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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Class NumberSource

  extended by
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class NumberSource
extends Source

A Source whose elements have numeric values, which are double, float, int, or short values, or some combination of those values. Depending on the data type of its values, a NumberSource has an OLAP Java API data type of Double, Float, Integer, Short, or Number.

The NumberSource class implements the following types of methods:

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class


Method Summary
 NumberSource abs()
          Calculates the absolute value of the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource appendValue(double appendValue)
          Appends an element with the specified double value to this NumberSource.
 NumberSource appendValue(float appendValue)
          Appends an element with the specified float value to this NumberSource.
 NumberSource appendValue(int appendValue)
          Appends an element with the specified int value to this NumberSource.
 NumberSource appendValue(short appendValue)
          Appends an element with the specified short value to this NumberSource.
 NumberSource appendValues(double[] appendValues)
          Appends elements with the specified double values to this NumberSource.
 NumberSource appendValues(float[] appendValues)
          Appends elements with the specified float values to this NumberSource.
 NumberSource appendValues(int[] appendValues)
          Appends elements with the specified int values to this NumberSource.
 NumberSource appendValues(short[] appendValues)
          Appends elements with the specified short values to this NumberSource.
 NumberSource arccos()
          Calculates the angle value (in radians) of the value (interpreted as a cosine) of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource arcsin()
          Calculates the angle value (in radians) of the value (interpreted as a sine) of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource arctan()
          Calculates the angle value (in radians) of the value (interpreted as a tangent) of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource average()
          Calculates the average of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource cos()
          Calculates the cosine of the value (interpreted as an angle value in radians) of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource cosh()
          Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the value (interpreted as an angle value in radians) of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource cumulativeAverage(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the average of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset.
 NumberSource cumulativeAverage(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset, MdmLevel resetLevel)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the average of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset, with the cumulative average calculation reset at the level specified by resetLevel.
 NumberSource cumulativeMaximum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the maximum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset.
 NumberSource cumulativeMaximum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset, MdmLevel resetLevel)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the maximum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset, with the cumulative maximum calculation reset at the level specified by resetLevel.
 NumberSource cumulativeMinimum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the minimum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset.
 NumberSource cumulativeMinimum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset, MdmLevel resetLevel)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the minimum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset, with the cumulative minimum calculation reset at the level specified by resetLevel.
 NumberSource cumulativeTotal(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the total of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset.
 NumberSource cumulativeTotal(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset, MdmLevel resetLevel)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the total of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset, with the cumulative total calculation reset at the level specified by resetLevel.
 NumberSource div(double rhs)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified double value.
 NumberSource div(double rhs, boolean safe)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified double value; if safe is true and the divisor is zero, then this method returns null.
 NumberSource div(float rhs)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified float value.
 NumberSource div(float rhs, boolean safe)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified float value; if safe is true and the divisor is zero, then this method returns null.
 NumberSource div(int rhs)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified int value.
 NumberSource div(int rhs, boolean safe)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified int value; if safe is true and the divisor is zero, then this method returns null.
 NumberSource div(NumberSource rhs)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource.
 NumberSource div(NumberSource rhs, boolean safe)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource; if safe is true and a divisor is zero, then this method returns null as the result of the division.
 NumberSource div(short rhs)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified short value.
 NumberSource div(short rhs, boolean safe)
          Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified short value; if safe is true and the divisor is zero, then this method returns null.
 BooleanSource eq(double rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value and determines if the values are equal.
 BooleanSource eq(float rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value and determines if the values are equal.
 BooleanSource eq(int rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value and determines if the values are equal.
 BooleanSource eq(short rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value and determines if the values are equal.
 BooleanSource ge(double rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is a greater or equal value.
 BooleanSource ge(float rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is a greater or equal value.
 BooleanSource ge(int rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is a greater or equal value.
 BooleanSource ge(short rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is a greater or equal value.
 Source getDataType()
          Gets the fundamental Source that represents the OLAP Java API data type of this NumberSource, which can be Double, Float, Integer, Number, or Short, depending on the values of its elements.
 BooleanSource gt(double rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is a greater value.
 BooleanSource gt(float rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is a greater value.
 BooleanSource gt(int rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is a greater value.
 BooleanSource gt(short rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is a greater value.
 NumberSource intpart()
          Identifies the integer portion of the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource lag(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are the offset number of values away from each value of the dimension hierarchy that is at the same level of the hierarchy.
 NumberSource lagDays(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim, int offset)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the day values of timeDim that are the offset number of days away from each day value of timeDim.
 NumberSource lagMonths(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim, int offset)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the month values of timeDim that are the offset number of months away from each month value of timeDim.
 NumberSource lagQuarters(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim, int offset)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the quarter values of timeDim that are the offset number of quarters away from each quarter value of timeDim.
 NumberSource lagWeeks(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim, int offset)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the week values of timeDim that are the offset number of weeks away from each week value of timeDim.
 NumberSource lagYears(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim, int offset)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the year values of timeDim that are the offset number of years away from each year value of timeDim.
 BooleanSource le(double rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is a lesser or equal value.
 BooleanSource le(float rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is a lesser or equal value.
 BooleanSource le(int rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is a lesser or equal value.
 BooleanSource le(short rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is a lesser or equal value.
 NumberSource lead(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int offset)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are the offset number of values away from each value of the dimension hierarchy that is at the same level of the hierarchy.
 NumberSource log()
          Calculates the natural logarithm of the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 BooleanSource lt(double rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is a lesser value.
 BooleanSource lt(float rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is a lesser value.
 BooleanSource lt(int rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is a lesser value.
 BooleanSource lt(short rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is a lesser value.
 NumberSource maximum()
          Identifies the largest value of the elements of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource median()
          Calculates the median values of the elements of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource minimum()
          Identifies the smallest value of the elements of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource minus(double rhs)
          Subtracts the specified double value from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource minus(float rhs)
          Subtracts the specified float value from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource minus(int rhs)
          Subtracts the specified int value from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource minus(NumberSource rhs)
          Subtracts the values of the elments of the specified NumberSource from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource minus(short rhs)
          Subtracts the specified short value from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource movingAverage(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the average of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the element of dimension specified by startOffset to the element specified by endOffset.
 NumberSource movingMaximum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          For each element of this NumberSource, determines the maximum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the element of dimension specified by startOffset to the element specified by endOffset.
 NumberSource movingMinimum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          For each element of this NumberSource, determines the minimum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the element of dimension specified by startOffset to the element specified by endOffset.
 NumberSource movingTotal(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the total of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the element of dimension specified by startOffset to the element specified by endOffset.
 BooleanSource ne(double rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is not equal to the value.
 BooleanSource ne(float rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is not equal to the value.
 BooleanSource ne(int rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is not equal to the value.
 BooleanSource ne(short rhs)
          Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is not equal to the value.
 NumberSource negate()
          Negates the value of each of the elements of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource plus(double rhs)
          Adds the specified double value to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource plus(float rhs)
          Adds the specified float value to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource plus(int rhs)
          Adds the specified int value to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource plus(NumberSource rhs)
          Adds the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource plus(short rhs)
          Adds the specified short value to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource positionalPeriodsAgo(MdmLevelHierarchy hierarchy, MdmLevel offsetLevel, int offset)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the members of offsetLevel that are the offset number of positions away from each member of the offsetLevel level of the hierarchy.
 NumberSource positionOfValue(double value)
          Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified double value.
 NumberSource positionOfValue(float value)
          Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified float value.
 NumberSource positionOfValue(int value)
          Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified int value.
 NumberSource positionOfValue(short value)
          Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified short value.
 NumberSource positionOfValues(double[] values)
          Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified double values.
 NumberSource positionOfValues(float[] values)
          Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified float values.
 NumberSource positionOfValues(int[] values)
          Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified int values.
 NumberSource positionOfValues(short[] values)
          Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified short values.
 NumberSource pow(double rhs)
          Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value.
 NumberSource pow(float rhs)
          Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value.
 NumberSource pow(int rhs)
          Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value.
 NumberSource pow(NumberSource rhs)
          Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource.
 NumberSource pow(short rhs)
          Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value.
 NumberSource rem(double rhs)
          Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified double value and determines the remainder for each operation.
 NumberSource rem(float rhs)
          Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified float value and determines the remainder for each operation.
 NumberSource rem(int rhs)
          Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified int value and determines the remainder for each operation.
 NumberSource rem(NumberSource rhs)
          Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource and determines the remainder for each operation.
 NumberSource rem(short rhs)
          Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified short value and determines the remainder for each operation.
 NumberSource removeValue(double value)
          Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double value.
 NumberSource removeValue(float value)
          Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float value.
 NumberSource removeValue(int value)
          Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int value.
 NumberSource removeValue(short value)
          Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double value.
 NumberSource removeValues(double[] values)
          Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double values.
 NumberSource removeValues(float[] values)
          Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float values.
 NumberSource removeValues(int[] values)
          Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int values.
 NumberSource removeValues(short[] values)
          Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified short values.
 NumberSource round(double precision)
          Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precision specified by the double value.
 NumberSource round(float precision)
          Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precision specified by the float value.
 NumberSource round(int precision)
          Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precision specified by the int value.
 NumberSource round(NumberSource precision)
          Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precisions specified by the NumberSource.
 NumberSource round(short precision)
          Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precision specified by the short value.
 NumberSource selectValue(double value)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double value.
 NumberSource selectValue(float value)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float value.
 NumberSource selectValue(int value)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int value.
 NumberSource selectValue(short value)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified short value.
 NumberSource selectValues(double[] values)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double values.
 NumberSource selectValues(float[] values)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float values.
 NumberSource selectValues(int[] values)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int values.
 NumberSource selectValues(short[] values)
          Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified short values.
 NumberSource sin()
          Calculates the sine of the value (interpreted as an angle) of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource sinh()
          Calculates the hyperbolic of the value (interpreted as an angle) of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource sqrt()
          Calculates the square root of the value of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource stdev()
          Calculates the standard deviation of the values of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource stdevPop()
          Calculates the population standard deviation of the values of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource stdevSamp()
          Calculates the cumulative sample standard deviation of the values of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource tan()
          Calculates the tangent of the value (interpreted as an angle) of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource tanh()
          Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the value (interpreted as an angle) of each element of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource times(double rhs)
          Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified double value.
 NumberSource times(float rhs)
          Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified float value.
 NumberSource times(int rhs)
          Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified int value.
 NumberSource times(NumberSource rhs)
          Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource.
 NumberSource times(short rhs)
          Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified short value.
 NumberSource total()
          Calculates the sum of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource variance()
          Calculates the variance of the elements of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource variancePop()
          Calculates the population variance of the elements of this NumberSource.
 NumberSource varianceSamp()
          Calculates the sample variance of the elements of this NumberSource.


