validateEntity()
          Validates the Entities and other listeners that are members of ValidationListeners list.
protected  void variablesAdded()
protected  void vetoRemoveWithDetails(AttributeDef associationDef)
          If this Entity Object is a master in a composition association, this method checks that all details have already been removed from the given association attribute.
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.RowImpl
addListBindingsForAttribute, clearAllExceptions, clearAttributeException, clearRowExceptions, createXMLDefinition, doAutoClearAttribute, ensureVariableManager, findAttrAndGetIndex, findListBindingName, forceFilterListExecute, getAllExceptions, getAttributeInternal, getAttributeSecurityHints, getAttributeSecurityHints, getCombinedAttrNames, getEffectiveDateMode, getExprMethodVal, getExprVarVal, getGlobalScript, getHints, getMessageBundleClass, getMethodKind, getResourceBundleDef, getRowExceptions, getSecurityHints, getVariableManager, getViewAccessorResultIndex, hasAttributeException, hasDeferredExceptions, hasVariables, isRefreshRequired, isRefreshRequired, isRefreshRequired, lookupListBinding, printXMLDefinition, readXML, refreshViewAccessor, refreshViewAccessor, refreshViewAccessor, registerRowException, setAttributeInternal, setExprVarVal, setInMultiSetter, skipFilterListOnKeyAttributes, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Row
getAttributeSecurityHints, getAttributeSecurityHints, getEffectiveDateMode, getSecurityHints
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface
readXML, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML

Field Detail


public static final int DML_INSERT
Identifies that an Insert operation is to be performed in the doDML() method.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DML_UPDATE
Identifies that an Update operation is to be performed in the doDML() method.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DML_DELETE
Identifies that a Delete operation is to be performed in the doDML() method.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_LOOKUP_ATTR_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_LOOKUP_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_LOOKUP_DISPATTR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String ORACLE_ROWID_COLUMN
Identifies the column name for ROWID columns in a table.


protected static final int MAXATTRCONST
Attribute constants are declared relative to their parent. this is the origin of the constants

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected SparseArray mOrigData


protected static final java.lang.String SYS_EFFDT_ROW_SPLIT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte CURRENT_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte ORIGINAL_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static java.lang.String XML_CI_CHANGED


public static java.lang.String XML_PK_CHANGED


public static java.lang.String XML_PK_CHANGED_YES
Constructor Detail


public EntityImpl()
Internal: Applications should not use this constructor.

Creates an Entity Object instance. Note that initialization of most of the internal state attributes are performed in the init method invoked by the framework after an instance of this class is created. Most applications need not invoke this constructor directly.

Method Detail


protected void initialize()


protected void setEntityDef(EntityDefImpl entityDef)


protected Row fetchExprValueSupplierOverrideRow(java.lang.String vdName,
                                                java.lang.String voName,
                                                Key rowKey)
Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method. Subclasses may override to return a valid ViewRowImpl instance that can be used as ExprValueSupplier for expressions in this entity as per the override setting on the expressions. Default implementation finds the vo of the given name and if not found, creates one with a exprValueFinder_ prefix on the given name and viewdef type and then uses that VO to call findByKey on it with the given rowKey.

vdName - FullName of the ViewDef to which this the returned row should belong.
voName - FullName of the ViewObject that was originally used to set a row reference on this entity to indicate override type and key.
rowKey - Key of the ViewRow that was set as a reference for Expression override on this entity.
If a valid row is found from findByKey, return that. Otherwise, throw JboException indicating that the row was not found.


protected SparseArrayInterface initData(int attrsCount)


protected void create(AttributeList nameValuePair)
This method should be subclassed to supply programmatic default values to various attributes of a new Entity Object. For example, to create a sequence.

Instances of subclasses should call super.create() before performing any operations.

By default, if this Entity Object is part of a composition, and is a detail, this method checks for a valid foreign-key value in the given nameValuePair and sets the foreign-key value into its attributes appropriately. This logic validates that a detail Entity Object has a master Entity Object if the two are related by composition association.

If this method is overridden, the developer must ensure that in the case of composition, the nameValuePair belongs to the master Entity or that the nameValuePair contains all of the foreign keys required to create the Entity.

nameValuePair - a list of attribute values (name-value pairs) to be used in initializing the row. If the jbo.903.compatible property is specified, nameValuePair will never be null when this method is called by the view row's create. If jbo.903.compatible is not specified, the user must check for the possibility of nameValuePair being null, which means no attribute value is being passed in.
oracle.jbo.InvalidOwnerException - if an attempt is made to create a detail row without a master, when the association between the master and detail is marked as composition.


protected void initDefaultExpressionAttributes(AttributeList nameValuePair)
Used to initialize this entity with values from evaluated expressions on the attributedefs. No events are generated and evaluated values replace any existing values in the relevant attributes unless it was overridden via nameValuePair


protected void initBusLogicGroupDfltExprAttrs(AttributeList nameValuePair)


protected void initDefaults()
Initialize Entity row's default values. It walks through all entity definitions and initializes the attribute with the default value (from the definition).


protected void initBusLogicGroupDefaults()


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Returns the value of the named attribute, given a string value.

If there is a get method for this attribute in a subclass of this Entity Object, that method is invoked. The get method name is derived from the attribute name: for example, the method getDeptNo() pertains to an attribute named "Deptno".

This method should not be overridden. Instead, override getAttribute(int index).

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface AttributeList
name - the name of the attribute.
the value of the attribute. The class of the returned value a Java type determined by this Entity Object's definition object.
See Also:
getAttribute(int index)


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(int index)
Returns the value of an attribute, given an integer index value.

If there is a get method for this attribute in a subclass of this Entity Object, that method is invoked. The get method name is derived from the attribute name: for example, the method getDeptNo() pertains to an attribute named "Deptno".

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface AttributeList
index - the index of the attribute.
the value of the attribute. The class of the returned value a Java type determined by this Entity Object's definition object.


protected java.lang.Object getAttrInvokeAccessor(int index,
                                                 AttributeDefImpl attrDef)
                                          throws java.lang.Exception


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.Object val)
Sets the value of the named attribute, given its name.

If there is a set method for this attribute in a subclass of this Entity Object, that method is invoked. The set method name is derived from the attribute name: for example, the method getDeptNo() pertains to an attribute named "Deptno".

This method should not be overridden; override setAttributeInternal instead.

Specified by:
setAttribute in interface AttributeList
name - the name of the attribute.
val - the value to be assigned to the attribute. The class of the returned value a Java type determined by this Entity Object's definition object.


protected void registerAttributeException(AttributeDef attrDef,
                                          java.lang.Object val,
                                          JboException ex)
Specified by:
registerAttributeException in class RowImpl


public void setAttribute(int index,
                         java.lang.Object val)
Sets the value of an attribute, given its index position.

If there is a set method for this attribute in a subclass of this Entity Object, that method is invoked. The set method name is derived from the attribute name: for example, the method getDeptNo() pertains to an attribute named "Deptno".

This method should not be overridden; override setAttributeInternal instead.

Specified by:
setAttribute in interface AttributeList
index - the index of the attribute.
val - the value to be assigned to the attribute. The class of the returned value a Java type determined by this Entity Object's definition object.


protected void setAttrInvokeAccessor(int index,
                                     java.lang.Object val,
                                     AttributeDefImpl attrDef)
                              throws java.lang.Exception


protected void setAttributeInternal(int index,
                                    java.lang.Object val)
Validates and sets the value of an attribute by index. Used by generated code from JDeveloper wizards to set an attribute value after validating the value against declarative-validators set for that attribute.

