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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class TypedExpression

  extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.SyntaxObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.DataObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.Expression
              extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.TypedExpression

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AggregationFunctionExpression, ColumnExpression, LiteralExpression, OLAPDMLExpression, OLAPFunctionExpression, PlaceholderExpression, QDRExpression, RowExpression, UnresolvedExpression

public abstract class TypedExpression
extends Expression

An Expression that is a combination of one or more values, operators, and functions that evaluates to a value. A TypedExpression has an associated DataType that represents the data type of the value.

Many of the TypedExpression methods return a TypedExpression that has the same syntax as the SQL function of the same name. When Oracle OLAP evaluates the TypedExpression, it returns the same value that the SQL function returns.

In the examples of the methods of this class, the mp object is the MdmMetadataProvider for the session.

Method Summary
 TypedExpression abs()
          Calculates the absolute value of the numeric expression value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression acos()
          Calculates the angle value in radians of the cosine value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression addMonths(int rhs)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the date that is the specified number of months after the date that is the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression addMonths(TypedExpression rhs)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the date that is the specified number of months after the date that is the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression ascii()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the ASCII decimal representation of the first character of the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression asciiStr()
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression to ASCII.
 TypedExpression asin()
          Calculates the angle value in radians of the specified sine.
 TypedExpression atan()
          Calculates the angle value in radians of the specified tangent.
 TypedExpression atan2(TypedExpression rhs)
          Calculates the full-range (0 - 2 pi) numeric value that indicates the arc tangent of the specified ratio.
 Condition between(TypedExpression start, TypedExpression end, boolean negate)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is in the specified range of values.
static TypedExpression binToNum(TypedExpression[] args)
          Converts an array of bits to the equivalent number.
 TypedExpression bitAnd(TypedExpression rhs)
          Computes a bitwise AND operation on the bits of two nonnegative integers.
 TypedExpression cast(java.lang.String datatype)
          Converts the data type of the value of this TypedExpression into another data type value.
 TypedExpression ceil()
          Calculates the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression charToROWID()
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression from the CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 data type to the ROWID data type.
 TypedExpression chr()
          Converts the integer value of this TypedExpression to the character in the database character set with the binary equivalent of the integer.
 TypedExpression chr(boolean usingNChar)
          Converts the integer value of this TypedExpression to the character in the national character set with the binary equivalent of the integer.
static TypedExpression coalesce(TypedExpression[] args)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the first non-null expression in a list of expressions, or to null when all of the expressions evaluate to null.
 TypedExpression compose()
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a Unicode string in the same character set as this expression.
 TypedExpression concat(java.lang.String rhs)
          Concatentates two text expressions as a single character string.
 TypedExpression concat(TypedExpression rhs)
          Concatenates two text expressions as a single character string.
 TypedExpression convert(TypedExpression destCharSet)
          Converts the character string value of this TypedExpression from one character set to the specified character set.
 TypedExpression convert(TypedExpression destCharSet, TypedExpression sourceCharSet)
          Converts the character string value of this TypedExpression from the source character set to the destination character set.
 TypedExpression cos()
          Calculates the cosine of the value (interpreted as an angle value in radians) of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression cosh()
          Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the value (interpreted as an angle value in radians) of this TypedExpression.
static TypedExpression currentDate()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the current date in the session time zone.
static TypedExpression currentTime(TypedExpression precision)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the current date and time in the session time zone.
static TypedExpression dbTimeZone()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the value of the database time zone as either a time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or a time zone region name.
 TypedExpression decode(TypedExpression[] cases, TypedExpression defaultExpression)
          Compares the value of this TypedExpression to one or more search strings one by one.
 TypedExpression decompose()
          Decomposes the Unicode character string value of this TypedExpression and returns a TypedExpression in the same character set.
 TypedExpression deref()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the object reference of the value of this TypedExpression, which must evaluate to a REF to an object.
 TypedExpression div(double rhs)
          Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the specified double value.
 TypedExpression div(float rhs)
          Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the specified float value.
 TypedExpression div(int rhs)
          Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the specified int value.
 TypedExpression div(short rhs)
          Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the specified short value.
 TypedExpression div(TypedExpression rhs)
          Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the value of the specified TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression dump(TypedExpression returnFormat, TypedExpression startPosition, TypedExpression length)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the data type code, length in bytes, and internal representation of the value of this TypedExpression.
 Condition eq(double rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the specified double value.
 Condition eq(float rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the specified float value.
 Condition eq(int rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the specified int value.
 Condition eq(short rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the specified short value.
 Condition eq(TypedExpression rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression exp()
          Calculates the value of 2.71828183 raised to the power of the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractDay()
          Extracts the day from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractHour()
          Extracts the hour from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractMinute()
          Extracts the minute from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractMonth()
          Extracts the month from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractSecond()
          Extracts the second from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractTimeZoneAbbr()
          Extracts the name of the time zone abbreviation from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractTimeZoneHour()
          Extracts the time zone hour from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractTimeZoneMinute()
          Extracts the time zone minute from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractTimeZoneRegion()
          Extracts the name of the time zone region from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression extractYear()
          Extracts the year from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression floor()
          Calculates the largest integer that is equal to or less than the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression fromTZ(TypedExpression timeZoneValue)
          Converts the timestamp value of this TypedExpression and the specified time zone to a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type.
 Condition ge(double rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the specified double value.
 Condition ge(float rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the specified float value.
 Condition ge(int rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the specified int value.
 Condition ge(short rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the specified short value.
 Condition ge(TypedExpression rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression.
 DataType getDataType()
          Gets the data type of this TypedExpression, which is represented by a DataType object.
static TypedExpression greatest(TypedExpression[] args)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the largest expression in a list of expressions.
 Condition gt(double rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the specified double value.
 Condition gt(float rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the specified float value.
 Condition gt(int rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the specified int value.
 Condition gt(short rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the specified short value.
 Condition gt(TypedExpression rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the value of the specified TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression hexToRAW()
          Converts to a raw value the value of this TypedExpression, which contains hexadecimal digits in the CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 character set.
 Condition in(TypedExpression[] list)
          Indicates whether this TypedExpression occurs in the specified list of expressions.
 TypedExpression initcap()
          Converts the first letter of each word of this TypedExpression to uppercase and all other letters to lowercase.
 TypedExpression instr(TypedExpression substring, TypedExpression position, TypedExpression occurrence)
          Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the characters of the specified substring.
 TypedExpression instr2(TypedExpression substring, TypedExpression position, TypedExpression occurrence)
          Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the UCS2 code points of the specified substring.
 TypedExpression instr4(TypedExpression substring, TypedExpression position, TypedExpression occurrence)
          Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the UCS4 code points of the specified substring.
 TypedExpression instrB(TypedExpression substring, TypedExpression position, TypedExpression occurrence)
          Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the bytes of the specified substring.
 TypedExpression instrC(TypedExpression substring, TypedExpression position, TypedExpression occurrence)
          Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the Unicode complete characters of the specified substring.
 Condition isInfinite(boolean negate)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is the special value INFINITE.
 Condition isNAN(boolean negate)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is the special value NAN (not a number).
 Condition isNotNull()
          Creates a Condition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not null.
 Condition isNull()
          Creates a Condition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is null.
 TypedExpression lastDay()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the last day of the month in which the date of the value of this TypedExpression falls.
 Condition le(double rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the specified double value.
 Condition le(float rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the specified float value.
 Condition le(int rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the specified int value.
 Condition le(short rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the specified short value.
 Condition le(TypedExpression rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression.
static TypedExpression least(TypedExpression[] args)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the smallest expression in a list of expressions.
 TypedExpression length()
          Counts the number of characters in the text expression of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression length2()
          Counts the number of UCS2 code points in the text expression of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression length4()
          Counts the number of UC42 code points in the text expression of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression lengthB()
          Counts the number of bytes in the text expression of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression lengthC()
          Counts the number of Unicode characters in the text expression of this TypedExpression.
 Condition like(TypedExpression pattern)
          Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression.
 Condition like(TypedExpression pattern, TypedExpression escape, boolean negate)
          Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression.
 Condition like2(TypedExpression pattern, TypedExpression escape, boolean negate)
          Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression; the Condition tests UCS2 code points and treats a Unicode supplementary character as one character.
 Condition like4(TypedExpression pattern, TypedExpression escape, boolean negate)
          Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression; the Condition tests UCS4 code points and treats a composite character as one character.
 Condition likeC(TypedExpression pattern, TypedExpression escape, boolean negate)
          Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression; the Condition tests Unicode complete characters and treats a Unicode supplementary character as two characters.
 TypedExpression ln()
          Calculates the natural logarithm of the value of this TypedExpression.
static TypedExpression localTimestamp(TypedExpression precision)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the current date and time in the session time zone.
 TypedExpression log(TypedExpression n1)
          Calculates the logarithm of the value of the specified TypedExpression where the value of this TypedExpression is the base.
 TypedExpression lower()
          Converts to lowercase all alphabetic characters in the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression lpad(TypedExpression n, TypedExpression expr2)
          Adds the specified number of characters to the left of the value of this TypedExpression.
 Condition lt(double rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the specified double value.
 Condition lt(float rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the specified float value.
 Condition lt(int rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the specified int value.
 Condition lt(short rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the specified short value.
 Condition lt(TypedExpression rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the value of the specified TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression ltrim(TypedExpression set)
          Searches the value of this TypedExpression, starting from the left, and removes all of the characters that match the characters in the trim expression set, until an unmatched character occurs.
 TypedExpression minus()
          Negates the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression minus(double rhs)
          Subtracts the specified double value from the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression minus(float rhs)
          Subtracts the specified float value from the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression minus(int rhs)
          Subtracts the specified int value from the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression minus(short rhs)
          Subtracts the specified short value from the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression minus(TypedExpression rhs)
          Subtracts the value of the specified TypedExpression from the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression mod(TypedExpression n1)
          Calculates the remainder of the value of this TypedExpression divided by the value of the specified TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression monthsBetween(TypedExpression date2)
          Calculates the number of months between the date value of this TypedExpression and the specified date.
 TypedExpression nanvl(TypedExpression n1)
          Replaces the value of this TypedExpression with the value of the specified TypedExpression if the value of this TypedExpression is the special value NAN (not a number).
 Condition ne(double rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the specified double value.
 Condition ne(float rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the specified float value.
 Condition ne(int rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the specified int value.
 Condition ne(short rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the specified short value.
 Condition ne(TypedExpression rhs)
          Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression newTime(TypedExpression timeZone1, TypedExpression timeZone2)
          Converts the date and time value of this TypedExpression from one time zone to another.
 TypedExpression nextDay(TypedExpression dayName)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the first instance of the specified day of the week that follows the date value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression nlsCharsetDeclLen(TypedExpression charSetID)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the declaration length (in number of characters) of the NCHAR column that this TypedExpression represents.
 TypedExpression nlsCharsetID()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the character set ID number corresponding to character set name specified by this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression nlsCharsetName()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the name of the character set that corresponds to the ID number specified by the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression nlsInitcap(TypedExpression nlsparam)
          Converts the first letter of each word of this TypedExpression to uppercase and all other letters to lowercase.
 TypedExpression nlsLower(TypedExpression nlsparam)
          Converts to lowercase all alphabetic characters in the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression nlsSort(TypedExpression nlsparam)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the string of bytes that Oracle OLAP uses to sort a text string.
 TypedExpression nlsUpper(TypedExpression nlsparam)
          Converts to uppercase all alphabetic characters in the value of this TypedExpression.
 Condition notIn(TypedExpression[] list)
          Indicates whether this TypedExpression does not occur in the specified list of expressions.
 TypedExpression nullIf(TypedExpression expr2)
          Compares the value of this TypedExpression to the value of the expr2 TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression numToDSInterval(TypedExpression intervalUnit)
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a DS_INTERVAL literal.
 TypedExpression numToYMInterval(TypedExpression intervalUnit)
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a YM_INTERVAL literal.
 TypedExpression nvl(TypedExpression expr2)
          Replaces the null value of this TypedExpression with the string specified by expr2.
 TypedExpression nvl2(TypedExpression expr2, TypedExpression expr3)
          Replaces the value of this TypedExpression with the expression specified by expr2 or with the expression specified by expr3 if the value of this TypedExpression is null.
 TypedExpression oraHash(TypedExpression maxBucket, TypedExpression seedValue)
          Computes the hash value of the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression plus(double rhs)
          Adds the specified double value to the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression plus(float rhs)
          Adds the specified float value to the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression plus(int rhs)
          Adds the specified int value to the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression plus(short rhs)
          Adds the specified short value to the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression plus(TypedExpression rhs)
          Adds the value of the specified TypedExpression to the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression power(TypedExpression rhs)
          Raises the value of this TypedExpression to the power of the value of the specified TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression rawToHex()
          Converts the raw value of this TypedExpression, to a character string value containing the hexadecimal representation of the raw value.
 TypedExpression rawToNHex()
          Converts the raw value of this TypedExpression, to a character string value in the national character set; the value contains the hexadecimal representation of the raw value.
 TypedExpression regexpInstr(TypedExpression pattern, TypedExpression position, TypedExpression occurrence, TypedExpression returnOption, TypedExpression matchParameter)
          Creates a TypedExpression that represents a search for a regular expression pattern in the string value of this TypedExression.
 TypedExpression regexpReplace(TypedExpression pattern, TypedExpression replaceString, TypedExpression position, TypedExpression occurrence, TypedExpression matchParameter)
          Creates a TypedExpression that represents a search for a regular expression pattern in the string value of this TypedExression and the replacement of the matching string with another string.
 TypedExpression regexpSubstr(TypedExpression pattern, TypedExpression position, TypedExpression occurrence, TypedExpression matchParameter)
          Creates a TypedExpression that represents a search for a regular expression pattern in the string value of this TypedExression.
 TypedExpression remainder(TypedExpression rhs)
          Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the value of the specified TypedExpression and calculates the rounded remainder.
 TypedExpression replace(TypedExpression searchString, TypedExpression replacementString)
          Searches a string for a pattern, replaces it with another string, and returns the modified string.
 TypedExpression round(TypedExpression precision)
          Rounds the value of this TypedExpression to the precision specified.
 TypedExpression rowIDToChar()
          Converts the ROWID value of this TypedExpression to the VARCHAR2 data type.
 TypedExpression rowIDToNChar()
          Converts the ROWID value of this TypedExpression to the NVARCHAR2 data type.
 TypedExpression rpad(TypedExpression n, TypedExpression expr2)
          Adds the specified number of characters to the right of the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression rtrim(TypedExpression set)
          Searches the value of this TypedExpression, starting from the right, and removes all of the characters that match the characters in the trim expression set, until an unmatched character occurs.
 TypedExpression scnToTimestamp()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the approximate timestamp that is associated with the system change number (SCN) value of this TypedExpression.
static TypedExpression sessionTimeZone()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the time zone of the current session.
 TypedExpression sign()
          Determines whether a number is less than, equal to, or greater than 0 (zero).
 TypedExpression sin()
          Calculates the sine of an angle expressed in radians.
 TypedExpression sinh()
          Calculates the hyperbolic sine of the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression soundex()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to a character string that contains the phonetic representation of the character that is the value of this TypedExpresson.
 TypedExpression sqrt()
          Calculates the square root of the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression substr(TypedExpression position, TypedExpression substringLength)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified character position and includes the specified number of characters.
 TypedExpression substr2(TypedExpression position, TypedExpression substringLength)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified UCS2 code point position and extends the specified number of UCS2 code points.
 TypedExpression substr4(TypedExpression position, TypedExpression substringLength)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified UCS4 code point position and extends the specified number of UCS4 code points.
 TypedExpression substrB(TypedExpression position, TypedExpression substringLength)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified byte position and extends the specified number of bytes.
 TypedExpression substrC(TypedExpression position, TypedExpression substringLength)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified Unicode complete character position and extends the specified number of Unicode complete characters.
 TypedExpression sysContext(TypedExpression namespace, TypedExpression parameter, TypedExpression length)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the value of parameter that is associated with the context namespace.
static TypedExpression sysDate()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the current date and time of the operating system on which the database resides.
 TypedExpression sysExtractUTC()
          Extracts the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, which was formerly Greenwich Mean Time) from the datetime value of this TypedExpression with time zone offset or time zone region name.
static TypedExpression sysGUID()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to a globally unique identifier (RAW value) made up of 16 bytes.
static TypedExpression sysTimestamp()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the system date, including fractional seconds and time zone, of the system on which the database resides.
 TypedExpression sysTypeID()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the the typeid of the most specific type of the operand.
 TypedExpression tan()
          Calculates the tangent of an angle expressed in radians.
 TypedExpression tanh()
          Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression times(double rhs)
          Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the specified double value.
 TypedExpression times(float rhs)
          Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the specified float value.
 TypedExpression times(int rhs)
          Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the specified int value.
 TypedExpression times(short rhs)
          Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the specified short value.
 TypedExpression times(TypedExpression rhs)
          Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the value of the specified TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression timestampToSCN()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the approximate system change number (SCN) that is associated with the timestamp value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression toBinaryDouble(TypedExpression fmt, TypedExpression nlsParam)
          Converts to a BINARY_DOUBLE the character string or a numeric value of type NUMBER or BINARY_FLOAT of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression toBinaryFloat(TypedExpression fmt, TypedExpression nlsParam)
          Converts to a BINARY_FLOAT the character string or a numeric value of type NUMBER or BINARY_DOUBLE of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression toChar()
          Converts the NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB value of this TypedExpression to the database character set.
 TypedExpression toChar(TypedExpression fmt, TypedExpression nlsParam)
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a value in the specified format and NLS parameters.
 TypedExpression toCLOB()
          Converts to a CLOB value the NCLOB in a LOB column or other character string value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression toDate()
          Converts the data type of the value of this TypedExpression to the DATE data type.
 TypedExpression toDate(TypedExpression fmt, TypedExpression nlsParam)
          Converts the data type of the value of this TypedExpression to the DATE data type in the format specified by the date format fmt and the language specified by nlsparam.
 TypedExpression toDSInterval(TypedExpression nlsparam)
          Converts the text expression of this TypedExpression to a DS_INTERVAL data type.
 TypedExpression toLOB()
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a LOB.
 TypedExpression toMultiByte()
          Converts the single-byte characters of the value of this TypedExpression to the corresponding multibyte characters.
 TypedExpression toNChar()
          Converts the NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB value of this TypedExpression to the national character set.
 TypedExpression toNChar(TypedExpression fmt, TypedExpression nlsParam)
          Converts the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression from the database character set to the national character set in the format specified by the date format fmt and the language specified by nlsparam.
 TypedExpression toNCLOB()
          Converts to an NCLOB value the CLOB in a LOB column or other character string value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression toNumber()
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression to the NUMBER data type.
 TypedExpression toNumber(TypedExpression fmt)
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression to the NUMBER data type in the format model specified by fmt.
 TypedExpression toNumber(TypedExpression fmt, TypedExpression nlsParam)
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression to the NUMBER data type in the format model specified by fmt.
 TypedExpression toSingleByte()
          Converts the multibyte characters of the value of this TypedExpression to the corresponding single-byte characters.
 TypedExpression toTimestamp(TypedExpression fmt, TypedExpression nlsparam)
          Converts the text expression of this TypedExpression to a TIMESTAMP data type.
 TypedExpression toTimestampTZ(TypedExpression fmt, TypedExpression nlsparam)
          Converts the text expression of this TypedExpression to a TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE data type.
 TypedExpression toYMInterval()
          Converts the text expression of this TypedExpression to a YM_INTERVAL data type.
 TypedExpression translate(TypedExpression fromString, TypedExpression toString)
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to an expression in which all occurrences of the specified characters in the value of this TypedExpression are replaced by the corresponding character in the value of the toString parameter.
 TypedExpression translateUsingCharCS()
          Converts the character string value of this TypedExpression into the database character set.
 TypedExpression translateUsingNCharCS()
          Converts the character string value of this TypedExpression into the national character set.
 TypedExpression treat(java.lang.String typeName, boolean isRefType)
          Creates a TypedExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but that has the type specified by typeName.
 TypedExpression trim(TypedExpression trimCharacter)
          Creates a TypedExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but without the specified leading or trailing characters.
 TypedExpression trimLeading(TypedExpression trimCharacter)
          Creates a TypedExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but without the specified leading character.
 TypedExpression trimTrailing(TypedExpression trimCharacter)
          Creates a TypedExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but without the specified trailing character.
 TypedExpression trunc(TypedExpression fmt)
          Truncates the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression tzOffset()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
static TypedExpression UID()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to an integer that uniquely identifies the session user.
 TypedExpression unistr()
          Converts the value of this TypedExpression into the national character set.
 TypedExpression upper()
          Converts to uppercase all alphabetic characters in the value of this TypedExpression.
static TypedExpression USER()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the name of the session user.
 TypedExpression userEnv()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to information about the current session.
 TypedExpression vsize()
          Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the number of bytes in the internal representation of the value of this TypedExpression.
 TypedExpression widthBucket(TypedExpression minValue, TypedExpression maxValue, TypedExpression numBuckets)
          Constructs a histogram range that is divided into intervals of identical size.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.syntax.SyntaxObject
equals, equals, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, isValid, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, visit