Methods inherited from class
alias, appendValue, appendValues, appendValues, at, at, count, count, cumulativeInterval, cumulativeInterval, cumulativeInterval, distinct, eq, extract, findMatchFor, first, ge, getDataProvider, getDefinition, getExtractionInputs, getID, getInputs, getMetadataProvider, getMetadataProviderID, getModel, getOutputs, getRegularInputs, getType, gt, hasValue, in, interval, interval, isSubtypeOf, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, joinHidden, last, le, lt, movingInterval, movingInterval, ne, nullSource, offset, offset, position, position, positionOfValue, positionOfValues, positionOfValues, recursiveJoin, recursiveJoin, recursiveJoin, recursiveJoin, recursiveJoin, recursiveJoin, recursiveJoin, remove, removeValue, removeValues, removeValues, select, selectDescendants, selectValue, selectValues, selectValues, sortAscending, sortAscending, sortAscending, sortAscendingHierarchically, sortAscendingHierarchically, sortAscendingHierarchically, sortAscendingHierarchically, sortDescending, sortDescending, sortDescending, sortDescendingHierarchically, sortDescendingHierarchically, sortDescendingHierarchically, sortDescendingHierarchically, toDoubleSource, toFloatSource, toIntegerSource, toShortSource, toStringSource, value, value


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public final NumberSource abs()
Calculates the absolute value of the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has an element with a double value that is the absolute value of the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource appendValue(double appendValue)
Appends an element with the specified double value to this NumberSource. The outputs of this NumberSource, if any, do not appear in the resulting NumberSource.
appendValue - The double value that you want to append to this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the same elements as this NumberSource and that has an additional appended element that has the specified double value.


