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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class MdmPrimaryDimension

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
              extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimension
                  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmPrimaryDimension

All Implemented Interfaces:
MdmMemberListMapOwner, MdmQuery, MdmViewColumnOwner, MetadataObject, Buildable
Direct Known Subclasses:
MdmMeasureDimension, MdmStandardDimension, MdmTimeDimension

public abstract class MdmPrimaryDimension
extends MdmDimension
implements MdmMemberListMapOwner, MdmViewColumnOwner, MdmQuery, Buildable

The base class for objects that represent an Oracle OLAP dimension. An MdmPrimaryDimension has one or more components that are subclasses of MdmSubDimension.

The concrete subclasses of the abstract MdmPrimaryDimension class represent dimensions that have different characteristics. An MdmStandardDimension typically has members that represent such things as products, customers, distribution channels, and so on. An MdmTimeDimension has members that represent time periods. An MdmMeasureDimension has members that are MdmMeasure objects.

The MdmHierarchy components of an MdmPrimaryDimension represent organizations of the members of the dimension. An Oracle OLAP dimension can be a simple, nonhierarchical set of members, or it can organize members into one or more hierarchies. A hierarchy can have parent-child relationships organized by levels or by values. For example, a dimension of time periods might be organized into two hierarchies, one organized by calendar year time periods and the other organized by fiscal year time periods. Both hierarchies are organized by levels for year, quarter, month, and day time periods. Each of those hierarchies is represented by an MdmLevelHierarchy, which is a concrete subclass of the abstract MdmHierarchy class. Those MdmLevelHierarchy objects are the components of the MdmTimeDimension.

Some the methods of an MdmPrimaryDimension return MdmAttribute objects that have members that are related to members of one or more of the components of the dimension. For example, the getLocalValueAttribute method returns an MdmAttribute that relates the unique value of a member of a component of the MdmPrimaryDimension to its corresponding local value. A unique value specifies a hierarchy, a level of the hierarchy, and the value of a member in that level, as in the following example from an MdmLevelHierarchy that represents products organized into levels by the type of product.


The parts of the unique value are separated by a value separation string. The value separation string in the preceding example is ::, the double colons. The local value of that unique value is ENVY STD.

An application can create a concrete instance of an MdmPrimaryDimension by calling the appropriate method of an MdmDatabaseSchema. It can also get existing MdmPrimaryDimension objects from the MdmDatabaseSchema or an MdmDimensionedObject. It gets the MdmMeasureDimension for a schema by calling the getMeasureDimension method of an MdmDatabaseSchema.