Specified by:
setAttributeInternal in class RowImpl
index - the index of the attribute.
val - the value of the attribute.


public StructureDef getStructureDef()
Description copied from interface: Row
Returns the structure of the row.

Specified by:
getStructureDef in interface Row
Specified by:
getStructureDef in class RowImpl
StructureDef that describes the structure of the row.


protected EntityDefImpl getEntityDef()
Gets the Entity Definition Object which governs the structure of this Entity Object. This method should not be overridden.

the EntityDefImpl.


protected SQLBuilder getSQLBuilder()
Get the SQLBuilderImpl which performs all SQL operations required by this Entity Object.

the SQLBuilderImpl


protected java.util.ArrayList getTransactionListenersList()
Returns a copy of the list of "detail" Entities associated to this Entity Object by a composition association, participating in a transaction post and commit operations.

This method can be overridden, for example, to re-order the list of detail Entities in a specified order such as "post" order.

ArrayList containing modified children Entities that are either validated or need to be validated.


protected java.util.Vector getTransactionListeners()
Returns a copy of the list of "detail" Entities associated to this Entity Object by a composition association, participating in a transaction post and commit operations.

This method can be overridden, for example, to re-order the list of detail Entities in a specified order such as "post" order.

vector containing modified children Entities that are either validated or need to be validated.


protected java.util.ArrayList getValidationListenersList()
Return a copy of the list of validation listeners (that is, a list of Entities that must be validated).

This list contains modified child Entities which must be validated before this Entity Object is validated.

This method should not be overridden.

a list of child Entities which need to be validated.


protected java.util.Vector getValidationListeners()
Return a copy of the list of validation listeners (that is, a list of Entities that must be validated).

This list contains modified child Entities which must be validated before this Entity Object is validated.

This method should not be overridden.

a list of child Entities which need to be validated.


protected void clearAttributeException(int index)
Cleans any exception of an attribute of the given name was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode.

clearAttributeException in class RowImpl


protected boolean hasAttributeException(int index)
Returns true if an attribute at the given index was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode.

hasAttributeException in class RowImpl


protected void validateEntity()
Validates the Entities and other listeners that are members of ValidationListeners list. Once all listeners are validated and removed from the list, invoke declarative validators (if attached to this Entity Object's defintion) to validate this Entity Object instance. For example, JboMandatoryAttributesValidator (if applicable) will be invoked here to perform null-value checks on mandatory attributes.

Applications should subclass this method to perform custom Entity-level validation and call super.validateEntity() to enable the framework to coordinate validation of detail Entities and validation via the declarative validators (that is, Entity validators declared at design-time).

In the case of composition, child Entities are validated from this method.

In the following example, code is added to validateEntity() to throw an exception if the value of the Emp.Ename attribute is "Jerome".

     public void validateEntity() {
       if (getEname().equals("Jerome"))
         throw new JboException("Name cannot be Jerome");

JboException - in case validation fails.


public final void validate()
                    throws JboException
Validate this Entity Object.

This method is invoked by the framework during any currency change and during the commit process.

If this Entity Object is marked invalid, validation is performed as follows:

Once all listeners are validated, this Entity Object is then marked valid.

This method should not be overridden. Custom validation logic should be implemented by overriding the validateEntity method, which can be invoked before or after calling super.validateEntity().

Specified by:
validate in interface Row
Specified by:
validate in interface ValidationListener
Specified by:
validate in interface ValidationManager
Specified by:
validate in class RowImpl
oracle.jbo.JboException - if this Entity Object is found to be invalid.
JboException - if validation fails.
See Also:
validate(), ViewRowImpl.validate()


public AttributeHints getAttributeHints(java.lang.String attrName)
Description copied from interface: Row
Returns the AttributeHints object for the specified attribute for the row.

Specified by:
getAttributeHints in interface Row
attrName - the name of the attribute.
AttributeHints that describes the structure of the row.


public AttributeHints getAttributeHints(int attrIndex)
Description copied from interface: Row
Returns the AttributeHints object for the specified attribute for the row.

Specified by:
getAttributeHints in interface Row
attrIndex - the index of the attribute.
AttributeHints that describes the structure of the row.


protected EntityAttrHintsImpl createEntityAttrHints(AttributeDefImpl attrDef)
Create a map to store attribute hints for this row.

attrDef - The attribute defintion for which the hints need to be created.
an instance of ViewRowAttrHintsImpl


public void addToValidationListeners(ValidationListener listener)
Adds a listener to the list of validation listeners and marks this Entity Object invalid.

Subsequent invocation of validate will invoke validate() on each of the listeners in the list.

This method could be overridden to force a child Entity to be validated.

Specified by:
addToValidationListeners in interface ValidationManager
listener - the listener to be added.
See Also:
validate(), ValidationManager


protected void setInvalid()
A helper method that marks this Entity Object invalid and adds it to the ValidationListeners list of the validation manager to which this Entity Object belongs. For example, call this method when there is a possiblity that a value in the Entity Object has changed. The framework calls this method to set the Entity Object's validation state to invalid.


protected EntityImpl getContainerEntity()
Returns this entity's container in a composition association if any.


public boolean isValid()
Returns whether this Entity Object is valid.

An Entity Object is marked valid if it has been validated and not subsequently modified or set invalid.

Specified by:
isValid in interface Entity
Specified by:
isValid in interface ValidationListener
true if this Entity Object is valid; false otherwise.


public boolean isInvalid()
Returns whether this Entity Object is invalid.

An Entity Object is marked invalid if it has not been validated or if it has been validated then subsequently modified or set invalid.

true if this Entity Object is invalid; false otherwise.


protected int getDynamicAttributeCount()


protected java.lang.Object getDynamicAttributeValue(int dynAttrIndex)


protected void setDynamicAttributeValue(int dynAttrIndex,
                                        java.lang.Object value)


protected final java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(AttributeDefImpl attr)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Given an attribute definition object, this method gets the value for the attribute. This method should not be overridden; override getAttributeInternal instead.

attr - name of the attribute definition.
value of the attribute.
See Also:
getAttributeInternal(int index)


protected final java.lang.Object getChangeIndicator()
Gets the Change indicator attribute's value.

Change indicator columns can be used to indicate that a change has occurred to the underlying Entity Object since we last queried against it. They are typically implemented as TimeStamp or Version (number) columns in the underlying table that are changed by the Database each time the row is updated.

This method returns NULL if:

A change indicator is especially useful in Entity Objects that contain large objects, such as BLOBs. Comparing a change indicator on a row, is more convenient than comparing BLOBs.

the value of the change indicator column or NULL if not present or applicable to this Entity Object.


public Key getPrimaryKey()
Returns the primay key for this Entity Object's row. For example, if you are comparing two Entity Objects, you can compare the keys instead of comparing the Entities.

Typically, this method should not be overridden.

Specified by:
getPrimaryKey in interface Entity
the primary key.


public Key getAltKey(int keyIndex)


public final int getAttributeCount()
Counts the number of attributes in this Entity Object.

