Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Class JUPanelBinding

  extended by java.util.AbstractMap
      extended by oracle.jbo.common.JboAbstractMap
          extended by oracle.adf.model.binding.DCExecutableBinding
              extended by oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer
                  extended by oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUFormBinding
                      extended by oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelBinding
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.Map, DCIExecutable, MutableRegionBinding, RegionBinding, BindingContainer, JboExceptionHandler, VariableManagerOwner, VariableManagerOwnerBase
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JUPanelBinding
extends JUFormBinding

A container class that manages JUIteratorBindings, etc. by extending the JUFormBinding class. It provides:

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer
DCBindingContainer.CalculatedViewable, DCBindingContainer.EnumRefreshType, DCBindingContainer.ValidationLevel
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V>, java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String mAppName
protected  java.util.ArrayList mIteratorChangedListeners
Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUFormBinding
Fields inherited from class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer
DC_BINDINGCONTAINER_ERROR, DC_IGNORE_ERROR, mControlList, mDataControl, mDataProvider, mIsBeingPersonalized, mIterBindingList, mParamsList
Fields inherited from class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCExecutableBinding
Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.JboAbstractMap
Fields inherited from interface oracle.adf.model.RegionBinding
Fields inherited from interface oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIExecutable
Constructor Summary
          *** For internal framework use only ***
JUPanelBinding(javax.swing.JPanel panel)
          Applications should use this constructor to create a panel binding and associate it with a swing JPanel object.
JUPanelBinding(java.lang.String name)
          Temporary placeholder panelBinding created by wizard.
JUPanelBinding(java.lang.String appName, javax.swing.JPanel panel)
          Creates an instance of this class, associating it with a JPanel object and a JUApplication identified by appName.
JUPanelBinding(java.lang.String appName, java.lang.String amName, javax.swing.JPanel panel)
          Creates an instance of this class, associating it with a JPanel object and a JUApplication identified by appName.
Method Summary
 void addBindingWithCellEditor(JUPanelStopEditingListener binding)
          Adds a listener that is interested in notification such that it stops its control's edit process before the panel is moved to a different set of data.
 void addIteratorChangedListener(JUIteratorChangedListener l)
          Adds a listener that should be notified when the iterator behind an iterator binding object changes or the display mode changes from find to data mode or the reverse.
 void addRowSetListener(JUPanelRowSetListener l)
          Adds the given listener to this panel's RowSet listeners list.
 void beginDataControls(BindingContext ctx)
          *** For internal framework use only *** This method invokes beginRequest(null) on all datacontrols in the current bindingContext.
 void bindRowSetIterator(java.lang.String iterBindingName, RowSetIterator rsi)
          Binds the iterator identified by iterBindingName in this panel with another iterator.
 void bindRowSetIterator(java.lang.String iterBindingName, java.lang.String voInstanceName)
          Binds the iterator identified by iterBindingName in this panel with another ViewObject in the current application module identified by the given voInstanceName.
 java.lang.Object bindUIControl(java.lang.String controlBindingName, java.lang.Object control)
          Used by generated code to bind a ui control to the defined binding object in this container identified by 'controlBindingName'.
 void callAfterRowNavigated(JUControlBinding ctrl, DCIteratorBinding iter)
          Forces the current control to stop its editing mode (if used, like in JTable).
 void callBeforeRowNavigated(DCIteratorBinding iter)
          Forces the current control to stop its editing mode (if used, like in JTable).
 void callBeforeSaveTransaction(DCDataControl dc)
          Forces the current control to stop its editing mode (if used, like in JTable).
 void callBeforeSaveTransaction(Transaction txn)
          Deprecated. since 9.0.5, Use callBeforeSaveTransaction(DCDataControl)
 JUPanelBinding findNestedPanelBinding(java.lang.String name)
 void focusGained(DCIteratorBinding iterBinding, DCControlBinding binding, int attrIndex)
          Notifies the JUApplication object of focusGained event so that it could pass it on to its StatusBarInterface listeners (like JUStatusBar to update status message).
 java.lang.String getApplicationName()
          Returns the name of the JUApplication object in which this Panel binding was created.
