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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class MdmDimensionedObject

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
              extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimensionedObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
MdmAttribute, MdmCube, MdmMeasure

public abstract class MdmDimensionedObject
extends MdmSource

An MdmSource that represents a set of data that is organized by one or more MdmDimension objects.

The structure of the data that is represented by an MdmDimensionedObject is similar to that of a multidimensional array. Like the dimensions of an array, the MdmDimension objects that organize an MdmDimensionedObject provide the indexes for identifying individual cells. For example, suppose you have an MdmMeasure (a subclass of MdmDimensionedObject) that represents sales data, and the data is organized by product, time, and customer. You can think of the data as occupying a three-dimensional array with the product, time, and customer dimensions providing the organizational structure. The values of these three dimensions are indexes for identifying each particular cell in the array, which contains a single sales value. You must specify a value for each dimension in order to identify a value in the array. In relational terms, the MdmDimension objects can be thought of as a compound (that is, composite) primary key for the MdmMeasure.

Another subclass of MdmDimensionedObject is MdmAttribute, which provides a mapping from the members of an MdmDimension to values that represent characteristics of the members, such as their color or their gender. For an MdmAttribute, the data is organized by the MdmDimension for which it holds characteristics, just as the data for an MdmMeasure is organized by its MdmDimension objects.

Method Summary
 MdmDimensionality addDimension(MdmDimension dimension)
          Adds an MdmDimension to the dimensions by which this MdmDimensionedObject is dimensioned.
 void addDimensionality(MdmDimensionality value)
          Adds an MdmDimensionality to the list of dimensionality objects that are associated which this MdmDimensionedObject.
 java.util.List getDimensionality()
          Gets the MdmDimensionality objects for this MdmDimensionedObject.
 java.util.List getDimensions()
          Gets the MdmDimension objects for this MdmDimensionedObject.
 boolean isBooleanValued()
          Indicates whether this MdmDimensionedObject has boolean values.
 void removeDimensionality(MdmDimensionality value)
          Removes an MdmDimensionality from the list of dimensionality objects that are associated which this MdmDimensionedObject.
 void setBooleanValued(boolean input)
          Specifies whether this MdmDimensionedObject has boolean values.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
getDataType, getSource, getType


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
acceptVisitor, addDescription, addObjectClassification, findOrCreateDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescriptions, getMetadataProvider, getName, getNewName, getObjectClassifications, getShortDescription, isClassifiedAs, removeDescription, removeObjectClassification, setDescription, setDescription, setDescription, setName, setShortDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID, getOwner


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public final MdmDimensionality addDimension(MdmDimension dimension)
Adds an MdmDimension to the dimensions by which this MdmDimensionedObject is dimensioned.
dimension - The MdmDimension to add to this MdmDimensionedObject.


public final java.util.List getDimensions()
Gets the MdmDimension objects for this MdmDimensionedObject.
A List that contains the MdmDimension objects for this MdmDimensionedObject.


public java.util.List getDimensionality()
Gets the MdmDimensionality objects for this MdmDimensionedObject.
A List that contains the MdmDimensionality objects for this MdmDimensionedObject.


public void addDimensionality(MdmDimensionality value)
Adds an MdmDimensionality to the list of dimensionality objects that are associated which this MdmDimensionedObject.
value - The MdmDimensionality to add to this MdmDimensionedObject.


public void removeDimensionality(MdmDimensionality value)
Removes an MdmDimensionality from the list of dimensionality objects that are associated which this MdmDimensionedObject.
value - The MdmDimensionality to remove from this MdmDimensionedObject.


public final boolean isBooleanValued()
Indicates whether this MdmDimensionedObject has boolean values.
A boolean that is true if this MdmDimensionedObject has boolean values or false otherwise.


public final void setBooleanValued(boolean input)
Specifies whether this MdmDimensionedObject has boolean values.
input - A boolean that is true if this MdmDimensionedObject has boolean values or false otherwise.

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