The count includes persistent, transient, and association attributes. Attributes need not presently have values. This method will return the same value for all the Entity Object's rows.

This method should not be overridden.

The following code sample uses this method in a loop to retrieve and print Entity Object attribute names:

     //  Return the first Entity Object Row
     Row r = eo.first();
     // If we have a row, do this...
     if (r != null) {
        // Loop over the attributes in the Row and Print out the values
        for (int i = 0; i < eo.getAttributeCount(); i++ ) {
            String attrName = eo.getAttributeDef(i).getName();
            String attrVal  = r.getAttribute(i).toString();
            out.println(attrName + " = " +attrVal);

Specified by:
getAttributeCount in interface AttributeList
Specified by:
getAttributeCount in class RowImpl
the number of attributes.


public final int getBaseAttributeCount()


protected java.lang.Object getPKBasedRef(AttributeDefImpl attr)


protected void resetPKBasedRef()


protected java.lang.Object getAttributeInternal(int index)
Gets the attribute value by index. If the attribute is not already queried by using some View Object, fault-in all the attributes for this Entity Object and then return this attribute-value. For attributes that are association accessors, execute a Query if not already executed to return the associated Entities.

This method is not typically overridden. However, it could be overridden, for example, to return numeric values stored as integers, in a two-decimal format.

Specified by:
getAttributeInternal in class RowImpl
index - the index of the attribute.
attribute value at given index.


protected void handleListBindingMismatch(ListBinding lb,
                                         java.util.Map valuesMap,
                                         RowIterator listRSI)
Description copied from class: RowImpl
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Specified by:
handleListBindingMismatch in class RowImpl


protected final boolean hasListBindings()
Description copied from class: RowImpl
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Specified by:
hasListBindings in class RowImpl


public void setAttributeValues(java.util.List names,
                               java.util.List values)
Set attribute values for the given list of attributes names. This implementation may invoke setAttribute(name, value) for each name, value pair. List size for names and values list should match up. If there are more names than values, then the names with no corresponding value entry in the values list will be ignored.

Specified by:
setAttributeValues in interface Row
Specified by:
setAttributeValues in class RowImpl


public final DBTransaction getDBTransaction()
Retrieves this Entity Object's database transaction.

This method should not be overridden.

the database transaction.


protected java.util.List getListBindings()
Description copied from class: RowImpl
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Specified by:
getListBindings in class RowImpl


protected RowSetIterator getListBindingRSI(ListBindingDef def)
Description copied from class: RowImpl
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Specified by:
getListBindingRSI in class RowImpl


public RowSet findOrCreateViewAccessorRS(ViewAccessorDef va)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


protected ViewObject findViewAccessorVO(ViewAccessorDef va)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


protected RowSet createViewAccessorRS(ViewAccessorDef va)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


public RowSet findOrCreateViewAccessorRS(java.lang.String vaName)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

findOrCreateViewAccessorRS in class RowImpl


protected RowSet createViewAccessorRS(java.lang.String vaName)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


public EntityCache getEntityCache()
A Convenience for writing a lot of code.


protected EntityCache getEntityCacheInternal()


protected boolean isAttributeChanged(int index)
Determines whether the attribute at the index been been changed.

Returns true if the the attribute has been changed since it was obtained from the Database. Note that if a Posting operation is performed, and the attribute value is sync'd with the database, that subsequent requests will return false, until the next time the attribute is changed.

Note that this method will return true if the value has been set to the same as the database value since it doesn't perform a value comparison.

After a Commit operation, the flag is also reset to false.

index - index of the attribute.
true if the value of the attribute at the given index is changed from it's originally queried value.


public final boolean isAttributeChanged(java.lang.String attrName)
Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method. Invokes isAttributeChanged(index) after looking up the index of an attribute with the given name. This accessor is exposed for use in expressions only.


protected void setAttributeChanged(int index,
                                   boolean flag)


protected int getAttributeChangedCount()


protected final boolean isAttributeChangedInTransaction(int index)
Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method.

Return true if the attribute at given index was modified in this transaction (even if it's current Changed state is false meaning this value was posted to the DB (but has not been committed).


protected boolean isOrigDataPopulated(int index)


protected boolean isOrigDataEmpty()


protected java.lang.Object getOrigData(int index)


protected java.lang.Object getPostedAttribute(int index)
Gets the value originally read for this attribute from the database.

If the attribute value at the specified index has been changed (whether to the same value or a new value), return the original value as read from the database on first query. The method invokes getAttributeInternal to return the original value.

This method should not be overridden.

index - index of the attribute.
attribute value as currently posted in the database.


public boolean isAttributePopulated(java.lang.String attributeName)
Determines whether the attribute specified by name is populated.

attributeName - the name of the attribute.
true if the value of the attribute is currently populated.


protected boolean isAttributePopulated(int index)
Determines whether the attribute at the specified index position is populated.

index - the attribute index.
true if the value of the attribute at the given index is currently populated.


protected void setLocked(boolean lockedState)
Sets the locked state.

This method is protected since users should call lock to place the row into the correct locked state.

lockedState - set to true to lock the row.


public boolean isLocked()
Determines whether this Entity Object is locked.

An Entity Object is locked if its corresponding database row is locked. This method should not be overridden.

Specified by:
isLocked in interface Entity
true if the row is locked; false otherwise.


public boolean isInCache()


public byte getEntityState()
Gets this Entity Object's current Entity-state in the transaction. The possible Entity-states that can be returned are:

Specified by:
getEntityState in interface Entity
this Entity Object's current Entity-state.


public byte getPostState()
Returns this Entity Object's current post-state in the transaction. The possible post-states that can be returned are:

Specified by:
getPostState in interface Entity
this Entity Object's current post-state.


public static java.lang.String getStateAsString(int state)
Utility function to convert the STATE to a string: todo: this is in the wrong place - it belongs in some static utility class as a converstion between byte and string

The state of this row.
See Also:


protected void markViewAccessorsDirty(java.lang.String[] attrNames)
markViewAccessorsDirty in class RowImpl


protected void donePostingAll(TransactionEvent e)


protected void handlePostChangesError()
Called when a problem occurs while posting changes and restores an EntityImpl's state.

For example, when a user performs an operation (such as a commit) that posts changes, the framework will go through each EntityImpl instance that was modified during this transaction and call postChanges() to post the changes to database. If something goes wrong during this process and an exception is caught, then the framework notifies those EntityImpls by calling handlePostChangesError. The default implementation of handlePostChangesError essentially restores the EntityImpl's state.

In a composition post cycle, when the posting of one of the detail Entities throws an exception, the framework calls this method on the master Entity which internally calls this method on all of the composite Entities

A user can create a custom EntityImpl (by extending EntityImpl), and handle such an error differently from the default implemention by overriding handlePostChangesError and adding custom error-handling logic.

If this method is overridden, then the default implementation must be called with super.handlePostChangesError() to restore the Entity post states, as well as notify posted "child" Entities to handle post changes errors.


public int getAttributeIndexOf(java.lang.String name)
Finds the index of the named attribute.

Specified by:
getAttributeIndexOf in interface AttributeList
Specified by:
getAttributeIndexOf in class RowImpl
name - an attribute name.
the index associated with name.
NoDefException - if this Entity Object does not have an attribute of the given name.


public java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
Description copied from interface: AttributeList
Returns an array of attribute names in this list.

