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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class MdmDatabaseSchema

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSchema
              extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmDatabaseSchema

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MdmDatabaseSchema
extends MdmSchema

An MdmSchema that represents a relational database schema. A schema is owned by a database user and has the same name as that user. Each user owns a single schema.

A schema is a collection of logical structures of data, which are the schema objects. You use an MdmDatabaseSchema to create or get, or add or remove, schema objects such as an AW or an MdmCube.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object acceptVisitor(MdmObjectVisitor visitor, java.lang.Object context)
          Calls the visitMdmDatabaseSchema method of the MdmObjectVisitor and passes that method this MdmDatabaseSchema and an Object.
 void addAW(AW obj)
          Adds the specified AW to this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 void addNamedBuildProcess(MdmNamedBuildProcess namedBuildProc)
          Adds the specified MdmNamedBuildProcess to this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 void addOrganizationalSchema(MdmOrganizationalSchema subschema)
          Adds the specified MdmOrganizationalSchema to this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 void addSchemaObject(BaseMetadataObject obj)
          Adds the specified BaseMetadataObject to this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 void addSubSchema(MdmSchema subschema)
          Adds the specified MdmSchema to this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 AW findOrCreateAW(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified AW or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
 MdmCube findOrCreateCube(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmCube or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
 MdmCube findOrCreateCube(java.lang.String publicName, java.lang.String nameSpace)
          Gets a 10g MdmCube or, if that object does not exist, creates a new 11g one.
 MdmNamedBuildProcess findOrCreateNamedBuildProcess(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmNamedBuildProcess or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
 MdmOrganizationalSchema findOrCreateOrganizationalSchema(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmOrganizationalSchema or, if it does not already exist, creates a new MdmOrganizationalSchema for this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 MdmOrganizationalSchema findOrCreateOrganizationalSchema(java.lang.String publicName, java.lang.String nameSpace)
          Gets the specified 10g measure folder or, if that object does not exist, creates a new 11g MdmOrganizationalSchema.
 MdmStandardDimension findOrCreateStandardDimension(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmStandardDimension or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
 MdmStandardDimension findOrCreateStandardDimension(java.lang.String publicName, java.lang.String nameSpace)
          Gets a 10g MdmStandardDimension or, if that object does not exist, creates a new 11g one.
 MdmTimeDimension findOrCreateTimeDimension(java.lang.String publicName)
          Gets the specified MdmTimeDimension or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
 MdmTimeDimension findOrCreateTimeDimension(java.lang.String publicName, java.lang.String nameSpace)
          Gets a 10g MdmTimeDimension or, if that object does not exist, creates a new 11g one.
 java.util.List<AW> getAWs()
          Gets the AW objects that this MdmDatabaseSchema contains.
 java.util.List getMeasures()
          Gets the MdmMeasure objects that the MdmDatabaseSchema contains.
 java.util.List getNamedBuildProcesses()
          Gets the MdmNamedBuildProcess objects that this MdmDatabaseSchema contains.
 java.util.List getOrganizationalSchemas()
          Gets all of the MdmOrganizationalSchema objects that this MdmDatabaseSchema contains.
 MdmDatabaseSchema getOwner()
          Gets this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 java.util.List getPersistentLanguages()
          Gets the languages in which descriptions are available of this MdmDatabaseSchema and the objects owned by it.
 java.util.List<BaseMetadataObject> getSchemaObjects()
          Gets all of the BaseMetadataObject objects that are owned by this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 java.util.List getSubSchemas()
          Gets the top-level MdmOrganizationalSchema objects that this MdmDatabaseSchema contains.
 BaseMetadataObject getTopLevelObject(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the top-level object that has the specified name.
 void removeAW(AW aw)
          Removes the specified AW from this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 void removeAW(AW aw, boolean bRemoveAllSubObjects)
          Removes the specified AW from this MdmDatabaseSchema and possibly all of the objects that are deployed with the AW.
 void removeNamedBuildProcess(MdmNamedBuildProcess namedBuildProc)
          Removes the specified MdmNamedBuildProcess from this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 void removeOrganizationalSchema(MdmOrganizationalSchema subschema)
          Removes the specified MdmOrganizationalSchema from this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 void removeSchemaObject(BaseMetadataObject obj)
          Removes the specified BaseMetadataObject from this MdmDatabaseSchema.
 void removeSubSchema(MdmSchema subschema)
          Removes the specified MdmSchema from this MdmDatabaseSchema.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmSchema
addCube, addDimension, addMeasure, getCubes, getDimensions, getMeasureDimension, getOuterSchema, removeCube, removeDimension, removeMeasure