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public final DataType getDataType()
Gets the data type of this TypedExpression, which is represented by a DataType object.
A DataType that represents the data type of the value to which this TypedExpression evaluates.


public final Condition isNull()
Creates a Condition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is null.
An IsCondition that evaluates to true if the value of the TypedExpression is null.


public final Condition isNotNull()
Creates a Condition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not null.
An IsCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not null.


public final Condition isInfinite(boolean negate)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is the special value INFINITE. The Condition evaluates to true if value of this TypedExpression is the special value INFINITE and if the negate parameter is false. If the negate parameter is true, then the Condition evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not INFINITE.
negate - A boolean that reverses the evaluation of the value of the TypedExpression. If this parameter is false, then the Condition returned by this method is true if the value is INFINITE. If this parameter is true, then the Condition is true if the value is not INFINITE.
An IsCondition that indicates whether the value of the TypedExpression is INFINITE or not INFINITE.


public final Condition isNAN(boolean negate)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is the special value NAN (not a number). The Condition evaluates to true if the value is NAN and if the negate parameter is false. If the negate parameter is true, then the Condition evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not NAN.
negate - A boolean that reverses the evaluation of the value of the TypedExpression. If this parameter is false, then the Condition is true if the value is NAN. If this parameter is true, then the Condition is true if the value is not NAN.
An IsCondition that indicates whether the value of the TypedExpression is NAN or not NAN.


public final Condition between(TypedExpression start,
                               TypedExpression end,
                               boolean negate)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is in the specified range of values. The Condition evaluates to true if the value is greater than or equal to the start expression and is less than or equal to the end expression and if the negate parameter is false. If the negate parameter is true, then the Condition evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not in the range.
start - A TypedExpression that has the value that is the start of the range.
end - A TypedExpression that has the value that is the end of the range.
negate - A boolean that reverses the evaluation of the value of the TypedExpression. If this parameter is false, then the Condition is true if the expression is in the range. If this parameter is true, then the Condition is true if the expression is not in the range.
A BetweenCondition that indicates whether the value of the TypedExpression is in the specified range of values or is not in the specified range of values.


public final Condition like(TypedExpression pattern)
Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression. The pattern can contain wildcard characters. See LikeCondition for the valid wildcard characters.
pattern - A TypedExpression that specifies the pattern to search for.
A LikeCondition that evaluates to true if the text pattern is present in the value of this TypedExpression.