Specified by:
getAttributeNames in interface AttributeList
an array of attribute names.


public java.lang.Object[] getAttributeValues()
Description copied from interface: AttributeList
Returns an array of attribute values in this list.

Specified by:
getAttributeValues in interface AttributeList
an array of attribute values.


public void revert()
Reverts the row to the database's state.

Calling this method will either reset the attribute values to their database values or revert them to their default values. If the Entity Object is posted, all the attributes revert to the to unread state, so that a subsequent getAttribute call will refresh all attributes from the database.

Specified by:
revert in interface Entity
See Also:
getAttribute(int index)


public void refresh(int refMode)
Description copied from interface: Row
Refreshes the row's attributes with values from database. refreshMode should be a combination of REFRESH_.... See REFRESH_... constants for further information.

Specified by:
refresh in interface Row
refMode - the refresh mode.


public void lock()
Locks the row.

If the row is new or already locked by this Entity Object, or if the transaction's locking mode is LOCK_NONE, this method has no effect.

If this Entity Object is contained by another (that is, it is part of a composition association and has a master Entity Object), this method locks the top-most Entity Object in the chain of containers before attempting to lock itself.

This method should not be overridden unless the application is maintaining Entity lock states.

Specified by:
lock in interface Row
Specified by:
lock in class RowImpl
AlreadyLockedException - if the row is locked by another user or transaction.
DeadEntityAccessException - if the Entity Object is marked "unusable" or is STATUS_DEAD.


protected void lockTopLevelEntity()
Locks the top-most Entity Object by getting the master Entity Object defined by composition associations, and walking-up the chain of containership. Since 9.0.3, the logic to walk up the hierarchy will stop either at the top or when a composition association is found that has the lockTopContainer flag turned off (to indicate a weak aggregation).


protected void refreshFKInNewContainees()
This method is invoked by SQLBuilder when one or more of the PrimaryKey attributes are marked refresh-on-insert and DML for this entity has been executed. In this method, this entity checks for existence of composition containees and if found, sets the foreign key attributes on these composed entities to the new values from this Entity.


public void addTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
Adds a listener to the list of post operation listeners. Typically, use this method to add the child Entities defined by composition associations to the master Entity's list of post listeners, once they are modified and validated. Can be called to add a detail Entity.

listener - the listener to be added.


public void addTransactionPostListenerNoCheck(TransactionPostListener listener)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Adds a listener to the list of post operation listeners without first checking it the Entity Object is already present. This method is faster than addTransactionPostListener, but should not be used if the listener might already be listed. Typically, child Entities defined by composition associations are added to this list, once they are modified and validated.

listener - the listener to be added.
See Also:
addTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)


protected void addToTransactionManager()
Adds this Entity object to its transaction manager (either another Entity object based on the containership model, or the transaction object for this session). This object maintains flags to indicate the status of the object's presence in the transaction manager's post-listener and transaction-listener lists, so as to avoid being in the list(s) more than once.

Subclasses that manage their own transaction ordering should invoke this method to add this Entity instance to its transaction manager instead of calling the manager's add methods.


public void removeTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Removes a listener from the list of post operation listeners.

listener - the listener to be removed.
See Also:
DBTransaction, ValidationManager


public void postChanges(TransactionEvent e)
Initiates a post operation for this Entity Object.

Depending on the post-state of this Entity Object, this method calls doDML with the DML_DELETE, DML_UPDATE, or DML_INSERT flags.

In case this Entity Object is part of a composition association, this method calls postChanges on all Entities that are part of the TransactionPostListener list. Note that for delete, postChanges() on the child Entities are called before doDML() is called on this Entity Object. For updates and inserts, child Entities are posted after this Entity Object's doDML() is called.

The postChanges method calls doDML and manages the post state. To implement different behavior, it is recommended that developers override doDML or one of it's called methods (see javadoc for doDML), instead of postChanges. For example, the following code sample overrides doDML and uses postChanges to get the detail Entities and post them to the database.

   public void doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e) {
      RowIterator details = getDetails();
      while (details.hasNext()) {
      super.doDML(operation, e);

If the requirement is to only set attributes during the DML phase like say history attribute, then it should be done in prepareForDML() method so that it works consistently when this entity is posted in batch-mode or not. prepareForDML() method is invoked by the framework before doDML() and in case of post cycle from the transaction, the transaction calls prepareForDML() on all entities in the transaction list followed by doDML() on all those entities.

Specified by:
postChanges in interface TransactionPostListener
e - this Entity Object's transaction event.
See Also:
doDML(int, TransactionEvent), TransactionPostListener.postChanges(TransactionEvent e), TransactionPostListener


protected void doDMLForCascadeUpdate(TransactionEvent e,
                                     java.util.ArrayList tpl,
                                     java.util.ArrayList ecList,
                                     boolean startingEntity)
Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method.

Special case DML for the case where PK attribute(s) are being updated for an entity which is also a master in an association which has cascade update turned on. In this case, the master needs to first clone it's row in the DB with the new Pk, move all the details to this new row with the new PK and then remove the existing mater row from the DB.

Note that this method should handle DML for this entity's composition children, if any. This list is passed in in 'tpl'.

e - TransactionEvent for this DML
tpl - An array of Transaction Listeners that conatins cascade updated details.
ecList - List of entities with batch mode turned on. This list is prepared by the framework and should not be 'modified'.
startingEntity - true if postChanges() was directly called on this entity.


protected void populateAttribute(int index,
                                 java.lang.Object value)
Advanced method: Applications should not use this method.

Sets an attribute's value but does not mark it as updated. This method is called by query collection when populating a row with data. This is a framework-internal function and must not be called directly in client code except in the case of a composite Entity.

In a composite Entity, one Entity is comprised of two or more other Entities. An example of a composite Entity would be an Employee Entity which is comprised of a Person Entity and an Assignment Entity. The populateAttribute method could be used to populate Person and Assignment attributes when the Employee attributes are read-in.

Specified by:
populateAttribute in class RowImpl
index - the index of the attribute to populate.
value - the value to place in the attribute.


protected void populateAttribute(int index,
                                 java.lang.Object value,
                                 boolean sendNotification,
                                 boolean markAsChanged)
Deprecated. since 9.0.5. Use populateAttribute(int index, Object value, boolean sendNotification, boolean markAsChanged, boolean saveOriginal) instead.

Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method.

Sets an attribute's value and optionally mark it as updated and optionally send events to listeners about the change. Note that this method avoids all validations written in the attribute-setter or rules installed for this attribute.

Invoke this method from a sub-class if the sub-class is implementing it's own data-source. This method may also be used by a sub-class to implement refresh-on-update/refresh-on-insert features if the sub-class is implementing it's own data-sink.

index - a 1-based index into the columns.
value - the value for the column.
sendNotification - notify the dependent ViewObjects that this attribute has changed
markAsChanged - mark this attribute as changed so that it's picked up by doDML() for actual database updates.


public void populateAttribute(int index,
                              java.lang.Object value,
                              boolean sendNotification,
                              boolean markAsChanged,
                              boolean saveOriginal)
Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method.

Sets an attribute's value and optionally mark it as updated and optionally send events to listeners about the change. Note that this method avoids all validations written in the attribute-setter or rules installed for this attribute.

