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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class MdmMeasure

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
              extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimensionedObject
                  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmMeasure

All Implemented Interfaces:
MdmMember, MdmViewColumnOwner, MetadataObject
Direct Known Subclasses:
MdmBaseMeasure, MdmDerivedMeasure

public abstract class MdmMeasure
extends MdmDimensionedObject
implements MdmMember, MdmViewColumnOwner

An MdmDimensionedObject that represents a set of data to use in analytical processing. An MdmMeasure is owned by an MdmCube. The dimensionality of the MdmMeasure is defined by the MdmCube. The type of an MdmMeasure is based on the data type of the information that the MdmMeasure represents.

Method Summary
 void addDimensionality(MdmDimensionality value)
          Adds an MdmDimensionality to the MdmMeasure.
 MdmCube getCube()
          Gets the MdmCube that is associated with this MdmMeasure.
 java.util.List getDimensionality()
          Gets the MdmDimensionality objects that are associated with the MdmMeasure.
 MdmViewColumn getETMeasureColumn()
          Gets the ET (Embedded Totals) column for the MdmMeasure.
 MdmLevel getLevel()
          Gets the MdmLevel of the MdmMeasureDimension of which the MdmMeasure is a member.
 int getLevelDepth()
          Because an MdmMeasureDimension has only one level, this method returns 0.
 java.lang.String getLocalValue()
          Gets the local value of this MdmMeasure, which is its name.
 MdmMeasureDimension getMeasureDimension()
          Gets the MdmMeasureDimension of the MdmRootSchema.
 MdmPrimaryDimension getOwnerDimension()
          Gets the MdmPrimaryDimension of which this MdmMeasure is a member.
 MdmLevel getParentLevel()
          Because an MdmMeasure does not have a parent in a dimension hierarchy, this method returns null.
 java.lang.String getParentLocalValue()
          Because an MdmMeasure does not have a parent in a dimension hierarchy, this method returns null.
 java.lang.String getParentValue()
          Because an MdmMeasure does not have a parent in a dimension hierarchy, this method returns null.
 int getPrecedence()
          Gets the precedence of this MdmMeasure.
 MetadataObject getType()
          Gets the OLAP Java API data type for the MdmMeasure.
 java.lang.String getUnits()
          Gets the type of units specified for this MdmMeasure.
 java.lang.String getValue()
          Gets the value of this MdmMeasure, which is the identifier for the Source for this MdmMeasure.
 java.lang.String getValueFormat()
          Gets the format specified for the values of this MdmMeasure.
 void removeDimensionality(MdmDimensionality value)
          Removes an MdmDimensionality from the MdmMeasure.
 void setCube(MdmCube input)
          Specifies the MdmCube to associate with this MdmMeasure.
 void setUnits(java.lang.String newUnits)
          Specifies a type of units for the values of this MdmMeasure.
 void setValueFormat(java.lang.String formatString)
          Specifies a format for the values of this MdmMeasure.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimensionedObject
addDimension, getDimensions, isBooleanValued, setBooleanValued


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
getDataType, getSource


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
acceptVisitor, addDescription, addObjectClassification, findOrCreateDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescriptions, getMetadataProvider, getName, getNewName, getObjectClassifications, getShortDescription, isClassifiedAs, removeDescription, removeObjectClassification, setDescription, setDescription, setDescription, setName, setShortDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID, getOwner


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmMember
getDataType, getDescription, getShortDescription, getSource


Method Detail


public java.lang.String getValue()
Gets the value of this MdmMeasure, which is the identifier for the Source for this MdmMeasure.
Specified by:
getValue in interface MdmMember
A String that is the identifier for the Source for this MdmMeasure.


public java.lang.String getLocalValue()
Gets the local value of this MdmMeasure, which is its name.
Specified by:
getLocalValue in interface MdmMember
A String that contains the local value of this MdmMeasure.


