Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces 11g Release 2 ( E17489-01 |
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org.ecmascript.object.Object | +--oracle.adf.view.js.base.AdfObject | +--oracle.adfinternal.view.js.comm.AdfDataTransferService
public class AdfDataTransferService extends AdfObject
Field Summary |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private Object |
private Object |
private Object |
public static Object |
public static Object |
private Object |
private static Object |
private Object |
public static Object |
private Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
Fields inherited from oracle.adf.view.js.base.AdfObject |
constructor, superclass |
Fields inherited from org.ecmascript.object.Object |
prototype |
Constructor Summary |
public |
Method Summary |
private Object |
public Object |
private static Object |
private Object |
private Object |
private Object |
private Object |
private static Object |
public Object |
private Object |
private Object |
private Object |
private Object |
private Object |
public Object |
public static Object |
private Object |
private Object |
protected Object |
protected static Object |
public Object |
private Object |
public Object |
private Object |
public Object |
public Object |
private static Object |
private Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
private Object |
public Boolean |
Methods inherited from oracle.adf.view.js.base.AdfObject |
adopt, clone, createCallback, createInitializedObject, createSubclass, ensureClassInitialization, equals, getClass, GetLazyArrayProperty, GetLazyMapProperty, getTypeName, toDebugString, toString |
Field Detail |
private static Object _ADF_STREAMING_IFRAME_ID
private static Object _MULTIPART_FRAME
private static Object _MULTIPART_TYPE
private static Object _POLLING_TYPE
private Object _reqCount
private Object _requestQueue
private Object _state
public static Object STATE_BUSY
public static Object STATE_READY
private Object _stateChangeListeners
private static Object _STREAMING_TYPE
private Object _streamingCount
public static Object TRANSFER_COMPLETE
private Object _window
private static Object _WINDOW_PARAM
private static Object _XMLHTTP_TYPE
Constructor Detail |
public AdfDataTransferService(Object domWindow)
domWindow |
Method Detail |
private Object _addRequestToQueue(Object type,
Object context,
Object actionURL,
Object headerParams,
Object content,
Object listeners,
Object minBusyState)
type |
- | the type of the request |
context |
- | any object that is sent back to the callback when the request is complete. This object can be null. |
actionURL |
- | the url to send the request to |
headerParams |
- | Option HTTP header parameters to attach to the request |
content |
- | the content of the Asynchronous XML HTTP Post |
listeners |
- | Objects that implements DataTransferRequestListener interface |
minBusyState |
- | the minimum value of the busy state required for request to be sent to the server. Most requests will use STATE_READY (0), but streaming will be allowed to proceed with TRANSFER_COMPLETE(1) (see bug #7257216) |
public Object addStateChangeListener(Function listener,
Object instance)
listener |
- | listener function to remove |
instance |
- | to pass as this when calling function |
private static Object _alertError(Object statusCode)
statusCode |
private Object _appendParamNode(Object domDocument,
Object form,
Object name,
Object value)
domDocument |
form |
name |
value |
private Object _broadcastRequestStatusChanged(Object listeners,
Object event)
listeners |
event |
private Object _broadcastStateChangeEvent(Object state)
state |
private Object _clearParamNodes()
private static Object _DataTransferRequest(Object type,
Object context,
Object actionURL,
Object headerParams,
Object content,
Object listeners)
type |
context |
actionURL |
headerParams |
content |
listeners |
public Object dispose()
private Object _doStreamingTransfer(Object requestItem)
requestItem |
private Object _doTransfer()
private Object _doTransferThroughIframe(Object requestItem)
requestItem |
private Object _doXmlHttpTransfer(Object requestItem,
Object callback)
requestItem |
- | the current request item object from the underlying queue |
callback |
- | custom callback to be executed once the request is done |
private Object _getDomDocument()
public Object getDTSState()
public static Object getInstance()
private Object _handleIFrameLoad()
private Object _handleRequestCallback(Object xmlHttp)
xmlHttp |
protected Object Init(Object domWindow)
domWindow |
protected static Object InitClass()
public Object notifyStreamingRequestComplete()
private Object _onIFrameLoadComplete(Object iframeDoc,
Object context,
Object requestListeners)
iframeDoc |
context |
requestListeners |
public Object pageUnloading()
private Object _processedQueuedStreamingMessages()
public Object processStreamingResponse(Object script)
script |
- | script to be executed in the context of the streaming IFRAME |
public Object removeStateChangeListener(Function listener,
Object instance)
listener |
- | listener function to remove |
instance |
- | to pass as this when calling function |
private static Object _requestCallback(Object xmlRequest)
xmlRequest |
private Object _requestDone()
public Object sendMultiPartRequest(Object context,
Object actionURL,
Object htmlForm,
Object params,
Object listeners)
context |
- | any object that is sent back to the callback when the request is complete. This object can be null. |
actionURL |
- | this is the appropriate action url |
htmlForm |
- | the form containing multi-part data. The action attribute of the form is used for send the request to the server |
params |
- | additional parameters that need to be sent to the server |
listeners |
- | Objects that implements DataTransferRequestListener interface |
public Object sendPollingRequest(Object actionURL,
Object listeners)
actionURL |
- | the url to send the request to |
listeners |
- | Objects that implements DataTransferRequestListener interface |
public Object sendRequest(Object context,
Object actionURL,
Object headerParams,
Object content,
Object listeners)
context |
- | any object that is sent back to the callback when the request is complete. This object can be null. |
actionURL |
- | the url to send the request to |
headerParams |
- | Option HTTP header parameters to attach to the request |
content |
- | the content of the Asynchronous XML HTTP Post |
listeners |
- | Objects that implements DataTransferRequestListener interface |
public Object sendStreamingRequest(Object actionURL,
Object params)
actionURL |
- | the url to send the request to |
params |
- | additional request parameters |
private Object _setResponseIdentifierFromResponseHeader(Object request)
request |
- | request object to retrieve response header from |
public Boolean streamingResponsesOutstanding()
- Returns true
if there are still outstanding streaming requests
Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces 11g Release 2 ( E17489-01 |
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