public final Condition like(TypedExpression pattern,
                            TypedExpression escape,
                            boolean negate)
Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression. The pattern can contain wildcard characters. See LikeCondition for the valid wildcard characters.
pattern - A TypedExpression that specifies the pattern to search for.
escape - A TypedExpression that has the text expression to use as the escape character.
negate - A boolean that if true adds NOT to the LIKE operator or if false does not add NOT to the operator.
A LikeCondition that indicates whether the text pattern is present or is not present in the value of this TypedExpression.


public final Condition like2(TypedExpression pattern,
                             TypedExpression escape,
                             boolean negate)
Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression; the Condition tests UCS2 code points and treats a Unicode supplementary character as one character. The pattern can contain wildcard characters. See LikeCondition for the valid wildcard characters.
pattern - A TypedExpression that specifies the pattern to search for. The pattern can contain wildcard characters.
escape - A TypedExpression that has the text expression to use as the escape character.
negate - A boolean that if true adds NOT to the LIKE operator or if false does not add NOT to the operator.
A LikeCondition that indicates whether the text pattern is present or is not present in the value of this TypedExpression.


public final Condition like4(TypedExpression pattern,
                             TypedExpression escape,
                             boolean negate)
Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression; the Condition tests UCS4 code points and treats a composite character as one character. The pattern can contain wildcard characters. See LikeCondition for the valid wildcard characters.
pattern - A TypedExpression that specifies the pattern to search for. The pattern can contain wildcard characters.
escape - A TypedExpression that has the text expression to use as the escape character.
negate - A boolean that if true adds NOT to the LIKE operator or if false does not add NOT to the operator.
A LikeCondition that indicates whether the text pattern is present or is not present in the value of this TypedExpression.


public final Condition likeC(TypedExpression pattern,
                             TypedExpression escape,
                             boolean negate)
Indicates whether the specified text pattern occurs in the value of this TypedExpression; the Condition tests Unicode complete characters and treats a Unicode supplementary character as two characters. The pattern can contain wildcard characters. See LikeCondition for the valid wildcard characters.
pattern - A TypedExpression that specifies the pattern to search for. The pattern can contain wildcard characters.
escape - A TypedExpression that has the text expression to use as the escape character.
negate - A boolean that if true adds NOT to the LIKE operator or if false does not add NOT to the operator.
A LikeCondition that indicates whether the text pattern is present or is not present in the value of this TypedExpression.


public final Condition in(TypedExpression[] list)
Indicates whether this TypedExpression occurs in the specified list of expressions.
list - An array of TypedExpression objects.
A ListComparisonCondition that indicates whether this TypedExpression occurs in the list of expressions.


public final Condition notIn(TypedExpression[] list)
Indicates whether this TypedExpression does not occur in the specified list of expressions.
list - An array of TypedExpression objects.
A ListComparisonCondition that indicates whether this TypedExpression does not occur in the list of expressions.


public final Condition eq(TypedExpression rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression. The Condition evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression equals the value of the specified TypedExpression or false if it does not.
rhs - The TypedExpression to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression equals the value of the specified TypedExpression, or false if it does not.


public final Condition eq(double rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the specified double value.
rhs - The double to compare to the value of this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression equals the double value or false if it does not.


public final Condition eq(float rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the specified float value.
rhs - The float to compare to the value of this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression equals the float value or false if it does not.


public final Condition eq(int rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the specified int value.
rhs - The int to compare to the value of this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression equals the int value or false if it does not.


public final Condition eq(short rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is equal to the specified short value.
rhs - The short to compare to the value of this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression equals the short value or false if it does not.


public final Condition ge(TypedExpression rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression.
rhs - The TypedExpression to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression, or false if it is not.


public final Condition ge(double rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the specified double value.
rhs - The double to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the double, or false if it is not.


public final Condition ge(float rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the specified float value.
rhs - The float to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the float, or false if it is not.


public final Condition ge(int rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the specified int value.
rhs - The int to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the int, or false if it is not.


public final Condition ge(short rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the specified short value.
rhs - The short to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than or equal to the short, or false if it is not.


public final Condition gt(TypedExpression rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the value of the specified TypedExpression.
rhs - The TypedExpression to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the value of the specified TypedExpression, or false if it is not.


public final Condition gt(double rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the specified double value.
rhs - The double to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the double, or false if it is not.


public final Condition gt(float rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the specified float value.
rhs - The float to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the float, or false if it is not.


public final Condition gt(int rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the specified int value.
rhs - The int to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the int, or false if it is not.


public final Condition gt(short rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the specified short value.
rhs - The short to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is greater than the short, or false if it is not.


public final Condition le(TypedExpression rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression.
rhs - The TypedExpression to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression, or false if it is not.


public final Condition le(double rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the specified double value.
rhs - The double to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the double, or false if it is not.


public final Condition le(float rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the specified float value.
rhs - The float to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the float, or false if it is not.


public final Condition le(int rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the specified int value.
rhs - The int to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the int, or false if it is not.


public final Condition le(short rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the specified short value.
rhs - The short to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than or equal to the short, or false if it is not.


public final Condition lt(TypedExpression rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the value of the specified TypedExpression.
rhs - The TypedExpression to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than the value of the specified TypedExpression, or false if it is not.


public final Condition lt(double rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the specified double value.
rhs - The double to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than the double, or false if it is not.


public final Condition lt(float rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the specified float value.
rhs - The float to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than the float, or false if it is not.


public final Condition lt(int rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the specified int value.
rhs - The int to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than the int, or false if it is not.


public final Condition lt(short rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is less than the specified short value.
rhs - The short to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is less than the short, or false if it is not.


public final Condition ne(TypedExpression rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression.
rhs - The TypedExpression to compare to this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the value of the specified TypedExpression, or false if it is.


public final Condition ne(double rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the specified double value.
rhs - The double to compare to the value of this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the double value or false if it is.


public final Condition ne(float rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the specified float value.
rhs - The float to compare to the value of this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the float value or false if it is.


public final Condition ne(int rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the specified int value.
rhs - The int to compare to the value of this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the int value or false if it is.


public final Condition ne(short rhs)
Indicates whether the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the specified short value.
rhs - The short to compare to the value of this TypedExpression.
A ValueComparisonCondition that evaluates to true if the value of this TypedExpression is not equal to the short value or false if it is.


public final TypedExpression div(double rhs)
Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the specified double value.
rhs - The double value to use as the divisor.
A BinaryOperatorExpressionTypedExpression that evaluates to the result of the division.


public final TypedExpression div(float rhs)
Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the specified float value.
rhs - The float value to use as the divisor.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the division.


public final TypedExpression div(int rhs)
Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the specified int value.
rhs - The int value to use as the divisor.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the division.


public final TypedExpression div(TypedExpression rhs)
Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the value of the specified TypedExpression.
rhs - A TypedExpression to use as the divisor.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the division.


public final TypedExpression div(short rhs)
Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the specified short value.
rhs - The short value to use as the divisor.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the division.


public final TypedExpression minus(double rhs)
Subtracts the specified double value from the value of this TypedExpression.
rhs - The double value to subtract from the value of this TypedExpression.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the subtraction.


public final TypedExpression minus(float rhs)
Subtracts the specified float value from the value of this TypedExpression.
rhs - The float value to subtract from the value of this TypedExpression.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the subtraction.


public final TypedExpression minus(int rhs)
Subtracts the specified int value from the value of this TypedExpression.
rhs - The int value to subtract from the value of this TypedExpression.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the subtraction.


public final TypedExpression minus(TypedExpression rhs)
Subtracts the value of the specified TypedExpression from the value of this TypedExpression.
rhs - The TypedExpression with the value to subtract from the value of this TypedExpression.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the subtraction.


public final TypedExpression minus(short rhs)
Subtracts the specified short value from the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand - operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The short value that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the subtraction.


public final TypedExpression minus()
Negates the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is - operand, where this TypedExpression is the operand.


In the following code the numExpr object has the value -6.

 NumberExpression numExpr = (NumberExpression)
                            SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("-6", mp);
 TypedExpression minusOp = numExpr.minus();
 System.out.println("The syntax of minusOp is " + minusOp.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
 - -6
A UnaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the negation of the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression plus(double rhs)
Adds the specified double value to the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand + operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The double value that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the addition.


public final TypedExpression plus(float rhs)
Adds the specified float value to the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand + operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The float value that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the addition.


public final TypedExpression plus(int rhs)
Adds the specified int value to the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand + operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The int value that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the addition.


public final TypedExpression plus(TypedExpression rhs)
Adds the value of the specified TypedExpression to the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand + operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The TypedExpression that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the addition.


public final TypedExpression plus(short rhs)
Adds the specified short value to the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand + operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The short value that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the addition.


public final TypedExpression times(double rhs)
Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the specified double value. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand * operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The double value that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the multiplication.


public final TypedExpression times(float rhs)
Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the specified float value. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand * operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The float value that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the multiplication.


public final TypedExpression times(int rhs)
Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the specified int value. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand * operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The int value that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the multiplication.


public final TypedExpression times(TypedExpression rhs)
Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the value of the specified TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand * operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The TypedExpression that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the multiplication.


public final TypedExpression times(short rhs)
Multiplies the value of this TypedExpression by the specified short value. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is operand * operand, where this TypedExpression is the left-hand-side operand and the rhs parameter is the right-hand-side operand.
rhs - The short value that is the right-hand-side operand.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to the result of the multiplication.


public final TypedExpression abs()
Calculates the absolute value of the numeric expression value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is ABS(n), where this TypedExpression has the numeric value n.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the absolute value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression acos()
Calculates the angle value in radians of the cosine value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is ACOS(n), where this TypedExpression has the value n, which is a numeric expression for the cosine in the range of -1 to 1.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the angle value of the cosine.


public final TypedExpression asin()
Calculates the angle value in radians of the specified sine. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is ASIN(n), where this TypedExpression has the value n, which is a numeric expression in the range of -1 to 1 that contains the decimal value of the sine
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the angle value of the sine.


public final TypedExpression atan()
Calculates the angle value in radians of the specified tangent. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is ATAN(n), where this TypedExpression has the value n, which is a numeric expression that contains the decimal value of the tangent.

To retrieve a full-range (0 - 2 pi) numeric value that indicates the arc tangent of a ratio, use the atan2 method.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to of angle value of the tangent.


public final TypedExpression atan2(TypedExpression rhs)
Calculates the full-range (0 - 2 pi) numeric value that indicates the arc tangent of the specified ratio. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is ATAN2(n1, n2).

This TypedExpression is n1, which is a numeric expression that contains left-hand-side component of the ratio. The rhs parameter specifies the right-hand-side component of the ratio.

The SQL ATAN2 function returns values in the range of -pi to pi, depending on the signs of the arguments. The values are expressed in radians. use the atan method.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to of the arc tangent of the ratio.


public final TypedExpression bitAnd(TypedExpression rhs)
Computes a bitwise AND operation on the bits of two nonnegative integers. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is BITAND(expr1, expr2). This TypedExpression is expr1 and the rhs parameter is expr2.

This TypedExpression returned by this method is commonly used as a parameter to the decode method.

rhs - The TypedExpression that is the expr2 argument for the BITAND operation.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the result of a bitwise AND operation on the value of this TypedExpression and rhs.


public final TypedExpression ceil()
Calculates the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is CEIL(n), where n is the value of this TypedExpression.


The following code produces the TypedExpression ceilExpr. The numExpr object has the value 3.14159265359.