 java.lang.String getAppModuleName()
          Returns the Application Module instance name to which this Panel binding is connected.
 java.lang.String getLabel(java.lang.String voName, java.lang.String attrName, LocaleContext locale)
          Retrieves the label to be used in any attribute prompts
 java.lang.String getLabel(java.lang.String voName, java.lang.String voAttrName, java.lang.String objectAttrName, LocaleContext locale)
          Retrieves the label to be used in any attribute prompts
 java.util.ArrayList getRowSetListeners()
          Returns a list of JUPanelRowSetListeners (returns an empty list if no such listener was registered).
 java.lang.String getTooltip(java.lang.String voName, java.lang.String attrName, LocaleContext locale)
          Retrives the tooltip text to be used for this attribute.
 java.lang.String getTooltip(java.lang.String voName, java.lang.String voAttrName, java.lang.String objectAttrName, LocaleContext locale)
          Retrives the tooltip text to be used for this attribute.
protected  void initializeApplicationModule()
          Sets up the JUApplication and Application Module references based on name passed to this object via the constructors or various setter methods.
 void initializePanel(java.util.ArrayList controls)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
protected  void internalReportWarning(DCDataControl dc, JboException warn)
 boolean isEditingStopped()
          Jclient uses this to indicate if stopEdit completed before datacontrol can proceed with update cycle (commit etc).
 boolean isTransactionDirty()
          Returns true, if the Transaction behind the associated ApplicationModule has pending changes In three-tier, this method will go across the tier boundary to get the actual middle-tier transaction status.
protected  void navigated(DCIteratorBinding iter, NavigationEvent event)
          Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a navigated Event from BC4J RowSetIterator
 void notifyIteratorChanged(DCIteratorBinding iterBnd, boolean refresh)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
 void processException(JboException ex)
          Matches a control-binding with the exception or one of it's detail exceptions if the exception or one of it's detail excpetions is an AttrValException and the control-binding is bound to that attribute.
protected  void processRegionBindingException(JboException ex)
          In Swing, suppress multiple error dialogs.
protected  void rangeRefreshed(DCIteratorBinding iter, RangeRefreshEvent event)
          Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rangeRefreshed Event from BC4J RowSetIterator
protected  void rangeScrolled(DCIteratorBinding iter, ScrollEvent event)
          Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rangeScrolled Event from BC4J RowSetIterator
 void release(int flags)
          Applications should release the DataControl which will end up calling this method for all binding containers in the datacontrol.
 void releaseDataControl()
 void removeBindingWithCellEditor(JUPanelStopEditingListener binding)
          Removes a listener from the list.
 void removeIteratorChangedListener(JUIteratorChangedListener l)
          Remove a listener from this list.
 void removeRowSetListener(JUPanelRowSetListener l)
          Removes the given listener from this panel's RowSet listeners list.
 void requestRefreshControl()
          Called by bindings that may have changed model properties and need a refresh of the model/whole bindingContainer.
protected  void resetExceptionState()
          Advanced for internal framework use only Overridden for package access.
protected  void rowDeleted(DCIteratorBinding iter, DeleteEvent event)
          Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rowDeleted Event from BC4J RowSetIterator
protected  void rowInserted(DCIteratorBinding iter, InsertEvent event)
          Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rowInserted Event from BC4J RowSetIterator
protected  void rowUpdated(DCIteratorBinding iter, UpdateEvent event)
          Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rowUpdated Event from BC4J RowSetIterator
 void setApplication(JUApplication app)
          *** For internal framework use only *** Sets the ApplicationModule reference
 void setEditingStopped(boolean flag)
          Component/control bindings should set this flag false to indicate that stopEditing() call on them failed.
 void setFindMode(boolean mode)
          Sets this panel and all its associated iterators into find mode.
 void setPanel(java.lang.Object panel)
          Sets the given object as the JPanel object associated with this panel binding.
 JUPanelBinding setup(BindingContext ctx, java.lang.Object panel)
 void stopEditing()
          Notifies all JUPanelStopEditingListeners to stop editing, so that their values can be updated with new set of data.
protected  void useDefaultDataControl(BindingContext ctx)
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUFormBinding
