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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Interface CursorManager

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface CursorManager

An interface for an object that creates and manages Cursor objects. An implementation of CursorManager has methods that create a Cursor, get or set the fetch size for the Cursor objects created by it, and get the Source associated with it.

To create a CursorManager, call the createCursorManager method of a DataProvider. An application can create more than one Cursor from the same CursorManager. Those Cursor objects share the same data cache. An application might want to create two different Cursor objects if, for example, it wants to display different views of the same data, such as a table view and a graph view.

See Also:
CursorInfoSpecification, DataProvider

Method Summary
 void addCursorManagerUpdateListener(CursorManagerUpdateListener l)
          Adds a CursorManagerUpdateListener to the CursorManager.
 void close()
          Closes the CursorManager and releases the resources associated with it.
 Cursor createCursor()
          Creates a Cursor for the Source associated with the CursorManager.
 int getFetchSize()
          Gets the fetch size for a Cursor created by this CursorManager.
 Source getSource()
          Gets the Source associated with this CursorManager.
 boolean isSpecificationUpdateNeeded()
          Indicates whether the structure has changed of the Source associated with the CursorManager.
 void removeCursorManagerUpdateListener(CursorManagerUpdateListener l)
          Removes a CursorManagerUpdateListener from the list of listeners for the CursorManager.
 void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)
          Specifies the fetch size for Cursor objects created by this CursorManager.
 void updateSpecification(CursorInfoSpecification cursorInfoSpec)
          Replaces the CursorInfoSpecification for this CursorManager with the specified CursorInfoSpecification.


Method Detail


void close()
Closes the CursorManager and releases the resources associated with it. Any Cursor objects created by the CursorManager become unusable.


Cursor createCursor()
Creates a Cursor for the Source associated with the CursorManager.
A Cursor.


boolean isSpecificationUpdateNeeded()
Indicates whether the structure has changed of the Source associated with the CursorManager. If the structure of the Source has changed, then you need to create a new CursoInfoSpecification for the changed Source. You can use the new CursorInfoSpecification to update the specification for the existing CursorManager or use it to create a new CursorManager.
A boolean that is true if the structure of the Source associated with the CursorManager has changed or false otherwise.


void addCursorManagerUpdateListener(CursorManagerUpdateListener l)
Adds a CursorManagerUpdateListener to the CursorManager.
l - The CursorManagerUpdateListener to add to this CursorManager.


void removeCursorManagerUpdateListener(CursorManagerUpdateListener l)
Removes a CursorManagerUpdateListener from the list of listeners for the CursorManager.
l - The CursorManagerUpdateListener to remove from the list of listeners.


Source getSource()
Gets the Source associated with this CursorManager.
The Source for this CursorManager.


void updateSpecification(CursorInfoSpecification cursorInfoSpec)
Replaces the CursorInfoSpecification for this CursorManager with the specified CursorInfoSpecification. When you change the structure of the Source for a CursorManager, the CursorInfoSpecification becomes outdated.

To continue to use this CursorManager, you must create a new CursorInfoSpecification, and call this method and pass in the new CursorInfoSpecification. You can then create new Cursor objects the CursorManager.

cursorInfoSpec - The CursorInfoSpecification with which to replace the current CursorInfoSpecification for this CursorManager.


int getFetchSize()
Gets the fetch size for a Cursor created by this CursorManager.
An integer that is the fetch size for Cursor objects created by this CursorManager.


void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)
Specifies the fetch size for Cursor objects created by this CursorManager.
fetchSize - An integer that is the fetch size you want to specify for Cursor objects created by this CursorManager.

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