 NumberExpression numExpr = (NumberExpression)
                            SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("3.14159265359", mp);
 TypedExpression ceilExpr = numExpr.ceil();
 System.out.println("The syntax of ceilExpr is " + ceilExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
The ceilExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 4.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression cos()
Calculates the cosine of the value (interpreted as an angle value in radians) of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is COSH(n), where n is the value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the cosine of the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression cosh()
Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the value (interpreted as an angle value in radians) of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is COSH(n), where n is the value of of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to of the hyperbolic cosine of the value this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression exp()
Calculates the value of 2.71828183 raised to the power of the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is EXP(n), where n is the value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the exponential value of 2.71828183 with the value of this TypedExpression as the exponent.


public final TypedExpression floor()
Calculates the largest integer that is equal to or less than the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is FLOOR(n), where n is the value of this TypedExpression.


The following code produces the TypedExpression floorExpr. The numExpr object has the value 15.7.

 NumberExpression numExpr = (NumberExpression)
                            SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("15.7", mp);
 TypedExpression floorExpr = numExpr.floor();
 System.out.println("The syntax of floorExpr is " + floorExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
The floorExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 15.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the largest integer that is equal to or less than the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression ln()
Calculates the natural logarithm of the value of this TypedExpression. The value of this TypedExpression must be greater than 0 (zero).

The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LN(n), where n is the value of this TypedExpression.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the natural logarithm of the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression log(TypedExpression n1)
Calculates the logarithm of the value of the specified TypedExpression where the value of this TypedExpression is the base. The value of this TypedExpression can be any positive numeric value.

The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LOG(n2, n1), where n2 is the value of this TypedExpression and n1 is the value of the n1 parameter.


The following code produces the TypedExpression logExpr.

 NumberExpression n1 = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("100", mp);
 NumberExpression n2 = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("10", mp);
 TypedExpression logExpr = n2.log(n1);
 System.out.println("The syntax of logExpr is " + logExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
 LOG(10, 100)
The logExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 2.
n1 - A TypedExpression that has a positive numeric value other than 0 or 1.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the logarithm base n2 of n1.


public final TypedExpression mod(TypedExpression n1)
Calculates the remainder of the value of this TypedExpression divided by the value of the specified TypedExpression. If the divisor is 0 (zero), then the TypedExpression returned by this method has the same value as this TypedExpression.

The syntax of the TypedExpression is MOD(n2, n1), where n2 is the value of this TypedExpression and n1 is the value of the n1 parameter.

n1 - A TypedExpression that has a numeric value that is the divisor.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the remainder of the value of this TypedExpression divided by the value of n1.


public final TypedExpression nanvl(TypedExpression n1)
Replaces the value of this TypedExpression with the value of the specified TypedExpression if the value of this TypedExpression is the special value NAN (not a number). If the value of this TypedExpression is not NAN, then the TypedExpression returned by this method has the same value as this TypedExpression. This method is useful for mapping NAN values to null.

The syntax of the TypedExpression is NANVL(n2, n1), where n2 is the value of this TypedExpression and n1 is the value of the n1 parameter.

n1 - A TypedExpression that has the value to substitute for the value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of the n1 TypedExpression or the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression power(TypedExpression rhs)
Raises the value of this TypedExpression to the power of the value of the specified TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression is POWER(n2, n1), where n2 is the value of this TypedExpression and n1 is the value of the rhs parameter.


The following code produces the TypedExpression powerExpr.

 NumberExpression n1 = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("3", mp);
 NumberExpression rhs = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("2", mp);
 TypedExpression powerExpr = n1.power(rhs);
 System.out.println("The syntax of powerExpr is " + powerExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
 POWER(3, 2)
The powerExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 9.
rhs - A TypedExpression that has a numeric value that is the power.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression raised to the power of the value of the rhs parameter.


public final TypedExpression remainder(TypedExpression rhs)
Divides the value of this TypedExpression by the value of the specified TypedExpression and calculates the rounded remainder. Oracle OLAP determines the remainder by using the formula n2 - (n1 * N), where N is the integer nearest n2/n1.

The syntax of the TypedExpression is REMAINDER(n2, n1), where n2 is the value of this TypedExpression and n1 is the value of the rhs parameter.


The following code produces the TypedExpression remainderExpr.

 NumberExpression n1 = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("18", mp);
 NumberExpression rhs = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("7", mp);
 TypedExpression remainderExpr = n1.remainder(rhs);
 System.out.println("The syntax of remainderExpr is " + remainderExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
The remainderExpr TypedExpression evaluates to -3.
rhs - A TypedExpression that has a numeric value that is the divisor.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the rounded remainder of the division of the value of this TypedExpression by the value of the rhs parameter.


public final TypedExpression round(TypedExpression precision)
Rounds the value of this TypedExpression to the precision specified. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method depends on the data type of this TypedExpression.

If the data type of this TypedExpression is NUMBER, then the syntax is ROUND(n, integer), where n is the value of this TypedExpression and integer is the value of the precision parameter. The precision parameter must be a TypedExpression with a numeric value. A positive number specifies rounding on the right side of the decimal point. A negative number specifies rounding on the left side of the decimal point.

If the data type of this TypedExpression is DATE, then the syntax is ROUND(exp, fmt), where exp is the value of this TypedExpression and fmt is the value of the precision parameter. The precision parameter must be a TypedExpression with a character value in a format model such as 'YYYY' or 'MON'. For a list of the valid format models, see Formats for the Input Parameter for the round and trunc Methods.

For examples of the round method, see Examples for round.

precision - For rounding a number, a TypedExpression that has an integer value. For rounding a date, a TypedExpression that has an character value that specifies a format model.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression rounded to the precision specified by the value of the precision parameter.


public final TypedExpression sign()
Determines whether a number is less than, equal to, or greater than 0 (zero). The syntax of the TypedExpression is SIGN(n), where n is the numeric value of this TypedExpression.

The TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to the following:


 TypedExpression n = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax(-15);
 TypedExpression signExpr = n.sign();
 System.out.println("The syntax of signExpr is " + signExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
 The syntax of signExpr is SIGN(-15)
The signExpr TypedExpression evaluates to -1.
A RowFunctionExpression that indicates the sign of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression sin()
Calculates the sine of an angle expressed in radians. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is SIN(n), where n is the numeric value, in radians, of this TypedExpression.


This example produces a TypedExpression that calculates the sine of a 30 degree angle.

 TypedExpression n = (TypedExpression) 
                       SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("30 * 3.14159265359/180", mp);
 // The syntax of n is an expression that converts 30 into radians.
 TypedExpression sinExpr = n.sin();
 System.out.println("The syntax of sinExpr is " + sinExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
 The syntax of sinExpr is SIN(30 * 3.1415927 / 180)
The sinExpr TypedExpression evaluates to .5.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the sine of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression sinh()
Calculates the hyperbolic sine of the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is SINH(n), where n is the numeric value of this TypedExpression.


 TypedExpression n = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("1", mp);
 TypedExpression sinhExpr = n.sinh();
 System.out.println("The syntax of sinhExpr is " + sinhExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
 The syntax of sinhExpr is SINH(1)
The sinhExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 1.18.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the hyperbolic sine of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression sqrt()
Calculates the square root of the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is SQRT(n), where n is the numeric value of this TypedExpression.


 TypedExpression n = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("13", mp);
 TypedExpression sqrtExpr = n.sqrt();
 System.out.println("The syntax of sqrtExpr is " + sqrtExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
 The syntax of sqrtExpr is SQRT(13)
The sqrtExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 3.60555128.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the square root of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression tan()
Calculates the tangent of an angle expressed in radians. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is TAN(n), where n is the numeric value, in radians, of this TypedExpression.


This example produces a TypedExpression that calculates the tangent of a 135 degree angle.

 TypedExpression n = (TypedExpression) 
                      SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("135 * 3.14159265359/180", mp);
 // The syntax of n is an expression that converts 135 into radians.
 TypedExpression tanExpr = n.sin();
 System.out.println("The syntax of tanExpr is " + tanExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
 The syntax of sinExpr is TAN(135 * 3.1415927 / 180)
The tanExpr TypedExpression evaluates to -1.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the tangent of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression tanh()
Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is TANH(n), where n is the numeric value of this TypedExpression.


 TypedExpression n = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax(".5", mp);
 TypedExpression tanhExpr = n.tanh();
 System.out.println("The syntax of tanhExpr is " + tanhExpr.toSyntax());
The code produces the following output.
 The syntax of tanhExpr is TANH(.5)
The tanhExpr TypedExpression evaluates to .46.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the hyperbolic tangent of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression trunc(TypedExpression fmt)
Truncates the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is TRUNC(exp [, fmt]), where exp is the numeric or date expression of this TypedExpression and fmt is an optional argument.

Valid values for fmt depend on the data type of this TypedExpression. If the data type is NUMBER, then fmt must be a numeric expression that specifies the number of decimal places by which to truncate the value of this TypedExpression. A positive number specifies truncating on the right side of the decimal point. A negative number specifies truncating on the left side of the decimal point, which replaces numbers to the left of the decimal point with 0 (zero). If fmt is 0, then the result is truncated to 0 decimal places.

If the data type is DATE, then fmt must be a a text expression in the date format model, such as YYYY or MON. For a list of the valid date format models, see Formats for the Input Parameter for the round and trunc Methods.

For examples of the trunc method, see Example for trunc.

fmt - For truncating a number, a TypedExpression that has an numeric value. For truncating a date, a TypedExpression that has a textual value that specifies a date format model.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression truncated as specified by the fmt parameter.


public final TypedExpression widthBucket(TypedExpression minValue,
                                         TypedExpression maxValue,
                                         TypedExpression numBuckets)
Constructs a histogram range that is divided into intervals of identical size. The TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to the bucket number into which the value of this TypedExpression falls. The TypedExpression returned by this method has the syntax WIDTH_BUCKET(expr, min_value, max_value, num_buckets), where expr is the numeric expression of this TypedExpression and the other arguments are the parameters of this method.

The expression of this TypedExpression is the expression for which the histogram is being created. This expression must evaluate to a numeric or datetime value or to a value. If this TypedExpression evaluates to null, then the TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to null.

When needed, the WIDTH_BUCKET expression creates an underflow bucket numbered 0 and an overflow bucket numbered num_buckets+1. These buckets handle values outside the specified range and are helpful in checking the reasonableness of the end points.

The minValue and maxValue parameters are TypedExpression objects that evaluate to the end points of the acceptable range for the value of this TypedExpression. Both of these expressions must evaluate to numeric or datetime values, and neither can evaluate to null.

For an example of widthBucket, see Example for widthBucket.

minValue - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the beginning of the range for the value of this TypedExpression.
maxValue - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the end of the range for the value of this TypedExpression.
numBuckets - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the number of buckets. This expression must evaluate to a positive integer.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the bucket number into which the value of this TypedExpression falls.


public final TypedExpression ascii()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the ASCII decimal representation of the first character of the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is ASCII(char) where char is this TypedExpression, which is a text expression of data type CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2.

For an example of ascii, see Example for ascii.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the ASCII decimal representation of the first character of the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression chr()
Converts the integer value of this TypedExpression to the character in the database character set with the binary equivalent of the integer. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is CHR(n) where n is the value of this TypedExpression.

For single-byte character sets, if n is greater than 256, then the TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to the binary equivalent of n divided by 256. For multibyte character sets, n must evaluate to one entire numeric code, also known as a code point. Oracle OLAP does not validate code points, and the result of specifying an invalid code point is indeterminate.

For an example of chr, see Example for chr.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the character with the binary equivalent of the integer value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression chr(boolean usingNChar)
Converts the integer value of this TypedExpression to the character in the national character set with the binary equivalent of the integer. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is CHR(n USING NCHAR_CS) where n is the value of this TypedExpression.

For single-byte character sets, if n is greater than 256, then the TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to the binary equivalent of n divided by 256. For multibyte character sets, n must evaluate to one entire numeric code. Oracle OLAP does not validate the numeric code, and the result of specifying an invalid code is indeterminate.

