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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class MdmDimensionLevel

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
              extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimension
                  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSubDimension
                      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimensionLevel

All Implemented Interfaces:
MdmMemberListMapOwner, MdmViewColumnOwner, MetadataObject

public class MdmDimensionLevel
extends MdmSubDimension
implements MdmMemberListMapOwner, MdmViewColumnOwner

A component of an MdmPrimaryDimension that represents a subset of members of the dimension. Any dimension member can be in at most one MdmDimensionLevel. An application creates an MdmDimensionLevel with the findOrCreateDimensionLevel method of an MdmPrimaryDimension.

The members of an MdmDimensionLevel are specified by an associated MemberListMap. The key Expression for the MemberListMap is typically a ColumnExpression that specifies a column in a relational table.

An MdmDimensionLevel can be associated with zero, one, or more MdmHierarchyLevel objects. An MdmHierarchyLevel is associated with only one MdmDimensionLevel. The members of an MdmHierarchyLevel are some or all of the members of the MdmDimensionLevel. A member of an MdmDimensionLevel need not be a member of any MdmHierarchyLevel. Therefore, an MdmDimensionLevel can contain more members than an associated MdmHierarchyLevel.

An MdmDimensionLevel has a type that indicates the type of values in the level. The static constant fields contain the possible type values. By default the level type is LEVEL_TYPE_STANDARD. For an MdmDimensionLevel of an MdmTimeDimension, you can specify one of the other level types by using the setLevelType method.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_DAY
          A constant that specifies a level type of DAY.
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_HALFYEAR
          A constant that specifies a level type of HALFYEAR.
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_HOUR
          A constant that specifies a level type of HOUR.
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_MINUTE
          A constant that specifies a level type of MINUTE.
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_MONTH
          A constant that specifies a level type of MONTH.
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_QUARTER
          A constant that specifies a level type of QUARTER.
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_SECOND
          A constant that specifies a level type of SECOND.
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_STANDARD
          A constant that specifies a level type of STANDARD.
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_WEEK
          A constant that specifies a level type of WEEK.
static java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_YEAR
          A constant that specifies a level type of YEAR.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object acceptVisitor(MdmObjectVisitor visitor, java.lang.Object context)
          Calls the visitMdmDimensionLevel method of the specified MdmObjectVisitor and passes that method this MdmDimensionLevel and the specified context object.
 void addUniqueKeyAttribute(MdmBaseAttribute attr)
          Adds a unique key attribute to the list of them that are associated with this MdmDimensionLevel.
 MemberListMap findOrCreateMemberListMap()
          Gets the MemberListMap that is associated with this MdmDimensionLevel or creates a new MemberListMap if one does not already exist.
 MdmViewColumn getETViewLevelKeyColumn()
          Gets the MdmViewColumn that represents the key column of the embedded totals view associated with the MdmDimensionLevel.
 MdmViewColumn getETViewLocalValueColumn()
          Gets the MdmViewColumn that represents the local value column of the embedded totals view associated with the MdmDimensionLevel.
 java.lang.String getLevelType()
          Gets the type of information that this MdmDimensionLevel represents.
 MemberListMap getMemberListMap()
          Gets the MemberListMap associated with the MdmDimensionLevel.
 java.util.List<MdmBaseAttribute> getUniqueKeyAttributes()
          Gets a list of the unique key attributes that are associated with this MdmDimensionLevel.
 void removeUniqueKeyAttribute(MdmBaseAttribute attr)
          Removes a unique key attribute from the list of them that are associated with this MdmDimensionLevel.
 void setLevelType(java.lang.String levelType)
          Specifies the type of information that this MdmDimensionLevel represents.
 void setMemberListMap(MemberListMap map)
          Specifies the MemberListMap to associate with the MdmDimensionLevel.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSubDimension
addAttribute, getAttributes, removeAttribute


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimension
getCardinality, getCustomOrder, getPluralDescription, getPrimaryDimension, getShortPluralDescription, setCardinality, setCustomOrder, setPluralDescription, setShortPluralDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
getDataType, getSource, getType


