Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces 11g Release 2 ( E17489-01 |
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org.ecmascript.object.Object | +--oracle.adf.view.js.base.AdfObject | +--oracle.adf.view.js.logging.AdfLogWriter
public abstract class AdfLogWriter extends AdfObject
Field Summary |
private Object |
private Object |
Fields inherited from oracle.adf.view.js.base.AdfObject |
constructor, superclass |
Fields inherited from org.ecmascript.object.Object |
prototype |
Method Summary |
protected Object |
public Object |
public Object |
protected Object |
protected Object |
protected String |
protected Object |
protected Object |
public Object |
protected Object |
public Object |
protected Object |
public Object |
Methods inherited from oracle.adf.view.js.base.AdfObject |
adopt, clone, createCallback, createInitializedObject, createSubclass, ensureClassInitialization, equals, getClass, GetLazyArrayProperty, GetLazyMapProperty, getTypeName, toDebugString, toString |
Field Detail |
private Object _closed
private Object _filter
Method Detail |
protected Object CheckIfClosed()
public Object close()
The close method will perform a flush and then close the AdfLogWriter. After close has been called this AdfLogWriter should no longer be used. Method calls may either be silently ignored or may throw runtime exceptions.
public Object flush()
protected Object FormatError(Object error)
error |
protected Object FormatLevel(Object level)
level |
protected String FormatLogRecord(AdfLogRecord logRecord)
logRecord |
- | to format |
- Formatted stringprotected Object FormatMessage(Object message)
message |
protected Object FormatWhen(Object when)
when |
public Object getFilter()
protected Object Init()
public Object publish(Object record)
The logging request was made initially to a AdfLogger object, which initialized the AdfLogRecord and forwarded it here.
The AdfLogWriter is responsible for formatting the message, when and if necessary. The formatting should include localization.
Subclasses content to let the AdfLogWriter superclass execute the filter can override PublishImpl
instead of publish
record |
- | description of the log event |
protected Object PublishImpl(Object record)
record |
public Object setFilter(Object newFilter)
newFilter |
Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces 11g Release 2 ( E17489-01 |
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