Invoke this method from a sub-class if the sub-class is implementing it's own data-source. This method may also be used by a sub-class to implement refresh-on-update/refresh-on-insert features if the sub-class is implementing it's own data-sink.

index - a 1-based index into the columns.
value - the value for the column.
sendNotification - notify the dependent ViewObjects that this attribute has changed
markAsChanged - mark this attribute as changed so that it's picked up by doDML() for actual database updates.
saveOriginal - indicates if this method should cache the original value of this attribute (as fetched) in the entity for refresh, lock and other usages. By default most callers should pass this flag as true when modifying an entity attribute value for updates (without affecting the entity states).


protected void populateAttributeAsChanged(int index,
                                          java.lang.Object value)
Advanced method: Applications should typically not call this method from their subclasses other then when performing programmatic attribute defaulting with proper attribute values.

Sets an attribute's value and also marks the attribute as changed in this row. Primary key attributes should not be set using populateAttribute apis.

This method is called by query collection when populating a row with data. This is a framework-internal function and must not be called directly in client code except in the case of a composite Entity or defaulting. This method avoids all programmatic and declarative validations on an attribute and still sets the data value for the attribute and marks the attribute as changed so that the value is posted during entity DML.

In a composite Entity, one enitity is comprised of two or more other Entities. An example of a composite Entity would be an Employee Entity which is comprised of a Person Entity and an Assignment Entity. The populateAttribute method could be used to populate Person and Assignment attributes when the Employee attributes are read-in.

This method does not change Entity Validation, Post or Transaction States. If this entity is not already marked invalid or not in the transaction's lists, this method will not mark the entity invalid or add it into transaction's lists.

index - the index of the attribute to populate.
value - the value to place in the attribute.
See Also:
populateAttribute(int index, Object value)


protected boolean checkConsistency(SparseArray target,
                                   boolean lock)
Override this method to speed up comparing the attribute values of fetched entity data with this entity's data. This method is called when the entity is locked or when this entity is being faulted in and the entity is in un-modified state in a non-pessimistic transaction.

In builds before 10.1.2, this method was not called and for modified or removed Entities under optimisitic locking mode that were faulted in, did not go through this consistency check. They would simply faultin any db values on unmodified attributes. To achieve that old behavior, return true in this method's override, when the entity is modified or removed and lock parameter is sent in as false i.e., if (getPostState() != STATUS_UNMODIFIED && !lock) return true;

This method calls compare(SparseArray target) for comparision implementation.

This method returns true the return value from compare(target) call. If this method returns false, SQLBuilder will throw a RowInconsistentException to indicate difference in the database values for this entity.

true if the data is the same; false otherwise.


protected boolean compare(SparseArray target)
Compares the data in this row with that of another.

This method returns true if the values are "the same" and false if they are not.

This method uses the ChangeIndicator attribute, if it is present, for the comparison. If ChangeIndicator is not present, then this method compares the data for overlapping columns between the entity and the given array.

Applications should override this method to implement custom comparision of specific attributes and avoid deep comparision of every entity attribute (in case changeIndicator attribute is not defined in this entity). If ChangeIndicator attribute is present only that attribute is compared to check if the target data matches this Entity. Also, if the application has mutli-part ChangeIndicator, this method should be used to implement comparision of multi-part ChangeIndicator attributes to speedup comparision.

true if the data is the same; false otherwise.


protected void notifyAttributesChanged(int[] attrIndices,
                                       java.lang.Object[] values)


protected void notifyAttributesAndBlgChanged(int[] attrIndices,
                                             java.lang.Object[] values,
                                             boolean blg)


protected void notifyAttributesChanged(int[] attrIndices,
                                       java.lang.Object[] values,
                                       boolean markQCDirty)


public void afterCommit(TransactionEvent e)
Description copied from interface: TransactionListener
Called to report that a Commit operation has occurred.

Specified by:
afterCommit in interface TransactionListener
e - a transaction event.


protected void notifyEventRaised(java.lang.String eventName,
                                 java.util.ArrayList<EventAttrVals> payload)


public void outputEventString(EventInvocation event)


public boolean eventsDebugOnly()
Indicates whether events are being tested. If it returns true, it implies that Fabric is not present and we should not attempt to actually raise the event. We should just dump its output for testing. If it returns false, the default, Fabric is assumed to be present and we will attempt to raise the appropriate events to Fabric. This is necessary to be able to have adequate error handling in the Fabric case while not interfering with the test case.


public void afterRollback(TransactionEvent e)
Internal: Applications should not call this method.

Initiates a state change and polls listeners following a rollback operation.

Resets the EntityState to STATUS_DEAD or STATUS_UNMODIFIED for new or updated/removed rows respectively. Sets other status flags for this Entity Object so that it behaves just like it was fetched for the first time from the database.

This method should not be overridden.

Specified by:
afterRollback in interface TransactionListener
e - this Entity Object's transaction event.
See Also:


public void afterRemove(TransactionEvent e)
A cleanup routine to be invoked by transaction manager when this transaction listener is removed from the manager's list.

Specified by:
afterRemove in interface TransactionListener
e - this Entity Object's transaction event.


public boolean isTransientTransactionListener()
Tests whether this Entity Object's transaction listener is transient or permanent.

Transient listeners are automatically removed at the end of the transaction cycle; permanent listeners remain.

Specified by:
isTransientTransactionListener in interface TransactionListener
true if the listener is transient.


public void beforeCommit(TransactionEvent e)
Polls transaction listeners before a commit operation.

Specified by:
beforeCommit in interface TransactionListener
e - this Entity Object's transaction event.
See Also:


public boolean isPostedToDB()
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. For non-oracle databases, indicates if this entity is posted. For use in custom SQLBuilder to check if this entity was posted in a previous post cycle.

Specified by:
isPostedToDB in interface TransactionPostListener


public void setPostedToDB(boolean b)
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. For non-oracle databases that do not support savepoint, this method should be called from the custom sql builder to mark the entity as posted so that it's not posted again during a subsequent post cycle (if this entity was already posted but other entity/entities led to an exception in the current post cycle.

Specified by:
setPostedToDB in interface TransactionPostListener


public int getTransPostHandle()
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method.

Implements the getTransPostHandle method for the transaction post listener (TransactionPostListener) interface.

Transaction post handle is a handle identifying a row object in the transaction post listener list. If the object does not have a transaction post handle, this method returns -1.

Specified by:
getTransPostHandle in interface TransactionPostListener
the transaction post listener handle or -1, which means no transaction post handle.
See Also:


public void setTransPostHandle(int hdl)
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method.

Implements the setTransPostHandle method for the transaction post listener (TransactionPostListener) interface.

Transaction post handle is a handle identifying a row object in the transaction post listener list.

Specified by:
setTransPostHandle in interface TransactionPostListener
hdl - the transaction post handle.
See Also:


public boolean isTransientTransactionPostListener()
Tests whether this Entity Object's TransactionPostListener is transient or permanent.

Transient listeners are automatically removed at the end of the transaction cycle; permanent listeners remain.

Specified by:
isTransientTransactionPostListener in interface TransactionPostListener
true if the listener is transient.
See Also:


public void beforeRollback(TransactionEvent e)
Polls transaction listeners before a rollback operation.

Specified by:
beforeRollback in interface TransactionListener
e - this Entity Object's transaction event.
See Also:


protected void doSelect(boolean lock)
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method.