addIterBinding, addIterBinding, addNavigationBar, addStatusBarInterface, clearIterBindings, createIteratorBinding, displayInShortForm, displayStatus, displayStatus, ensureVariableManager, findControlBinding, findCtrlValueBinding, findIterBinding, getApplication, getControlBinding, getControlType, getDisplayHeight, getDisplayHint, getDisplayWidth, getExceptionsListInternal, getHint, getHint, getOrderedVOUsageList, getPanel, getRangeIterBinding, getRowIterBinding, hasFormatInformation, initializeViewComponent, internalGetDataControl, prepareRegionForHierNodeIterator, removeIterBinding, removeNavigationBar, removeStatusBarInterface, removeViewScopeErrorState, setPanelInternal
Methods inherited from class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer
_internal_dbg_debug_data, addBindingContainerChangeListenerForCtxEvent, addChangeListener, addControlBinding, addControlBinding, addExecutableBinding, addExecutableBinding, addIteratorBinding, addIteratorBinding, addNestedBindingContainer, addRegionListener, addStatusBarInterface, addValidationListener, afterSetAttribute, aliasExists, beforeCurrencyChange, beforeSaveTransaction, beforeSetAttribute, bindingContext, cacheException, callAfterRowNavigated, callAfterSetAttribute, callBeforeSetAttribute, clearExecutableBindings, clearIteratorBindings, createEventDispatcherInstance, displayStatus, endRequest, evaluateParameter, execute, executeIfNeeded, findCtrlBinding, findDataControl, findExecutableBinding, findIteratorBinding, findNamedObject, findParameter, findRegionBinding, finishedProcessingPiggyback, getActionProcessor, getAllIterBindingList, getAppDefName, getApplicationModule, getAttributeBindings, getBindingContext, getChangeListeners, getControlBinding, getControlBindings, getCtrlBinding, getCtrlBinding, getCtrlBindingList, getDataControl, getDCFrameName, getDef, getEditingMode, getEventDispatcher, getEventMapDef, getExceptionDisplayMessage, getExceptionsList, getExecutableBindings, getExecutableDef, getExecutableType, getFullName, getGuardingPermission, getIteratorBinding, getIteratorBinding, getIterBindingList, getIterBindings, getLocaleContext, getMessageBundleClass, getOperationBinding, getOperationBindings, getOrderedVOUsageList, getParameterAlias, getParametersList, getParametersMap, getPermission, getPermissionInfo, getRegionBindings, getRegionContainer, getRegionController, getRegionListeners, getResourceBundleDef, getRootBindingContainer, getState, getStateToken, getStateTokenId, getTransientRefreshFlag, getTransientRefreshType, getValidationLevel, getValidationListeners, getVariableManager, getVariableManagerOwner, getViewableFlagInternal, getViewComponent, handleException, handleWarning, hasDefinitionBeenUpdated, hasExceptions, hashCode, hasRefreshParametersChanged, hasVariables, hasVetoWarning, ignoreExceptionForDisplay, initializeFromDef, internalGet, internalRefreshControl, invokeCustomValidation, isAppInPollingDCEMode, isBeingPersonalized, isDCEventsNotStarted, isErrorHandlerActive, isExecuteOnRollback, isFindMode, isInRefreshRegion, isReleased, isReleaseOnEndRequest, isSkipValidation, isTokenValidationEnabled, isViewable, maybePrintAppDefNameDiagnostic, processContextualEvents, processFormToken, processInputValues, putVetoWarning, recreateRegionBinding, refresh, refresh, refreshControl, refreshIfNeeded, release, removeChangeListener, removeControlBinding, removeControlBinding, removeExecutableBinding, removeIteratorBinding, removeParameter, removeParameter, removeParameterExpression, removeRegionListener, removeStatusBarInterface, removeValidationListener, reportException, resetInputState, restoreFromState, setAppDefName, setApplicationModule, setBindingContext, setDataControl, setDef, setEnableTokenValidation, setErrorHandlerActive, setEventDispatcher, setEventMapDef, setExecuteOnRollback, setFindMode, setIsBeingPersonalized, setParameterExpression, setParameterValues, setRegionController, setReleaseOnEndRequest, setSkipValidation, setValidationLevel, setViewable, setViewableFlagInternal, setViewComponentInternal, startDCEvents, stopDCEvents, toString, updateName, usesDef, validate, validateInputValues, validateReferredDataControls, validateToken
Methods inherited from class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCExecutableBinding
addDependentExecutable, get, getBindingContainer, getDependents, getName, getPermissionTargetName, getRefreshExpression, getRefreshOption, isRefreshable, isRefreshed, removeDependentExecutable, resetDependentsRefresh, setBindingContainer, setExecutableDef, setName, setRefreshed, setRefreshExpression, setRefreshOption
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.JboAbstractMap
entrySet, equals, internalPut, put, setThrowIfPropertyNotFoundOnGet
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
clear, clone, containsKey, containsValue, isEmpty, keySet, putAll, remove, size, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.binding.BindingContainer
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
clear, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, equals, get, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.VariableManagerOwner

