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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class MdmValueHierarchy

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
              extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimension
                  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSubDimension
                      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmHierarchy
                          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmValueHierarchy

All Implemented Interfaces:
MdmQuery, MdmViewColumnOwner, MetadataObject

public final class MdmValueHierarchy
extends MdmHierarchy

An MdmHierarchy that represents members of an Oracle OLAP dimension that are organized hierarchically by values rather than by levels. An application creates an MdmValueHierarchy with the findOrCreateValueHierarchy method of an MdmPrimaryDimension.

The hierarchical organization is defined by parent-child relationships between the members of the MdmValueHierarchy. For example, the employee reporting structure of a company can be represented with parent-child relationships but without levels.

To map an MdmValueHierarchy to a data source, you use a SolvedValueHierarchyMap. You specify the children of the hierarchy with the setKeyExpression method of the SolvedValueHierarchyMap and you specify the parents with the setParentKeyExpression method.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object acceptVisitor(MdmObjectVisitor visitor, java.lang.Object context)
          Calls the visitMdmValueHierarchy method on the specified MdmObjectVisitor and passes that method this MdmValueHierarchy and the specified context object.
 SolvedValueHierarchyMap findOrCreateSolvedValueHierarchyMap()
          Gets the SolvedValueHierarchyMap that is contained by this MdmValueHierarchy or creates a new SolvedValueHierarchyMap if one does not already exist.
 MdmDimensionMemberInfo getDefaultMember()
          Gets the MdmDimensionMemberInfo that specifies the default member of this MdmValueHierarchy.
 SolvedValueHierarchyMap getSolvedHierarchyMap()
          Gets the SolvedValueHierarchyMap that is contained by this MdmValueHierarchy.
 void setDefaultMember(MdmDimensionMemberInfo defaultMember)
          Specifies a default member for this MdmValueHierarchy.
 void setSolvedHierarchyMap(SolvedValueHierarchyMap map)
          Specifies a SolvedValueHierarchyMap for this MdmValueHierarchy.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmHierarchy
getAncestorsAttribute, getETDepthColumn, getETParentColumn, getETViewName, getParentAttribute, getQuery, getQueryColumn, getQueryColumns, getQueryName, isDefaultHierarchy, setETViewName


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSubDimension
addAttribute, getAttributes, removeAttribute


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimension
getCardinality, getCustomOrder, getPluralDescription, getPrimaryDimension, getShortPluralDescription, setCardinality, setCustomOrder, setPluralDescription, setShortPluralDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
getDataType, getSource, getType


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
addDescription, addObjectClassification, findOrCreateDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescriptions, getMetadataProvider, getName, getNewName, getObjectClassifications, getShortDescription, isClassifiedAs, removeDescription, removeObjectClassification, setDescription, setDescription, setDescription, setName, setShortDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID, getOwner


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public java.lang.Object acceptVisitor(MdmObjectVisitor visitor,
                                      java.lang.Object context)
Calls the visitMdmValueHierarchy method on the specified MdmObjectVisitor and passes that method this MdmValueHierarchy and the specified context object.
Specified by:
acceptVisitor in class MdmObject
visitor - An MdmObjectVisitor.
context - An Object.
The Object returned by the visitMdmValueHierarchy method.


public MdmDimensionMemberInfo getDefaultMember()
Gets the MdmDimensionMemberInfo that specifies the default member of this MdmValueHierarchy. From the MdmDimensionMemberInfo you can get the value of the default member by calling its getLocalValue or getUniqueValue method.
Specified by:
getDefaultMember in class MdmHierarchy
An MdmDimensionMemberInfo that has the default member of this MdmValueHierarchy.


public void setDefaultMember(MdmDimensionMemberInfo defaultMember)
Specifies a default member for this MdmValueHierarchy.
Specified by:
setDefaultMember in class MdmHierarchy
defaultMember - An MdmDimensionMemberInfo that has the value that you want the default member of this MdmValueHierarchy to have.


public final SolvedValueHierarchyMap getSolvedHierarchyMap()
Gets the SolvedValueHierarchyMap that is contained by this MdmValueHierarchy.
The SolvedValueHierarchyMap for this MdmValueHierarchy.


public final void setSolvedHierarchyMap(SolvedValueHierarchyMap map)
Specifies a SolvedValueHierarchyMap for this MdmValueHierarchy.
map - The SolvedValueHierarchyMap for this MdmValueHierarchy.


public SolvedValueHierarchyMap findOrCreateSolvedValueHierarchyMap()
Gets the SolvedValueHierarchyMap that is contained by this MdmValueHierarchy or creates a new SolvedValueHierarchyMap if one does not already exist.
The SolvedValueHierarchyMap for this MdmValueHierarchy.

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