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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class MdmCube

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
              extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimensionedObject
                  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmCube

All Implemented Interfaces:
MdmQuery, MetadataObject, Buildable

public class MdmCube
extends MdmDimensionedObject
implements MdmQuery, Buildable

An MdmDimensionedObject that represents a logical organization of MdmMeasure objects that have the same dimensionality. To get an existing MdmCube or to create a new one, use the findOrCreateCube method of an MdmDatabaseSchema.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object acceptVisitor(MdmObjectVisitor visitor, java.lang.Object context)
          Calls the visitMdmCube method of the MdmObjectVisitor and passes that method this MdmCube and an Object.
 void addCubeMap(CubeMap map)
          Adds a CubeMap to the List of CubeMap objects associated with this MdmCube.
 void addMeasure(MdmMeasure value)
          Adds an MdmMeasure to the List of MdmMeasure objects that are contained by this MdmCube.
 CubeMap createCubeMap()
          Creates a CubeMap for this MdmCube.
 AWCubeOrganization findOrCreateAWCubeOrganization(AW aw)
          Gets the AWCubeOrganization for the MdmCube or creates a new AWCubeOrganization if one does not already exist.
 MdmBaseMeasure findOrCreateBaseMeasure(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmBaseMeasure or, if it does not already exist, creates a new MdmBaseMeasure for this MdmCube.
 CubeMap findOrCreateCubeMap(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the specified CubeMap or, if it does not already exist, creates a new CubeMap for this MdmCube.
 MdmDerivedMeasure findOrCreateDerivedMeasure(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmDerivedMeasure or, if it does not already exist, creates a new MdmDerivedMeasure for this MdmCube.
 RolapCubeOrganization findOrCreateRolapCubeOrganization()
          Gets the RolapCubeOrganization for the MdmCube or creates a new RolapCubeOrganization if one does not already exist.
 ConsistentSolveSpecification getConsistentSolveSpecification()
          Gets the ConsistentSolveSpecification that is associated with this MdmCube.
 java.util.List getCubeMaps()
          Gets the CubeMap objects that are associated with this MdmCube.
 MdmMeasure getDefaultMeasure()
          Gets the default measure of the MdmCube.
 MdmMeasure getMeasure(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the specified MdmMeasure that is associated with this MdmCube.
 java.util.List<MdmMeasure> getMeasures()
          Gets the MdmMeasure objects that are associated with this MdmCube.
 java.lang.String getNamespace()
          Gets the namespace of a legacy 10g object.
 CubeOrganization getOrganization()
          Gets the CubeOrganization associated with this MdmCube.
 MdmDatabaseSchema getOwner()
          Gets the MdmDatabaseSchema that owns this MdmCube.
 java.util.List getPersistentLanguages()
          Gets the languages in which descriptions are available for this MdmCube and for the objects contained by it.
 Query getQuery()
          Gets the Query that is associated with this MdmCube.
 MdmQueryColumn getQueryColumn(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the specified MdmQueryColumn.
 java.util.List<MdmQueryColumn> getQueryColumns()
          Gets the MdmQueryColumn objects that are associated with this MdmCube.
 java.lang.String getQueryName()
          Gets the identifier of this MdmCube.
 MetadataObject getType()
          Gets the OLAP Java API Value data type.
 java.lang.String getViewName()
          Gets the name of the ET (embedded totals) view for this MdmCube.
 void removeCubeMap(CubeMap map)
          Removes a CubeMap from the List of CubeMap objects associated with this MdmCube.
 void removeMeasure(MdmMeasure value)
          Removes an MdmMeasure from the List of MdmMeasure objects that are contained by this MdmCube.
 void setConsistentSolveSpecification(ConsistentSolveSpecification input)
          Specifies a ConsistentSolveSpecification to associate with this MdmCube.
 void setDefaultMeasure(MdmMeasure measure)
          Specifies a default measure for the MdmCube.
 void setOwner(MdmDatabaseSchema owner)
          Specifies an MdmDatabaseSchema as the owner of this MdmCube.
 void setViewName(java.lang.String name)
          Specifies a name for the ET (embedded totals) view for this MdmCube.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimensionedObject
addDimension, addDimensionality, getDimensionality, getDimensions, isBooleanValued, removeDimensionality, setBooleanValued


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
getDataType, getSource


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
addDescription, addObjectClassification, findOrCreateDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescriptions, getMetadataProvider, getName, getNewName, getObjectClassifications, getShortDescription, isClassifiedAs, removeDescription, removeObjectClassification, setDescription, setDescription, setDescription, setName, setShortDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public java.lang.Object acceptVisitor(MdmObjectVisitor visitor,
                                      java.lang.Object context)
Calls the visitMdmCube method of the MdmObjectVisitor and passes that method this MdmCube and an Object.
Specified by:
acceptVisitor in class MdmObject
visitor - An MdmObjectVisitor that implements the Mdm11_ObjectVisitor interface.
context - An Object.
The Object returned by the visitMdmCube method.


public final MdmMeasure getMeasure(java.lang.String name)
Gets the specified MdmMeasure that is associated with this MdmCube.
name - A String that contains the name of an MdmMeasure associated with this MdmCube.
The MdmMeasure that has the specified name. If the MdmMeasure is not associated with the MdmCube, then this method returns null.


public final java.util.List<MdmMeasure> getMeasures()
Gets the MdmMeasure objects that are associated with this MdmCube.
A List of the MdmMeasure associated with this MdmCube.


