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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class OLAPDMLExpression

  extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.SyntaxObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.DataObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.Expression
              extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.TypedExpression
                  extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.OLAPDMLExpression

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class OLAPDMLExpression
extends TypedExpression

A TypedExpression that represents an Oracle OLAP DML expression. An application can use an instance of this class to make an OLAP DML program or formula the data source for an MdmDerivedMeasure in an analytic workspace. For information on creating OLAP DML objects, see Oracle OLAP DML Reference.

Constructor Summary
OLAPDMLExpression(TypedExpression olapDML, DataType datatype, java.util.List<MdmPrimaryDimension> dimensions)
          Creates a OLAPDMLExpression with the specified Oracle OLAP DML expression and dimensionality.
OLAPDMLExpression(TypedExpression olapDML, DataType datatype, MdmPrimaryDimension[] dimensions)
          Creates a OLAPDMLExpression with the specified Oracle OLAP DML expression.
OLAPDMLExpression(TypedExpression olapDML, SQLDataType SQLDataType, java.util.List<MdmPrimaryDimension> dimensions)
          Creates a OLAPDMLExpression with the specified Oracle OLAP DML expression and dimensionality.
OLAPDMLExpression(TypedExpression olapDML, SQLDataType SQLDataType, MdmPrimaryDimension[] dimensions)
          Creates a OLAPDMLExpression with the specified Oracle OLAP DML expression.


Method Summary
 MdmPrimaryDimension[] getDimensions()
          Gets the MdmPrimaryDimension objects that are associated with this OLAPDMLExpression.
 TypedExpression getOlapDML()
          Gets the Oracle OLAP DML expression of this OLAPDMLExpression.
 SQLDataType getSQLDataType()
          Gets the SQLDataType of the OLAPDMLExpression.
 java.lang.Object visit(SyntaxObjectVisitor visitor, java.lang.Object context)
          Calls the visitOLAPDMLExpression method of the SyntaxObjectVisitor and passes that method this OLAPDMLExpression and an Object.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.syntax.TypedExpression
abs, acos, addMonths, addMonths, ascii, asciiStr, asin, atan, atan2, between, binToNum, bitAnd, cast, ceil, charToROWID, chr, chr, coalesce, compose, concat, concat, convert, convert, cos, cosh, currentDate, currentTime, dbTimeZone, decode, decompose, deref, div, div, div, div, div, dump, eq, eq, eq, eq, eq, exp, extractDay, extractHour, extractMinute, extractMonth, extractSecond, extractTimeZoneAbbr, extractTimeZoneHour, extractTimeZoneMinute, extractTimeZoneRegion, extractYear, floor, fromTZ, ge, ge, ge, ge, ge, getDataType, greatest, gt, gt, gt, gt, gt, hexToRAW, in, initcap, instr, instr2, instr4, instrB, instrC, isInfinite, isNAN, isNotNull, isNull, lastDay, le, le, le, le, le, least, length, length2, length4, lengthB, lengthC, like, like, like2, like4, likeC, ln, localTimestamp, log, lower, lpad, lt, lt, lt, lt, lt, ltrim, minus, minus, minus, minus, minus, minus, mod, monthsBetween, nanvl, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, newTime, nextDay, nlsCharsetDeclLen, nlsCharsetID, nlsCharsetName, nlsInitcap, nlsLower, nlsSort, nlsUpper, notIn, nullIf, numToDSInterval, numToYMInterval, nvl, nvl2, oraHash, plus, plus, plus, plus, plus, power, rawToHex, rawToNHex, regexpInstr, regexpReplace, regexpSubstr, remainder, replace, round, rowIDToChar, rowIDToNChar, rpad, rtrim, scnToTimestamp, sessionTimeZone, sign, sin, sinh, soundex, sqrt, substr, substr2, substr4, substrB, substrC, sysContext, sysDate, sysExtractUTC, sysGUID, sysTimestamp, sysTypeID, tan, tanh, times, times, times, times, times, timestampToSCN, toBinaryDouble, toBinaryFloat, toChar, toChar, toCLOB, toDate, toDate, toDSInterval, toLOB, toMultiByte, toNChar, toNChar, toNCLOB, toNumber, toNumber, toNumber, toSingleByte, toTimestamp, toTimestampTZ, toYMInterval, translate, translateUsingCharCS, translateUsingNCharCS, treat, trim, trimLeading, trimTrailing, trunc, tzOffset, UID, unistr, upper, USER, userEnv, vsize, widthBucket


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.syntax.SyntaxObject
equals, equals, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, isValid, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public OLAPDMLExpression(TypedExpression olapDML,
                         DataType datatype,
                         MdmPrimaryDimension[] dimensions)
Creates a OLAPDMLExpression with the specified Oracle OLAP DML expression.
olapDML - A TypedExpression that evaluates to an OLAP DML expression.
datatype - A DataType that specifies the data type of the OLAP DML expression.
dimensions - An array of MdmPrimaryDimension objects.


public OLAPDMLExpression(TypedExpression olapDML,
                         DataType datatype,
                         java.util.List<MdmPrimaryDimension> dimensions)
Creates a OLAPDMLExpression with the specified Oracle OLAP DML expression and dimensionality.
olapDML - A TypedExpression that evaluates to an OLAP DML expression.
datatype - A DataType that specifies the data type of the OLAP DML expression.
dimensions - A List of MdmPrimaryDimension objects.


public OLAPDMLExpression(TypedExpression olapDML,
                         SQLDataType SQLDataType,
                         MdmPrimaryDimension[] dimensions)
Creates a OLAPDMLExpression with the specified Oracle OLAP DML expression.
olapDML - A TypedExpression that evaluates to an OLAP DML expression.
SQLDataType - A SQLDataType that specifies the data type of the OLAP DML expression.
dimensions - An array of MdmPrimaryDimension objects.


public OLAPDMLExpression(TypedExpression olapDML,
                         SQLDataType SQLDataType,
                         java.util.List<MdmPrimaryDimension> dimensions)
Creates a OLAPDMLExpression with the specified Oracle OLAP DML expression and dimensionality.
olapDML - A TypedExpression that evaluates to an OLAP DML expression.
SQLDataType - A SQLDataType that specifies the data type of the OLAP DML expression.
dimensions - A List of MdmPrimaryDimension objects.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object visit(SyntaxObjectVisitor visitor,
                              java.lang.Object context)
Calls the visitOLAPDMLExpression method of the SyntaxObjectVisitor and passes that method this OLAPDMLExpression and an Object.
Specified by:
visit in class SyntaxObject
visitor - A SyntaxObjectVisitor.
context - An Object.
The Object returned by the visitOLAPDMLExpression method.


public TypedExpression getOlapDML()
Gets the Oracle OLAP DML expression of this OLAPDMLExpression.
A TypedExpression that evaluates to the value of this OLAPDMLExpression.


public MdmPrimaryDimension[] getDimensions()
Gets the MdmPrimaryDimension objects that are associated with this OLAPDMLExpression.
An array of the MdmPrimaryDimension objects of this OLAPDMLExpression.


public SQLDataType getSQLDataType()
Gets the SQLDataType of the OLAPDMLExpression.
A SQLDataType that specifies the data type of the OLAPDMLExpression.

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