public final NumberSource appendValue(float appendValue)
Appends an element with the specified float value to this NumberSource. The outputs of this NumberSource, if any, do not appear in the resulting NumberSource.
appendValue - The float value that you want to append to this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the same elements as this NumberSource and that has an additional appended element that has the specified float value.


public final NumberSource appendValue(int appendValue)
Appends an element with the specified int value to this NumberSource. The outputs of this NumberSource, if any, do not appear in the resulting NumberSource.
appendValue - The int value that you want to append to this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the same elements as this NumberSource and that has an additional appended element that has the specified int value.


public final NumberSource appendValue(short appendValue)
Appends an element with the specified short value to this NumberSource. The outputs of this NumberSource, if any, do not appear in the resulting NumberSource.
appendValue - The short value that you want to append to this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the same elements as this NumberSource and that has an additional appended element that has the specified short value.


public final NumberSource appendValues(double[] appendValues)
Appends elements with the specified double values to this NumberSource. The outputs of this NumberSource, if any, do not appear in the resulting NumberSource.
appendValues - An array that has the double values that you want to append to this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the same elements as this NumberSource and that has additional appended elements that have the specified double values.


public final NumberSource appendValues(float[] appendValues)
Appends elements with the specified float values to this NumberSource. The outputs of this NumberSource, if any, do not appear in the resulting NumberSource.
appendValues - An array that has the float values that you want to append to this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the same elements as this NumberSource and that has additional appended elements that have the specified float values.


public final NumberSource appendValues(int[] appendValues)
Appends elements with the specified int values to this NumberSource. The outputs of this NumberSource, if any, do not appear in the resulting NumberSource.
appendValues - An array that has the int values that you want to append to this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the same elements as this NumberSource and that has additional appended elements that have the specified int values.


public final NumberSource appendValues(short[] appendValues)
Appends elements with the specified short values to this NumberSource. The outputs of this NumberSource, if any, do not appear in the resulting NumberSource.
appendValues - An array that has the short values that you want to append to this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the same elements as this NumberSource and that has additional appended elements that have the specified short values.


public final NumberSource arccos()
Calculates the angle value (in radians) of the value (interpreted as a cosine) of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the angle values (in radians) of the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource arcsin()
Calculates the angle value (in radians) of the value (interpreted as a sine) of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the angle values (in radians) of the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource arctan()
Calculates the angle value (in radians) of the value (interpreted as a tangent) of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the angle values (in radians) of the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource average()
Calculates the average of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has an element whose value is the average of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource cos()
Calculates the cosine of the value (interpreted as an angle value in radians) of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the cosines of the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource cosh()
Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the value (interpreted as an angle value in radians) of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the hyperbolic cosines of the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource div(double rhs)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified double value.
rhs - The double value that you want to use as the divisor.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisor.


public final NumberSource div(double rhs,
                              boolean safe)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified double value; if safe is true and the divisor is zero, then this method returns null.
rhs - The double value that you want to use as the divisor.
safe - A boolean that indicates whether you want this method to return null when the divisor is zero.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisor.


public final NumberSource div(float rhs)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified float value.
rhs - The float value that you want to use as the divisor.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisor.


public final NumberSource div(float rhs,
                              boolean safe)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified float value; if safe is true and the divisor is zero, then this method returns null.
rhs - The float value that you want to use as the divisor.
safe - A boolean that indicates whether you want this method to return null when the divisor is zero.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisor.


public final NumberSource div(int rhs)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified int value.
rhs - The int value that you want to use as the divisor.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisor.


public final NumberSource div(int rhs,
                              boolean safe)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified int value; if safe is true and the divisor is zero, then this method returns null.
rhs - The int value that you want to use as the divisor.
safe - A boolean that indicates whether you want this method to return null when the divisor is zero.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisor.


public final NumberSource div(NumberSource rhs)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource.
rhs - A NumberSource whose element values you want to use as divisors.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisors.


public final NumberSource div(NumberSource rhs,
                              boolean safe)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource; if safe is true and a divisor is zero, then this method returns null as the result of the division.
rhs - The NumberSource whose element values you want to use as divisors.
safe - A boolean that indicates whether you want this method to return null when the divisor is zero.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisors.


public final NumberSource div(short rhs)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified short value.
rhs - The short value that you want to use as the divisor.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisor.


public final NumberSource div(short rhs,
                              boolean safe)
Divides the value of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified short value; if safe is true and the divisor is zero, then this method returns null.
rhs - The short value that you want to use as the divisor.
safe - A boolean that indicates whether you want this method to return null when the divisor is zero.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that that are the result of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified divisor.


public final BooleanSource eq(double rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value and determines if the values are equal.
rhs - The double value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element that has a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource equals the specified double value or false when it does not.


public final BooleanSource eq(float rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value and determines if the values are equal.
rhs - The float value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element that has a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource equals the specified float value or false when it does not.


public final BooleanSource eq(int rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value and determines if the values are equal.
rhs - The int value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element that has a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource equals the specified int value or false when it does not.


public final BooleanSource eq(short rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value and determines if the values are equal.
rhs - The short value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element that has a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource equals the specified short value or false when it does not.


public final BooleanSource ge(double rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is a greater or equal value.
rhs - The double value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is greater than or equal to the specified double value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource ge(float rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is a greater or equal value.
rhs - The float value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is greater than or equal to the specified float value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource ge(int rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is a greater or equal value.
rhs - The int value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is greater than or equal to the specified int value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource ge(short rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is a greater or equal value.
rhs - The short value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is greater than or equal to the specified short value, or false when it is not.


public Source getDataType()
Gets the fundamental Source that represents the OLAP Java API data type of this NumberSource, which can be Double, Float, Integer, Number, or Short, depending on the values of its elements.
getDataType in class Source
The fundamental Source that represents the OLAP Java API data type of this NumberSource.


public final BooleanSource gt(double rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is a greater value.
rhs - The double value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is greater than the specified double value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource gt(float rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is a greater value.
rhs - The float value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is greater than the specified float value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource gt(int rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is a greater value.
rhs - The int value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is greater than the specified int value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource gt(short rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is a greater value.
rhs - The short value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is greater than the specified short value, or false when it is not.