Method Summary
 void addDimensionLevel(MdmDimensionLevel level)
          Adds an MdmDimensionLevel to the List of MdmDimensionLevel objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void addHierarchy(MdmHierarchy hierarchy)
          Adds an MdmHierarchy to the List of MdmHierarchy objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void addModel(MdmDimensionCalculationModel model)
          Adds an MdmDimensionCalculationModel to the List of MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 AWPrimaryDimensionOrganization findOrCreateAWPrimaryDimensionOrganization(AW aw)
          Gets the AWPrimaryDimensionOrganization for the MdmPrimaryDimension or creates a new AWPrimaryDimensionOrganization if one does not already exist.
 MdmBaseAttribute findOrCreateBaseAttribute(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmBaseAttribute or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmDerivedAttribute findOrCreateDerivedAttribute(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmDerivedAttribute or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmDimensionCalculationModel findOrCreateDimCalcModel(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmDimensionCalculationModel or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmDimensionLevel findOrCreateDimensionLevel(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmDimensionLevel or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmLevelHierarchy findOrCreateLevelHierarchy(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmLevelHierarchy or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmCustomMember findOrCreateMdmCustomMember(java.lang.String memberName)
          Gets the specified MdmCustomMember of the dimension or, if the custom member does not already exist, creates a new one.
 MemberListMap findOrCreateMemberListMap()
          Gets the MemberListMap for the MdmPrimaryDimension or, if one does not already exist, creates a new one.
 MdmMultiValuedDerivedAttribute findOrCreateMultiValuedDerivedAttribute(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmMultiValuedDerivedAttribute or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 RolapPrimaryDimensionOrganization findOrCreateRolapPrimaryDimensionOrganization()
          Gets the RolapPrimaryDimensionOrganization for the MdmPrimaryDimension or creates a new RolapPrimaryDimensionOrganization if one does not already exist.
 MdmValueHierarchy findOrCreateValueHierarchy(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmValueHierarchy or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmAttribute getAncestorsAttribute()
          Gets the ancestors attribute for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.util.List getAttributes()
          Gets a List of the MdmAttribute objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmDimensionCalculationModel getDefaultCalcModel()
          Gets the default MdmDimensionCalculationModel specified for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmHierarchy getDefaultHierarchy()
          Gets the default component of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.util.List getDimensionLevels()
          Gets the List of the MdmDimensionLevel objects that are associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmViewColumn getETDimensionOrderColumn()
          Gets the dimension order column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmViewColumn getETHierarchyOrderColumn()
          Gets the hierarchy order column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmViewColumn getETKeyColumn()
          Gets the key column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmViewColumn getETLevelNameColumn()
          Gets the level name column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmViewColumn getETLocalValueColumn()
          Gets the local value column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmViewColumn getETMemberTypeColumn()
          Gets the member type column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.lang.String getETViewName()
          Gets the name of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.util.List getHierarchies()
          Gets a List that contains the components of the MdmPrimaryDimension, which are MdmHierarchy objects.
 MdmHierarchy getHierarchy(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the specified MdmHierarchy component of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmAttribute getHierarchyAttribute()
          Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a hierarchy to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmAttribute getIsCustomMemberAttribute()
          Gets the MdmAttribute that, for each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension, indicates whether that member is a custom member.
 MdmAttribute getLevelAttribute()
          Gets the MdmAttribute that relates the level of the hierarchy that a member of the hierarchy is in to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmAttribute getLevelDepthAttribute()
          Gets the MdmAttribute that relates the depth of the level of the hierarchy that a member of the hierarchy is in to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmAttribute getLocalValueAttribute()
          Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a local value to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.util.List getMdmCustomMembers()
          Gets the MdmCustomMember objects that are associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MemberListMap getMemberListMap()
          Gets the MemberListMap that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.util.List getModels()
          Gets the List of the MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects that are associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.lang.String getNamespace()
          Gets the namespace of this MdmPrimaryDimension.
 PrimaryDimensionOrganization getOrganization()
          Gets the organization object for the MdmPrimaryDimension, which specifies whether the dimension is deployed in an analytic workspace or in a relational OLAP organization.
 MdmSchema getOwner()
          Gets the MdmDatabaseSchema that owns this MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmAttribute getParentAttribute()
          Gets the parent attribute for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.util.List getPersistentLanguages()
          Gets the languages in which descriptions are available of this MdmPrimaryDimension and the objects owned by it.
 Query getQuery()
          Gets the Query that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmQueryColumn getQueryColumn(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the specified MdmQueryColumn.
 java.util.List<MdmQueryColumn> getQueryColumns()
          Gets the MdmQueryColumn objects that are associated with this MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.lang.String getQueryName()
          Gets the identifier of this MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmAttribute getShortValueDescriptionAttribute()
          Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a short description to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MetadataObject getType()
          Gets the OLAP Java API String data type.
 MdmAttribute getValueDescriptionAttribute()
          Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a long description to each member MdmPrimaryDimension.
 MdmAttribute getValueLineageAttribute()
          Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a lineage to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 java.lang.String getValueSeparationString()
          Gets the String that separates the hierarchy, level, and local value parts of the unique value of a member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void removeAttribute(MdmAttribute attr)
          Removes the specified MdmAttribute from the attributes of this MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void removeDimensionLevel(MdmDimensionLevel level)
          Removes an MdmDimensionLevel from the List of MdmDimensionLevel objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void removeHierarchy(MdmHierarchy hierarchy)
          Removes an MdmHierarchy from the components of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void removeMdmCustomMember(MdmCustomMember member)
          Removes an MdmCustomMember from the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void removeModel(MdmDimensionCalculationModel model)
          Removes an MdmDimensionCalculationModel from the List of MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects that are associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void setDefaultCalcModel(MdmDimensionCalculationModel model)
          Specifies an MdmDimensionCalculationModel as the default for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void setDefaultHierarchy(MdmHierarchy hierarchy)
          Specifies a default hierarchy for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void setETViewName(java.lang.String name)
          Specifies a name for the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void setMemberListMap(MemberListMap map)
          Specifies the MemberListMap to associate with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void setOwner(MdmDatabaseSchema owner)
          Specifies an MdmDatabaseSchema as the owner of this MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void setShortValueDescriptionAttribute(MdmAttribute attr)
          Specifes an MdmAttribute that contains short descriptions for the members of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void setValueDescriptionAttribute(MdmAttribute attr)
          Specifes an MdmAttribute that contains long descriptions for the members of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
 void setValueSeparationString(java.lang.String sep)
          Specifies a String that separates the hierarchy, level, and local value parts of the unique value of a member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimension
getCardinality, getCustomOrder, getPluralDescription, getPrimaryDimension, getShortPluralDescription, setCardinality, setCustomOrder, setPluralDescription, setShortPluralDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
getDataType, getSource


