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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Interface Cursor

All Known Subinterfaces:
CompoundCursor, ValueCursor

public interface Cursor

An interface for objects that provide access to the result set of a query. A query is represented by a Source. A Cursor communicates the query to Oracle OLAP and fetches the resulting data.

At any time, one element of a Cursor is in the current position of the Cursor. The getPosition method returns the current position and the setPosition and next methods change the current position. The extent of a Cursor is the total number of positions of the Cursor.

An Source is associated with a Transaction. A Source is active in the Transaction with which it is associated or in a descendent of that Transaction. Before an application can create a Cursor for a Source, the current Transaction must be the one with which the Source is associated or it must be a descendent of that Transaction. For more information on transactions, see the TransactionProvider interface.

An application creates a Cursor for a Source by calling the createCursor method of a CursorManager. The following example demonstrates creating a Cursor for a Source named query.

 CursorManager cursorManager = dataProvider.createCursorManager(query);
 Cursor cursor = cursorManager.createCursor();

An application can create more than one Cursor from the same CursorManager. It would do this if, for example, it wanted to display different views of the same data.

The Cursor interface has two subinterfaces: CompoundCursor and ValueCursor. The type of Cursor returned by the createCursor method is determined by the structure of the Source for the Cursor. If the Source for the Cursor has no outputs, then the Cursor has only one set of values and the createCursor method returns a ValueCursor, the elements of which have the values specified by the Source. If the Source has one or more outputs, then the createCursor method returns a CompoundCursor.

A CompoundCursor has two or more child Cursor objects. The children are the base ValueCursor for the CompoundCursor and a Cursor object for each output of the Source. If the output of the Source is a Source that itself has one or more outputs, then the child Cursor for that output is another CompoundCursor. If the output is a Source that has no outputs, then the child Cursor is a ValueCursor. Each position of a CompoundCursor specifies a position for each of the ValueCursor objects in the tree of the descendents of the CompoundCursor.

An application can affect the behavior of a Cursor by creating a CursorSpecification, which implements the CursorInfoSpecification interface. An application creates a CursorInfoSpecification with the createCursorInfoSpecification method of a DataProvider. With a CursorSpecification, an application can specify whether Oracle OLAP calculates the extent of a Cursor or the starting and ending positions of the current value of a child Cursor in the parent Cursor. If a CursorSpecification specifies those calculations, then the application can retrieve information with the getExtent, getParentStart, or getParentEnd methods. By subtracting the starting position of the current value of a child in the parent from the ending position of the value and adding one, you can calculate the range of positions, or span, of the value of the child Cursor.

The extent of a child ValueCursor in a parent CompoundCursor is the number of positions the ValueCursor has for the set of values specified by the other ValueCursor descendents. For example, if a Source defines the result set for a measure, which has only one value for any set of values of the dimensions of the measure, then the ValueCursor that has the values of the measure has only one position for any one set of output values. The extent of that ValueCursor is, therefore, always 1.

The fetch size of a Cursor specifies the number of elements of the Cursor that Oracle OLAP sends to the client application during a single fetch from the data store. If the CursorSpecification for the Cursor is set to specify the default fetch size, you can retrieve the fetch size by calling the getFetchSize method. You can change the fetch size by calling the setFetchSize method.

Some Source objects cannot have a Cursor. You cannot retrieve results with a Cursor for a Source if one of the following is true:

Field Summary
          A constant value returned by the getDefaultFetchSize method of a CursorSpecification object if the default fetch size is not specified by the CursorSpecification.


Method Summary
 long getExtent()
          Gets the total number of positions of the Cursor if the CursorSpecification associated with the Cursor is set to calculate the extent.
 int getFetchSize()
          Gets the fetch size for the Cursor if the CursorSpecification for the Cursor is set to specify the fetch size.
 long getParentEnd()
          Gets the position in the parent Cursor at which the current element of the child Cursor ends if the CursorSpecification for the Cursor is set to calculate the ending position.
 long getParentStart()
          Gets the position in the parent Cursor at which the current element of the child Cursor begins if the CursorSpecification for the Cursor is set to calculate the beginning position.
 long getPosition()
          Gets the current position of the Cursor.
 SourceIdentifier getSource()
          Gets the SourceIdentifier for the Cursor.
 boolean next()
          Advances the position of the Cursor to the next element if the current position is not the last position of the Cursor.
 void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)
          Specifies the fetch size for the Cursor if the CursorSpecification for the Cursor is set to specify the fetch size.
 void setPosition(long position)
          Specifies a position to set as the current position of the Cursor.


Field Detail


A constant value returned by the getDefaultFetchSize method of a CursorSpecification object if the default fetch size is not specified by the CursorSpecification.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


SourceIdentifier getSource()
Gets the SourceIdentifier for the Cursor.
The SourceIdentifier for the Cursor.


long getPosition()
Gets the current position of the Cursor.
The current position of the Cursor.


void setPosition(long position)
                 throws PositionOutOfBoundsException
Specifies a position to set as the current position of the Cursor.
position - The position to set as the current position of the Cursor.
PositionOutOfBoundsException - Indicates that the specified position is not valid.


boolean next()
Advances the position of the Cursor to the next element if the current position is not the last position of the Cursor.
true when the method successfully advances the position of the Cursor and false when it does not.


long getExtent()
               throws NotSpecifiedException
Gets the total number of positions of the Cursor if the CursorSpecification associated with the Cursor is set to calculate the extent. The extent of a ValueCursor that is a descendent in a CompoundCursor is determined by the values of the other outputs.
The total number of positions of the Cursor.
NotSpecifiedException - Indicates that the CursorSpecification does not specify calculating the extent.


long getParentStart()
                    throws NotSpecifiedException
Gets the position in the parent Cursor at which the current element of the child Cursor begins if the CursorSpecification for the Cursor is set to calculate the beginning position.
The position in the parent Cursor at which the current element of the child Cursor begins.
NotSpecifiedException - Indicates that the CursorSpecification does not specify calculating the beginning position.


long getParentEnd()
                  throws NotSpecifiedException
Gets the position in the parent Cursor at which the current element of the child Cursor ends if the CursorSpecification for the Cursor is set to calculate the ending position.
The position in the parent Cursor at which the current element of the child Cursor ends.
NotSpecifiedException - Indicates that the CursorSpecification does not specify calculating the ending position.


int getFetchSize()
                 throws NotSpecifiedException
Gets the fetch size for the Cursor if the CursorSpecification for the Cursor is set to specify the fetch size.
The fetch size specified for the Cursor.


void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)
                  throws NotSpecifiedException
Specifies the fetch size for the Cursor if the CursorSpecification for the Cursor is set to specify the fetch size.
fetchSize - The fetch size to specify for the Cursor.
NotSpecifiedException - Indicates that the CursorSpecification does not specify setting a fetch size.

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