public final NumberSource intpart()
Identifies the integer portion of the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have the integer portion of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final BooleanSource le(double rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is a lesser or equal value.
rhs - The double value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of a given element of this NumberSource is less than or equal to the specified double value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource le(float rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is a lesser or equal value.
rhs - The float value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of a given element of this NumberSource is less than or equal to the specified float value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource le(int rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is a lesser or equal value.
rhs - The int value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of a given element of this NumberSource is less than or equal to the specified int value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource le(short rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is a lesser or equal value.
rhs - The short value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of a given element of this NumberSource is less than or equal to the specified short value, or false when it is not.


public final NumberSource log()
Calculates the natural logarithm of the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has double values that are the natural logarithms of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final BooleanSource lt(double rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is a lesser value.
rhs - The double value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is less than the specified double value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource lt(float rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is a lesser value.
rhs - The float value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is less than the specified float value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource lt(int rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is a lesser value.
rhs - The int value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is less than the specified int value, or false when it is not.


public final BooleanSource lt(short rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is a lesser value.
rhs - The short value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is less than the specified short value, or false when it is not.


public final NumberSource maximum()
Identifies the largest value of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has an element whose value is the largest value of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource minimum()
Identifies the smallest value of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has an element whose value is the smallest value of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource minus(double rhs)
Subtracts the specified double value from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The double value that you want to subtract from the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource, each of whose elements has a value that results from subtracting the specified double value from the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource minus(float rhs)
Subtracts the specified float value from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The float value that you want to subtract from the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource, each of whose elements has a value that results from subtracting the specified float value from the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource minus(int rhs)
Subtracts the specified int value from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The int value that you want to subtract from the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource, each of whose elements has a value that results from subtracting the specified int value from the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource minus(NumberSource rhs)
Subtracts the values of the elments of the specified NumberSource from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The NumberSource, the values of whose elements you want to subtract from the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that result from subtracting the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource from the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource minus(short rhs)
Subtracts the specified short value from the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The short value that you want to subtract from the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource, each of whose elements has a value that results from subtracting the specified short value from the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource.


public final BooleanSource ne(double rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value, and determines whether it is not equal to the value.
rhs - The double value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is not equal to the specified double value, or false when it is equal to the specified value.


public final BooleanSource ne(float rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value, and determines whether it is not equal to the value.
rhs - The float value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is not equal to the specified float value, or false when it is equal to the specified value.


public final BooleanSource ne(int rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value, and determines whether it is not equal to the value.
rhs - The int value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is not equal to the specified int value, or false when it is equal to the specified value.


public final BooleanSource ne(short rhs)
Compares the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value, and determines whether it is not equal to the value.
rhs - The short value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A BooleanSource that has an element with a value of true when the value of the corresponding element of this NumberSource is not equal to the specified short value, or false when it is equal to the specified value.


public final NumberSource negate()
Negates the value of each of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource, the values of whose elements are the negative values of the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource plus(double rhs)
Adds the specified double value to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The double value that you want to add to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource with the specified double value added to them.


public final NumberSource plus(float rhs)
Adds the specified float value to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The float value that you want to add to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource with the specified float value added to them.


public final NumberSource plus(int rhs)
Adds the specified int value to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The int value that you want to add to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource with the specified int value added to them.


public final NumberSource plus(NumberSource rhs)
Adds the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The NumberSource the values of the elements of which you want to add to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the elements of this NumberSource with the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource added to them.


public final NumberSource plus(short rhs)
Adds the specified short value to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
rhs - The short value that you want to add to the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource with the specified short value added to them.


public final NumberSource positionOfValue(double value)
Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified double value.
value - The double value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have int values that identify the positions of the elements in this NumberSource that have the specified double value. If this NumberSource does not have any elements that have the specified value, then this method returns an empty NumberSource, which has no elements.


public final NumberSource positionOfValue(float value)
Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified float value.
value - The float value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have int values that identify the positions of the elements in this NumberSource that have the specified float value. If this NumberSource does not have any elements that have the specified value, then this method returns an empty NumberSource, which has no elements.


public final NumberSource positionOfValue(int value)
Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified int value.
value - The int value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have int values that identify the positions of the elements in this NumberSource that have the specified int value. If this NumberSource does not have any elements that have the specified value, then this method returns an empty NumberSource, which has no elements.


public final NumberSource positionOfValue(short value)
Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified short value.
value - The short value that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have int values that identify the positions of the elements in this NumberSource that have the specified short value. If this NumberSource does not have any elements that have the specified value, then this method returns an empty NumberSource, which has no elements.


public final NumberSource positionOfValues(double[] values)
Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified double values.
values - An array of double values that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have int values that identify the positions of the elements in this NumberSource that have the specified double values. If this NumberSource does not have any elements that have the specified values, then this method returns an empty NumberSource, which has no elements.


public final NumberSource positionOfValues(float[] values)
Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified float values.
values - An array of float values that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have int values that identify the positions of the elements in this NumberSource that have the specified float values. If this NumberSource does not have any elements that have the specified values, then this method returns an empty NumberSource, which has no elements.


public final NumberSource positionOfValues(int[] values)
Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified int values.
values - An array of int values that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have int values that identify the positions of the elements in this NumberSource that have the specified int values. If this NumberSource does not have any elements that have the specified values, then this method returns an empty NumberSource, which has no elements.


public final NumberSource positionOfValues(short[] values)
Identifies the positions of elements in this NumberSource that have the specified short values.
values - An array of short values that you want to compare to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have int values that identify the positions of the elements in this NumberSource that have the specified short values. If this NumberSource does not have any elements that have the specified values, then this method returns an empty NumberSource, which has no elements.


public final NumberSource pow(double rhs)
Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified double value.
rhs - The double value by which you want to raise the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource raised to the power of the specified double value.


public final NumberSource pow(float rhs)
Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified float value.
rhs - The float value by which you want to raise the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource raised to the power of the specified float value.


public final NumberSource pow(int rhs)
Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified int value.
rhs - The int value by which you want to raise the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource raised to the power of the specified int value.


public final NumberSource pow(NumberSource rhs)
Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource.
rhs - The NumberSource, the values of whose elements you want to raise to the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the elements of this NumberSource raised to the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource.


