Method Summary
private static Object |
_addBarMenu(String clientId)
Registers this menu as a root menu directly in a menuBar
private static Object |
_addToDetachedMenus(String clientId)
Adds the clientid to the list of detached menu's.
private Object |
_animateReattach(Object reattachPosition)
Animate the detached menu reattach
private static Object |
_animateReattachComplete(Object args)
Callback invoked after animation of detached menu reattach has completed.
private Object |
Returns position where detached menu should reattach.
private Object |
Cancels closing of the popup, if scheduled.
private static Object |
_cancelKeyPress(Event event)
Callback for cancelling the key press on the document in firefox.
public Object |
Override of AdfRichUIPeer#cancelPopup so we can do our own special processing.
public static Object |
If a popup was delayed for showing, this method will cancel the showing.
private Object |
public Object |
close(Object immediate, Object keepSelectedStyle)
Closes this peer's menu.
private Object |
_closeDetachedMenu(Object event)
Close a detached menu.
protected Object |
ComponentDisabledChanged(Object component, Object domElement, Object newValue, Object oldValue)
Setter for disabled property
protected Object |
ComponentRemoved(Object component)
Handles the removal of a component.
protected Object |
ComponentTextChanged(Object component, Object domElement, Object newValue, Object oldValue)
Text property change handler, needed for inline editing.
private Object |
_contains(Object element)
Checks if the given element is in this component.
private Object |
Creates a detachable window for the component.
private Object |
_createMenuPopupHints(Object baseHints, Object focusOnFirstElement)
Given a base set of popup hints, create popup hints for the menu
private Object |
_delayPopupHiding(Object deltaTimeout)
Delays the hiding of the popup, so users can move over other menu-items.
private Object |
Callback for the delaying of hide().
private Object |
Schedule the menu to be shown (opened) after a 300ms delay.
private Object |
Callback for the delaying of show().
private Object |
Remove all highlighting from the menu.
private Object |
Callback that is called on the drag end off a floating submenu
private Object |
Callback that is called on the drag start off a floating submenu.
private Object |
Stops the scrolling of the menu
private static Object |
Focuses the first element in a menuBar.
private static Object |
Key handler call that focuses on the next detached menu (if available).
private Object |
Gets the menu depth
protected Object |
GetInlineEditor(Object event)
Overwriten hook from AdfRichUIPeer.
private Object |
private Object |
Gets the (sub)menu-element.
private Object |
Get the menu item height, which is used for scrolling.
private Object |
Get the menu's popup window (AdfDhtmlPopupMenu).
private Object |
Gets the the id of the first parentNode having an id.
private Object |
Get the shadow anchor for the menu.
private Object |
_handleArrowKeys(Object keyCode, Object componentEvent)
Handler for arrow key events.
protected Object |
HandleComponentBlur(Object componentEvent)
Menus lose highlight on blur.
protected Object |
HandleComponentClick(Object componentEvent)
protected Object |
HandleComponentFocus(Object componentEvent)
Handle component focus.
protected Object |
HandleComponentKeyDown(Object componentEvent)
Component keyboard key down event handler
protected Object |
HandleComponentKeyPress(Object componentEvent)
Component keyboard key press event handler
protected Object |
HandleComponentKeyUp(Object componentEvent)
Component keyboard key up event handler.
protected Object |
HandleComponentMouseDown(Object componentEvent)
protected Object |
HandleComponentMouseOut(Object componentEvent)
protected Object |
HandleComponentMouseOver(Object componentEvent)
protected Object |
HandleComponentMouseUp(Object componentEvent)
private Boolean |
_handleHideRequest(AdfUIComponent component, String clientId)
Common handling for both 'hidePopup' and 'cancelPopup' requests.
private static Object |
_handleMenuItemAccessKeys(Object containerElement, Object componentEvent)
Handle menu item access keys.
private Object |
Hides the fetching data message used during lazy content retrieval
public Object |
Override of AdfRichUIPeer#hidePopup so we can do our own special processing.
protected Object |
Init(Object component)
Initializes the instance.
protected Object |
InitDomElement(Object component, Object domElement)
Initialize the associated domElement when the peer is created.
private Object |
_initElements(Object component, Object clientId, Object menuElement)
protected static Object |
public Object |
Returns true if this is a context type menu (a menu in a popup).
private Object |
Returns if the component is detachable or not
public Object |
Returns true if menu is detached.
private Object |
Returns if the component is disabled or not
private Object |
Returns true if the menu popup is currently visible (open).
public Object |
Returns true if this is a root level menu (a first level menu)
private Object |
Returns true if this is a submenu (i.e., a vertical menu).
private Object |
Changes the state of the popupMenu to the detached state.
private static Object |
_menuBarKeyHandler(Event event)
Handler that focuses the first item in a menuBar if Ctrl+Shift+M is pressed.
private Object |
_moveDetachable(Object x, Object y)
Moves the floating submenu (used for moving floating submenu with keyboard)
private Object |
_moveShadow(Object showShadow)
Move the menu shadow.
private Object |
_onHandleClick(Object event)
Handler for click on detachable menu handle.
protected Object |
PopupClosed(Object component, Object contentDom, Object popupId)
Called from framework when a popup (including menu) is closed.
private Object |
If the menu is currently detached, temporarily reattachs the menu.
private static Object |
Detached menus are temporarily reattached when they are selected from their parent menu.
private static Object |
_removeBarMenu(String clientId)
Unregisters this menu as a root menu directly in a menuBar
private static Object |
_removeFromDetachedMenus(String clientId)
Removes the clientid from the list of detached menu's.
protected Object |
ReplaceDomElement(HTMLElement newElement, HTMLElement oldElement)
Replaces the a dom element contained in this peer.
private Object |
Callback which gets called in an interval when the menu is scrolling
private Object |
_setLazyState(Object newState)
public Object |
setVisibleItems(Object items)
Sets the _maxDisplayItems property.
public Object |
show(Object popupHints, Object focusOnFirstElement)
Shows the menu.
private Object |
Shows fetching data message used during lazy content retrieval.
public Object |
showPopup(Object component, Object element, Object hints, Object popupId)
Shows the menu popup.
private Object |
_showShadow(Object showShadow)
Show or hide the menu shadow.
private Object |
_startScroll(Object isScrollDown, Object isTimerSkipped)
Starts the scrolling of a scrollable menu.
public Object |
Adjusts the state of the scrollUp and scrollDown buttons based on whether or not there is space to scroll in that direction.