Abstraction for services with user-agent-specific implementations. To get an instance, use AdfAgent.AGENT
Method Summary
public Object |
addBubbleEventListener(Object nodeOrWindow, Object eventType, Object listener)
Adds an event listener that fires in the non-Capture phases for the specified eventType.
public Object |
addEventBubbles(Object node, Object listener)
Adds event listeners for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in to the relevant element using the specified listener
public Object |
addEventCaptures(Node node, Function listener)
Adds event captures for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in to the relevant element using the specified listener.
public Object |
addKeyEventListener(Object element, Object listener)
Adds key event listener to the specified element.
public Object |
addOption(Object element, Object label, Object value, Object selected, Object disabled, Object description, Object index)
some agents don't support disabled options, so override this function if that is the case.
public Object |
addResizeListener(String id, Function listener)
Registers a listener for resize notification on a DOM element by id.
public Object |
Resets any id->element cache when all elements are removed This method should be called AFTER the elements are removed
public Object |
atLeast(Object platform, Object version)
public Object |
autoCompleteForm(Object htmlForm)
public void |
beginDirtyStateTracking(AdfUIComponent component, HTMLElement domElement)
Adds required listeners to be able to track DOM value changes to form elements below the given DOM element.
public Object |
checkMouseOutEvent(Object element, Object evt)
Checks wthether a mouseout event was received by the container when mouse was moved form one of its child elements to another
public Object |
clearSubtreeIds(Object element)
Clear the id of the specified element and its children.
public Event |
cloneEvent(Event event, HTMLElement newTarget)
Clones an event from an existing event for a new target element.
public Node |
cloneNode(Node domNode)
Clones a DOM node.
public Event |
copyEvent(Event event)
Returns a Copy of an event from an existing event.
private Object |
_copyMouseEvent(Object event, Object eventType, Object newTarget)
public Object |
copyStyle(HTMLElement sourceElement, HTMLElement targetElement)
Copies the computed style properties from the source element to the target element
public Object |
Creates and returns the default AdfLogWriter to use for this AdfPage.
protected Object |
CreateDefaultLogWriter(Object nativeLogWriter)
Method for subclasses to override to change the default AdfLogWriter for this agent
protected Object |
Creates and returns the native AdfLogWriter to use for this AdfAgent.
public HTMLElement |
createStyle(String content)
Inserts a new style block into the document using the specified style content.
public AdfTouchMoveManager |
createTouchMoveManager(HTMLElement element, Function handlerCallback, Number touchCount)
Constructs a manager for handling touch movements.
protected Object |
CreateUIInputEvent(Object component, Object type, Object nativeEvent)
public Object |
public Object |
disableBrowserContextMenu(Object ownerDocument, Object disable)
Disables browser's context menu
public Object |
disableUserSelect(Object element)
Disable the user's ability to select text in this component
public Object |
dispatchEvent(Object targetElement, Object event)
Dispatches the specified event to the target, returning whether the dispatch was successful
public Object |
eatEvent(Object evt)
public static Object |
eatEventCallback(Object event)
Static callback handler for consuming a blocked event
public HTMLElement |
elementFromPagePoint(Number pageX, Object pageY, HTMLElement hintElement, Object exclusionContext, Object exclusionCallback)
Returns the topmost element at the give mouse point in Window coordinates.
private Object |
_elementFromPagePointImpl(Object fromElem, Object x, Object y, Object data, Object ignoreParentBounds, Object excludeChild, Object exclusionContext, Object exclusionCallback)
public Object |
elementsAdded(Object element)
Updates any id->element cache by adding the elements in the specified subtree
public Object |
elementsRemoved(Object element)
Updates any id->element cache by removing the elements in the specified subtree
public Object |
enableUserSelect(Object element)
Enable the user's ability to select text in this component
public void |
endDirtyStateTracking(AdfUIComponent component, HTMLElement domElement)
Removes the listeners for dirty state change tracking.