For an example of chr, see Example for chr.

usingNChar - A boolean that specifies whether to use the national character set.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the character with the binary equivalent of the integer value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression concat(java.lang.String rhs)
Concatentates two text expressions as a single character string. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is CONCAT(char1, char2) where char1 is the value of this TypedExpression and char2 is the value of the rhs parameter.

The data types of the expressions of this TypedExpression and the rhs TypedExpression can be text expressions in any of the data types CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB.

For examples of concat, see Example for concat.

rhs - A String that has the value to concatenate with this TypedExpression.
A StringExpression that evaluates to text that contains the values of this TypedExpression and the rhs parameter.


public final TypedExpression concat(TypedExpression rhs)
Concatenates two text expressions as a single character string. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is CONCAT(char1, char2) where char1 is the value of this TypedExpression and char2 is the value of the rhs parameter.

The data types of the expressions of this TypedExpression and the rhs TypedExpression can be text expressions in any of the data types CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB.

For examples of concat, see Example for concat.

rhs - A TypedExpression that has the value to concatenate with this TypedExpression.
A BinaryOperatorExpression that evaluates to text that contains the values of this TypedExpression and the rhs parameter.


public final TypedExpression initcap()
Converts the first letter of each word of this TypedExpression to uppercase and all other letters to lowercase. Words are delimited by white space or non-alphanumeric characters.

The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is INITCAP(char) where char is the value of this TypedExpression. The data type of the value of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2.

For an example of initcap, see Example for initcap.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to text that contains the text of this TypedExpression with the first letter of each word in uppercase and all other letters in lowercase.


public final TypedExpression instr(TypedExpression substring,
                                   TypedExpression position,
                                   TypedExpression occurrence)
Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the characters of the specified substring. The TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first character of the substring in the value of this TypedExpression that matches the specified substring. If no match occurs, then it evaluates to 0 (zero).

The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is INSTR(string, substring, position, occurrence) where string is the value of this TypedExpression and the other arguments are the parameters of this method. The INSTR expression calculates strings using characters as defined by the input character set. The INSTRB expression uses bytes instead of characters. INSTRC uses Unicode complete characters. INSTR2 uses UCS2 code points. INSTR4 uses UCS4 code points. To create one of those expressions, use the instrB, instrC, instr2, or instr4 method, respectively.

substring - A TypedExpression that has the string to match.
position - A TypedExpression that has a nonzero integer indicating the position in the string of this TypedExpression at which to begin the search. A negative position value specifies a position count and search backward from the end of the string.
occurrence - A TypedExpression that has a positive integer that indicates which occurrence of the substring to search for.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first character of this string that matches the specified substring or 0 (zero) if no match occurs.
See Also:


public final TypedExpression instrB(TypedExpression substring,
                                    TypedExpression position,
                                    TypedExpression occurrence)
Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the bytes of the specified substring. The TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first byte of the string in the value of this TypedExpression that matches the substring. If no match occurs, then it evaluates to 0 (zero).

The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is INSTRB(string, substring, position, occurrence) where string is the value of this TypedExpression and the other arguments are the parameters of this method.

substring - A TypedExpression that has the string to match.
position - A TypedExpression that has a nonzero integer indicating the position in the string of this TypedExpression at which to begin the search. A negative position value specifies a position count and search backward from the end of the string.
occurrence - A TypedExpression that has a positive integer that indicates which occurrence of the substring to search for.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first byte of this string that matches the specified substring or 0 (zero) if no match occurs.
See Also:


public final TypedExpression instrC(TypedExpression substring,
                                    TypedExpression position,
                                    TypedExpression occurrence)
Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the Unicode complete characters of the specified substring. The TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first Unicode character in the string in the value of this TypedExpression that matches the substring. If no match occurs, then it evaluates to 0 (zero).

The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is INSTRC(string, substring, position, occurrence) where string is the value of this TypedExpression and the other arguments are the parameters of this method.

substring - A TypedExpression that has the string to match.
position - A TypedExpression that has a nonzero integer indicating the position in the string of this TypedExpression at which to begin the search. A negative position value specifies a position count and search backward from the end of the string.
occurrence - A TypedExpression that has a positive integer that indicates which occurrence of the substring to search for.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first Unicode character of this string that matches the specified substring or 0 (zero) if no match occurs.
See Also:


public final TypedExpression instr2(TypedExpression substring,
                                    TypedExpression position,
                                    TypedExpression occurrence)
Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the UCS2 code points of the specified substring. The TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first UCS2 code point in the string in the value of this TypedExpression that matches the substring. If no match occurs, then it evaluates to 0 (zero).

The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is INSTR2(string, substring, position, occurrence) where string is the value of this TypedExpression and the other arguments are the parameters of this method.

substring - A TypedExpression that has the string to match.
position - A TypedExpression that has a nonzero integer indicating the position in the string of this TypedExpression at which to begin the search. A negative position value specifies a position count and search backward from the end of the string.
occurrence - A TypedExpression that has a positive integer that indicates which occurrence of the substring to search for.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first UCS2 code point of this string that matches the specified substring or 0 (zero) if no match occurs.
See Also:


public final TypedExpression instr4(TypedExpression substring,
                                    TypedExpression position,
                                    TypedExpression occurrence)
Searches the value of this TypedExpression for the UCS4 code points of the specified substring. The TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first UCS4 code point in the string in the value of this TypedExpression that matches the substring. If no match occurs, then it evaluates to 0 (zero).

The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is INSTR4(string, substring, position, occurrence) where string is the value of this TypedExpression and the other arguments are the parameters of this method.

substring - A TypedExpression that has the string to match.
position - A TypedExpression that has a nonzero integer indicating the position in the string of this TypedExpression at which to begin the search. A negative position value specifies a position count and search backward from the end of the string.
occurrence - A TypedExpression that has a positive integer that indicates which occurrence of the substring to search for.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that indicates the position of the first UCS4 code point of this string that matches the specified substring or 0 (zero) if no match occurs.
See Also:


public final TypedExpression length()
Counts the number of characters in the text expression of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LENGTH(char) where char is the value of this TypedExpression.

The LENGTH expression calculates characters as defined by the input character set. The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB. If the data type is CHAR, then the length includes all trailing blanks. If this expression is null, then the TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to null.

The LENGTHB expression uses bytes instead of characters. LENGTHC uses Unicode complete characters. LENGTH2 uses UCS2 code points. LENGTH4 uses UCS4 code points. To create one of those expressions, use the lengthB, lengthC, length2, or length4 method, respectively.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that is the number of characters in this text expression.


public final TypedExpression lengthB()
Counts the number of bytes in the text expression of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LENGTHB(char) where char is the value of this TypedExpression.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB. If the data type is CHAR, then the length includes all trailing blanks. If this expression is null, then the TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to null.

Use the LENGTHB expression only for single-byte LOBs. Do not use it with CLOB and NCLOB data in a multibyte character set.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that is the number of bytes in this text expression.
See Also:


public final TypedExpression lengthC()
Counts the number of Unicode characters in the text expression of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LENGTHC(char) where char is the value of this TypedExpression.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB. If the data type is CHAR, then the length includes all trailing blanks. If this expression is null, then the TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to null.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that is the number of Unicode characters in this text expression.
See Also:


public final TypedExpression length2()
Counts the number of UCS2 code points in the text expression of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LENGTH2(char) where char is the value of this TypedExpression.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB. If the data type is CHAR, then the length includes all trailing blanks. If this expression is null, then the TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to null.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that is the number of UCS2 code points in this text expression.
See Also:


public final TypedExpression length4()
Counts the number of UC42 code points in the text expression of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LENGTH4(char) where char is the value of this TypedExpression.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB. If the data type is CHAR, then the length includes all trailing blanks. If this expression is null, then the TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to null.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that is the number of UCS4 code points in this text expression.
See Also:


public final TypedExpression lower()
Converts to lowercase all alphabetic characters in the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LOWER(char) where char is the value of this TypedExpression.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression in which all alphabetic characters are lowercase.


public final TypedExpression lpad(TypedExpression n,
                                  TypedExpression expr2)
Adds the specified number of characters to the left of the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LPAD(expr1, n, expr2) where expr1 is the value of this TypedExpression and the other arguments are the parameters of this method.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB.

n - A TypedExpression that has a number that specifies the total length of value of the TypedExpression returned by this method. If the value of this TypedExpression is longer than n, then the LPAD expression truncates the value of the returned TypedExpression to n characters.
expr2 - A TypedExpression that has a text expression for the padding characters. By default, the padding character is a space.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression in which text expression of this TypedExpression is padded to the left with the specified number of padding characters.


public final TypedExpression ltrim(TypedExpression set)
Searches the value of this TypedExpression, starting from the left, and removes all of the characters that match the characters in the trim expression set, until an unmatched character occurs. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is LTRIM(char, set) where char is the value of this TypedExpression and set is the set parameter.
set - A TypedExpression that has a text expression with the characters to remove. The default value of set is a single blank.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression with the specified characters trimmed from the left.


public final TypedExpression nlsInitcap(TypedExpression nlsparam)
Converts the first letter of each word of this TypedExpression to uppercase and all other letters to lowercase. Words are delimited by white space or non-alphanumeric characters.

The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is NLS_INITCAP(char, nlsparam) where char is the value of this TypedExpression and nlsparam is the nlsparam parameter. . The data type of the value of this TypedExpression and the nlsparam TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2.

nlsparam - A TypedExpression that has a linguistic sort sequence in the form NLS_SORT = sort[_ai |_ci], where sort is an NLS language. You can add a suffix to the language to modify the sort: _ai for an accent-insensitive sort, or _ci for a case-insensitive sort. For more information about linguistic sorting, refer to Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to text that contains the text of this TypedExpression with the first letter of each word in uppercase and all other letters in lowercase.


public final TypedExpression nlsLower(TypedExpression nlsparam)
Converts to lowercase all alphabetic characters in the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is NLS_LOWER(char, nlsparam) where char is the value of this TypedExpression and nlsparam is the nlsparam parameter.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB.

nlsparam - A TypedExpression that has a linguistic sort sequence in the form NLS_SORT = sort[_ai |_ci], where sort is an NLS language. You can add a suffix to the language to modify the sort: _ai for an accent-insensitive sort, or _ci for a case-insensitive sort. For more information about linguistic sorting, refer to Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression in which all alphabetic characters are lowercase.


public final TypedExpression nlsSort(TypedExpression nlsparam)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the string of bytes that Oracle OLAP uses to sort a text string. You can use this method to specify sorting and comparison operations that are based on a linguistic sort sequence rather than on the binary value of a string. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is NLSSORT(char, nlsparam) where char is the value of this TypedExpression and nlsparam is the nlsparam parameter.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB.

nlsparam - A TypedExpression that has a linguistic sort sequence in the form NLS_SORT = sort[_ai |_ci], where sort is an NLS language. You can add a suffix to the language to modify the sort: _ai for an accent-insensitive sort, or _ci for a case-insensitive sort. For more information about linguistic sorting, refer to Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a string of bytes that Oracle OLAP uses to sort a text string.


public final TypedExpression nlsUpper(TypedExpression nlsparam)
Converts to uppercase all alphabetic characters in the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is NLS_UPPER(char, nlsparam) where char is the value of this TypedExpression and nlsparam is the nlsparam parameter.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB.

nlsparam - A TypedExpression that has a linguistic sort sequence in the form NLS_SORT = sort[_ai |_ci], where sort is an NLS language. You can add a suffix to the language to modify the sort: _ai for an accent-insensitive sort, or _ci for a case-insensitive sort. For more information about linguistic sorting, refer to Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression in which all alphabetic characters are uppercase.