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
acceptVisitor, addDescription, addObjectClassification, findOrCreateDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescriptions, getMetadataProvider, getName, getNewName, getObjectClassifications, getShortDescription, isClassifiedAs, removeDescription, removeObjectClassification, setDescription, setDescription, setDescription, setName, setShortDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public MdmAttribute getAncestorsAttribute()
Gets the ancestors attribute for the MdmPrimaryDimension. The ancestors attribute relates each member of an MdmHierarchy to the ancestors of the member in the hierarchy. For example, the ancestors for a month in a time hierarchy might be quarter and year.
The MdmAttribute that is the ancestors attribute of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final java.util.List getHierarchies()
Gets a List that contains the components of the MdmPrimaryDimension, which are MdmHierarchy objects.
A List that contains the components of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MdmHierarchy getHierarchy(java.lang.String name)
Gets the specified MdmHierarchy component of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
name - A String that contains the name of the MdmHierarchy to get.
The MdmHierarchy that has the specified name.


public MdmHierarchy getDefaultHierarchy()
Gets the default component of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
The MdmHierarchy that is the default component of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public MdmAttribute getParentAttribute()
Gets the parent attribute for the MdmPrimaryDimension. The parent attribute relates each member of the MdmHierarchy to the parent of the member in the hierarchy.
The MdmAttribute that is the parent attribute of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MdmAttribute getShortValueDescriptionAttribute()
Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a short description to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
The MdmAttribute that relates a short description to each member MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MdmAttribute getValueDescriptionAttribute()
Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a long description to each member MdmPrimaryDimension.
The MdmAttribute that relates a long description to each member of the components of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MdmAttribute getLevelAttribute()
Gets the MdmAttribute that relates the level of the hierarchy that a member of the hierarchy is in to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
The MdmAttribute that relates a level of a hierarchy to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MdmAttribute getLevelDepthAttribute()
Gets the MdmAttribute that relates the depth of the level of the hierarchy that a member of the hierarchy is in to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
The MdmAttribute that relates the depth of a level in a hierarchy to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MdmAttribute getLocalValueAttribute()
Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a local value to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
The MdmAttribute that relates a local value to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MdmAttribute getHierarchyAttribute()
Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a hierarchy to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
The MdmAttribute that relates a hierarchy to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MdmAttribute getIsCustomMemberAttribute()
Gets the MdmAttribute that, for each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension, indicates whether that member is a custom member.
The MdmAttribute that, for each member of the of the MdmPrimaryDimension, indicates whether that member is a custom member.


public final MdmAttribute getValueLineageAttribute()
Gets the MdmAttribute that relates a lineage to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension. The lineage is useful for display purposes.

The lineage associated with a dimension member provides the ancestors of the member in the hierarchy. The ancestor member values are in brackets and are separated by periods. For example, the value lineage attribute value associated with item ENVY EXE of the Product dimension is the following.


The ancestor attribute returned by the getAncestorAttribute method associates each ancestor individually. The ancestor attribute values associated with item ENVY EXE are the following.

The MdmAttribute that relates a lineage to each member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final java.lang.String getValueSeparationString()
Gets the String that separates the hierarchy, level, and local value parts of the unique value of a member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
The value separation string for the parts of a unique value of a member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final java.lang.String getNamespace()
Gets the namespace of this MdmPrimaryDimension. For information on namespaces, see Using Namespaces in the description of MdmMetadataProvider.
A String that contains the namespace of this MdmPrimaryDimension.


public void setDefaultHierarchy(MdmHierarchy hierarchy)
Specifies a default hierarchy for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
hierarchy - The MdmHierarchy to set as the default hierarchy for the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public void addHierarchy(MdmHierarchy hierarchy)
Adds an MdmHierarchy to the List of MdmHierarchy objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
hierarchy - The MdmHierarchy to add to the dimension.