public final NumberSource pow(short rhs)
Raises the value of each element of this NumberSource to the specified short value.
rhs - The short value by which you want to raise the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has elements that have the values of the corresponding elements of this NumberSource raised to the power of the specified short value.


public final NumberSource rem(double rhs)
Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified double value and determines the remainder for each operation.
rhs - The double value that you want to divide into the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that are the remainders of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified double value.


public final NumberSource rem(float rhs)
Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified float value and determines the remainder for each operation.
rhs - The float value that you want to divide into the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that are the remainders of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified float value.


public final NumberSource rem(int rhs)
Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified int value and determines the remainder for each operation.
rhs - The int value that you want to divide into the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that are the remainders of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified int value.


public final NumberSource rem(NumberSource rhs)
Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource and determines the remainder for each operation.
rhs - The NumberSource, the values of whose elements by which you want to divide the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that are the remainders of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource.


public final NumberSource rem(short rhs)
Divides the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified short value and determines the remainder for each operation.
rhs - The short value that you want to divide into the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that are the remainders of dividing the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified short value.


public final NumberSource removeValue(double value)
Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double value.
value - The double value you do not want to have in the returned NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the elements of this NumberSource that do not have the specified double value.


public final NumberSource removeValue(float value)
Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float value.
value - The float value you do not want to have in the returned NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the elements of this NumberSource that do not have the specified float value.


public final NumberSource removeValue(int value)
Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int value.
value - The int value you do not want to have in the returned NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the elements of this NumberSource that do not have the specified int value.


public final NumberSource removeValue(short value)
Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double value.
value - The double value you do not want to have in the returned NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the elements of this NumberSource that do not have the specified double value.


public final NumberSource removeValues(double[] values)
Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double values.
values - An array of the double values that you do not want to have in the returned NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the elements of this NumberSource that do not have the specified double values.


public final NumberSource removeValues(float[] values)
Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float values.
values - An array of the float values that you do not want to have in the returned NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the elements of this NumberSource that do not have the specified float values.


public final NumberSource removeValues(int[] values)
Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int values.
values - An array of the int values that you do not want to have in the returned NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the elements of this NumberSource that do not have the specified int values.


public final NumberSource removeValues(short[] values)
Removes the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified short values.
values - An array of the short values that you do not want to have in the returned NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has the elements of this NumberSource that do not have the specified short values.


public final NumberSource round(double precision)
Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precision specified by the double value.
precision - The double value that specifies the precision.
A NumberSource whose elements have the values of this NumberSource rounded to the precision specified by the double value.


public final NumberSource round(float precision)
Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precision specified by the float value.
precision - The float value that specifies the precision.
A NumberSource whose elements have the values of this NumberSource rounded to the precision specified by the float value.


public final NumberSource round(int precision)
Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precision specified by the int value.
precision - The int value that specifies the precision.
A NumberSource whose elements have the values of this NumberSource rounded to the precision specified by the int value.


public final NumberSource round(NumberSource precision)
Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precisions specified by the NumberSource.
precision - A NumberSource whose elements specify the precision values.
A NumberSource whose elements have the values of this NumberSource rounded to the precisions specified by the double value.


public final NumberSource round(short precision)
Rounds the value of each element of this NumberSource to the precision specified by the short value.
precision - The short value that specifies the precision.
A NumberSource whose elements have the values of this NumberSource rounded to the precision specified by the short value.


public final NumberSource selectValue(double value)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double value.
value - The double value of the elements that you want the returned NumberSource to have.
A NumberSource that has only those elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double value.


public final NumberSource selectValue(float value)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float value.
value - The float value of the elements that you want the returned NumberSource to have.
A NumberSource that has only those elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float value.


public final NumberSource selectValue(int value)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int value.
value - The int value of the elements that you want the returned NumberSource to have.
A NumberSource that has only those elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int value.


public final NumberSource selectValue(short value)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified short value.
value - The short value of the elements that you want the returned NumberSource to have.
A NumberSource that has only those elements of this NumberSource that have the specified short value.


public final NumberSource selectValues(double[] values)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double values.
values - An array of the double values that you want the returned NumberSource to have.
A NumberSource that has only those elements of this NumberSource that have the specified double values.


public final NumberSource selectValues(float[] values)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float values.
values - An array of the float values that you want the returned NumberSource to have.
A NumberSource that has only those elements of this NumberSource that have the specified float values.


public final NumberSource selectValues(int[] values)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int values.
values - An array of the int values that you want the returned NumberSource to have.
A NumberSource that has only those elements of this NumberSource that have the specified int values.


public final NumberSource selectValues(short[] values)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that have the specified short values.
values - An array of the short values that you want the returned NumberSource to have.
A NumberSource that has only those elements of this NumberSource that have the specified short values.


public final NumberSource sin()
Calculates the sine of the value (interpreted as an angle) of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the sines of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource sinh()
Calculates the hyperbolic of the value (interpreted as an angle) of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the hyperbolic sines of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource sqrt()
Calculates the square root of the value of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the square roots of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource stdev()
Calculates the standard deviation of the values of this NumberSource. This method ignores elements with null values.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that are the standard deviations of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource tan()
Calculates the tangent of the value (interpreted as an angle) of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the tangents of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource tanh()
Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the value (interpreted as an angle) of each element of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have double values that are the interpreted tangents of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource times(double rhs)
Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified double value.
rhs - The double value by which you want to multiply the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have the double values that result from multiplying the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified value.


public final NumberSource times(float rhs)
Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified float value.
rhs - The float value by which you want to multiply the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have the float values that result from multiplying the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified value.


public final NumberSource times(int rhs)
Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified int value.
rhs - The int value by which you want to multiply the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have the int values that result from multiplying the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified value.


public final NumberSource times(NumberSource rhs)
Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource.
rhs - A NumberSource that has elements that have the values by which you want to multiply the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have the values that result from multiplying the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the values of the elements of the specified NumberSource.


public final NumberSource times(short rhs)
Multiplies the value of each element of this NumberSource by the specified short value.
rhs - The short value by which you want to multiply the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have the short values that result from multiplying the values of the elements of this NumberSource by the specified value.


public final NumberSource total()
Calculates the sum of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has an element whose value is sum of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource lead(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                               int offset)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are the offset number of values away from each value of the dimension hierarchy that is at the same level of the hierarchy. If this NumberSource does not have an element at the specified offset, then the value of the corresponding element of the NumberSource returned by this method is null. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.