Performs SELECT/SELECT FOR UPDATE processing for the row. This method faults-in all column-values from the database object for this Entity Object.

This method can be overridden, for example, if you want to fill in the Entity Object values yourself.

lock - true generates a "SELECT for UPDATE"


protected void doSelectForAltKey(int keyIndex)


protected void prepareForDML(int operation,
                             TransactionEvent e)
A pre-doDML() notification that allows subclasses to modify any attributes on this entity that should be updated in the database.

In case of batch mode, the modified entities in a Transaction are posted in two steps. First all entities are notified with prepareForDML() so that enties can make changes to any attributes like say history column that needs to be updated right before a DML occurs. Then the doDML() is called on the entities to execute the DML that includes any changes done to this entity during the prepareForDML() phase.

Incase of non-batch mode, postChanges() method on the Entity invokes prepareForDML() followed by doDML() for so that subclasses can consistently write custom setAttribute logic in prepareForDML() which will be posted to the database via a DML statement in doDML().

operation - the integer representation of DML_INSERT, DML_UPDATE, or DML_DELETE.
e - this Entity Object's transaction event.


protected void prepareForBatchDML(int operation,
                                  TransactionEvent te)
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. A pre-doDML() step which calls prepareForDML() with the appropriate operation so that applications can perform attribute updates like history column etc.

This method also adjusts count of entities of a particular operation type to figure out if that operation has to be batched or not. Subclasses that override this method should call super.prepareForBatchDML() with the right operation type if this entity has consider batch operations.


protected void doDML(int operation,
                     TransactionEvent e)
Performs INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE processing for the row. Override this method to provide custom logic for processing inserts, updates, and deletes. Note, do not set any of this Entity's attributes in this method if this entity needs to work alike in both batch and non-batchmode cases. Perform all setAttributes that needs to done in postChanges() phase in prepareForDML().

This method calls buildDMLStatement() to build the DML string based on the DML operation to be performed. For insert and update, the DML statement will only set the values that have been modified/changed. Other attributes do not participate in the DML.

Next, bindDMLStatement() is called to bind the DML statement with values to be updated and any other where-clause and returning parameters. After this, it executes the jdbc-statement or adds the current DML as a batch operation into a batched jdbc-statement, to be executed in Transaction.postChanges().

Here is sample code for overriding the doDML() method of any Entity Object's EntityImpl class to invoke a stored procedure, and pass arguments. For example, given a PL/SQL stored procedure like:

 PROCEDURE updateDepartment( p_Deptno NUMBER,
                             p_Dname  VARCHAR2,
                             p_Loc    VARCHAR2 )

The code to call it when an Entity is updated would look like this: Note: The following code assumes only updates are possible, disallowing inserts and deletes by ignoring them in the doDML() method.

    public void doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e) {
       // Don't call the superclass. This procedure handles only updates
       //super.doDML(operation, e);
       CallableStatement stmt = null;
       // ONLY Perform updates, this Entity won't allow inserts/deletes.
       if (operation == DML_UPDATE)
         // Prepare JDBC CallableStatement with the Stored Procedure Call
         String updateStr = "{call updateDepartment(?,?,?)}";
         stmt = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(updateStr, 1);
            // Bind the Statement Parameters and Execute this Statement
            stmt.setString(1, getDeptno().toString());
            stmt.setString(2, getDname().toString());
            stmt.setString(3, getLoc().toString());
          catch (Exception ex)
            throw new oracle.jbo.JboException(ex);
             catch (Exception nex)

operation - the integer representation of DML_INSERT, DML_UPDATE, or DML_DELETE.
e - this Entity Object's transaction event.


protected void doDMLWithLOBs(int operation,
                             TransactionEvent e)
Performs INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE processing for Entity Objects that contain LOBs. This method is called by doDML when the Entity Object is found to contain LOBs.

The method uses a two stage process to first get the LOB locator, then post the LOB values individually. Typically, you would override this method when you want to take control over how to post the LOB.

e - this Entity Object's transaction event.
See Also:
doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e)


protected void vetoRemoveWithDetails(AttributeDef associationDef)
If this Entity Object is a master in a composition association, this method checks that all details have already been removed from the given association attribute. Typically, this method is used to effectively remove compositions.

associationDef - the association attribute defining the composition.
RemoveWithDetailsException - if an attempt is made to remove the master Entity Object before removing its children.


public void remove()
Removes the row from the database table.

In the case of a composition where this Entity is a master, this method calls vetoRemoveWithDetails with an Association attribute that defines the composition, to perform a check for existence of detail Rows.

Override this method to add your own business logic for the remove operation. For example, you can implement business logic that throws an exception that report why an Entity Object cannot be removed.

Specified by:
remove in interface Row
Specified by:
remove in class RowImpl
RemoveWithDetailsException - if an attempt is made to is made to remove the master Entity Object before removing its children.


public void removeFromCollection()
An Entity row does not support removeFromCollection().

Specified by:
removeFromCollection in interface Row
InvalidOperException - it is illegal to call this method on an Entity row.


public void removeAndRetain()
An Entity row does not support removeAndRetain().

Specified by:
removeAndRetain in interface Row
InvalidOperException - it is illegal to call this method on an Entity row.


public Key getKey()
Internal: Applications should not use thid method.

Gets the Entity Object's Primary Key.

Specified by:
getKey in interface Row
Specified by:
getKey in class RowImpl
the Primary Key.


public boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int index)
Checks if the attribute is updateable. This method finds the attribute, given its index, then examines its updateable status which can be READ_ONLY, UPDATEABLE_WHILE_NEW, or UPDATEABLE.

This method can be overridden. For example, override this method if you want to check the updateable status and you have dependencies between two or more attributes.

Specified by:
isAttributeUpdateable in interface Row
Specified by:
isAttributeUpdateable in class RowImpl
index - the attribute's index (0-based).
false if the attribute is READ_ONLY; true if attribute is UPDATEABLE or if the attribute is UPDATEABLE_WHILE_NEW and the current row is new.


public boolean isDead()
Description copied from interface: Row
An attempt to access a dead view row will lead to a DeadViewRowAccessException. Using this API method, client code can test the row state.

Specified by:
isDead in interface Row
Specified by:
isDead in class RowImpl
true if the row is dead.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public void domainToBeModified(DomainInterface d)
Locks the domain object and notifies the Domain owner that the value is about to be modified. This method is called from a struct, composite, or array domain when an attribute is changed. For example, if the value of a BLOB is changed, the framework calls this method to lock the container.

Specified by:
domainToBeModified in interface DomainOwnerInterface
d - name of the domain interface that is being changed.


protected void appendXMLElementNodes(Document xmlDoc,
                                     Node node,
                                     int nContainees,
                                     long options,
                                     AttributeDefImpl[] attrs)
Description copied from class: RowImpl
Writes XML-element nodes for each attribute in this row and appends it to the given row-node.