public Object |
endDocumentKeyEventCapture(Object listenerMap, Object focusProxy)
Remove agent-specific techniques for capturing key events for the focusProxy's document
public void |
execScript(Object ownerWindow, Object scriptText)
Executes a script.
public Object |
forceCursorChange(Object ownerDocument)
Force the cursor to change without requiring a mouse move.
public static AdfAgent |
getAgent(Window domWindow)
public Object |
getAttribute(Object node, Object attrName)
public Object |
getAttributeName(Object attr)
public Object |
getBooleanAttribute(Object element, Object attrName, Object defaultValue)
Returns the attribute value as a boolean (if possible).
public String |
getBoxSizing(HTMLElement element, CSSStyleDeclaration currentStyle)
Returns the box model associated with an element (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/#box-sizing)
public Number |
public Number |
public Object |
getComponentEvent(Object component, Object nativeEvent, Object prevComponent)
public Object |
getComputedStyle(Object element)
Tries to return the current style, taking into account the inline styles and style sheets
public static Object |
getCSS2Cursor(Object cursorName)
Returns the CSS2 cursor property value to return for a CSS3 cursor name
public static Object |
getCSSLengthAsInt(Object cssLength)
protected Object |
Returns the map which contains the CSS property name and it's DOM version.
public Object |
getCursor(Object cursorName)
Returns the CSS cursor property value to return for a CSS3 cursor name
public Array<AdfUIComponent> |
getDescendantComponentsForNode(Node node, Array<AdfUIComponent> children)
Get components descended from a node.
public Object |
public String |
getDomForCSSPropertyName(String cssPropertyName)
Returns the DOM property name of the CSS property.
public Object |
public Object |
getElementById(Object id)
Cover function to allow more performant implementations of document.getElementById()
public Object |
getElementLeft(Object element)
Returns the element's left side in Window coordinates
public Object |
getElementPageBounds(Object element)
Return a rectangle object containing the page bounds of an element in top/left/bottom/right form
public Object |
getElementPosition(Object element)
Returns HTML element's coordinates relative to the document's body
public Object |
getElementsByName(Object name)
public Object |
getElementTop(Object element)
Returns the element's top side in Window coordinates
public HTMLElement |
getEventFromElement(Object nativeEvent)
Some events, like the mouseover event, can tell you the dom node being moved from.
private Object |
_getEventRelatedTarget(Object nativeEvent)
public Object |
getEventTarget(Object event)
public HTMLElement |
getEventToElement(Object nativeEvent)
Some events, like the mouseout event, can tell you the dom node being moved to.
public Object |
getExpandoProperty(Object element, Object propertyName, Object defaultValue)
Returns an expando property from the specified element.
public Object |
getFormElement(Object form, Object elementName)
Finds the form element by name.
public Object |
getIntAttribute(Object element, Object attrName, Object defaultValue)
Returns the attribute value as an integer (if possible).
public Object |
getKeyCode(Object keyEvent)
Returns the unicode key code for the given key event.
public Object |
getLocalName(Object element)
public Object |
getModifierDisplayName(Object modifier)
Returns the appropriate platform-specific translated display name for a AdfKeyStroke modifier.
public Object |
getMousePosition(Object evt)
Returns event's mouse coordinates relative to the document
public Object |
getNodeName(HTMLElement element)
This method returns the name of the node in all upper case letters.
public Object |
getNodeXml(Object node)
public Object |
public Object |
getOuterHeight(Object element, Object innerHeight, Object currentStyle)
public Object |
getOuterWidth(Object element, Object innerWidth, Object currentStyle)
public Object |
getOverrideStyle(Object element)
Returns the override style for this element
public Object |
public Object |
Returns the event type that is preferred to be used with the current agent for the purpose of handling repeating key events when the user holds down a key.
public Object |
getPrefix(Object element)
protected Array |
An array of event types used by the addResizeListener and removeResizeListener functions.
public Object |
getSessionStorageProperty(String propKey)
This function returns the value for a given key stored in session storage provide by DOM:storage methods.