When this NumberSource is the Source for an MdmMeasure that has an MdmTimeDimension as an input dimension, and when dimension is an MdmLevelHierarchy component of the MdmTimeDimension, then this method uses the end date and the time span of the value of each element of the hierarchy of time periods to calculate the start of each value. This method then finds the element of the time hierarchy that has the value that is the offset number of time periods at the same level of the hierarchy away from the start date of the value.

In the following example, units is the NumberSource for an MdmBaseMeasure of numbers of product units sold. The mdmCalHier object is the MdmLevelHierarchy for the CALENDAR_YEAR hierarchy of the TIME_AWJ dimension.

The inputs of the units measure are the Source objects for the PRODUCT_AWJ, TIME_AWJ, CHANNEL_AWJ, and CUSTOMER_AWJdimensions. The timeSel object is a Source that specifies the first nine months of the year 2002, and prodSel is a Source that specifies the Desktop PCs family of the PRODUCT_PRIMARY hierarchy of the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension. The chanSel object is a Source that specifies the highest member of the CHANNEL_PRIMARY hierarchy of the CHANNEL_AWJ dimension. The custSel object is a Source that specifies the highest member of the SHIPMENTS hierarchy of the CUSTOMER_AWJ dimension. The joinHidden method causes the elements of the joined Source to not appear as an output of leadResult.

 NumberSource unitsLead3 = units.lead(mdmCalHier, 3);
 Source measuresDim = 
   dp.createListSource(new Source[] { units, unitsLead3 });

 Source leadResult = measuresDim.extract()
A Cursor for leadResult has the following values, which are displayed with headings for the customer, channel, and product values, and the months, units sold, and units sold three months later values. The Source identifications (IDs) that are the values of the output of leadResult that come from joining measuresDim to the object returned by the measureDim.extract() method, do not appear in the display.
 Total Customers
 Total Channels
 Product Family: Desktop PCs
           Month                   Units Sold  Units Sold Three Months Later
 -----------------------------     ----------  -----------------------------

 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.01     1601        1732
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.02     1651        1780
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.03     1690        1840
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.04     1732        1894
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.05     1780        1934
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.06     1840        1967
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.07     1894        2001
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.08     1934        2125
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.09     1967        2205
The display of the values of leadResult shows that, for each element of the units measure, the corresponding element of the unitsLead3 measure has the value of the units element that is three time periods after the current element. For example, the unitsLead3 value for CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.01 (January, 2002) is the units value for CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.04 (April, 2002), and so on.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents. Typically, this parameter is a hierarchy of an MdmTimeDimension.
offset - The number of values at the same level of the hierarchy to add to or subtract from the value of an element of the dimension hierarchy.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource that is specified by a value of dimension, the element of this NumberSource that is specified by the value of dimension that is the offset number of values at the same level of the hierarchy away from the value of the dimension.


public final NumberSource lag(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                              int offset)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are the offset number of values away from each value of the dimension hierarchy that is at the same level of the hierarchy. If this NumberSource does not have an element at the specified offset, then the value of the corresponding element of the NumberSource returned by this method is null. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.

This method operates in a way similar to the lead method, and when the offset value is negative, the method produces the same result as the lead method with a positive offset. The following example uses the same objects as the example in the description of the lead method except for the unitsLag3 object that is returned by calling the lag method of the units object.

 NumberSource unitsLag3 = units.lag(mdmCalHier, 3);
 measuresDim = 
   dp.createListSource(new Source[] { units, unitsLag3 });

 Source lagResult = measuresDim.extract()
A Cursor for lagResult has the following values, which are displayed with headings for the customer, channel, and product values, and the months, units sold, and units sold three months before values. The Source identifications (IDs) that are the values of the output of lagResult that come from joining measuresDim to the object returned by the measureDim.extract() method, do not appear in the display.
 Total Customers
 Total Channels
 Product Family: Desktop PCs
           Month                   Units Sold  Units Sold Three Months Earlier
 -----------------------------     ----------  -------------------------------

 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.01     1601        2115
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.02     1651        2368
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.03     1690        2391
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.04     1732        1601
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.05     1780        1651
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.06     1840        1690
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.07     1894        1732
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.08     1934        1780
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.09     1967        1840
The display of the values of lagResult shows that, for each element of the units measure, the corresponding element of the unitsLag3 measure has the value of the units element that is three time periods before the current element. For example, the unitsLag3 value for CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.04 (April, 2002) is the units value for CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2002.01 (January, 2002), and so on.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents. Typically, this dimension is a hierarchy of an MdmTimeDimension.
offset - The number of values at the same level of the hierarchy to add to or subtract from the value of an element of the dimension hierarchy.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource that is specified by a value of dimension, the element of this NumberSource that is specified by the value of dimension that is the offset number of values at the same level of the hierarchy away from the value of the dimension.


public final NumberSource lagMonths(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim,
                                    int offset)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the month values of timeDim that are the offset number of months away from each month value of timeDim. If timeDim does not have an element at the specified offset, then the value of the corresponding element of the NumberSource returned by this method is null. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure that has an MdmTimeDimension as an input dimension.
timeDim - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmTimeDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of months to add to or subtract from the month values of the elements of the timeDim hierarchy.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource that is specified by a month value of timeDim, the element of this NumberSource that is specified by the month value that is the offset number of months away from the value.


public final NumberSource lagQuarters(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim,
                                      int offset)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the quarter values of timeDim that are the offset number of quarters away from each quarter value of timeDim. If timeDim does not have an element at the specified offset, then the value of the corresponding element of the NumberSource returned by this method is null. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure that has an MdmTimeDimension as an input dimension.
timeDim - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmTimeDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of quarters to add to or subtract from the quarter values of the elements of the timeDim hierarchy.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource that is specified by a quarter value of timeDim, the element of this NumberSource that is specified by the quarter value that is the offset number of quarters away from the value.


public final NumberSource lagYears(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim,
                                   int offset)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the year values of timeDim that are the offset number of years away from each year value of timeDim. If timeDim does not have an element at the specified offset, then the value of the corresponding element of the NumberSource returned by this method is null. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure that has an MdmTimeDimension as an input dimension.
timeDim - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmTimeDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of years to add to or subtract from the year values of the elements of the timeDim hierarchy.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource that is specified by a year value of timeDim, the element of this NumberSource that is specified by the year value that is the offset number of years away from the value.


