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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Interface Model

All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomModel, MdmDimensionCalculationModel, MdmModel

public interface Model

An interface for an object that represents a set of assignments that apply to a Source that has one or more inputs. Each assignment specifies a calculation that supplies a value for the Source. The assigned value can override an existing value.

An OLAP Java API Model is analogous to the SQL MODEL clause. The assignments of an OLAP Java API Model are analogous to the UPDATE RULES in the SQL MODEL clause. Like the SQL MODEL clause, the assignments in an OLAP Java API Model only modify values in the context of a query; they do not change the persistent data itself.

The assignments of a Model are represented by Assignment objects. The assign methods of a Model create Assignment objects and add them to the Model. An Assignment has one or more Qualification objects and an assigned Source. A Qualification specifies an element of a Source that is an input of the Model. That Source is the qualified Source of the Qualification. The assigned Source provides the value that the Oracle OLAP assigns for the set of Qualification objects. For a diagram of the Model class associations, see Model Class Associations.

The Model interface has methods for the following operations.

The type of a Model is the Source for an OLAP Java API data type. The type of a Model must match the type of the Source to which Oracle OLAP assigns the value specified by the Model. The data type of the Model must match the data type of the value that the Model assigns. For example, if the type of the Model is Number, then the Model applies only to NumberSource objects and the assigned Source objects of the Assignment objects of the Model must be NumberSource objects.

An input of a Model is the Source object for a dimension or list that has the elements for which the Model specifies a value. A Model has an input for each Source that is the type or is an input of the Source for the Model. If the Model has more than one input, then adding an Assignment to it requires the use of an assign method that takes an array of Qualification objects or of String values.

An output of a Model is also a Source object. A Model can inherit the Assignment objects of a parent Model. For more information on outputs and parent Model objects, see CustomModel.

The precedence values of the Assignment objects of a Model affect the order in which Oracle OLAP calculates and assigns their values. Oracle OLAP evaluates an Assignment with a higher precedence value before an Assignment with a lower value.

Model objects require the use of unique dimension hierarchy member values. For more information on unique and local dimension hierarchy values, see the Overview.

Method Summary
 void assign(Qualification[] qualifications, Source assigned)
          Creates an Assignment with the default precedence and adds it to the Model.
 void assign(Qualification[] qualifications, Source assigned, int precedence)
          Creates an Assignment with the specified precedence and adds it to the Model.
 void assign(java.lang.String[] values, Source assigned)
          Creates an Assignment with the default precedence and adds it to the Model.
 void assign(java.lang.String[] values, Source assigned, int precedence)
          Creates an Assignment with the specified precedence and adds it to the Model.
 void assign(java.lang.String value, Source assigned)
          Creates an Assignment with the default precedence and adds it to the Model; use this method for a Model that has only one input.
 void assign(java.lang.String value, Source assigned, int precedence)
          Creates an Assignment with the specified precedence and adds it to the Model; use this method for a Model that has only one input.
 Source createSolvedSource()
          Creates a Source that represents the results of the evaluation of the Assignment objects of the Model; elements of the returned Source that do not have an assigned value have a value of null.
 Source createSolvedSource(Source defaultValues)
          Creates a Source that represents the results of the evaluation of the Assignment objects of the Model; elements of the returned Source that do not have an assigned value have the value specified by the defaultValues Source.
 java.util.List getAssignments()
          Gets the Assignment objects of the Model.
 int getDefaultPrecedence()
          Gets the default precedence value for the Model.
 java.util.List getInputs()
          Gets the Source objects that are the inputs of the Model.
 java.util.List getOutputs()
          Gets the Source objects that are the outputs of the Model.
 java.util.List getParentModels()
          Gets the Model objects that are the parents of the Model.
 Source getType()
          Gets the Source for the FundamentalMetadataObject that represents the data type of the Model.
 void setDefaultPrecedence(int precedence)
          Specifies the default precedence, which is the precedence value for Assignment objects that are created by methods that do not specify a precedence value.
 void unassign(Assignment assignment)
          Removes an Assignment from the Model.