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String mAppName


protected java.util.ArrayList mIteratorChangedListeners
Constructor Detail


public JUPanelBinding()
*** For internal framework use only ***


public JUPanelBinding(javax.swing.JPanel panel)
Applications should use this constructor to create a panel binding and associate it with a swing JPanel object. The binding thus created needs to be added to a JUApplication object and is not completely usable until then.


public JUPanelBinding(java.lang.String name)
Temporary placeholder panelBinding created by wizard.


public JUPanelBinding(java.lang.String appName,
                      javax.swing.JPanel panel)
Creates an instance of this class, associating it with a JPanel object and a JUApplication identified by appName. This constructor is used in the JClient design time generated code to pass in the name of the Application Model definition name that identifies the middle-tier (BC4J) connection and configuration information.


public JUPanelBinding(java.lang.String appName,
                      java.lang.String amName,
                      javax.swing.JPanel panel)
Creates an instance of this class, associating it with a JPanel object and a JUApplication identified by appName. This constructor is used in the JClient design time generated code to pass in the name of the Application Model definition name that identifies the middle-tier (BC4J) connection and configuration information. This constructor also takes in the application module name in case the BC4J application module for this panel is a nested application module.

Method Detail


public JUPanelBinding setup(BindingContext ctx,
                            java.lang.Object panel)


public void beginDataControls(BindingContext ctx)
*** For internal framework use only *** This method invokes beginRequest(null) on all datacontrols in the current bindingContext. This indicates bean based DCs to initialize their programmatic ApplicationModules which will host the programmatic VOs that work over bean collections.


public void setApplication(JUApplication app)
*** For internal framework use only *** Sets the ApplicationModule reference

setApplication in class JUFormBinding


protected void initializeApplicationModule()
Sets up the JUApplication and Application Module references based on name passed to this object via the constructors or various setter methods.

initializeApplicationModule in class JUFormBinding


public void initializePanel(java.util.ArrayList controls)
*** For internal framework use only ***

initializePanel in class JUFormBinding


protected void resetExceptionState()
Advanced for internal framework use only Overridden for package access.

resetExceptionState in class JUFormBinding


public void bindRowSetIterator(java.lang.String iterBindingName,
                               java.lang.String voInstanceName)
Binds the iterator identified by iterBindingName in this panel with another ViewObject in the current application module identified by the given voInstanceName.


public void bindRowSetIterator(java.lang.String iterBindingName,
                               RowSetIterator rsi)
Binds the iterator identified by iterBindingName in this panel with another iterator. This method notifies all JUIteratorChangeListeners in this panel of the change so that various NavigationBars, Menus, and Status bars can adjust their displays. Applications could register their own JUIteratorChangeListeners so that they get notified of data changes resulting from a change in iterator, thus allowing them to update the displays (like change button enabled state).


public final void notifyIteratorChanged(DCIteratorBinding iterBnd,
                                        boolean refresh)
*** For internal framework use only ***

Notifies all JUIteratorChangedListeners and JUNavigationBarInterface objects registered with this panel of the change in iterator binding. If refresh parameter is true, like when there is a change in the iterator behind the iterator binding instance or a change in data/find mode of the panel, then this method raises a rangeRefreshed event on the iteratorBinding object so that all controls also adjust/udpate their displays.