public Object |
getStyleProperty(Object style, Object propertyName)
Returns the value of a property for the AdfAgent's style object
public Object |
getTableRow(Object tableElement, Object rowIndex)
Cover to workaround IE8 table.rows bug
public Object |
getTableRowCells(Object tableRow)
Cover to workaround IE8 row.cells bug
public Object |
getTableRows(Object tableElement)
Cover to workaround IE8 table.rows bug
public Object |
getTextContent(Object node)
Returns the text content of a Node, as per DOM-level 3 spec
public Object |
public Number |
getWindowClientHeight(Window domWindow)
Returns the client (or inner) height of the DOM window Object
public Number |
getWindowClientWidth(Window domWindow)
Returns the client (or inner) width of the DOM window Object
public Object |
Returns the content height of the browser window
public Number |
getWindowScrollHeight(Window domWindow)
Returns the scroll (or canvas) height of the DOM window Object
public Number |
getWindowScrollWidth(Window domWindow)
Returns the scroll (or canvas) width of the DOM window Object
public Object |
Returns the content width of the browser window
public static String |
Guess the OS of the agent
public static Number |
Guess the version of the AdfAgent
public Boolean |
handleCachedPageForNewWindow(String windowName)
Handle Ctrl-N case to check whether a cached page is loaded into the new browser window, if it is, then force the browser to reload the page from server to make sure the new window detection works fine.
protected Object |
Init(Object platform, Object os, Object version, Object domWindow)
Create an instance of an AdfAgent
protected static Object |
public Object |
installKeyboardBlocker(Object ownerDocument, Object install)
Installs the keyboard blocking handlers for the agent.
public Object |
isAttributeSpecified(Object attr)
public Boolean |
isChromeEvent(Event domEvent)
Returns true if the event was on the element chrome
public Boolean |
isClipped(HTMLElement element)
Returns true if the element is clipped
public Boolean |
isDirty(AdfUIComponent component, HTMLElement domElement)
Check, for a component and DOM element watched by dirty state tracking, if the element is dirty.
public Object |
Returns whether or not disabled is supported on an option tag
public Object |
isElementHTML(Object element)
public Object |
isEqualIcon(Object firstIcon, Object secondIcon)
IE's img icons innerHTML can be different.
public Object |
isEventInElement(Object event, Object element)
Returns true if the event occurs inside the specified element
public Object |
isFunctionKey(Object keyEvent)
Returns whether the event's keycode should be considered as a function key.
private static Object |
_isGeckoAgentSupported(Object agentName, Object geckoVersion)
public Boolean |
Determines if a particular agent should support auto repositioning of inline dialogs on document scroll.
public Object |
isLeftButton(Object evt)
public Object |
isLeftButtonClick(Object evt)
Tests whether event is a left button click event.
public Object |
isMouseEvent(Object event)
Returns true iof the event is a mouse event
public Boolean |
isSelectionToggle(Event evt)
Test whether or not the event is a selection event.
public Boolean |
isSessionStorageEnabled(Object propKey)
This function returns a boolean indicating whether the sessionStorage feature is enabled.
public Object |
mapNativeToComponentEventType(Object eventType)
Maps a native event type to a component event type
public Object |
modifyIdsInDomSubTree(HTMLElement subTreeRoot, Object prepend, Object idString)
Modify the ID values for every element in the given DOM sub tree.
private Object |
_onResizeHandler(Event event)
Callback handler invoked by a resize event.
private static Object |
_onResizeHandlerTimeout(Object state)
The delayed on resize handler uses the dom id to locate the associated node and agent state.
private static Object |
_parseFloatVersion(Object agentName, Object versionNumberPattern)
public Object |
parseXML(Object xmlString)
Parses XML string into a DOM document
public Object |
pointInElementBounds(Object element, Object pageX, Object pageY)
Returns true if the specified point in page space is in the bounds of this element
public Boolean |
pointInElementChrome(HTMLElement element, Number pageX, Number pageY)
Returns true if the point in page coordinates is over element chrome on the specified component
public Object |
pointInElementOrChildBounds(HTMLElement element, Number pageX, Number pageY)
Returns true if the specified point in page space is in the bounds of this element or one of its non-absolute children elements.