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
addDescription, addObjectClassification, findOrCreateDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescriptions, getMetadataProvider, getName, getNewName, getObjectClassifications, getShortDescription, isClassifiedAs, removeDescription, removeObjectClassification, setDescription, setDescription, setDescription, setName, setShortDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID, getOwner


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_STANDARD
A constant that specifies a level type of STANDARD.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_YEAR
A constant that specifies a level type of YEAR.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_HALFYEAR
A constant that specifies a level type of HALFYEAR.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_QUARTER
A constant that specifies a level type of QUARTER.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_MONTH
A constant that specifies a level type of MONTH.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_WEEK
A constant that specifies a level type of WEEK.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_DAY
A constant that specifies a level type of DAY.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_HOUR
A constant that specifies a level type of HOUR.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_MINUTE
A constant that specifies a level type of MINUTE.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LEVEL_TYPE_SECOND
A constant that specifies a level type of SECOND.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object acceptVisitor(MdmObjectVisitor visitor,
                                      java.lang.Object context)
Calls the visitMdmDimensionLevel method of the specified MdmObjectVisitor and passes that method this MdmDimensionLevel and the specified context object.
Specified by:
acceptVisitor in class MdmObject
visitor - An implementation of the Mdm11_ObjectVisitor interface.
context - An Object.
The Object returned by the visitMdmDimensionLevel method.


public final java.util.List<MdmBaseAttribute> getUniqueKeyAttributes()
Gets a list of the unique key attributes that are associated with this MdmDimensionLevel.
A List of the unique key attributes associated with this MdmDimensionLevel.


public final void addUniqueKeyAttribute(MdmBaseAttribute attr)
Adds a unique key attribute to the list of them that are associated with this MdmDimensionLevel.
attr - The MdmBaseAttribute to add to the List of unique key attributes of this MdmDimensionLevel.


public final void removeUniqueKeyAttribute(MdmBaseAttribute attr)
Removes a unique key attribute from the list of them that are associated with this MdmDimensionLevel.
attr - The MdmBaseAttribute to remove from the List of unique key attributes of this MdmDimensionLevel.


public java.lang.String getLevelType()
Gets the type of information that this MdmDimensionLevel represents. For an MdmDimensionLevel associated with an MdmTimeDimension, the possible level type values are YEAR, HALFYEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, and STANDARD. For an MdmDimensionLevel associated with any other subclass of MdmPrimaryDimension, the level type is STANDARD.
A String indicating the type of information in the level.


public void setLevelType(java.lang.String levelType)
                  throws MdmInvalidValueException
Specifies the type of information that this MdmDimensionLevel represents. For an MdmTimeDimension, the possible levelType values are YEAR, HALFYEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, and STANDARD. For an MdmStandardDimension or MdmMeasureDimension, the level type is STANDARD.
levelType - A String indicating the type of the information in this level.


public final MemberListMap getMemberListMap()
Gets the MemberListMap associated with the MdmDimensionLevel.
Specified by:
getMemberListMap in interface MdmMemberListMapOwner
The MemberListMap for the MdmDimensionLevel.


public final void setMemberListMap(MemberListMap map)
Specifies the MemberListMap to associate with the MdmDimensionLevel.
map - The MemberListMap to associate with the MdmDimensionLevel.


public final MdmViewColumn getETViewLevelKeyColumn()
Gets the MdmViewColumn that represents the key column of the embedded totals view associated with the MdmDimensionLevel.
An MdmViewColumn that represents the key column of the embedded totals view.


public final MdmViewColumn getETViewLocalValueColumn()
Gets the MdmViewColumn that represents the local value column of the embedded totals view associated with the MdmDimensionLevel.
An MdmViewColumn that represents the local value column of the embedded totals view.


public MemberListMap findOrCreateMemberListMap()
Gets the MemberListMap that is associated with this MdmDimensionLevel or creates a new MemberListMap if one does not already exist.
Specified by:
findOrCreateMemberListMap in interface MdmMemberListMapOwner
The MemberListMap associated with this MdmDimensionLevel.

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