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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)



Contains classes that construct a query of the data in an Oracle Database.


Interface Summary
CompoundCursorInfoSpecification A CursorInfoSpecification for a Cursor for a Source that has one or more outputs.
CursorInfoSpecification An interface that specifies characteristics of a Cursor.
Model An interface for an object that represents a set of assignments that apply to a Source that has one or more inputs.
SourceGenerator An interface for an object that produces a Source for a Template.
SpecifiedCursorManager A CursorManager that specifies methods for determining whether the SpecifiedCursorManager is open and for getting and setting the input Source objects associated with this SpecifiedCursorManager.
SQLCursorManager An interface for an object that gets the SQL statement that the Oracle OLAP SQL Generator generates for a Source that specifies a query.
ValueCursorInfoSpecification A CursorInfoSpecification for a Cursor for a Source that does not have any outputs.


Class Summary
Assignment An object that belongs to a Model and that represents a calculation, a set of Source elements, and a precedence.
BooleanParameter A Parameter that specifies a boolean value that you use in creating a query.
BooleanSource A Source whose elements have boolean values.
BuildProperties Contains properties that affect a BuildProcess.
BuildResult A container for an integer that identifies a build process in the CUBE_BUILD_LOG table.
CompoundCursorSpecification A CursorSpecification for a Source that has one or more outputs.
CursorSpecification The base class for an object that specifies characteristics of a Cursor for a Source.
CursorSpecificationVisitor A visitor object that can execute operations on CursorSpecification objects.
CustomModel A Model that an application can explicitly create.
DataProvider Creates user sessions for a connection to Oracle OLAP and creates objects that an application uses in getting metadata objects, in specifying queries, and in retrieving data from a data store.
DateParameter A Parameter that specifies a Date value that you use in creating a query.
DateSource A Source whose elements have Date objects as values.
DynamicDefinition A proxy for the SourceDefinition of the Source returned by the SourceGenerator for a Template.
FundamentalMetadataObject An object that represents a data type, function, or function parameter used by the Oracle OLAP Java API.
FundamentalMetadataProvider Provides FundamentalMetadataObject objects that represent OLAP Java API data types.
LiteralQualification A Qualification that specifies a literal value, such as an Integer, Boolean, or String literal, that identifies an element of a Source for an Assignment of a Model.
NumberParameter A Parameter that specifies a number value that you use in creating a query.
NumberSource A Source whose elements have numeric values, which are double, float, int, or short values, or some combination of those values.
Parameter An object that specifies a value that you use in creating a query.
ParameterVisitor A visitor object that can execute operations on Parameter objects.
Qualification An object that specifies a Source and an element of that Source for an Assignment of a Model.
Source The base class of the Oracle OLAP query model.
SourceDefinition Contains information about the origins of the Source with which it is associated.
StringParameter A Parameter that specifies a String value that you use in creating a query.
StringSource A Source that has elements that have String objects as values.
Template The basis for creating a Source that an application can dynamically change.
ValueCursorSpecification A CursorSpecification for the values of a Source.


Exception Summary
BuildWarningsException Indicates that the attempt to build succeeded, but that there are warning messages.
CursorLockException Indicates that the application cannot modify the state of a Template at the moment because the state is locked, which can mean that the state is being modified in another transaction.
DataProviderMismatchException Indicates an attempt to combine Source objects associated with different DataProvider objects.
IncorrectDataValueException Indicates that the data value is incorrect for the attempted operation.
ServerVersionException Indicates that the version of Oracle OLAP on the server does not match the version specified by the client application.
UnmatchedInputsException Indicates that an input of a Source does not have a matching Source.


Package Description

Contains classes that construct a query of the data in an Oracle Database.

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