JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 2 (
FRAMES NO FRAMES All Classes Warning: private items are visible
Class Object
Direct Known Subclasses:
AdfAssert , AdfBootstrap , AdfCheckpoint , AdfCollections , AdfComponentFocusEvent , AdfDhtmlDialogPeer , AdfDhtmlInputChooseBindingUtils , AdfDhtmlPanelWindowPeer , AdfDomComponentFocusEvent , AdfDomUtils , AdfEventUtils , AdfFocusUtils , AdfInputFileUtils , AdfLogRecord , AdfMissingConverter , AdfObject , AdfPopupScopingUtils , AdfProfiler , AdfProfilerDataDetail , AdfProfilerGUI , AdfRichActiveOutputText , AdfShuttleUtils , AdfStrings , AdfStyleUtils , AdfSubIdUtils , AdfUICalendar , AdfUIChart , AdfUIChoose , AdfUICollection , AdfUIColumn , AdfUICommand , AdfUIComponentRef , AdfUIComponents , AdfUIDecorateCollection , AdfUIDialog , AdfUIDocument , AdfUIForm , AdfUIGo , AdfUIGroup , AdfUIInclude , AdfUIMenu , AdfUIMessage , AdfUIMessages , AdfUIObject , AdfUIPanel , AdfUIPoll , AdfUIPopup , AdfUIProgress , AdfUIQuery , AdfUIRegion , AdfUIReset , AdfUISelectItem , AdfUISelectRange , AdfUIShowDetail , AdfUIShowMany , AdfUIShowOne , AdfUISingleStep , AdfUISubform , AdfUISwitcher , AdfUIUtils , AdfUIValue , Arguments , Array , Attr , Boolean , Date , Date , DocumentEvent , DOMException , DOMImplementation , Element , Error , EvalError , Event , EventException , EventListener , EventTarget , Function , Global , Math , NamedNodeMap , Node , NodeList , Number , RangeError , ReferenceError , RegExp , String , SyntaxError , TypeError , URIError
public class Object
The native browser JavaScript object used to store multiple mappings of values in a single variable.
An instance can also be created with the shorthand {}
Note that this object is implemented and supported by the web browser and results of its use may vary.
Constructor Summary
Object ()
The native browser JavaScript object used to store multiple mappings of values in a single variable.
public Function constructor
The function that created the object.
public Object prototype
The instance properties and instance methods for the object.
public Object ()
The native browser JavaScript object used to store multiple mappings of values in a single variable.
An instance can also be created with the shorthand {}
Note that this object is implemented and supported by the web browser and results of its use may vary.
Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 2 (
FRAMES NO FRAMES All Classes Warning: private items are visible
Generated on 2011.04.27 02:28 UTC
Copyright (c) 1998, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.