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject
addDescription, addObjectClassification, findOrCreateDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescriptions, getMetadataProvider, getName, getNewName, getObjectClassifications, getShortDescription, isClassifiedAs, removeDescription, removeObjectClassification, setDescription, setDescription, setDescription, setName, setShortDescription


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public java.lang.Object acceptVisitor(MdmObjectVisitor visitor,
                                      java.lang.Object context)
Calls the visitMdmDatabaseSchema method of the MdmObjectVisitor and passes that method this MdmDatabaseSchema and an Object.
acceptVisitor in class MdmSchema
visitor - An MdmObjectVisitor that implements the Mdm11_ObjectVisitor interface.
context - An Object.
The Object returned by the visitMdmDatabaseSchema method.


public BaseMetadataObject getTopLevelObject(java.lang.String name)
Gets the top-level object that has the specified name. The following objects are top-level objects of an MdmDatabaseSchema:

To get an AW object, you must include the object type after the object name. The following example gets the AW named GLOBAL_AWJ and the MdmPrimaryDimension named PRODUCT_AWJ from the MdmDatabaseSchema mdmDBSchema.

 AW globalAWJ = (AW)mdmDBSchema.getTopLevelObject("GLOBAL_AWJ.AW");
 MdmPrimaryDimension mdmProdDim =
name - A String that contains the name of the object to get.
The MdmSource that has the specified name.


public final void addOrganizationalSchema(MdmOrganizationalSchema subschema)
Adds the specified MdmOrganizationalSchema to this MdmDatabaseSchema.
subschema - The MdmOrganizationalSchema to add to this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void addSubSchema(MdmSchema subschema)
Adds the specified MdmSchema to this MdmDatabaseSchema. The MdmSchema must be an instance of MdmOrganizationalSchema.
addSubSchema in class MdmSchema
subschema - The MdmSchema to add to this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void addNamedBuildProcess(MdmNamedBuildProcess namedBuildProc)
Adds the specified MdmNamedBuildProcess to this MdmDatabaseSchema.
namedBuildProc - The MdmNamedBuildProcess to add to this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void removeOrganizationalSchema(MdmOrganizationalSchema subschema)
Removes the specified MdmOrganizationalSchema from this MdmDatabaseSchema.
subschema - The MdmOrganizationalSchema to remove from this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void removeSubSchema(MdmSchema subschema)
Removes the specified MdmSchema from this MdmDatabaseSchema. The MdmSchema must be an instance of MdmOrganizationalSchema.
removeSubSchema in class MdmSchema
subschema - The MdmSchema to remove from this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void removeNamedBuildProcess(MdmNamedBuildProcess namedBuildProc)
Removes the specified MdmNamedBuildProcess from this MdmDatabaseSchema.
namedBuildProc - The MdmNamedBuildProcess to remove from this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final java.util.List getOrganizationalSchemas()
Gets all of the MdmOrganizationalSchema objects that this MdmDatabaseSchema contains. The list includes MdmOrganizationalSchema objects that are subschemas of other MdmOrganizationalSchema objects.
A List of all of the MdmOrganizationalSchema objects of this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final java.util.List getSubSchemas()
Gets the top-level MdmOrganizationalSchema objects that this MdmDatabaseSchema contains. This method does not return any subschemas of an MdmOrganizationalSchema.
getSubSchemas in class MdmSchema
A List of the top-level MdmOrganizationalSchema objects of this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final java.util.List getNamedBuildProcesses()
Gets the MdmNamedBuildProcess objects that this MdmDatabaseSchema contains.
A List of MdmNamedBuildProcess objects that this MdmDatabaseSchema contains.


public final MdmDatabaseSchema getOwner()
Gets this MdmDatabaseSchema.
getOwner in class BaseMetadataObject
This MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void addSchemaObject(BaseMetadataObject obj)
Adds the specified BaseMetadataObject to this MdmDatabaseSchema.
obj - The BaseMetadataObject to add to this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void removeSchemaObject(BaseMetadataObject obj)
Removes the specified BaseMetadataObject from this MdmDatabaseSchema.
obj - The BaseMetadataObject to remove from this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final java.util.List<BaseMetadataObject> getSchemaObjects()
Gets all of the BaseMetadataObject objects that are owned by this MdmDatabaseSchema.
A List of the BaseMetadataObject objects owned by this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public MdmOrganizationalSchema findOrCreateOrganizationalSchema(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmOrganizationalSchema or, if it does not already exist, creates a new MdmOrganizationalSchema for this MdmDatabaseSchema.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmOrganizationalSchema to get or create.
The specified MdmOrganizationalSchema or a new one with the specified name.