public void addMeasure(MdmMeasure value)
Adds an MdmMeasure to the List of MdmMeasure objects that are contained by this MdmCube.
value - The MdmMeasure to add to this MdmCube.


public void removeMeasure(MdmMeasure value)
Removes an MdmMeasure from the List of MdmMeasure objects that are contained by this MdmCube.
value - The MdmMeasure to remove from this MdmCube.


public void setDefaultMeasure(MdmMeasure measure)
Specifies a default measure for the MdmCube.
measure - The MdmMeasure to be the default measure for the MdmCube.


public MdmMeasure getDefaultMeasure()
Gets the default measure of the MdmCube.
The MdmMeasure that is the default measure of the MdmCube.


public final MdmDatabaseSchema getOwner()
Gets the MdmDatabaseSchema that owns this MdmCube.
getOwner in class BaseMetadataObject
The MdmDatabaseSchema that owns this MdmCube.


public final void setOwner(MdmDatabaseSchema owner)
Specifies an MdmDatabaseSchema as the owner of this MdmCube.
owner - The MdmDatabaseSchema to specify as the owner of this MdmCube.


public final java.lang.String getNamespace()
Gets the namespace of a legacy 10g object. For information on namespaces, see Using Namespaces in the description of MdmMetadataProvider.
For a legacy 10g object, returns a String that contains the namespace of the object. For an 11g MdmCube, returns null.


public final java.util.List getCubeMaps()
Gets the CubeMap objects that are associated with this MdmCube.
A List of the CubeMap objects associated with this MdmCube.


public final void addCubeMap(CubeMap map)
Adds a CubeMap to the List of CubeMap objects associated with this MdmCube.
map - The CubeMap to add to this MdmCube.


public final void removeCubeMap(CubeMap map)
Removes a CubeMap from the List of CubeMap objects associated with this MdmCube.
map - The CubeMap to remove from this MdmCube.


public final CubeOrganization getOrganization()
Gets the CubeOrganization associated with this MdmCube.
The CubeOrganization for this MdmCube.


public final AWCubeOrganization findOrCreateAWCubeOrganization(AW aw)
Gets the AWCubeOrganization for the MdmCube or creates a new AWCubeOrganization if one does not already exist.
aw - The AW object to associate with the AWCubeOrganization.
The new or existing AWCubeOrganization for the MdmCube.


public final RolapCubeOrganization findOrCreateRolapCubeOrganization()
Gets the RolapCubeOrganization for the MdmCube or creates a new RolapCubeOrganization if one does not already exist.
The new or existing RolapCubeOrganization for the MdmCube.


public final ConsistentSolveSpecification getConsistentSolveSpecification()
Gets the ConsistentSolveSpecification that is associated with this MdmCube.
The ConsistentSolveSpecification associated with this MdmCube.


public final void setConsistentSolveSpecification(ConsistentSolveSpecification input)
Specifies a ConsistentSolveSpecification to associate with this MdmCube.
input - The ConsistentSolveSpecification to associate with this MdmCube.


public final java.lang.String getViewName()
Gets the name of the ET (embedded totals) view for this MdmCube.
A String that contains the name of the ET view for the MdmCube.


public final void setViewName(java.lang.String name)
Specifies a name for the ET (embedded totals) view for this MdmCube. You must commit the root Transaction to make the name change permanent.
name - A String that contains a name for the ET view for the MdmCube.


public final Query getQuery()
Gets the Query that is associated with this MdmCube.
Specified by:
getQuery in interface MdmQuery
The Query associated with this MdmCube.


public final java.util.List<MdmQueryColumn> getQueryColumns()
Gets the MdmQueryColumn objects that are associated with this MdmCube.
Specified by:
getQueryColumns in interface MdmQuery
A List of the MdmQueryColumn objects associated with this MdmCube.


public final java.lang.String getQueryName()
Gets the identifier of this MdmCube.
Specified by:
getQueryName in interface MdmQuery
A String that contains the identifier of this MdmCube.


public MdmQueryColumn getQueryColumn(java.lang.String name)
Gets the specified MdmQueryColumn.
Specified by:
getQueryColumn in interface MdmQuery
name - A String that contains the name of an MdmQueryColumn.
The MdmQueryColumn that has the specified name.


public MetadataObject getType()
Gets the OLAP Java API Value data type. An MdmCube does not have a value, so it does not have a more specific data type.
Specified by:
getType in class MdmSource
A MetadataObject that represents the OLAP Java API Value data type.


public MdmBaseMeasure findOrCreateBaseMeasure(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmBaseMeasure or, if it does not already exist, creates a new MdmBaseMeasure for this MdmCube.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmBaseMeasure to get or create.
The specified MdmBaseMeasure or a new one with the specified name.


public MdmDerivedMeasure findOrCreateDerivedMeasure(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmDerivedMeasure or, if it does not already exist, creates a new MdmDerivedMeasure for this MdmCube.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmDerivedMeasure to get or create.
The specified MdmDerivedMeasure or a new one with the specified name.


public CubeMap createCubeMap()
Creates a CubeMap for this MdmCube.
The CubeMap for this MdmCube.


public final CubeMap findOrCreateCubeMap(java.lang.String name)
Gets the specified CubeMap or, if it does not already exist, creates a new CubeMap for this MdmCube.
name - A String that contains the name of the CubeMap to get or create.
The specified CubeMap or a new one with the specified name.


public java.util.List getPersistentLanguages()
Gets the languages in which descriptions are available for this MdmCube and for the objects contained by it.
A List of String objects that contain the names of NLS languages.

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