public final NumberSource lagDays(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim,
                                  int offset)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the day values of timeDim that are the offset number of days away from each day value of timeDim. If timeDim does not have an element at the specified offset, then the value of the corresponding element of the NumberSource returned by this method is null. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure that has an MdmTimeDimension as an input dimension.
timeDim - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmTimeDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of days to add to or subtract from the day values of the elements of the timeDim hierarchy.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource that is specified by a day value of timeDim, the element of this NumberSource that is specified by the day value that is the offset number of days away from the value.


public final NumberSource lagWeeks(MdmLevelHierarchy timeDim,
                                   int offset)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the week values of timeDim that are the offset number of weeks away from each week value of timeDim. If timeDim does not have an element at the specified offset, then the value of the corresponding element of the NumberSource returned by this method is null. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure that has an MdmTimeDimension as an input dimension.
timeDim - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmTimeDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of weeks to add to or subtract from the week values of the elements of the timeDim hierarchy.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource that is specified by a week value of timeDim, the element of this NumberSource that is specified by the week value that is the offset number of weeks away from the value.


public final NumberSource cumulativeTotal(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                          int offset)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the total of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.

In the following example, units is the NumberSource for an MdmBaseMeasure of the number of product units sold. The mdmCalHier object is the MdmLevelHierarchy for the CALENDAR_YEAR hierarchy of the TIME_AWJ dimension

The input dimensions of the units measure are PRODUCT_AWJ, TIME_AWJ, CUSTOMER_AWJ, and CHANNEL_AWJ. The timeSel object is a Source that specifies the first three months of 2001, the quarters of the years 2001 and 2002, and the years 2001 and 2002. The prodSel object is a Source that specifies the Desktop PCs family of products from the PRODUCT_PRIMARY hierarchy of the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension. The chanSel object is a Source that specifies the highest member of the CHANNEL_PRIMARY hierarchy of the CHANNEL_AWJ dimension. The custSel object is a Source that specifies the highest member of the SHIPMENTS hierarchy of the CUSTOMER_AWJ dimension.

 Source unitsCumTotal = units.cumulativeTotal(mdmCalHier, 0);
 Source measuresDim = 
   dp.createListSource(new Source[] { units, unitsCumTotal });

 Source result = measuresDim.extract()
A Cursor for result has the following values, which are displayed with headings for the total customers, total channels, products value DTPC, (Desktop PCs), the time periods, the numbers of units sold, and the cumulative totals for the unit sold. The Source identifications (IDs) that are the values of the output of result for measureDim, which derive from joining measuresDim to the object returned by the measureDim.extract() method, do not appear in the display.
 Total Customers
 Total Channels
 Product Family: Desktop PCs

      Time Period                     Units Sold  Cumulative Total
 --------------------------------     ----------  ----------------
 CALENDAR_YEAR::YEAR::CY2001          24652        91815
 CALENDAR_YEAR::QUARTER::CY2001.Q1     5725        72888
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2001.01         1975        69138
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2001.02         1874        71012
 CALENDAR_YEAR::MONTH::2001.03         1876        72888
 CALENDAR_YEAR::QUARTER::CY2001.Q2     5845        78733
 CALENDAR_YEAR::QUARTER::CY2001.Q3     6208        84941
 CALENDAR_YEAR::QUARTER::CY2001.Q4     6874        91815
 CALENDAR_YEAR::YEAR::CY2002          22420       114235 
 CALENDAR_YEAR::QUARTER::CY2002.Q1     4942        96757
 CALENDAR_YEAR::QUARTER::CY2002.Q2     5352       102109
 CALENDAR_YEAR::QUARTER::CY2002.Q3     5795       107904
 CALENDAR_YEAR::QUARTER::CY2002.Q4     6331       114235

The display of the values of result shows that, for each element of the units measure, the corresponding element of the unitsCumTotal measure has the total of the values of the units elements at the same level from the first element at that level to the current element.

dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension to include in specifying the elements of this NumberSource for which values you want the cumulative total. An offset value of 0 (zero) includes the current value. An offset value of -1 includes all of the values that precede the current value but does not include the current value.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the total of the values of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the first element of dimension up to the element that is the offset number of elements away from the current element.


public final NumberSource cumulativeTotal(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                          int offset,
                                          MdmLevel resetLevel)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the total of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset, with the cumulative total calculation reset at the level specified by resetLevel. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension to include in specifying the elements of this NumberSource for which values you want the cumulative total. An offset value of 0 (zero) includes the current value. An offset value of -1 includes all of the values that precede the current value but does not include the current value.
resetLevel - The MdmLevel for the level of the dimension hierarchy at which you want the calculation of the cumulative totals to begin anew.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the total of the values of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the first element of dimension up to the element that is the offset number of elements away from the current element, and that has the cumulative total calculation reset at the specified level of the hierarchy.


public final NumberSource cumulativeAverage(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                            int offset)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the average of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension to include in specifying the elements of this NumberSource for which values you want the cumulative average. An offset value of 0 (zero) includes the current value. An offset value of -1 includes all of the values that precede the current value but does not include the current value.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the average of the values of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the first element of dimension up to the element that is the offset number of elements away from the current element.


public final NumberSource cumulativeAverage(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                            int offset,
                                            MdmLevel resetLevel)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the average of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset, with the cumulative average calculation reset at the level specified by resetLevel. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension to include in specifying the elements of this NumberSource for which values you want the cumulative average. An offset value of 0 (zero) includes the current value. An offset value of -1 includes all of the values that precede the current value but does not include the current value.
resetLevel - The MdmLevel for the level of the dimension hierarchy at which you want the calculation of the cumulative average to begin anew.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the average of the values of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the first element of dimension up to the element that is the offset number of elements away from the current element, and that has the cumulative average calculation reset at the specified level of the hierarchy.


public final NumberSource cumulativeMaximum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                            int offset)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the maximum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension to include in specifying the elements of this NumberSource for which values you want the cumulative maximum. An offset value of 0 (zero) includes the current value. An offset value of -1 includes all of the values that precede the current value but does not include the current value.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the maximum value of this NumberSource of the values that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the first element of dimension up to the element that is the offset number of elements away from the current element.