Override this method to perform custom XML-rendering on a Row.

xmlDoc - name of the XML document where the node resides.
node - the name of the Row object node where new nodes will be appended.
nContainees - number of child levels deep to appendrow nodes.
options - a set of bit flags that will control the writeXML behavior.
attrs - an array of AttriubuteDefImpls.


protected void appendXMLElementNodesForAttrs(Document xmlDoc,
                                             Node node,
                                             long options,
                                             AttributeDefImpl[] attrs)
Applications may override this method to customize passivation of attributes by limiting or adding attributes to the given set.


protected void notifyEntityActivated(boolean bPostRequired)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Notification from the Transaction activation, when a new/inserted entity is activated from a passivation-store. By Default, this method posts this entity to the database if the bPostRequired argument is true, so that subsequent View Objects that are activated will see the new rows when their query is executed. This flag is true when this entity is a top-most entity in a composition and it is a new/inserted entity or one of it's primary key constituent attributes were modified before this entity was passivated.


protected boolean handleActivatedRowNotFound()
Returns true if this entity row that is not found anymore in the database (may have been deleted in the database), should be added to the entity-cache on activation. Most Applications may log a warning and return false to silently ignore the deleted row. Some Applications may return true to add the entity and on post a RowAlreadyDeletedException will be thrown for this entity.

By default this method returns true so that this entity is cached in the entity cache.


protected boolean readAttrsFromXML(Element rowElt,
                                   AttributeDefImpl[] attrs,
                                   int ChangeState)
Advanced: Applications should not use this method. * Reads all the attribute values from the xml-element and sets them into this row. If the xml has a process instruction of the form: then, invokes remove() on this row.

At the entity layer, the two meaningful values for this state are: XMLInterface.XML_OPT_CHANGES_ONLY or XMLInterface.XML_OPT_ALL_ROWS As of 904, if the value is CHANGES_ONLY, then the entity is being passivated/activated during the ApplicationModule passivation/activation call. Otherwise the entity is being activated due to commitAndSync() call triggered to sync up all AMs in a pool with the latest commits from the AM in hand.

true when the row is good to be added into cache/collection. Returns false when this row has been removed based on the xml element being read.


public final void readXML(Element elem,
                          int changeState)
Reads the content of the row and updates the attributes, from given xml document. If there's a process instruction in the row like: then calls remove on this row.

Specified by:
readXML in interface XMLInterface
Specified by:
readXML in class RowImpl
elem - name of the XML element.
changeState - the number of child levels deep to which data should be read.


protected void doRefreshSQL(int operation,
                            java.util.ArrayList refreshAttrs)
This method is called after the entity is posted to the database to refresh the required attributes. This method is called for entities that have refresh-on-insert or refresh-on-update attributes in the following cases: In both cases however, if refresh-on-insert or update setting is set on an attribute which is a primary key attribute, then this method will fail to fetch the entity as the primary key in the database for the equivalent row would have potentially changed. If that's true, then subclasses need to implement this method and perform "custom" sql to fetch the refresh-attrs based on some unique criteria for this entity.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] getRefreshSQLKeyAttrs(int operation)
Returns an array of AttributeDefImpl containing attributes that should be used in the where-clause (as key columns) when a select statement is executed to fetch refresh-on attributes.

If the primary key attributes do not have refresh-on flag set for the given operation (Insert or Update), then these attributes are returned.

If one or more of the primary key attributes are also refresh-on-insert or update attributes and unique-key attributes are set on this entity, then this method returns an array of unique-key attributes. If not, then a warning is printed on the diagnostic and this method returns an array of primary keys.

Subclasses should override this method to return a customized list of attributes to use to create a where-clause for the select statement to be used to fetch refresh-on attributes. This method is called for entities that have refresh-on-insert or refresh-on-update attributes in the following cases:


protected AttributeDefImpl[] buildRefreshSQL(java.lang.StringBuffer sqlBuffer,
                                             int operation,
                                             AttributeDefImpl[] columns,
                                             AttributeDefImpl[] retKeycols,
                                             boolean withInto)
Builds the sql SELECT statement to fetch refresh-on-insert or update attributes and uses getRefreshSQLKeyAttrs() to create WHERE clause for this SELECT statement. This method is called for entities that have refresh-on-insert or refresh-on-update attributes in the following cases:

AttributeDefImpl array containing the attributes that are used in the WHERE clause.


protected int bindDMLStatement(int operation,
                               java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt,
                               AttributeDefImpl[] allAttrs,
                               AttributeDefImpl[] retCols,
                               AttributeDefImpl[] retKeys,
                               java.util.HashMap retrList,
                               boolean batchMode)
                        throws java.sql.SQLException
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. This method binds current attribute values to the given jdbc PreparedStatement.

operation - The current DML operation.
stmt - A jdbc PreparedStatement containing a SQL statement built in buildDMLStatement()
allAttrs - An array of all attribute definitions for this entity. This is passed in for performance reasons, so that the array is not built again.
retCols - An array of non-primary key attributes that are marked refresh-on-insert or refresh-on-update for an Insert or Update operation respectively. It could be an empty array or null in case of Delete operation.
retKeys - An array of primary key attributes that are marked refresh-on-insert or refresh-on-update for an Insert or Update operation respectively. It could be an empty array or null in case of Delete operation.
retrList - Hashmap of bind-variable indices (as keys) and attribute definitions (as values) that are being returned for refresh-on-insert/update in this DML.
batchMode - True if this DML statement will be used in creating a batchmode jdbc statement.
Last index of a jdbc-bind variable


protected java.lang.StringBuffer buildDMLStatement(int operation,
                                                   AttributeDefImpl[] allAttrs,
                                                   AttributeDefImpl[] retCols,
                                                   AttributeDefImpl[] retKeys,
                                                   boolean batchMode)
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. This method constructs the DML statement and returns it as a StringBuffer.

operation - The current DML operation.
allAttrs - An array of all attribute definitions for this entity. This is passed in for performance reasons, so that the array is not built again.
retCols - An array of non-primary key attributes that are marked refresh-on-insert or refresh-on-update for an Insert or Update operation respectively. It could be an empty array or null in case of Delete operation.
retKeys - An array of primary key attributes that are marked refresh-on-insert or refresh-on-update for an Insert or Update operation respectively. It could be an empty array or null in case of Delete operation.
batchMode - True if this DML statement will be used in creating a batchmode jdbc statement.
A StringBuffer containing the INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE SQL-Statememt based on the operation to be performed. This method is called in doDML().


protected java.lang.Object getHistoryContextForAttribute(AttributeDefImpl attr)


public void setNewRowState(byte state)
Advanced method: Applications should not use this method. Internal method used by ViewRowImpl.setNewRowState() to make all entities that belong to that new row as new or initialized. Initialized rows are tracked at ViewObject's collection and entities should not be marked as initialized from a context other than the containing ViewRowImpl.

Specified by:
setNewRowState in interface Row
Specified by:
setNewRowState in class RowImpl
state - This could be STATUS_NEW or STATUS_INITIALIZED.


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(int index,
                                     byte version)
Returns the attribute value. The caller can decide whether to retrieve the current value, in which case this method call is equivalent to getAttribute(int), or to retrieve the value in the database table.

index - attribute index.
version - either EntityImpl.CURRENT_VERSION or EntityImpl.ORIGINAL_VERSION. If ORIGINAL_VERSION, it returns the value in the database table.
the attribute value.


protected boolean hasUpdatePrivilege(int index)


protected void buildWhereClause(java.lang.StringBuffer buffer,
                                AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols,
                                java.lang.Object rowid)
Construct a SQL WHERE clause for the Entity into the designated Buffer. This routine constructs a SQL WHERE clause in the StringBuffer passed. It does this by appending the various components of the WHERE Clause (based upon Primary Key columns) into the buffer area.