public MdmOrganizationalSchema findOrCreateOrganizationalSchema(java.lang.String publicName,
                                                                java.lang.String nameSpace)
Gets the specified 10g measure folder or, if that object does not exist, creates a new 11g MdmOrganizationalSchema. The nameSpace parameter can be one of the MdmMetadataProvider static constant fields or one of the values in the List returned by the getValidNamespaces method of the MdmMetadataProvider.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmOrganizationalSchema to get or create.
nameSpace - A String that contains a valid organizational schema namespace.
The specified 10g measure folder or a new 11g MdmOrganizationalSchema.


public AW findOrCreateAW(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified AW or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the AW to get or create.
The specified AW or a new one.


public MdmStandardDimension findOrCreateStandardDimension(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmStandardDimension or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmStandardDimension to get or create.
The specified MdmStandardDimension or a new one.


public MdmStandardDimension findOrCreateStandardDimension(java.lang.String publicName,
                                                          java.lang.String nameSpace)
Gets a 10g MdmStandardDimension or, if that object does not exist, creates a new 11g one. The nameSpace parameter can be one of the MdmMetadataProvider static constant fields or one of the values in the List returned by the getValidNamespaces method of the MdmMetadataProvider.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmStandardDimension to get or create.
nameSpace - A String that contains a valid dimension namespace.
The specified 10g MdmStandardDimension or a new 11g one.


public MdmTimeDimension findOrCreateTimeDimension(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmTimeDimension or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmTimeDimension to get or create.
The specified MdmTimeDimension or a new one.


public MdmTimeDimension findOrCreateTimeDimension(java.lang.String publicName,
                                                  java.lang.String nameSpace)
Gets a 10g MdmTimeDimension or, if that object does not exist, creates a new 11g one. The namespace can be one of the MdmMetadataProvider static constant fields or one of the values in the List returned by the getValidNamespaces method of an MdmMetadataProvider.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmTimeDimension to get or create.
nameSpace - A String that contains a valid dimension namespace.
The specified 10g MdmTimeDimension or a new 11g one.


public MdmCube findOrCreateCube(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmCube or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmCube to get or create.
The specified MdmCube or a new one.


public MdmCube findOrCreateCube(java.lang.String publicName,
                                java.lang.String nameSpace)
Gets a 10g MdmCube or, if that object does not exist, creates a new 11g one. The nameSpace parameter can be one of the MdmMetadataProvider static constant fields or one of the values in the List returned by the getValidNamespaces method of the MdmMetadataProvider.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmCube to get or create.
nameSpace - A String that contains a valid cube namespace.
The specified 10g MdmCube or a new 11g one.


public MdmNamedBuildProcess findOrCreateNamedBuildProcess(java.lang.String publicName)
Gets the specified MdmNamedBuildProcess or, if it does not already exist, creates a new one.
publicName - A String that contains the name of the MdmNamedBuildProcess to get or create.
The specified MdmNamedBuildProcess or a new one.


public final java.util.List<AW> getAWs()
Gets the AW objects that this MdmDatabaseSchema contains.
A List of the AW objects of this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void addAW(AW obj)
Adds the specified AW to this MdmDatabaseSchema.
obj - The AW to add to this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void removeAW(AW aw)
Removes the specified AW from this MdmDatabaseSchema.
aw - The AW to remove from this MdmDatabaseSchema.


public final void removeAW(AW aw,
                           boolean bRemoveAllSubObjects)
Removes the specified AW from this MdmDatabaseSchema and possibly all of the objects that are deployed with the AW.
aw - The AW to remove from this MdmDatabaseSchema.
bRemoveAllSubObjects - A boolean that if true specifies removing all of the objects that are deployed with the AW. If false, the parameter specifies removing the AW but not removing the objects deployed with it.


public java.util.List getMeasures()
Gets the MdmMeasure objects that the MdmDatabaseSchema contains.
getMeasures in class MdmSchema
A List of MdmMeasure objects that the MdmDatabaseSchema contains.


public java.util.List getPersistentLanguages()
Gets the languages in which descriptions are available of this MdmDatabaseSchema and the objects owned by it. The languages include those available for AttributeMap objects that are contained by DimensionMap objects that are contained directly or indirectly by the MdmPrimaryDimension objects of the MdmDatabaseSchema.
A List of String objects that contain the names of NLS languages.

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