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Oracle Data Mining Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Interface OraTextTransform

All Superinterfaces:

public interface OraTextTransform
extends OraTransformation

Text transform is used to convert the text columns to the nested table columns that can be used for data mining. Nested table will have the extracted words/terms as attribute names. For example, let us say CUSTOMER table has "COMMENTS" column of type CLOB. COMMENTS column could have all the comments made by the customer. It is a useful information that can be used for data mining, but CLOB is not a supported data type for the model build. So a text transform need to be performed to convert the CLOB column as a nested column that will have the extracted words from the comments.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCaseId()
          Returns case id column name.
 java.lang.String[] getFeatureTables()
          Returns features tables associated with the text columns.
 java.lang.String[] getTextColumnNames()
          Get the list of text columns that need to be converted to nested columns.
 void setCaseId(java.lang.String caseId)
          Set the case id column for the input dataset
 void setFeatureTables(java.lang.String[] featureTables)
          Set the list of text columns and associated feature tables.
 void setTextColumnList(java.lang.String[] textColumnNames)
          Set the list of text columns that need to be converted to nested columns.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.dmt.jdm.transform.OraTransformation
getExcludeColumnList, getTransformInputData, getTransformOutputData, isOutputView, setExcludeColumnList, setTransformInputData, setTransformOutputData


Method Detail


public void setTextColumnList(java.lang.String[] textColumnNames)
Set the list of text columns that need to be converted to nested columns.
textColumnNames -


public java.lang.String[] getTextColumnNames()
Get the list of text columns that need to be converted to nested columns.


public void setFeatureTables(java.lang.String[] featureTables)
Set the list of text columns and associated feature tables. Feature tables must be in the same order as the specified text columns.
featureTables -


public java.lang.String[] getFeatureTables()
Returns features tables associated with the text columns.


public void setCaseId(java.lang.String caseId)
Set the case id column for the input dataset
caseId - case column name


public java.lang.String getCaseId()
Returns case id column name.
String caseid column name

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Oracle Data Mining Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


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