public final TypedExpression regexpInstr(TypedExpression pattern,
                                         TypedExpression position,
                                         TypedExpression occurrence,
                                         TypedExpression returnOption,
                                         TypedExpression matchParameter)
Creates a TypedExpression that represents a search for a regular expression pattern in the string value of this TypedExression. The TypedExpression that is returned by this method evaluates to an integer that indicates either the beginning or ending position of the matched substring. If no match occurs, the TypedExpression evaluates to 0.
pattern - A TypedExpression that represents the regular expression to search for. A period matches any character.
position - A TypedExpression that represents a nonzero integer that indicates where to begin the search. If the value of the integer is negative, then the search begins at the end of string and counts backwards toward the beginning. The default value of the parameter is 1, which begins the search at the first character of string.
occurrence - A TypedExpression that represents is an integer that indicates which occurrence of pattern to search for. The value of the integer must be positive. The default value of the integer is 1, which specifies a search for the first occurrence of pattern.
returnOption - A TypedExpression that represents an integer that is is either 0, which specifies finding the position of the beginning of match, or 1, which specifies finding the position of the first character following the match. The default value of the integer is 0.
matchParameter - A TypedExpression that represents a text literal that lets you change the default matching behavior of the function. You can specify one or more of the following values:
Parameter Value Description
c Case-sensitive matching.
i Case-insensitive matching.
m Treat the source string as multiple lines. The characters ^ and $ indicate the start and end, respectively, of a line anywhere in the source string, rather than only at the start or end of the entire source string. By default, the REGEXP_INSTR function treats the source string as a single line.
n Include the newline character among the characters matched by a period (the wildcard character). By default, it is not included.
x Ignore whitespace characters.
A RowFunctionExpression that represents a search for a regular expression.


public final TypedExpression regexpReplace(TypedExpression pattern,
                                           TypedExpression replaceString,
                                           TypedExpression position,
                                           TypedExpression occurrence,
                                           TypedExpression matchParameter)
Creates a TypedExpression that represents a search for a regular expression pattern in the string value of this TypedExression and the replacement of the matching string with another string.
pattern - A TypedExpression that represents the regular expression to search for. The expression is usually a text literal and can contain up to 512 bytes.
replaceString - A TypedExpression that represents the text that replaces the searched for pattern in this TypedExpression.
position - A TypedExpression that represents a nonzero integer that indicates where to begin the search. If the value of the integer is negative, then the search begins at the end of string and counts backwards toward the beginning. The default value of the parameter is 1, which begins the search at the first character of string.
occurrence - A TypedExpression that represents is an integer that indicates which occurrence of pattern to search for. The value of the integer must be positive. The default value of the integer is 1, which specifies a search for the first occurrence of pattern.
matchParameter - A TypedExpression that represents a text literal that lets you change the default matching behavior of the function. You can specify one or more of the values listed in the table in the matchParameter description in the regexpInstr method.
A RowFunctionExpression that represents the replacement of a regular expression by another expression.


public final TypedExpression regexpSubstr(TypedExpression pattern,
                                          TypedExpression position,
                                          TypedExpression occurrence,
                                          TypedExpression matchParameter)
Creates a TypedExpression that represents a search for a regular expression pattern in the string value of this TypedExression. The TypedExpression that is returned by this method evaluates to the matched expression.
pattern - A TypedExpression that represents the regular expression to search for. The expression is usually a text literal and can contain up to 512 bytes.
position - A TypedExpression that represents a nonzero integer that indicates where to begin the search. If the value of the integer is negative, then the search begins at the end of string and counts backwards toward the beginning. The default value of the parameter is 1, which begins the search at the first character of string.
occurrence - A TypedExpression that represents is an integer that indicates which occurrence of pattern to search for. The value of the integer must be positive. The default value of the integer is 1, which specifies a search for the first occurrence of pattern.
matchParameter - A TypedExpression that represents a text literal that lets you change the default matching behavior of the function. You can specify one or more of the values listed in the table in the matchParameter description in the regexpInstr method.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the string of this TypedExpression that matches the specified pattern.


public final TypedExpression replace(TypedExpression searchString,
                                     TypedExpression replacementString)
Searches a string for a pattern, replaces it with another string, and returns the modified string.
searchString - A TypedExpression that represents the string to search for.
replacementString - A TypedExpression that represents the text that replaces searched for string of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the string of this TypedExpression with the searched for string replaced by the replacement string.


public final TypedExpression rpad(TypedExpression n,
                                  TypedExpression expr2)
Adds the specified number of characters to the right of the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is RPAD(expr1, n, expr2) where expr1 is the value of this TypedExpression and the other arguments are the parameters of this method.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB.

n - A TypedExpression that has a number that specifies the total length of value of the TypedExpression returned by this method. If the value of this TypedExpression is longer than n, then the RPAD expression truncates the value of the returned TypedExpression to n characters.
expr2 - A TypedExpression that has a text expression for the padding characters. By default, the padding character is a space.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression in which text expression of this TypedExpression is padded to the right with the specified number of padding characters.


public final TypedExpression rtrim(TypedExpression set)
Searches the value of this TypedExpression, starting from the right, and removes all of the characters that match the characters in the trim expression set, until an unmatched character occurs. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is RTRIM(char, set) where char is the value of this TypedExpression and set is the set parameter.
set - A TypedExpression that has a text expression with the characters to remove. The default value of set is a single blank.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression with the specified characters trimmed from the right.


public final TypedExpression soundex()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to a character string that contains the phonetic representation of the character that is the value of this TypedExpresson. You can use this method to compare words that are spelled differently, but that sound alike in English.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression that is a phonetic representation of the value of this TypedExpresson.


public final TypedExpression substr(TypedExpression position,
                                    TypedExpression substringLength)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified character position and includes the specified number of characters. The TypedExpression returned by this method calculates lengths using characters as defined by the input character set.
position - A TypedExpression that specifies the position at which to begin the substitution. If the value of this parameter is positive, then the count of positions starts at the beginning of the value of this TypedExpression. If the parameter value is negative, then the count begins at the end of this TypedExpression and procedes backward. If the parameter value is 0 (zero), then the first character of this TypedExpression is the beginning of the substring.
substringLength - A TypedExpression that represents the number of characters to select. By default, the selection includes all of the characters of this TypedExpression. If you specify a value less than 1, then the value of the returned TypedExpression is null.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression that is the specified substring of this TypedExpresson.


public final TypedExpression substrB(TypedExpression position,
                                     TypedExpression substringLength)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified byte position and extends the specified number of bytes. The TypedExpression returned by this method uses bytes to calculate lengths.
position - A TypedExpression that specifies the position at which to begin the substitution. If the value of this parameter is positive, then the count of positions starts at the beginning of the value of this TypedExpression. If the parameter value is negative, then the count begins at the end of this TypedExpression and procedes backward. If the parameter value is 0 (zero), then the first character of this TypedExpression is the beginning of the substring.
substringLength - A TypedExpression that represents the number of bytes to select. By default, the selection includes all of the bytes of this TypedExpression. If you specify a value less than 1, then the value of the returned TypedExpression is null.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression that is the specified substring of this TypedExpresson.


public final TypedExpression substrC(TypedExpression position,
                                     TypedExpression substringLength)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified Unicode complete character position and extends the specified number of Unicode complete characters. The TypedExpression returned by this method uses Unicode complete characters to calculate lengths.
position - A TypedExpression that specifies the position at which to begin the substitution. If the value of this parameter is positive, then the count of positions starts at the beginning of the value of this TypedExpression. If the parameter value is negative, then the count begins at the end of this TypedExpression and procedes backward. If the parameter value is 0 (zero), then the first character of this TypedExpression is the beginning of the substring.
substringLength - A TypedExpression that represents the number of characters to select. By default, the selection includes all of the characters of this TypedExpression. If you specify a value less than 1, then the value of the returned TypedExpression is null.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression that is the specified substring of this TypedExpresson.


public final TypedExpression substr2(TypedExpression position,
                                     TypedExpression substringLength)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified UCS2 code point position and extends the specified number of UCS2 code points. The TypedExpression returned by this method uses UCS2 code points to calculate lengths.
position - A TypedExpression that specifies the position at which to begin the substitution. If the value of this parameter is positive, then the count of positions starts at the beginning of the value of this TypedExpression. If the parameter value is negative, then the count begins at the end of this TypedExpression and procedes backward. If the parameter value is 0 (zero), then the first character of this TypedExpression is the beginning of the substring.
substringLength - A TypedExpression that represents the number of characters to select. By default, the selection includes all of the characters of this TypedExpression. If you specify a value less than 1, then the value of the returned TypedExpression is null.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression that is the specified substring of this TypedExpresson.


public final TypedExpression substr4(TypedExpression position,
                                     TypedExpression substringLength)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the portion of the value of this TypedExpression that begins at the specified UCS4 code point position and extends the specified number of UCS4 code points. The TypedExpression returned by this method uses UCS4 code points to calculate lengths.
position - A TypedExpression that specifies the position at which to begin the substitution. If the value of this parameter is positive, then the count of positions starts at the beginning of the value of this TypedExpression. If the parameter value is negative, then the count begins at the end of this TypedExpression and procedes backward. If the parameter value is 0 (zero), then the first character of this TypedExpression is the beginning of the substring.
substringLength - A TypedExpression that represents the number of characters to select. By default, the selection includes all of the characters of this TypedExpression. If you specify a value less than 1, then the value of the returned TypedExpression is null.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression that is the specified substring of this TypedExpresson.


public final TypedExpression translate(TypedExpression fromString,
                                       TypedExpression toString)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to an expression in which all occurrences of the specified characters in the value of this TypedExpression are replaced by the corresponding character in the value of the toString parameter. You can use this method to make several single-character, one-to-one substitutions in one operation.
fromString - A TypedExpression that represents one or more characters to replace.
toString - A TypedExpression that represents one or more characters with which to replace the corresponding characters in fromString. The number of characters in toString can be fewer than the number in fromString. If so, then a null replaces the extra characters of fromString. However, the toString expression cannot be empty.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression that has the value of this TypedExpresson with the specified replacements.


public final TypedExpression treat(java.lang.String typeName,
                                   boolean isRefType)
Creates a TypedExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but that has the type specified by typeName.
typeName - A String that contains the type for the returned TypedExpression. The value of typeName must be some supertype or subtype of the type of this TypedExpression.
isRefType - A boolean that indicates whether this TypedExpression has the type REF.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to this TypedExpresson with the type changed to the specified type.


public final TypedExpression trim(TypedExpression trimCharacter)
Creates a TypedExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but without the specified leading or trailing characters.
trimCharacter - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a character to remove.
A RowFunctionExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but with the specified leading or trailing character removed.


public final TypedExpression trimLeading(TypedExpression trimCharacter)
Creates a TypedExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but without the specified leading character.
trimCharacter - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a character to remove.
A RowFunctionExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but with the specified leading character removed.


public final TypedExpression trimTrailing(TypedExpression trimCharacter)
Creates a TypedExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but without the specified trailing character.
trimCharacter - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a character to remove.
A RowFunctionExpression that has the value of this TypedExpression but with the specified trailing character removed.


public final TypedExpression upper()
Converts to uppercase all alphabetic characters in the value of this TypedExpression. The syntax of the TypedExpression returned by this method is UPPER(char) where char is the value of this TypedExpression.

The data type of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a text expression in which all alphabetic characters are uppercase.


public final TypedExpression nlsCharsetDeclLen(TypedExpression charSetID)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the declaration length (in number of characters) of the NCHAR column that this TypedExpression represents.
charSetID - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the character set ID of the column.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the declared length of the column.


public final TypedExpression nlsCharsetID()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the character set ID number corresponding to character set name specified by this TypedExpression. The value of TypedExpression must be a run-time VARCHAR2 value. The string value 'CHAR_CS' evaluates to the database character set ID number of the server. The string value 'NCHAR_CS' evaluates to the national character set ID number of the server. An invalid character set name evaluates to null.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the character set ID number corresponding to character set name specified by this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression nlsCharsetName()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the name of the character set that corresponds to the ID number specified by the value of this TypedExpression. The character set name is a VARCHAR2 value in the database character set.