public void removeHierarchy(MdmHierarchy hierarchy)
Removes an MdmHierarchy from the components of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
hierarchy - The MdmHierarchy to remove from the MdmPrimaryDimension


public final void setShortValueDescriptionAttribute(MdmAttribute attr)
Specifes an MdmAttribute that contains short descriptions for the members of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
attr - An MdmAttribute that relates short descriptions to members of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final void setValueDescriptionAttribute(MdmAttribute attr)
Specifes an MdmAttribute that contains long descriptions for the members of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
attr - An MdmAttribute that relates long descriptions to members of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final void setValueSeparationString(java.lang.String sep)
Specifies a String that separates the hierarchy, level, and local value parts of the unique value of a member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.
sep - The String to use as the value separation string for the parts of a unique value of a member of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final void addDimensionLevel(MdmDimensionLevel level)
Adds an MdmDimensionLevel to the List of MdmDimensionLevel objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
level - The MdmDimensionLevel to add to the list of MdmDimensionLevel objects of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final void removeDimensionLevel(MdmDimensionLevel level)
Removes an MdmDimensionLevel from the List of MdmDimensionLevel objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
level - The MdmDimensionLevel to remove from the list of MdmDimensionLevel objects of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final java.util.List getDimensionLevels()
Gets the List of the MdmDimensionLevel objects that are associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
A List of the MdmDimensionLevel objects of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final void addModel(MdmDimensionCalculationModel model)
Adds an MdmDimensionCalculationModel to the List of MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
model - The MdmDimensionCalculationModel to add to the list of MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final void removeModel(MdmDimensionCalculationModel model)
Removes an MdmDimensionCalculationModel from the List of MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects that are associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
model - The MdmDimensionCalculationModel to remove from the list of MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final java.util.List getModels()
Gets the List of the MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects that are associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
A List of the MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects of the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MdmDimensionCalculationModel getDefaultCalcModel()
Gets the default MdmDimensionCalculationModel specified for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
The default MdmDimensionCalculationModel for the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final void setDefaultCalcModel(MdmDimensionCalculationModel model)
Specifies an MdmDimensionCalculationModel as the default for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
model - The MdmDimensionCalculationModel to specify as the default for the dimension.


public final MdmSchema getOwner()
Gets the MdmDatabaseSchema that owns this MdmPrimaryDimension.
getOwner in class BaseMetadataObject
The MdmDatabaseSchema that owns this MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final void setOwner(MdmDatabaseSchema owner)
Specifies an MdmDatabaseSchema as the owner of this MdmPrimaryDimension.
owner - The MdmDatabaseSchema to specify as the owner of this MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final MemberListMap getMemberListMap()
Gets the MemberListMap that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension. With this method you can get the MemberListMap of the dimension if one exists without creating a new MemberListMap.
Specified by:
getMemberListMap in interface MdmMemberListMapOwner
The MemberListMap associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final void setMemberListMap(MemberListMap map)
Specifies the MemberListMap to associate with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
map - The MemberListMap to associate with the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public java.util.List getAttributes()
Gets a List of the MdmAttribute objects associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
Specified by:
getAttributes in class MdmDimension
A List of the MdmAttribute objects for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
See Also:


public void removeAttribute(MdmAttribute attr)
Removes the specified MdmAttribute from the attributes of this MdmPrimaryDimension.
Specified by:
removeAttribute in class MdmDimension
attr - The MdmAttribute to remove from this MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final PrimaryDimensionOrganization getOrganization()
Gets the organization object for the MdmPrimaryDimension, which specifies whether the dimension is deployed in an analytic workspace or in a relational OLAP organization.


public final AWPrimaryDimensionOrganization findOrCreateAWPrimaryDimensionOrganization(AW aw)
Gets the AWPrimaryDimensionOrganization for the MdmPrimaryDimension or creates a new AWPrimaryDimensionOrganization if one does not already exist.
aw - The AW object to associate with the AWPrimaryDimensionOrganization.
The new or existing AWPrimaryDimensionOrganization for the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final RolapPrimaryDimensionOrganization findOrCreateRolapPrimaryDimensionOrganization()
Gets the RolapPrimaryDimensionOrganization for the MdmPrimaryDimension or creates a new RolapPrimaryDimensionOrganization if one does not already exist.
The new or existing RolapPrimaryDimensionOrganization for the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final java.lang.String getETViewName()
Gets the name of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
A String that contains the name of the ET view.


public final void setETViewName(java.lang.String name)
Specifies a name for the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
name - A String that contains the name for the ET view.


public final MdmViewColumn getETKeyColumn()
Gets the key column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
An MdmViewColumn that represents the key column of the ET view.


public final MdmViewColumn getETLocalValueColumn()
Gets the local value column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
An MdmViewColumn that represents the local value column of the ET view.


public final MdmViewColumn getETLevelNameColumn()
Gets the level name column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
An MdmViewColumn that represents the level name column of the ET view.


