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Oracle Data Mining Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Interface OraPredictiveAnalyticsTaskFactory

All Superinterfaces:

public interface OraPredictiveAnalyticsTaskFactory
extends javax.datamining.Factory

OraPredictiveAnalyticsFactory is the factory class to create predictive analytics tasks, such as predict, explain, and profile.

Predictive analytics tasks simplify developing of data mining applications by automating data mining operations for most common use cases. For example, OraPredictTask generates predictions and its accuracy for the specified target column by using input table details, case identifier, and the target column name as input. It automates the data preparation, model building, testing, and scoring to produce the prediction results that applications can readily consume.

OJDM 11.1.0
See Also:
OraPredictTask, OraExplainTask, OraSegmentTask

Method Summary
 OraExplainTask createExplainTask(java.lang.String inputDataURI, java.lang.String explainColumn, java.lang.String explainResultTableName)
          Creates an instance of OraExplainTask that is used to produce importance and ranks for the columns with respect to the explain column in the input dataset.
 OraPredictTask createPredictTask(java.lang.String inputDataURI, java.lang.String caseID, java.lang.String targetColumn, java.lang.String predictionResultTableName)
          Creates an instance of OraPredictTask that is used to produce predictions for the specified target column in the input dataset as predictions output table.
 OraProfileTask createProfileTask(java.lang.String inputDataURI, java.lang.String targetAttributeName, java.lang.String profileResultTableName)
          Creates an instance of OraProfileTask allows users to segment data based on some target attribute and value.


Method Detail


public OraPredictTask createPredictTask(java.lang.String inputDataURI,
                                        java.lang.String caseID,
                                        java.lang.String targetColumn,
                                        java.lang.String predictionResultTableName)
                                 throws javax.datamining.JDMException
Creates an instance of OraPredictTask that is used to produce predictions for the specified target column in the input dataset as predictions output table. The input consists of a table that has case id column, other predictor columns and a target column. The target column containing the values to predict. The input data must contain some cases in which the target value is known (that is, is not NULL). Cases where the target values are known are used to train models.

Predictions output table has the following fixed columns:

Predictions are returned for all cases in the input data. Predicted values for known cases may be interesting in some situations, for example, to perform deviation analysis, that is, to compare predicted values and actual values.

inputDataURI - input data uri ([schemaName].tableName)
caseID - column with unique entries (like customer id)
targetColumn - column name for which predictions has to be made
predictionResultTableName - prediction results table name


public OraExplainTask createExplainTask(java.lang.String inputDataURI,
                                        java.lang.String explainColumn,
                                        java.lang.String explainResultTableName)
                                 throws javax.datamining.JDMException
Creates an instance of OraExplainTask that is used to produce importance and ranks for the columns with respect to the explain column in the input dataset.

Explain task output table has the following fixed columns:

inputDataURI - input data uri ([schemaName].tableName)
explainColumn - column name with respect to which other columns are ranked
explainResultTableName - explain results table name


public OraProfileTask createProfileTask(java.lang.String inputDataURI,
                                        java.lang.String targetAttributeName,
                                        java.lang.String profileResultTableName)
                                 throws javax.datamining.JDMException
Creates an instance of OraProfileTask allows users to segment data based on some target attribute and value. It will create profiles or rules for records where the specific attribute and value exist, in some sense it can be seen a directed segmentation. E.g. a user may want to understand what attributes customers have in common that responded to the latest promotion offer.
inputDataURI - input data uri ([schemaName].tableName)
targetAttributeName - name of the target column
profileResultTableName - name of the table where the profile results are persisted

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Oracle Data Mining Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


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