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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class DimensionMap

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mapping.ObjectMap
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mapping.DimensionMap

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
HierarchyLevelMap, MemberListMap, SolvedHierarchyMap

public abstract class DimensionMap
extends ObjectMap

The abstract base class for an object that maps an MdmDimension to a relational data source. The data source is specified by an Expression that identifies the key column in the table that contains the dimension members.

A DimensionMap has an associated dimension. A DimensionMap can contain one or more AttributeMap objects. It has either an associated Query or a FromClause. It also can have a Condition that functions like a WHERE clause in a SQL SELECT statement.

Method Summary
 void addAttributeMap(AttributeMap value)
          Adds an AttributeMap to the DimensionMap.
 AttributeMap findOrCreateAttributeMap(MdmBaseAttribute attribute)
          Gets the AttributeMap for the specified attribute or, if the map does not exist, creates an AttributeMap for the attribute.
 AttributeMap findOrCreateAttributeMap(MdmBaseAttribute attribute, java.lang.String language)
          Gets the AttributeMap for the specified attribute and language or, if the map does not exist, creates an AttributeMap for the attribute and language.
 java.util.List getAttributeMaps()
          Gets the AttributeMap objects that are owned by the DimensionMap.
 MdmDimension getDimension()
          Gets the MdmDimension associated with the DimensionMap.
 FromClause getFromClause()
          Gets the FromClause associated with the DimensionMap.
 Expression getKeyExpression()
          Gets the Expression that identifies the primary key column of the relational table for the dimension members.
 Query getQuery()
          Gets the Query associated with the DimensionMap.
 Condition getWhereClause()
          Gets the Condition associated with the DimensionMap.
 void removeAttributeMap(AttributeMap value)
          Removes an AttributeMap from the DimensionMap.
 void setDimension(MdmDimension input)
          Specifies the MdmDimension to associate with the DimensionMap.
 void setFromClause(FromClause fromClause)
          Specifies a FromClause to associate with the DimensionMap.
 void setKeyExpression(Expression input)
          Specifies the primary key column of the relational table for the dimension members.
 void setQuery(Query query)
          Specifies a Query to associate with this DimensionMap.
 void setWhereClause(Condition whereClause)
          Specifies a Condition to associate with this DimensionMap.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mapping.ObjectMap


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID, getNewName, getOwner


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public void setKeyExpression(Expression input)
Specifies the primary key column of the relational table for the dimension members.
input - An Expression that identifies the primary key column for the dimension members.


public Expression getKeyExpression()
Gets the Expression that identifies the primary key column of the relational table for the dimension members.
An Expression that identifies the primary key column for the dimension members.


public void setDimension(MdmDimension input)
Specifies the MdmDimension to associate with the DimensionMap.
input - The MdmDimension to associate with the DimensionMap.


public MdmDimension getDimension()
Gets the MdmDimension associated with the DimensionMap.
The MdmDimension associated with the DimensionMap.


public void setWhereClause(Condition whereClause)
Specifies a Condition to associate with this DimensionMap. The Condition functions like a WHERE clause in a SQL SELECT statement
whereClause - The Condition to associate with this DimensionMap.


public Condition getWhereClause()
Gets the Condition associated with the DimensionMap.
The Condition associated with the DimensionMap.


public void setFromClause(FromClause fromClause)
Specifies a FromClause to associate with the DimensionMap. A DimensionMap can have a FromClause or a Query, but not both.

A FromClause specifies tables that Oracle OLAP joins to get the values that it requires for members of an OLAP dimension. For example, the values for an MdmAttribute could come from a table other than the table that contains the dimension members. A FromClause that specifies only one table is functionally the same as a Query.

A FromClause that specifies two or more tables requires a Condition that specifies the join conditions for the tables. You specify the Condition with the setWhereClause method.

fromClause - The FromClause to associate with the DimensionMap.


public FromClause getFromClause()
Gets the FromClause associated with the DimensionMap.
The FromClause associated with the DimensionMap.


public void setQuery(Query query)
Specifies a Query to associate with this DimensionMap. A DimensionMap can have a Query or a FromClause, but not both. The Query for a dimension identifies the relational table that contains the data for the dimension.
query - The Query to associate with this DimensionMap.


public Query getQuery()
Gets the Query associated with the DimensionMap.
The Query associated with the DimensionMap.


public void addAttributeMap(AttributeMap value)
Adds an AttributeMap to the DimensionMap.
value - The AttributeMap to add.


public void removeAttributeMap(AttributeMap value)
Removes an AttributeMap from the DimensionMap.
value - The AttributeMap to remove.


public java.util.List getAttributeMaps()
Gets the AttributeMap objects that are owned by the DimensionMap.
A List that contains the AttributeMap objects owned by the DimensionMap.


public AttributeMap findOrCreateAttributeMap(MdmBaseAttribute attribute)
Gets the AttributeMap for the specified attribute or, if the map does not exist, creates an AttributeMap for the attribute.
attribute - The MdmBaseAttribute for which to get an AttributeMap.
An AttributeMap for the specified attribute.


public AttributeMap findOrCreateAttributeMap(MdmBaseAttribute attribute,
                                             java.lang.String language)
Gets the AttributeMap for the specified attribute and language or, if the map does not exist, creates an AttributeMap for the attribute and language.
attribute - The MdmBaseAttribute for which to get an AttributeMap.
language - A String that specifies the language for the attribute.
An AttributeMap for the specified attribute and language.

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