Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use IdeSettings
oracle.ide Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. 
oracle.ide.config Contains classes encapsulating JDevelopers's environment settings. 

Uses of IdeSettings in oracle.ide

Methods in oracle.ide that return IdeSettings
static IdeSettings Ide.getSettings()
          Gets the IdeSettings

Uses of IdeSettings in oracle.ide.config

Methods in oracle.ide.config with parameters of type IdeSettings
protected  void IdeSettings.copyToImpl(IdeSettings copy)
protected  boolean IdeSettings.equalsImpl(IdeSettings opt)
          This is a helper method for equals(Object) that can also be used by subclasses that implement equals(Object).

Constructors in oracle.ide.config with parameters of type IdeSettings
IdeSettings(IdeSettings ideSettings)
          Copy constructor.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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