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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class CubeMap

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mapping.ObjectMap
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mapping.CubeMap

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class CubeMap
extends ObjectMap

An ObjectMap that maps an MdmCube to an Expression. An application gets a CubeMap by calling the createCubeMap method of an MdmCube.

A CubeMap has a MeasureMap for each MdmMeasure that is contained by the cube and a CubeDimensionalityMap for each MdmPrimaryDimension that is associated with the cube. It has an associated Query or FromClause and an aggregation method. It can have a Condition, which functions like a WHERE clause in a SQL SELECT statement.

Method Summary
 void addDimensionalityMap(CubeDimensionalityMap value)
          Adds a CubeDimensionalityMap to the CubeMap.
 void addMeasureMap(MeasureMap value)
          Adds a MeasureMap to the CubeMap.
 CubeDimensionalityMap findOrCreateCubeDimensionalityMap(MdmDimensionality diml)
          Gets the CubeDimensionalityMap that has the specified name or, if the map does not exist, creates a CubeDimensionalityMap.
 MeasureMap findOrCreateMeasureMap(MdmBaseMeasure measure)
          Gets the MeasureMap for the specified measure or, if the map does not exist, creates a MeasureMap for the measure.
 java.lang.String getAggregationMethod()
          Gets the aggregation method specified for the cube.
 MdmCube getCube()
          Gets the MdmCube that contains the CubeMap.
 java.util.List getDimensionalityMaps()
          Gets the CubeDimensionalityMap objects that are associated with the CubeMap.
 FromClause getFromClause()
          Gets the FromClause that is associated with the CubeMap.
 java.util.List getMeasureMaps()
          Gets the MeasureMap objects associated with the CubeMap.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Gets the name of the CubeMap.
 Query getQuery()
          Gets the Query that is associated with the CubeMap.
 Condition getWhereClause()
          Gets the Condition associated with the CubeMap.
 void removeDimensionalityMap(CubeDimensionalityMap value)
          Removes a CubeDimensionalityMap from the CubeMap.
 void removeMeasureMap(MeasureMap value)
          Removes a MeasureMap from the CubeMap.
 void setAggregationMethod(java.lang.String input)
          Specifies an aggregation method for the cube.
 void setFromClause(FromClause fromClause)
          Specifies a FromClause to associate with the CubeMap.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Specifies a name for the CubeMap.
 void setQuery(Query input)
          Specifies a query for the CubeMap.
 void setWhereClause(Condition whereClause)
          Specifies a Condition to associate with the CubeMap.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID, getNewName, getOwner


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public void setWhereClause(Condition whereClause)
Specifies a Condition to associate with the CubeMap. The Condition functions like a WHERE clause in a SQL SELECT statement.
whereClause - The Condition to associate with the CubeMap.


public Condition getWhereClause()
Gets the Condition associated with the CubeMap.
The Condition associated with the CubeMap.


public void setFromClause(FromClause fromClause)
Specifies a FromClause to associate with the CubeMap. A CubeMap can have a FromClause or a Query, but not both.

A FromClause specifies tables that Oracle OLAP joins to get the leaf-level values that it requires for aggregating the data for the measures of the cube. A FromClause that specifies only one table is functionally the same as a Query.

A FromClause that specifies two or more tables requires a Condition that specifies the join conditions for the tables. You specify the Condition with the setWhereClause method.

fromClause - The FromClause to associate with the CubeMap.


public FromClause getFromClause()
Gets the FromClause that is associated with the CubeMap.
The FromClause associated with the CubeMap.


public void setQuery(Query input)
Specifies a query for the CubeMap. A CubeMap can have a Query or a FromClause, but not both.

The Query for a cube identifies the relational table that contains the leaf-level data for the measures of the cube. The following example gets the Query for an MdmTable and then specifies it as the Query for an MdmCube. In the example, the mdmDBSchema object is an MdmDatabaseSchema.

 // Get the MdmTable and the Query for the cube.
 MdmTable unitsTable = null;
 Query cubeQuery = null;

   unitsTable = (MdmTable)
   cubeQuery = unitsTable.getQuery();
 catch (Exception ex) 
   println("Could not get the UNITS_FACT table. " + ex);

 CubeMap cubeMap = mdmUnitsCube.createCubeMap();    
input - The Query to specify for the CubeMap.


public Query getQuery()
Gets the Query that is associated with the CubeMap.
The Query associated with the CubeMap.


public void addMeasureMap(MeasureMap value)
Adds a MeasureMap to the CubeMap.
value - The MeasureMap to add.


public void removeMeasureMap(MeasureMap value)
Removes a MeasureMap from the CubeMap.
value - The MeasureMap to remove.


public java.util.List getMeasureMaps()
Gets the MeasureMap objects associated with the CubeMap.
A List that contains the MeasureMap objects associated with the CubeMap.


public void addDimensionalityMap(CubeDimensionalityMap value)
Adds a CubeDimensionalityMap to the CubeMap.
value - The CubeDimensionalityMap to add.


public void removeDimensionalityMap(CubeDimensionalityMap value)
Removes a CubeDimensionalityMap from the CubeMap.
value - The CubeDimensionalityMap to remove.


public java.util.List getDimensionalityMaps()
Gets the CubeDimensionalityMap objects that are associated with the CubeMap.
A List that contains the CubeDimensionalityMap objects associated with the CubeMap.


public MdmCube getCube()
Gets the MdmCube that contains the CubeMap.


public java.lang.String getAggregationMethod()
Gets the aggregation method specified for the cube.
A String that contains the aggregation method of the cube.


public void setAggregationMethod(java.lang.String input)
Specifies an aggregation method for the cube. You can specify any valid single value SQL aggregation method, such as SUM, MAX, AVG, and so on. The aggregation method specified by this method should typically be the same method as the method in the ConsistentSolveSpecification for the cube. The method in the ConsistentSolveSpecification specifies the aggregation method to use when aggregating the leaf-level data before loading it into the analytic workspace.
input - A String that contains an aggregation method for the cube.


public MeasureMap findOrCreateMeasureMap(MdmBaseMeasure measure)
Gets the MeasureMap for the specified measure or, if the map does not exist, creates a MeasureMap for the measure.
measure - The MdmBaseMeasure for which to get a MeasureMap.
A MeasureMap for the specified measure.


public CubeDimensionalityMap findOrCreateCubeDimensionalityMap(MdmDimensionality diml)
Gets the CubeDimensionalityMap that has the specified name or, if the map does not exist, creates a CubeDimensionalityMap.
diml - The MdmDimensionality for which to get a CubeDimensionalityMap.
A CubeDimensionalityMap for the specified MdmDimensionality.


public final java.lang.String getName()
Gets the name of the CubeMap.
getName in class ObjectMap
A String that contains the name of the CubeMap.


public void setName(java.lang.String name)
Specifies a name for the CubeMap.
name - A String that contains a name for the CubeMap.

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