Method Detail


Source getType()
Gets the Source for the FundamentalMetadataObject that represents the data type of the Model.
The fundamental Source that is the type of the Model.


java.util.List getInputs()
Gets the Source objects that are the inputs of the Model.
A List of the Source objects that are the inputs of the Model.


java.util.List getOutputs()
Gets the Source objects that are the outputs of the Model. A CustomModel can have outputs. An MdmModel does not have outputs.
A List of the Source objects that are the outputs of the Model.


java.util.List getParentModels()
Gets the Model objects that are the parents of the Model. A Model can inherit the Assignment objects of a parent if the type, the inputs, and any outputs of the Model are the same as those of the parent Model.
A List of the Model objects that are the parent models of the Model.


java.util.List getAssignments()
Gets the Assignment objects of the Model.
A List of the Assignment objects of the Model.


void assign(Qualification[] qualifications,
            Source assigned)
Creates an Assignment with the default precedence and adds it to the Model.
qualifications - An array of Qualification objects, each of which specifies an element of an input Source. The array can include a Qualification for each input of the Model.
assigned - A Source that specifies the value to assign.


void assign(Qualification[] qualifications,
            Source assigned,
            int precedence)
Creates an Assignment with the specified precedence and adds it to the Model.
qualifications - An array of Qualification objects, each of which specifies an element of an input Source. The array can include a Qualification for each input of the Model.
assigned - A Source that specifies the value to assign.
precedence - An integer that specifies a precedence value for the Assignment.


void assign(java.lang.String value,
            Source assigned)
Creates an Assignment with the default precedence and adds it to the Model; use this method for a Model that has only one input.
value - A String that specifies an element of the input Source.
assigned - A Source that specifies the value to assign.


void assign(java.lang.String value,
            Source assigned,
            int precedence)
Creates an Assignment with the specified precedence and adds it to the Model; use this method for a Model that has only one input.
value - A String that specifies an element of the input Source.
assigned - A Source that specifies the value to assign.
precedence - An integer that specifies a precedence value for the Assignment.


void assign(java.lang.String[] values,
            Source assigned)
Creates an Assignment with the default precedence and adds it to the Model.
values - An array of String objects each of which specifies an element of an input Source. The array can include a element for each input of the Model.
assigned - A Source that specifies the value to assign.


void assign(java.lang.String[] values,
            Source assigned,
            int precedence)
Creates an Assignment with the specified precedence and adds it to the Model.
values - An array of String objects each of which specifies an element of an input Source. The array can include a element for each input of the Model.
assigned - A Source that specifies the value to assign.
precedence - An integer that specifies a precedence value for the Assignment.


void unassign(Assignment assignment)
Removes an Assignment from the Model.
assignment - The Assignment to remove.


int getDefaultPrecedence()
Gets the default precedence value for the Model.
An integer that represents the precedence for Assignment objects that are created by methods that do not specify a precedence value.


void setDefaultPrecedence(int precedence)
Specifies the default precedence, which is the precedence value for Assignment objects that are created by methods that do not specify a precedence value.
precedence - An integer value to set as the default precedence.


Source createSolvedSource()
Creates a Source that represents the results of the evaluation of the Assignment objects of the Model; elements of the returned Source that do not have an assigned value have a value of null. The Source has as inputs the Source objects that are the inputs of the Model associated with it.
A Source that represents the results of the evaluation of the Assignment objects of the Model and that has null for unassigned values.


Source createSolvedSource(Source defaultValues)
Creates a Source that represents the results of the evaluation of the Assignment objects of the Model; elements of the returned Source that do not have an assigned value have the value specified by the defaultValues Source. The Source has as inputs the Source objects that are the inputs of the Model associated with it.
defaultValues - A Source that specifies the value to assign for a member of an input when the Assignment objects of the Model do not assign a value for the input member.
A Source that represents the results of the evaluation of the Assignment objects of the Model and that has the value of defaultValues for unassigned values.

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