This method is called from SQLBuilder for:

The presence or absence of the ROWID value determines whether the ROWID will be used for Row access.

buffer - the area into which the WHERE Clause will be placed.
keyCols - the Primary key columns.
rowid - the ROWID for the ROW if known.


protected int bindWhereClause(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt,
                              AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols,
                              java.lang.Object rowid,
                              int bindIndex)
                       throws java.sql.SQLException
Bind the Primary key values for the designated Statement. This routine will perform the bind operation for each of the Primary Key columns.

The presence or absence of the ROWID value determines whether the ROWID will be used for Row access.

stmt - the statement to bind the columns to.
keyCols - the Primary key columns.
rowid - the ROWID for the row if known.
bindIndex - the baseline idx for performing the bind operations.


protected ViewObjectImpl findAssociationAccessorVO(AssociationDefImpl assocDef,
                                                   java.lang.String voName,
                                                   EntityAssociation eoAssoc)


protected ViewObjectImpl createAssociationAccessorVO(AssociationDefImpl assocDef,
                                                     java.lang.String voName,
                                                     EntityAssociation eoAssoc)


protected EntityRowSetImpl createAssociationAccessorRS(AssociationDefImpl assocDef,
                                                       ViewObjectImpl accessorVO,
                                                       Row masterRow,
                                                       java.lang.Object[] values)


protected ViewObjectImpl findEntityViewLinkAccessorVO(AssociationDefImpl assocDef,
                                                      java.lang.String voName,
                                                      ViewDefImpl vDef,
                                                      ViewLinkDefImpl vlDef)


protected ViewObjectImpl createEntityViewLinkAccessorVO(AssociationDefImpl assocDef,
                                                        java.lang.String voName,
                                                        ViewDefImpl vDef,
                                                        ViewLinkDefImpl vlDef)


protected ViewRowSetImpl createEntityViewLinkAccessorRS(AssociationDefImpl assocDef,
                                                        ViewObjectImpl accessorVO,
                                                        Row masterRow,
                                                        java.lang.Object[] values)


protected VariableValueManager getParentVariableManager()
Specified by:
getParentVariableManager in class RowImpl


protected void variablesAdded()
variablesAdded in class RowImpl


public RowSet createUnqualifiedRowSet()
Creates a ViewObject over the full table behind this entity and returns a rowset of entities that belong to the source table.


protected void handleEffectiveDateOperations()
Before posting the row to the database this method is invoked for effective date book-keeping. For Entity Rows that are created for the first time, the Effective Date values are populated. Entity row update may cause an effective date split. Entity row delete may cause more than one physical row to be deleted. If the Effective Date mode is set to Expert mode the framework assumes that the client has populated all the required values and effective date logic need not be applied. For more information about Effective Date Update and Delete modes refer to setEffectiveDateMode.


public void validateDateEffectivity()
Validates the Effective Date aspects of an Entity to ensure that gaps or overlaps are not introduced. If the Entity is updated, created or deleted in expert mode no effective date validation is performed.


protected void handleEffectiveDateRowCreate()
Update the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date based on the Effective Date Transient Attribute Value and the Post state of the Entity. [MCPD]: Set sequence value and mark it as the latest changed row.


protected void handleEffectiveDateRowDelete()
Performs the effective date processing for row delete operation. Depending on the delete mode the row delete operation may be converted to an update operation.

See Also:


protected void handleEffectiveDateRowUpdate()
Performs the effective date processing for row update operation. Depending on the update mode the attribute values are updated. New rows may be created by copying the updated row and changing the effective dates.

See Also:


public ViewObject prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtRows(int count)
Deprecated. use prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtRows().


public ViewObject prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtRows()
This method prepares PrevRowsVO to fetch earlier effective-dated rows.

The view object prepared to fetch past effective-dated rows.


public ViewObject prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtRows(int count)
Deprecated. use prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtRows().


public ViewObject prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtRows()
This method prepares NextRowsVO to fetch future effective-dated rows.

The view object prepared to fetch future effective-dated rows.


protected ViewObject prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtSeqRows(int count)
Deprecated. use prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtSeqRows().


protected ViewObject prepareVOToFetchPrevEffDtSeqRows()
This method prepares PrevSeqRowsVO to fetch effective-dated rows with lower sequence values within the same effective start date.


protected ViewObject prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtSeqRows(int count)
Deprecated. use prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtSeqRows().


protected ViewObject prepareVOToFetchNextEffDtSeqRows()
This method prepares NextSeqRowsVO to fetch effective-dated rows with higher sequence values within the same effective start date.


protected EntityImpl copyEffDtEntity()
Make a copy of this Entity for Effective Date Updates. This method is invoked for Effective Dated Entities only during row split. If the row split is happening during Post (default behavior), then during batch update overriding method should be careful to only change already dirtied attributes. For batch entities the update statement is pre-computed in beforePost so any new dirty attributes in this method will not be taken into account.

A copy of this object.


protected void revertChangesToEffDtEntity()
Revert changes made to effective dated entity. The changes to the effective dated entity are unique. It is gaurenteed that no primary key/foreign key updating/checking is required during revert.


protected void copyChangedNonKeyAttributes(EntityImpl targetRow)
This method copies all the changed attributes from one entity to another. This method is currently used in effective date operations where the changed values need to be copied to a next row in the effective date time line. The primary row is just end dated where as the next row recieves the actual update.

targetRow - The row that the changed attributes are copied to.


protected java.lang.Object getEffDtInitEndDateValue()
This method returns the End Date value for the new rows created for the Entity.

endDate value that conforms to the type defined in Effective Date End attribute definition. This default implementation returns the date 31-DEC-4712


public java.lang.Object getEffectiveDate()
Obtain the Effective Date Value for the Entity. A search for a valid value is carried out in the following order:
  1. The value of the SysEffectiveDate transient attribute
  2. The SysEffectiveDate property value on the Root Application Module
  3. Current Date

getEffectiveDate in class RowImpl
The effective date for the row


public void setEffectiveDateMode(int mode)
Description copied from interface: Row
Set the Effective Date mode in which the row updates need to be carried out. The mode needs to be set prior to the changes.

Specified by:
setEffectiveDateMode in interface Row
setEffectiveDateMode in class RowImpl
mode - One of the effective date mode constants.
See Also:


protected boolean isViewAccessorAttribute(int indexAttribute)
Check if an attribute is the attribute to store view accessor RowSetIterator.

indexAttribute - The index of the attribute.
true if the attribute stores view accessor RowSetIterator, orelse return false.


public ViewAccessorDef findViewAccessorDef(java.lang.String name)
This method returns ViewAccessorDef with the specified name.

findViewAccessorDef in class RowImpl
name - The name of the ViewAccessorDef.
The ViewAccessorDef


protected ViewObject findOrCreateLocalViewObject(ViewAccessorDef vaDef)
Find or create the local view instance from the local view usage name.

vaDef - The ViewAccessorDef.
The local view object.


protected doAllowsOperation(java.lang.String operationName)
doAllowsOperation in class RowImpl


public java.lang.String getLookupDescription(java.lang.String attrName)


public boolean isLookupIdValid(java.lang.String attrName,
                               java.lang.Object newValue)


public static java.util.Comparator getComparator()

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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