public final NumberSource cumulativeMaximum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                            int offset,
                                            MdmLevel resetLevel)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the maximum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset, with the cumulative maximum calculation reset at the level specified by resetLevel. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension to include in specifying the elements of this NumberSource for which values you want the cumulative maximum. An offset value of 0 (zero) includes the current value. An offset value of -1 includes all of the values that precede the current value but does not include the current value.
resetLevel - The MdmLevel for the level of the dimension hierarchy at which you want the calculation of the cumulative maximum to begin anew.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the maximum value of this NumberSource of the values that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the first element of dimension up to the element that is the offset number of elements away from the current element, and that has the cumulative maximum calculation reset at the specified level of the hierarchy.


public final NumberSource cumulativeMinimum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                            int offset)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the minimum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension to include in specifying the elements of this NumberSource for which values you want the cumulative minimum. An offset value of 0 (zero) includes the current value. An offset value of -1 includes all of the values that precede the current value but does not include the current value.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the minimum value of this NumberSource of the values that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the first element of dimension up to the element that is the offset number of elements away from the current element.


public final NumberSource cumulativeMinimum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                            int offset,
                                            MdmLevel resetLevel)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the minimum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the first element of dimension to the current element of dimension plus the number of elements specified by offset, with the cumulative minimum calculation reset at the level specified by resetLevel. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension to include in specifying the elements of this NumberSource for which values you want the cumulative minimum. An offset value of 0 (zero) includes the current value. An offset value of -1 includes all of the values that precede the current value but does not include the current value.
resetLevel - The MdmLevel for the level of the dimension hierarchy at which you want the calculation of the cumulative minimum to begin anew.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the minimum value of this NumberSource of the values that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the first element of dimension up to the element that is the offset number of elements away from the current element, and that has the cumulative minimum calculation reset at the specified level of the hierarchy.


public final NumberSource movingTotal(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                      int startOffset,
                                      int endOffset)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the total of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the element of dimension specified by startOffset to the element specified by endOffset. A negative offset value specifies a value before the current value, a 0 (zero) value specifies the current value, and a positive value specifies a value after the current value. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
startOffset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension that marks the beginning of the elements to include in the specification of the elements of this NumberSource the values of which you want to total.
endOffset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension that marks the end of the elements to include in the specification of the elements of this NumberSource the values of which you want to total.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the total of the values of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the startOffset element of dimension up to the endOffset element.


public final NumberSource movingAverage(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                        int startOffset,
                                        int endOffset)
For each element of this NumberSource, calculates the average of the values of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the element of dimension specified by startOffset to the element specified by endOffset. A negative offset value specifies a value before the current value, a 0 (zero) value specifies the current value, and a positive value specifies a value after the current value. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
startOffset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension that marks the beginning of the elements to include in the specification of the elements of this NumberSource the values of which you want to average.
endOffset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension that marks the end of the elements to include in the specification of the elements of this NumberSource the values of which you want to average.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the average of the values of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the startOffset element of dimension up to the endOffset element.


public final NumberSource movingMaximum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                        int startOffset,
                                        int endOffset)
For each element of this NumberSource, determines the maximum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the element of dimension specified by startOffset to the element specified by endOffset. A negative offset value specifies a value before the current value, a 0 (zero) value specifies the current value, and a positive value specifies a value after the current value. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
startOffset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension that marks the beginning of the elements of this NumberSource to search for the maximum value.
endOffset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension that marks the end of the elements of this NumberSource to search for the maximum value.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the maximum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the startOffset element of dimension up to the endOffset element.


public final NumberSource movingMinimum(MdmLevelHierarchy dimension,
                                        int startOffset,
                                        int endOffset)
For each element of this NumberSource, determines the minimum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level of the hierarchy from the element of dimension specified by startOffset to the element specified by endOffset. A negative offset value specifies a value before the current value, a 0 (zero) value specifies the current value, and a positive value specifies a value after the current value. Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure.
dimension - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
startOffset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension that marks the beginning of the elements of this NumberSource to search for the minimum value.
endOffset - The number of elements of dimension relative to the current element of dimension that marks the end of the elements of this NumberSource to search for the minimum value.
A NumberSource that has, for each element of this NumberSource, the minimum value of the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the values of the elements of dimension that are at the same level from the startOffset element of dimension up to the endOffset element.


public final NumberSource median()
Calculates the median values of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource that has an element whose value is sum of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource variance()
Calculates the variance of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose element values are the variance of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource variancePop()
Calculates the population variance of the elements of this NumberSource. This method ignores elements with null values.
A NumberSource whose element values are the population variance of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource varianceSamp()
Calculates the sample variance of the elements of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose element values are the sample variance of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource stdevPop()
Calculates the population standard deviation of the values of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that are the square roots of the population variances of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource stdevSamp()
Calculates the cumulative sample standard deviation of the values of this NumberSource.
A NumberSource whose elements have values that are the square roots of the sample variances of the values of the elements of this NumberSource.


public final NumberSource positionalPeriodsAgo(MdmLevelHierarchy hierarchy,
                                               MdmLevel offsetLevel,
                                               int offset)
Selects the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the members of offsetLevel that are the offset number of positions away from each member of the offsetLevel level of the hierarchy. This method assumes that the hierarchy is a component of a time dimension and that the members of the level are in consecutive sequence.

The positionalPeriodsAgo method is similar to the lead or lag methods, except that it does not expect that the time hierarchy is based on a Gregorian calendar.

If the value of the offset parameter is positive, then this method functions like the lag method. If the offset value is negative, then this method functions like the lead method.

Call this method only on a NumberSource for an MdmMeasure. If the NumberSource does not have an element for the level member at the specified offset, then the value of the corresponding element of the NumberSource returned by this method is null.

hierarchy - An MdmLevelHierarchy that is a component of an MdmTimeDimension that is an input dimension of the MdmMeasure that this NumberSource represents.
offsetLevel - An MdmLevel that is a component of the hierarchy.
offset - The number of positions to add to or subtract from the position of each of the elements of the level.
A NumberSource that has the elements of this NumberSource that are specified by the members of the level that are at the specified positions.
See Also:
lead(oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmLevelHierarchy, int), lag(oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmLevelHierarchy, int)

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