Overriden to handle panelAccordion and panelTabbed disclosure cases where a disclosure events need to be handed in pairs (one disclosed and one undisclosed).
Get function for attribute for 'disclosedTransient'. This attribute is secured. You may get it, but you may not set it. Any changes to this attribute will not be transmitted to the server.
Get function for attribute for 'disclosureListener'. This attribute is secured. You may get it, but you may not set it. Any changes to this attribute will not be transmitted to the server.
Get function for attribute for 'immediate'. This attribute is secured. You may get it, but you may not set it. Any changes to this attribute will not be transmitted to the server.
Overriden to handle panelAccordion and panelTabbed disclosure cases where a disclosure events need to be handed in pairs (one disclosed and one undisclosed). This is always the case for panelTabbed and sometimes the case for panelAccordion.