public MdmPrimaryDimension getOwnerDimension()
Gets the MdmPrimaryDimension of which this MdmMeasure is a member. An MdmMeasure can be a member of an MdmMeasureDimension.
Specified by:
getOwnerDimension in interface MdmMember
The MdmPrimaryDimension of which this MdmMeasure is a member.


public MdmMeasureDimension getMeasureDimension()
Gets the MdmMeasureDimension of the MdmRootSchema. All MdmMeasure objects provided by the MdmMetadataProvider are members of that MdmMeasureDimension.
The MdmMeasureDimension of the MdmRootSchema.


public MdmLevel getLevel()
Gets the MdmLevel of the MdmMeasureDimension of which the MdmMeasure is a member.
Specified by:
getLevel in interface MdmMember
The MdmLevel of the MdmMeasureDimension.


public int getLevelDepth()
Because an MdmMeasureDimension has only one level, this method returns 0.
Specified by:
getLevelDepth in interface MdmMember
An integer that indicates the level of this MdmMeasure in the MdmMeasureDimension.


public java.lang.String getParentValue()
Because an MdmMeasure does not have a parent in a dimension hierarchy, this method returns null.
Specified by:
getParentValue in interface MdmMember
This method returns null.


public java.lang.String getParentLocalValue()
Because an MdmMeasure does not have a parent in a dimension hierarchy, this method returns null.
Specified by:
getParentLocalValue in interface MdmMember
This method returns null.


public MdmLevel getParentLevel()
Because an MdmMeasure does not have a parent in a dimension hierarchy, this method returns null.
Specified by:
getParentLevel in interface MdmMember
This method returns null.


public int getPrecedence()
Gets the precedence of this MdmMeasure.
Specified by:
getPrecedence in interface MdmMember
An integer that specifies the precedence of this MdmMeasure.


public java.lang.String getValueFormat()
Gets the format specified for the values of this MdmMeasure.
A String that specifes an Oracle COLUMN FORMAT for the values of this MdmMeasure.


public void setValueFormat(java.lang.String formatString)
Specifies a format for the values of this MdmMeasure.
formatString - A String that specifes an Oracle COLUMN FORMAT to use for the values of this MdmMeasure.


public java.lang.String getUnits()
Gets the type of units specified for this MdmMeasure.
A String that indicates the type of units for the values of this MdmMeasure.


public void setUnits(java.lang.String newUnits)
Specifies a type of units for the values of this MdmMeasure. For example, the following code specifies kilograms as the type of units for the values of the MdmMeasure mdmWeight.
newUnits - A String that indicates the type of units for the values of this MdmMeasure.


public final MdmCube getCube()
Gets the MdmCube that is associated with this MdmMeasure.
The MdmCube associated with this MdmMeasure.


public final void setCube(MdmCube input)
Specifies the MdmCube to associate with this MdmMeasure.
input - The MdmCube to associate with this MdmMeasure.


public final java.util.List getDimensionality()
Gets the MdmDimensionality objects that are associated with the MdmMeasure. An MdmDimensionality contains a reference to an MdmDimension.
getDimensionality in class MdmDimensionedObject
A List of the MdmDimensionality objects associated with the MdmMeasure.


public final void addDimensionality(MdmDimensionality value)
Adds an MdmDimensionality to the MdmMeasure.
addDimensionality in class MdmDimensionedObject
value - The MdmDimensionality to add to the MdmMeasure.


public final void removeDimensionality(MdmDimensionality value)
Removes an MdmDimensionality from the MdmMeasure.
removeDimensionality in class MdmDimensionedObject
value - The MdmDimensionality to remove from the MdmMeasure.


public final MdmViewColumn getETMeasureColumn()
Gets the ET (Embedded Totals) column for the MdmMeasure.
The MdmViewColumn that represents the ET column.


public final MetadataObject getType()
Gets the OLAP Java API data type for the MdmMeasure.
Specified by:
getType in class MdmSource
A MetadataObject that represents the OLAP Java API data type.

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