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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class MdmAttribute

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
              extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimensionedObject
                  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmAttribute

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
MdmMultiValuedAttribute, MdmSingleValuedAttribute

public abstract class MdmAttribute
extends MdmDimensionedObject

The abstract base class for an MdmDimensionedObject that represents one or more characteristic of the members of an MdmDimension. An MdmAttribute relates one member of the MdmDimension to one or more values. For example, the end date MdmAttribute of an MdmTimeDimension relates an end date to each member of an MdmTimeDimension. The data type of an MdmAttribute can be any of the OLAP Java API data types. A value of MdmAttribute can be a boolean, a Date, a number, a String, an MdmSource, or other kinds of objects.

An MdmAttribute is an MdmDimensionedObject because it has elements that are organized by an MdmDimension. For example, the end date MdmAttribute has one element (with a value that specifies a date) for each member of the MdmTimeDimension associated with it.

An application finds an existing attribute or creates a new one by using the appropriate method of the MdmPrimaryDimension that dimensions it. For example, the findOrCreateBaseAttribute method of an MdmPrimaryDimension gets an existing MdmBaseAttribute or creates a new one. An application can also get attributes of a dimension or level by using methods such as getShortValueDescriptionAttribute of an MdmPrimaryDimension and getLevelAttribute of an MdmLevelHierarchy.

Sometimes, not all of the members of an MdmDimension relate to the values of an MdmAttribute. For example, an MdmLevelHierarchy that represents a dimension of product items might have an attribute at the lowest level that relates a color to the items. The color attribute does not apply to members at higher levels of the hierarchy. If an MdmAttribute does not apply to a member of an MdmDimension, then the attribute value for that member is null.

Some MdmAttribute objects provide a relation that is one-to-many, rather than one-to-one. Therefore, a member in an MdmDimension might map to a whole set of MdmAttribute elements. For example, the MdmAttribute that is the ancestors attribute of an MdmHierarchy relates each member of the MdmHierarchy to the set of the MdmHierarchy members that are the ancestors of it.

Method Summary
 MdmDescriptionType getDescriptionType()
          Gets the MdmDescriptionType associated with the MdmAttribute.
 java.util.List getDimensionality()
          Gets a List of the MdmPrimaryDimension objects associated with the MdmAttribute.
 MdmPrimaryDimension getPrimaryDimension()
          Gets the MdmPrimaryDimension associated with the MdmAttribute.
abstract  SQLDataType getSQLDataType()
          Gets the SQL data type for the MdmAttribute.
 MdmPrimaryDimension getTargetDimension()
          Gets the MdmPrimaryDimension associated with the MdmAttribute.
 MetadataObject getType()
          Gets the OLAP Java API data type for the MdmAttribute.
 boolean isVisibleForAll()
          Indicates whether a column for the MdmAttribute appears in the OLAP (ET) views for all of the hierarchies of the MdmPrimaryDimension that contains the MdmAttribute.
 void setDescriptionType(MdmDescriptionType input)
          Specifies an MdmDescriptionType to associate with the MdmAttribute.
 void setIsVisibleForAll(boolean input)
          Specifies whether Oracle OLAP includes a column for the MdmAttribute in the OLAP (ET) views for all of the hierarchies of the MdmPrimaryDimension that contains the MdmAttribute.
 void setPrimaryDimension(MdmPrimaryDimension primaryDimension)
          Specifies the MdmPrimaryDimension to associate with the MdmAttribute.
 void setTargetDimension(MdmPrimaryDimension input)
          Specifies an MdmPrimaryDimension to associate with the MdmAttribute.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDimensionedObject
addDimension, addDimensionality, getDimensions, isBooleanValued, removeDimensionality, setBooleanValued


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSource
getDataType, getSource


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
acceptVisitor, addDescription, addObjectClassification, findOrCreateDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescriptions, getMetadataProvider, getName, getNewName, getObjectClassifications, getShortDescription, isClassifiedAs, removeDescription, removeObjectClassification, setDescription, setDescription, setDescription, setName, setShortDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID, getOwner


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public final MdmPrimaryDimension getTargetDimension()
Gets the MdmPrimaryDimension associated with the MdmAttribute.
The MdmPrimaryDimension associated with the MdmAttribute.


public final void setTargetDimension(MdmPrimaryDimension input)
Specifies an MdmPrimaryDimension to associate with the MdmAttribute.
input - The MdmPrimaryDimension to associate with the MdmAttribute.


public final MdmDescriptionType getDescriptionType()
Gets the MdmDescriptionType associated with the MdmAttribute.
The MdmDescriptionType associated with the MdmAttribute.


public final void setDescriptionType(MdmDescriptionType input)
Specifies an MdmDescriptionType to associate with the MdmAttribute.
input - The MdmDescriptionType to associate with the >MdmAttribute.


public final boolean isVisibleForAll()
Indicates whether a column for the MdmAttribute appears in the OLAP (ET) views for all of the hierarchies of the MdmPrimaryDimension that contains the MdmAttribute.
A boolean that is true if a column for the attribute appears in the OLAP views for all of the hierarchies of the dimension or false if it does not.


public final void setIsVisibleForAll(boolean input)
Specifies whether Oracle OLAP includes a column for the MdmAttribute in the OLAP (ET) views for all of the hierarchies of the MdmPrimaryDimension that contains the MdmAttribute.
input - A boolean that is true to have Oracle OLAP include a column for the attribute in the OLAP view of each of the hierarchies of the dimension or false to not do so.


public final void setPrimaryDimension(MdmPrimaryDimension primaryDimension)
Specifies the MdmPrimaryDimension to associate with the MdmAttribute.
primaryDimension - The MdmPrimaryDimension to associate with the MdmAttribute.


public final java.util.List getDimensionality()
Gets a List of the MdmPrimaryDimension objects associated with the MdmAttribute.
getDimensionality in class MdmDimensionedObject
A List of the MdmPrimaryDimension objects associated with the MdmAttribute.


public final MdmPrimaryDimension getPrimaryDimension()
Gets the MdmPrimaryDimension associated with the MdmAttribute.
The MdmPrimaryDimension associated with the MdmAttribute.


public final MetadataObject getType()
Gets the OLAP Java API data type for the MdmAttribute.
Specified by:
getType in class MdmSource
A MetadataObject that represents the OLAP Java API data type.


public abstract SQLDataType getSQLDataType()
Gets the SQL data type for the MdmAttribute.
A SQLDataType that represents the SQL data type.

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