public Object |
prepareStretchedChild(Object childElement, Object parentPadding)
Prepares a child for stretching.
public Object |
preventDefault(Object evt)
public static Object |
preventDefaultCallback(Object event)
Static callback handler for preventing the default action
public Object |
removeBubbleEventListener(Object nodeOrWindow, Object eventType, Object listener)
Removes an event listener that fired in the non-Capture phases for the specified eventType
public Object |
removeEventBubbles(Object node, Object listener)
Removes event listeners for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in from the relevant element using the specified listener
public Object |
removeEventCaptures(Node node, Object listener)
Removes event captures for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in to the relevant element using the specified listener
public Object |
removeIdsFromDomSubTree(HTMLElement subTreeRoot)
Removes all of the ID values from every element in the given DOM sub tree.
public Object |
removeKeyEventListener(Object element, Object listener)
Removes the key event listener from the specified element.
public Object |
removeResizeListener(String id)
Unregisters a resize listener by node id.
public Object |
removeSessionStorageProperty(String propKey)
This function removes key/value pair stored in session storage provide by DOM:storage methods.
public Object |
removeStyleProperty(Object element, Object styleProperty)
remove a styleProperty set on this element
public Object |
replaceNode(Object sourceNode, Object targetNode)
public Object |
repositionStretchedElement(Object element, Object topPixels, Object bottomPixels, Object leftPixels, Object rightPixels)
In certain cases a geometry managing peer may need to explicitly re-position a stretched element which was originally stretched on the server.
public Object |
resizeStretchedChild(Object childElement, Object parentPadding)
Resizes the specified child element to fill its parent's content space.
public Object |
resizeStretchedElement(Object element, Object width, Object height)
Resizes the element to fill the specified width and height.
public Object |
scrollToPos(Object element, Object posX, Object posY)
Scrolls the element to the specified position (in pixels).
public Object |
setAttribute(Object element, Object attrName, Object attrValue)
public Object |
setButtonTextContent(Object node, Object newText)
By default use the setTextContent implementation as the setButtonTextContent implementation.
public Object |
setCssFloat(Object element, Object value)
public Object |
setCursor(HTMLElement domElement, Object cursor)
Sets the cursor on the specified DOM ELement.
public void |
setDirty(AdfUIComponent component, HTMLElement domElement, Boolean dirty)
Manually mark an element's dirty state.
public Object |
setExpandoProperty(Object element, Object propertyName, Object propertyValue)
Sets an expando property on the specified element.
public Object |
setImageSource(Object img, Object src)
Sets the image source.
public Object |
setImageTooltip(Object img, Object tooltip)
Sets the image tooltip
public Object |
setOpacity(Object element, Object opacityPercent)
sets opacity of a DOM element
public Object |
setOuterHeight(Object element, Object outerHeight)
public Object |
setOuterWidth(Object element, Object outerWidth)
public Object |
setSessionStorageProperty(String propKey, String propValue)
This function stores the key/value pair in session storage provide by DOM:storage methods.
public Object |
setTableRowHeight(Object row, Object height)
public Object |
setTextContent(Object node, Object newText)
Sets the text content of a Node, as per DOM-level 3 spec
public Object |
showBusyCursor(Object ownerDocument, Object show)
Displays busy/default cursor.
public Object |
startDocumentKeyEventCapture(Object listenerMap, Object focusProxy)
Use agent-specific techniques for capturing key events for the focusProxy's document
public Object |
startMouseEventCapture(Object listenerMap)
Starts capturing mouse events and installs event listeners.
public Object |
stopMouseEventCapture(Object listenerMap)
Stops mouse events capture and removes event listeners.
public Object |
stopPropagation(Object evt)
private Object |
_valueChangeHandler(Object event)