If the value of this TypedExpression is a valid character set ID, then the TypedExpression returned by this method evalutes to null.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the name of the character set that corresponds to the ID number specified by the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression addMonths(TypedExpression rhs)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the date that is the specified number of months after the date that is the value of this TypedExpression.
rhs - A TypedExpression that evaluates to an integer that specifies the number of months to add.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the date that is the specified number of months after the date that is the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression addMonths(int rhs)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the date that is the specified number of months after the date that is the value of this TypedExpression.
rhs - An integer that specifies the number of months to add.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the date that is the specified number of months after the date that is the value of this TypedExpression.


public static final TypedExpression currentDate()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the current date in the session time zone.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the current date.


public static final TypedExpression currentTime(TypedExpression precision)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the current date and time in the session time zone.
precision - A TypedExpression that specifies a fractional second precision for the returned time value. The default value is 6.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the current time.


public static final TypedExpression dbTimeZone()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the value of the database time zone as either a time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or a time zone region name.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the database time zone.


public final TypedExpression extractYear()
Extracts the year from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a year.


public final TypedExpression extractMonth()
Extracts the month from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a month.


public final TypedExpression extractDay()
Extracts the day from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a day.


public final TypedExpression extractHour()
Extracts the hour from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an hour.


public final TypedExpression extractMinute()
Extracts the minute from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a minute.


public final TypedExpression extractSecond()
Extracts the second from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a second.


public final TypedExpression extractTimeZoneHour()
Extracts the time zone hour from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a time zone hour.


public final TypedExpression extractTimeZoneMinute()
Extracts the time zone minute from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a time zone minute.


public final TypedExpression extractTimeZoneRegion()
Extracts the name of the time zone region from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the name of the time zone region.


public final TypedExpression extractTimeZoneAbbr()
Extracts the name of the time zone abbreviation from the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the name of the time zone abbreviation.


public final TypedExpression fromTZ(TypedExpression timeZoneValue)
Converts the timestamp value of this TypedExpression and the specified time zone to a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type.
timeZoneValue - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a string in the format TZH:TZM or in TZR with an optional TZD format.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the timestamp and time zone in the data type.


public final TypedExpression lastDay()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the last day of the month in which the date of the value of this TypedExpression falls.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the last day of the month in which the date of the value of this TypedExpression falls.


public static final TypedExpression localTimestamp(TypedExpression precision)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the current date and time in the session time zone.
precision - A TypedExpression that specifies a fractional second precision for the returned time value.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the current date and time in the session time zone.


public final TypedExpression monthsBetween(TypedExpression date2)
Calculates the number of months between the date value of this TypedExpression and the specified date. When the two dates have the same day component or are both the last day of the month, then the value of the TypedExpression returned of this method is a whole number. Otherwise, the value of the returned object includes a fraction that considers the difference in the days based on a 31-day month.
date2 - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a date.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the number of months between the date value of this TypedExpression and the specified date.


public final TypedExpression newTime(TypedExpression timeZone1,
                                     TypedExpression timeZone2)
Converts the date and time value of this TypedExpression from one time zone to another. Before using the TypedExpression returned by this method, set the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter to display 24-hour time.

The following table lists the valid values for the timezone1 and timezone2 parameters. For other timezones, use the fromTZ method.

Abbreviation Time Zone
ADT Atlantic Daylight Time
AST Atlantic Standard Time
BDT Bering Daylight Time
BST Bering Standard Time
CDT Central Daylight Time
CST Central Standard Time
EDT Eastern Daylight Time
EST Eastern Standard Time
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
HDT Alaska-Hawaii Daylight Time
HST Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time
MDT Mountain Daylight Time
MST Mountain Standard Time
NST Newfoundland Standard Time
PDT Pacific Daylight Time
PST Pacific Standard Time
YDT Yukon Daylight Time
YST Yukon Standard Time
timeZone1 - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the time zone of the date and time value of this TypedExpression.
timeZone2 - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the new time zone.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the new time.


public final TypedExpression nextDay(TypedExpression dayName)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the first instance of the specified day of the week that follows the date value of this TypedExpression.
dayName - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the a day of the week.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the first instance of the specified day of the week that follows the date value of this TypedExpression.


public static final TypedExpression sessionTimeZone()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the time zone of the current session. The TypedExpression returned by this method is a time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or a time zone region name.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the time zone of the current session.


public final TypedExpression sysExtractUTC()
Extracts the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, which was formerly Greenwich Mean Time) from the datetime value of this TypedExpression with time zone offset or time zone region name.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the UTC for the value of this TypedExpression.


public static final TypedExpression sysDate()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the current date and time of the operating system on which the database resides. The format of the value depends on the value of the NLS_DATE_FORMAT initialization parameter.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the current date and time of the operating system on which the database resides.


public static final TypedExpression sysTimestamp()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the system date, including fractional seconds and time zone, of the system on which the database resides.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the system date of the system on which the database resides.


public final TypedExpression toDSInterval(TypedExpression nlsparam)
Converts the text expression of this TypedExpression to a DS_INTERVAL data type.
nlsparam - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a setting for the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter of the database. The value of the nlsparam TypedExpression can have the form
where d is the decimal character, and g is the group separator. Neither character can be a space.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the value of this TypedExpression converted to a DS_INTERVAL data type.


public final TypedExpression toTimestamp(TypedExpression fmt,
                                         TypedExpression nlsparam)
Converts the text expression of this TypedExpression to a TIMESTAMP data type.
fmt - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a datetime model format that specifies the format of the value of this TypedExpression. The default date format is determined implicitly by the NLS_TERRITORY initialization parameter of the database or it can be set explicitly by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter. For data type formats, refer to Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
nlsparam - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the language for the month and day names and abbreviations of the TypedExpression returned by this method. The value of the nlsparam TypedExpression can have the following form:
  'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language'
By default, the value of the TypedExpression returned by this method is in the session date language.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the value of this TypedExpression converted to a TIMESTAMP data type.


public final TypedExpression toTimestampTZ(TypedExpression fmt,
                                           TypedExpression nlsparam)
Converts the text expression of this TypedExpression to a TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE data type.
fmt - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a datetime model format that specifies the format of the value of this TypedExpression. The default date format is determined implicitly by the NLS_TERRITORY initialization parameter of the database or it can be set explicitly by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter. For data type formats, refer to Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
nlsparam - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the language for the month and day names and abbreviations of the TypedExpression returned by this method. The value of the nlsparam TypedExpression can have the following form:
  'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language'
By default, the value of the TypedExpression returned by this method is in the session date language.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the value of this TypedExpression converted to a TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE data type.


public final TypedExpression toYMInterval()
Converts the text expression of this TypedExpression to a YM_INTERVAL data type.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a YM_INTERVAL data type.


public final TypedExpression tzOffset()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


public static TypedExpression greatest(TypedExpression[] args)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the largest expression in a list of expressions. Oracle OLAP implicitly converts all expressions after the first to the data type of the first expression before the comparison. It compares text expressions character by character.
args - An array of TypedExpression objects that have the values to compare.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the largest expression in the list of expressions.


public static TypedExpression least(TypedExpression[] args)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the smallest expression in a list of expressions. Oracle OLAP implicitly converts all expressions after the first to the data type of the first expression before the comparison. It compares text expressions character by character.
args - An array of TypedExpression objects that have the values to compare.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the smallest expression in the list of expressions.


public final TypedExpression asciiStr()
Converts the value of this TypedExpression to ASCII. The value of this TypedExpression can be a string, or an expression that evaluates to a string, in any character set. The TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to an ASCII version of the string in the database character set. Oracle OLAP converts non-ASCII characters to the form \xxxx, where xxxx represents a UTF-16 code unit.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to ASCII.


public static TypedExpression binToNum(TypedExpression[] args)
Converts an array of bits to the equivalent number. You can use the TypedExpression returned by this method for selecting groups of interest from a materialized view using grouping sets.
args - An array of TypedExpression objects that have the bit values to convert.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the a number that is equivalent to the specified bit values.


public final TypedExpression cast(java.lang.String datatype)
Converts the data type of the value of this TypedExpression into another data type value.
datatype - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a data type.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the data type of the value of this TypedExpression converted to the specified data type.


public final TypedExpression charToROWID()
Converts the value of this TypedExpression from the CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 data type to the ROWID data type.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the value of this TypedExpression converted to the ROWID data type.


public final TypedExpression compose()
Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a Unicode string in the same character set as this expression. The value of this TypedExpression can be any of the data types CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a Unicode string in the same character set.


public final TypedExpression convert(TypedExpression destCharSet)
Converts the character string value of this TypedExpression from one character set to the specified character set.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to the specified character set.


public final TypedExpression convert(TypedExpression destCharSet,
                                     TypedExpression sourceCharSet)
Converts the character string value of this TypedExpression from the source character set to the destination character set.
destCharSet - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the destination character set.
sourceCharSet - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the source character set.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted from the source character set to the destination character set.


public final TypedExpression decompose()
Decomposes the Unicode character string value of this TypedExpression and returns a TypedExpression in the same character set. For example, an o-umlaut code point in the value of this TypedExpression decomposes to an "o" code point followed by an umlaut code point in the returned expression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the decomposed value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression hexToRAW()
Converts to a raw value the value of this TypedExpression, which contains hexadecimal digits in the CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 character set.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a raw value.


public final TypedExpression numToDSInterval(TypedExpression intervalUnit)
Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a DS_INTERVAL literal.
intervalUnit - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a text expression that specifies the units. The expression must resolve to DAY, HOUR, MINUTE or SECOND.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a DS_INTERVAL literal value.


public final TypedExpression numToYMInterval(TypedExpression intervalUnit)
Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a YM_INTERVAL literal.
intervalUnit - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a text expression that specifies the units. The expression must resolve to MONTH or YEAR.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a YM_INTERVAL literal value.


public final TypedExpression rawToHex()
Converts the raw value of this TypedExpression, to a character string value containing the hexadecimal representation of the raw value.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a hexadecimal value.


public final TypedExpression rawToNHex()
Converts the raw value of this TypedExpression, to a character string value in the national character set; the value contains the hexadecimal representation of the raw value.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to a hexadecimal representation of the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression rowIDToChar()
Converts the ROWID value of this TypedExpression to the VARCHAR2 data type. The value of the TypedExpression returned by this method is always 18 characters long.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to the VARCHAR2 data type.


public final TypedExpression rowIDToNChar()
Converts the ROWID value of this TypedExpression to the NVARCHAR2 data type. The value of the TypedExpression returned by this method is always in the national character set and is 18 characters long.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to the NVARCHAR2 data type.


public final TypedExpression scnToTimestamp()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the approximate timestamp that is associated with the system change number (SCN) value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the approximate timestamp that is associated with the SCN value of this TypedExpression


public final TypedExpression timestampToSCN()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the approximate system change number (SCN) that is associated with the timestamp value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the SCN that is associated with the timestamp value of this TypedExpression


public final TypedExpression toBinaryDouble(TypedExpression fmt,
                                            TypedExpression nlsParam)
Converts to a BINARY_DOUBLE the character string or a numeric value of type NUMBER or BINARY_FLOAT of this TypedExpression. The fmt and nlsParam parameters are valid only if the value of this TypedExpression is a character string.
fmt - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a text expression that identifies a number format model as described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
nlsParam - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the language for the month and day names and abbreviations of the TypedExpression returned by this method. The value of the nlsparam TypedExpression can have the following form:
  'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language'
By default, the value of the TypedExpression returned by this method is in the session date language.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a double-precision floating-point number.


public final TypedExpression toBinaryFloat(TypedExpression fmt,
                                           TypedExpression nlsParam)
Converts to a BINARY_FLOAT the character string or a numeric value of type NUMBER or BINARY_DOUBLE of this TypedExpression.
fmt - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a text expression that identifies a number format model as described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
nlsParam - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the language for the month and day names and abbreviations of the TypedExpression returned by this method. The value of the nlsparam TypedExpression can have the following form:
  'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language'
By default, the value of the TypedExpression returned by this method is in the session date language.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a single-precision floating-point number.


public final TypedExpression toChar()
Converts the NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB value of this TypedExpression to the database character set.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to the database character set.


public final TypedExpression toChar(TypedExpression fmt,
                                    TypedExpression nlsParam)
Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a value in the specified format and NLS parameters. The value of this TypedExpression can be a numeric expression or a datetime or interval expression.