Called internally by the framework also when an iterator that was bound is no more bound due to some button action. In this case iterBnd is null so that all navbars can disable themselves.

notifyIteratorChanged in class JUFormBinding


public final void addIteratorChangedListener(JUIteratorChangedListener l)
Adds a listener that should be notified when the iterator behind an iterator binding object changes or the display mode changes from find to data mode or the reverse.


public final void removeIteratorChangedListener(JUIteratorChangedListener l)
Remove a listener from this list.


public void focusGained(DCIteratorBinding iterBinding,
                        DCControlBinding binding,
                        int attrIndex)
Notifies the JUApplication object of focusGained event so that it could pass it on to its StatusBarInterface listeners (like JUStatusBar to update status message). Then this method notifies each JUNavigationBarInterface object in this object's list of the change in focus, so that the NavigationBars can adjust their display based on the current iterator binding.

focusGained in class JUFormBinding


public final java.lang.String getApplicationName()
Returns the name of the JUApplication object in which this Panel binding was created.


public final java.lang.String getAppModuleName()
Returns the Application Module instance name to which this Panel binding is connected.


public final boolean isTransactionDirty()
Returns true, if the Transaction behind the associated ApplicationModule has pending changes In three-tier, this method will go across the tier boundary to get the actual middle-tier transaction status.


public final void setPanel(java.lang.Object panel)
Sets the given object as the JPanel object associated with this panel binding.

setPanel in class JUFormBinding


public final java.util.ArrayList getRowSetListeners()
Returns a list of JUPanelRowSetListeners (returns an empty list if no such listener was registered).


public final void addRowSetListener(JUPanelRowSetListener l)
Adds the given listener to this panel's RowSet listeners list.


public final void removeRowSetListener(JUPanelRowSetListener l)
Removes the given listener from this panel's RowSet listeners list.


public void callBeforeRowNavigated(DCIteratorBinding iter)
Forces the current control to stop its editing mode (if used, like in JTable). Calls beforeRowNavigated() method to notify all validation listeners.

callBeforeRowNavigated in class DCBindingContainer


public void callAfterRowNavigated(JUControlBinding ctrl,
                                  DCIteratorBinding iter)
Forces the current control to stop its editing mode (if used, like in JTable). Calls afterRowNavigated() method to notify all change listeners.


public void callBeforeSaveTransaction(DCDataControl dc)
Forces the current control to stop its editing mode (if used, like in JTable). Calls beforeSaveTransaction() method to notify all validation listeners.

callBeforeSaveTransaction in class DCBindingContainer


public void callBeforeSaveTransaction(Transaction txn)
Deprecated. since 9.0.5, Use callBeforeSaveTransaction(DCDataControl)

Available for backward compatiblity only.


protected void rangeRefreshed(DCIteratorBinding iter,
                              RangeRefreshEvent event)
Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rangeRefreshed Event from BC4J RowSetIterator

rangeRefreshed in class JUFormBinding
iter - that received the rangeRefreshed event.
event - a description of the new ranges.


protected void rangeScrolled(DCIteratorBinding iter,
                             ScrollEvent event)
Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rangeScrolled Event from BC4J RowSetIterator

rangeScrolled in class JUFormBinding
iter - that received the rangeScrolled event.
event - a description of the new range.


protected void rowInserted(DCIteratorBinding iter,
                           InsertEvent event)
Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rowInserted Event from BC4J RowSetIterator

rowInserted in class JUFormBinding
iter - that received the rowInserted event.
event - a description of the new Row object.


protected void rowDeleted(DCIteratorBinding iter,
                          DeleteEvent event)
Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rowDeleted Event from BC4J RowSetIterator

rowDeleted in class JUFormBinding
iter - that received the rowDeleted event.
event - a description of the deleted Row object.


protected void rowUpdated(DCIteratorBinding iter,
                          UpdateEvent event)
Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a rowUpdated Event from BC4J RowSetIterator

rowUpdated in class JUFormBinding
iter - that received the rowUpdated event.
event - a description of the modified Row object.