public final MdmViewColumn getETMemberTypeColumn()
Gets the member type column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
An MdmViewColumn that represents the member type column of the ET view.


public final MdmViewColumn getETDimensionOrderColumn()
Gets the dimension order column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
An MdmViewColumn that represents the dimension order column of the ET view.


public final MdmViewColumn getETHierarchyOrderColumn()
Gets the hierarchy order column of the ET (Embedded Totals) view that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
An MdmViewColumn that represents the hierarchy order column of the ET view.


public final Query getQuery()
Gets the Query that is associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
Specified by:
getQuery in interface MdmQuery
The Query associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final java.util.List<MdmQueryColumn> getQueryColumns()
Gets the MdmQueryColumn objects that are associated with this MdmPrimaryDimension.
Specified by:
getQueryColumns in interface MdmQuery
A List of the MdmQueryColumn objects associated with this MdmPrimaryDimension.


public final java.lang.String getQueryName()
Gets the identifier of this MdmPrimaryDimension.
Specified by:
getQueryName in interface MdmQuery
A String that contains the identifier of this MdmPrimaryDimension.


public MdmQueryColumn getQueryColumn(java.lang.String name)
Gets the specified MdmQueryColumn.
Specified by:
getQueryColumn in interface MdmQuery
name - A String that contains the name of an MdmQueryColumn.
The MdmQueryColumn that has the specified name.


public MetadataObject getType()
Gets the OLAP Java API String data type. An MdmPrimaryDimension has String values.
Specified by:
getType in class MdmSource
A MetadataObject that represents the OLAP Java API String data type.


public MdmLevelHierarchy findOrCreateLevelHierarchy(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmLevelHierarchy or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmLevelHierarchy to get or create.
The specified MdmLevelHierarchy or a new one with the specified name.


public MdmValueHierarchy findOrCreateValueHierarchy(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmValueHierarchy or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmValueHierarchy to get or create.
The specified MdmValueHierarchy or a new one with the specified name.


public MdmDimensionLevel findOrCreateDimensionLevel(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmDimensionLevel or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmDimensionLevel to get or create.
The specified MdmDimensionLevel or a new one with the specified name.


public MdmMultiValuedDerivedAttribute findOrCreateMultiValuedDerivedAttribute(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmMultiValuedDerivedAttribute or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmMultiValuedDerivedAttribute to get or create.
The specified MdmMultiValuedDerivedAttribute or a new one with the specified name.


public MdmDerivedAttribute findOrCreateDerivedAttribute(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmDerivedAttribute or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension. The public name of the MdmDerivedAttribute is the String returned by the getName method of the MdmDerivedAttribute.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmDerivedAttribute to get or create.
The specified MdmDerivedAttribute or a new one with the specified name.


public MdmDimensionCalculationModel findOrCreateDimCalcModel(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmDimensionCalculationModel or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmDimensionCalculationModel to get or create.
The specified MdmDimensionCalculationModel or a new one with the specified name.


public MdmBaseAttribute findOrCreateBaseAttribute(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmBaseAttribute or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one for the MdmPrimaryDimension. The public name of the MdmBaseAttribute is the String returned by the getName method of the MdmBaseAttribute. An application specifies the role of an MdmBaseAttribute with methods like setValueDescriptionAttribute.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmBaseAttribute to get or create.
The specified MdmBaseAttribute or a new one with the specified name.


public MemberListMap findOrCreateMemberListMap()
Gets the MemberListMap for the MdmPrimaryDimension or, if one does not already exist, creates a new one.
Specified by:
findOrCreateMemberListMap in interface MdmMemberListMapOwner
The MemberListMap for the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public java.util.List getPersistentLanguages()
Gets the languages in which descriptions are available of this MdmPrimaryDimension and the objects owned by it. The languages include those available for AttributeMap objects that are owned by DimensionMap objects that are owned directly or indirectly by the MdmPrimaryDimension.
A List of String objects that contain the names of NLS languages.


public final java.util.List getMdmCustomMembers()
Gets the MdmCustomMember objects that are associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.
A List of the MdmCustomMember objects that are associated with the MdmPrimaryDimension.


public MdmCustomMember findOrCreateMdmCustomMember(java.lang.String memberName)
Gets the specified MdmCustomMember of the dimension or, if the custom member does not already exist, creates a new one.
memberName - A String that contains the name of and existing custom member or a name for the new custom member.
The new or existing MdmCustomMember.


public final void removeMdmCustomMember(MdmCustomMember member)
Removes an MdmCustomMember from the MdmPrimaryDimension.
member - The MdmCustomMember to remove from the MdmPrimaryDimension.

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