If the value of this TypedExpression is a numeric expression, then the fmt parameter is a TypedExpression that evaluates to a text expression that identifies a number format model as described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference. For a numeric expression, the nlsParam parameter specifies the characters that are returned by the following number format elements:

The nlsParam parameter values have the following formats:

  NLS_CURRENCY = ''text''
  NLS_ISO_CURRENCY = territory '

The characters d and g represent the decimal character and group separator, respectively. They must be different single-byte characters. Within the quoted string, use two single quotation marks around the parameter values. Ten characters are available for the currency symbol.

If you omit this argument or any of the NLS parameters, then the values are the default values for your session.

If the value of this TypedExpression is a datetime or interval expression, then the fmt parameter is a TypedExpression that evaluates to a datetime model format. The default date format is determined implicitly by the NLS_TERRITORY database initialization parameter or you can set it explicitly with the NLS_DATE_FORMAT database parameter. For data type formats, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

For a datetime or interval expression, the nlsParam parameter specifies the language in which month and day names and abbreviations of the converted value. The value of the nlsParam parameter has the following form:

 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language' 

By default, the converted value is in the session date language.

fmt - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a text expression that identifies a number or datetime model format.
nlsParam - A TypedExpression that evaluates to language parameters for the converted value.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a text string in the specified format and language parameters.


public final TypedExpression toCLOB()
Converts to a CLOB value the NCLOB in a LOB column or other character string value of this TypedExpression. The character string value of this TypedExpression can be any of the data types CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a CLOB.


public final TypedExpression toDate()
Converts the data type of the value of this TypedExpression to the DATE data type. The data type of the value of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a DATE.


public final TypedExpression toDate(TypedExpression fmt,
                                    TypedExpression nlsParam)
Converts the data type of the value of this TypedExpression to the DATE data type in the format specified by the date format fmt and the language specified by nlsparam. The data type of the value of this TypedExpression can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2.
fmt - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a datetime model format that specifies the format of the value of this TypedExpression. The default date format is determined implicitly by the NLS_TERRITORY initialization parameter of the database or it can be set explicitly by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter. For data type formats, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
nlsParam - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the language for the month and day names and abbreviations of the TypedExpression returned by this method. The value of the nlsparam TypedExpression can have the following form:
  'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language'
By default, the value of the TypedExpression returned by this method is in the session date language.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a DATE.


public final TypedExpression toLOB()
Converts the value of this TypedExpression to a LOB. The value of this TypedExpression can be a LONG or LONG RAW in the column long_column. You can use this method only with a value from a LONG or LONG RAW column, and only in the select list of a subquery in an INSERT statement.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a LOB.


public final TypedExpression toMultiByte()
Converts the single-byte characters of the value of this TypedExpression to the corresponding multibyte characters.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to multibyte characters.


public final TypedExpression toNChar()
Converts the NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB value of this TypedExpression to the national character set.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to the national character set.


public final TypedExpression toNChar(TypedExpression fmt,
                                     TypedExpression nlsParam)
Converts the datetime or interval value of this TypedExpression from the database character set to the national character set in the format specified by the date format fmt and the language specified by nlsparam. The data type of the value of this TypedExpression can be DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE, or TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE .
fmt - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a datetime model format that specifies the format of the value of this TypedExpression. The default date format is determined implicitly by the NLS_TERRITORY initialization parameter of the database or it can be set explicitly by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter. For data type formats, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
nlsParam - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the language for the month and day names and abbreviations of the TypedExpression returned by this method. The value of the nlsparam TypedExpression can have the following form:
  'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language'
By default, the value of the TypedExpression returned by this method is in the session date language.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to the national character set as specified by the parameters.


public final TypedExpression toNCLOB()
Converts to an NCLOB value the CLOB in a LOB column or other character string value of this TypedExpression. The character string value of this TypedExpression can be any of the data types CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a NCLOB.


public final TypedExpression toNumber()
Converts the value of this TypedExpression to the NUMBER data type.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a number.


public final TypedExpression toNumber(TypedExpression fmt)
Converts the value of this TypedExpression to the NUMBER data type in the format model specified by fmt.
fmt - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a text expression that identifies a number format model as described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a number in the specified format.


public final TypedExpression toNumber(TypedExpression fmt,
                                      TypedExpression nlsParam)
Converts the value of this TypedExpression to the NUMBER data type in the format model specified by fmt. The nlsParam parameter specifies the characters that are returned by the following number format elements:

The nlsParam parameter values have the following formats:

  NLS_CURRENCY = ''text''
  NLS_ISO_CURRENCY = territory '
fmt - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a text expression that identifies a number format model as described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
nlsParam - A TypedExpression that evaluates to language parameters for the converted value.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a number as specified by the format and language parameters.


public final TypedExpression toSingleByte()
Converts the multibyte characters of the value of this TypedExpression to the corresponding single-byte characters.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to a single-byte characters.


public final TypedExpression translateUsingCharCS()
Converts the character string value of this TypedExpression into the database character set.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to the database character set.


public final TypedExpression translateUsingNCharCS()
Converts the character string value of this TypedExpression into the national character set.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to the national character set.


public final TypedExpression unistr()
Converts the value of this TypedExpression into the national character set. The national character set of the database can be either AL16UTF16 or UTF8. The value of this TypedExpression can include Unicode encoded character values. Unicode encoding is useful, for example, for inserting data into NCHAR columns.

The Unicode encoding value has the form '\xxxx' where 'xxxx' is the hexadecimal value of a character in UCS-2 encoding format. Supplementary characters are encoded as two code units, the first from the high-surrogates range (U+D800 to U+DBFF), and the second from the low-surrogates range (U+DC00 to U+DFFF). To include the backslash in the string itself, precede it with another backslash (\\).

For portability and data preservation, Oracle recommends that in the value of this TypedExpression you specify only ASCII characters and the Unicode encoding values.

A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of this TypedExpression converted to the national character set.


public final TypedExpression decode(TypedExpression[] cases,
                                    TypedExpression defaultExpression)
Compares the value of this TypedExpression to one or more search strings one by one. If the value of this TypedExpression is equal to a search string, then the TypedExpression returned by this method has the result that corresponds to the search string. If no match occurs, then the returned value is the specified default. If you omit a default value, then the returned value is null.
cases - An array of TypedExpression objects that evaluate to search strings and corresponding results.
defaultExpression - A TypedExpressionReturns:
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the results returned by the searches.


public final TypedExpression oraHash(TypedExpression maxBucket,
                                     TypedExpression seedValue)
Computes the hash value of the value of this TypedExpression. This expression returned by this method is useful for operations such as analyzing a subset of data and generating a random sample.

The value of this TypedExpression commonly evaluates to a column name. The value can be any length but it cannot be a LONG or LOB type. It cannot be a user-defined object type unless it is a nested table type. The hash value for nested table types does not depend on the order of elements in the collection. All other datatypes are supported for the value.

The maxBucket and seedValue parameters are optional.

maxBucket - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the maximum bucket value returned by the hash function. You can specify any value between 0 and 4294967295. The default is 4294967295.
seedValue - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a value that enables Oracle OLAP to produce many different results for the same set of data. Oracle OLAP applies the hash function to the combination of the value of this TypedExpression and the the value of this parameter. You can specify any value between 0 and 4294967295. The default is 0.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the hash value of the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression dump(TypedExpression returnFormat,
                                  TypedExpression startPosition,
                                  TypedExpression length)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the data type code, length in bytes, and internal representation of the value of this TypedExpression. For the datatype corresponding to each code, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

The values of the startPosition and length parameters combine to determine which portion of the internal representation to return. The default is to return the entire internal representation in decimal notation.

returnFormat - A TypedExpression that evaluates to an expression that specifies the format of the return value. The expression can have any of the following values:
  • 8 returns result in octal notation.
  • 10 returns result in decimal notation.
  • 16 returns result in hexadecimal notation.
  • 17 returns result as single characters.
By default, the return value contains no character set information. To retrieve the character set name of expr, add 1000 to any of the preceding format values. For example, a value of 1008 returns the result in octal and provides the character set name the value of this TypedExpression.
startPosition - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the position in the internal representation at which to start the process.
length - A TypedExpression that evaluates to the the amount of the internal representation to process.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the data type code, length in bytes, and internal representation of the value of this TypedExpression. The returned expression is always in the database character set.


public final TypedExpression deref()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the object reference of the value of this TypedExpression, which must evaluate to a REF to an object.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the to the object reference of the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression vsize()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the number of bytes in the internal representation of the value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the number of bytes in the internal representation of the value of this TypedExpression.


public static TypedExpression coalesce(TypedExpression[] args)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the first non-null expression in a list of expressions, or to null when all of the expressions evaluate to null.
args - An array of TypedExpression objects that evaluate to a list of expressions.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the first non-null expression in the list of expressions, or to null when all of the expressions evaluate to null.


public final TypedExpression nullIf(TypedExpression expr2)
Compares the value of this TypedExpression to the value of the expr2 TypedExpression. The TypedExpression returned by this method evaluates to null when the expressions are equal or to the value of this TypedExpression when they are not.
expr2 - A TypedExpression that evaluates to an expression to compare to the value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the null when the Compared expressions are equal or to the value of this TypedExpression when they are not equal.


public final TypedExpression nvl(TypedExpression expr2)
Replaces the null value of this TypedExpression with the string specified by expr2. If the value of this TypedExpression is not null, then the returned TypedExpression has the same value as this TypedExpression.
expr2 - A TypedExpression that has the string value with which to replace the null value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the string specified by expr2 or to the value of this TypedExpression.


public final TypedExpression nvl2(TypedExpression expr2,
                                  TypedExpression expr3)
Replaces the value of this TypedExpression with the expression specified by expr2 or with the expression specified by expr3 if the value of this TypedExpression is null.

To replace a null value with a string, use the nvl method.

expr2 - A TypedExpression that has the expression with which to replace the non-null value of this TypedExpression.
expr3 - A TypedExpression that has the expression with which to replace the null value of this TypedExpression.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the expression specified by expr2 or by expr3.


public final TypedExpression sysContext(TypedExpression namespace,
                                        TypedExpression parameter,
                                        TypedExpression length)
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the value of parameter that is associated with the context namespace.
namespace - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a string that designates an existing namespace. The namespace value must be a valid SQL identifier.
parameter - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a parameter associated with the namespace. The value of the parameter must have been set using the DBMS_SESSION.set_context procedure. The parameter name can be any string. It is not case sensitive, but it cannot exceed 30 bytes in length.
length - A TypedExpression that evaluates to a length for the value of the TypedExpression returned by this method. The default maximum size of the return value is 256 bytes. You can override this default by specifying the optional length parameter, which must be a NUMBER or a value that can be implicitly converted to NUMBER. The valid range of values is 1 to 4000 bytes. If you specify an invalid value, then Oracle OLAP ignores it and uses the default.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the value of parameter associated with the context namespace. The data type of the value of the RowFunctionExpression is VARCHAR2.


public static TypedExpression sysGUID()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to a globally unique identifier (RAW value) made up of 16 bytes.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the globally unique identifier.


public static TypedExpression UID()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to an integer that uniquely identifies the session user.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to an integer that uniquely identifies the session user.


public static TypedExpression USER()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the name of the session user.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the name of the session user.


public final TypedExpression sysTypeID()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to the the typeid of the most specific type of the operand.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to the the typeid of the most specific type of the operand.


public final TypedExpression userEnv()
Creates a TypedExpression that evaluates to information about the current session.
A RowFunctionExpression that evaluates to information about the current session.

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