protected void navigated(DCIteratorBinding iter,
                         NavigationEvent event)
Invoked when a JUIteratorBinding receives a navigated Event from BC4J RowSetIterator

navigated in class JUFormBinding
iter - that received the navigated event.
event - a description of the new and previous current rows.


public void setFindMode(boolean mode)
Sets this panel and all its associated iterators into find mode.

setFindMode in class DCBindingContainer


public void addBindingWithCellEditor(JUPanelStopEditingListener binding)
Adds a listener that is interested in notification such that it stops its control's edit process before the panel is moved to a different set of data.


public void removeBindingWithCellEditor(JUPanelStopEditingListener binding)
Removes a listener from the list.


public void stopEditing()
Notifies all JUPanelStopEditingListeners to stop editing, so that their values can be updated with new set of data. This method is invoked before changing the find/data mode, or switching iterators behind an iterator binding, or before committing/rolling back the database transaction.


public boolean isEditingStopped()
Description copied from class: DCBindingContainer
Jclient uses this to indicate if stopEdit completed before datacontrol can proceed with update cycle (commit etc).

isEditingStopped in class DCBindingContainer


public void setEditingStopped(boolean flag)
Component/control bindings should set this flag false to indicate that stopEditing() call on them failed. This flag is reset on the beginning of panelBinding's stopEditing method.


public java.lang.Object bindUIControl(java.lang.String controlBindingName,
                                      java.lang.Object control)
Used by generated code to bind a ui control to the defined binding object in this container identified by 'controlBindingName'. The return value is a Swing model object for that given control.

controlbinding.getControlModel(Object control) from the controlBinding object


public JUPanelBinding findNestedPanelBinding(java.lang.String name)


public void releaseDataControl()


public void release(int flags)
Applications should release the DataControl which will end up calling this method for all binding containers in the datacontrol.

Specified by:
release in interface DCIExecutable
Specified by:
release in interface RegionBinding
release in class DCBindingContainer
flags - could be one of the enumerations in DCDataControl. See DCDataControl.release()


protected void useDefaultDataControl(BindingContext ctx)


public void requestRefreshControl()
Called by bindings that may have changed model properties and need a refresh of the model/whole bindingContainer. Useful in batchmode where after a panel is layed out and it's data is fetched, it may determine that several components need more rows/less rows, change rangesize etc. If so, the components may request refreshControl and then controller may call refreshControl again.


public java.lang.String getTooltip(java.lang.String voName,
                                   java.lang.String attrName,
                                   LocaleContext locale)
Retrives the tooltip text to be used for this attribute.

getTooltip in class JUFormBinding


public java.lang.String getTooltip(java.lang.String voName,
                                   java.lang.String voAttrName,
                                   java.lang.String objectAttrName,
                                   LocaleContext locale)
Retrives the tooltip text to be used for this attribute.

getTooltip in class JUFormBinding


public java.lang.String getLabel(java.lang.String voName,
                                 java.lang.String attrName,
                                 LocaleContext locale)
Retrieves the label to be used in any attribute prompts

getLabel in class JUFormBinding


public java.lang.String getLabel(java.lang.String voName,
                                 java.lang.String voAttrName,
                                 java.lang.String objectAttrName,
                                 LocaleContext locale)
Retrieves the label to be used in any attribute prompts

getLabel in class JUFormBinding


protected void processRegionBindingException(JboException ex)
Description copied from class: DCBindingContainer
In Swing, suppress multiple error dialogs.

processRegionBindingException in class DCBindingContainer


public void processException(JboException ex)
Matches a control-binding with the exception or one of it's detail exceptions if the exception or one of it's detail excpetions is an AttrValException and the control-binding is bound to that attribute.

If the bindingContext is in JClient mode, then this exception is thrown, otherwise the exception is cached at the panelBinding level for the controller to get/access during the page-rendering phase or before invoking the next action.

processException in class DCBindingContainer


protected void internalReportWarning(DCDataControl dc,
                                     JboException warn)
internalReportWarning in class DCBindingContainer

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.