Integrating with the Oracle Supplier Network

This chapter provides an overview of the integration between PeopleSoft eProcurement and the Oracle Supplier Network and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Integration Between PeopleSoft eProcurement and the Oracle Supplier Network

The Oracle eCommerce Market Place is composed of the Oracle Supplier Network (OSN) and the website. is a website containing supplier-hosted item catalogs. Using punchout (synchronous transaction), PeopleSoft users can go from an eProcurement requisition to where they can search the item catalogs of one or multiple suppliers and then select items to be placed on their requisition. The requisition is eventually converted to a purchase order, which can be dispatched to the Oracle Supplier Network.

The Oracle Supplier Network (OSN) is an hosted service offering in which buyers and sellers use a common hub for exchanging and monitoring transactions. The integration between OSN and PeopleSoft enables you to pass the following transactions:

The following diagram illustrates the communication protocols between PeopleSoft, the Oracle Supplier Network, and the OSN suppliers. PeopleSoft should use OAG (Open Applications Group) XML for the outbound transaction since OSN supports incoming OAG messages over HTTP. The OSN suppliers can send and receive messages using cXML or OAG.

Overview of PeopleSoft to Oracle Supplier Network Integration

For outbound transactions from the PeopleSoft eProcurement or Purchasing applications, the PeopleSoft Integration Broker (Integration Gateway) uses application engine transformation programs and the fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector IB connector to convert XML messages that use the PeopleSoft format (PSXML) into OAG XML files. For inbound transactions from the Oracle Supplier Network, OAG XML messages are sent to the PeopleSoft Integration Gateway where transformation programs and the fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector IB connector convert the incoming files into the PSXML format.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To set up the connection between eProcurement and the Oracle Supplier Network (OSN), you must register with OSN and invite your suppliers to register with OSN.

See Oracle Supplier Network User Guide

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


An XML file that uses the PeopleSoft format.


The Oracle Supplier Network. OSN is a hosted service provided by Oracle OnDemand for handling transactions between Oracle systems and suppliers.

Supports supplier-hosted content enabling you to punchout from an eProcurement requisition to the website. You can search across multiple supplier catalogs or one supplier catalog. Selected items can be placed on your eProcurement requisition.


Open Application Group. OSN supports incoming OAG messages over HTTP.


Oracle XML Transport Agent. OXTA is a lightweight messaging platform for transmitting documents over HTTP and secure HTTPS.


Universal Order Schema


Ariba's standard format for exchanging XML documents.


Commerce One's standard format for exchanging XML documents.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP is a request/response protocol between clients and servers.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Integration to the Oracle Supplier Network

Complete the following tasks within PeopleSoft to enable the integration between PeopleSoft eProcurement and OSN or the website:

  1. Review the Direct Connect Method page. The sample data contains the method, EXCH_ORACLE to setup the punchout to the website. Review this information and make any changes necessary for your environment.

  2. Review the EDX PO Dispatch Types page. The sample data contains the EDX PO Dispatch Type of OAG72 for dispatching purchase orders to the Oracle Supplier Network. Review this information and make any changes necessary for your environment.

  3. Use the Linked Suppliers page to connect PeopleSoft vendors to OSN suppliers. For each vendor, you can define the EDX PO dispatch type OAG72 (for OSN suppliers) and define OSN information to enable the connection.

  4. In the PeopleSoft Integration Broker, review and activate the service operations used to integrate PeopleSoft to OSN and

  5. Create a node to connect to the Oracle Supplier Network and the The PeopleSoft system is delivered with the PSFT_EXCH_ORACLE node for the website and the PSFT_ORACLE_SUPPLIER_NETWORK node for the Oracle Supplier Network.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Adding and Configuring Nodes"

  6. Activate a routing to be used with the node. The PeopleSoft system is delivered with routings for each service operation needed to integrate with OSN or These routings contain the transformation programs needed to convert messages from OAG to PSXML and vice versa. These routings can be altered to fit your environment.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Managing Routing Definitions"

  7. Review or change queue definitions. The PeopleSoft system is delivered with queues for each service operation needed to integrate with OSN or

    See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Managing Service Operation Queues"

  8. Setup node connectors. The PeopleSoft system is delivered with the fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector connector.

  9. To integrate with, complete the direct connect setup steps located in the "Integration with Direct Connect Suppliers" chapter of this PeopleBook.

PeopleSoft users can leverage OSN's Transaction Monitor to view message statuses and errors, use self-service tools to connect to OSN, and test the ability to transmit inbound and outbound documents. Users can receive notifications of incoming messages that are applicable to them. For example, PeopleSoft Payables administrators can receive alerts for inbound invoices only.

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Definition Name



Direct Connect Methods


eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Supplier Integration, Direct Connect Methods

Define direct connect integration methods and standards. Use the method, EXCH_ORACLE, to setup the punchout to the website.

See Defining the Direct Connect Methods page.

EDX PO Dispatch Types


eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Supplier Integration, EDX PO Dispatch Types

Define dynamic dispatch types for EDX purchase orders. For dispatching purchase orders to the Oracle Supplier Network, use the EDX PO Dispatch Type of OAG72.

See Dispatching Purchase Orders in PeopleSoft eProcurement.

Linked Suppliers


eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Supplier Integration, Linked Suppliers

Link suppliers from other systems (including OSN) to PeopleSoft vendors.

See Using the Linked Suppliers page.

Service Operations - General


  • eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Supplier Integration, Integration Broker Service Operation Definitions

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations

Activate service operations.

Node Definitions


  • eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Supplier Integration, Integration Broker Node Definitions

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes

Create or change a node. The PeopleSoft system is delivered with the PSFT_EXCH_ORACLE node for the website and the PSFT_ORACLE_SUPPLIER_NETWORK node for the Oracle Supplier Network.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Adding and Configuring Nodes"

Routing Definitions


  • eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Supplier Integration, Integration Broker Routing Definitions

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings

Activate the routing that is used with the node.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Managing Routing Definitions"



  • eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Supplier Integration, Integration Broker Routing Definitions

    Click the Parameters tab.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings

    Click the Parameters tab.

Set up routing parameters including transformation programs.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Managing Routing Definitions"

Queue Definitions


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues

Create or change queue definitions.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Managing Service Operation Queues"



  • eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Supplier Integration, Integration Broker Node Definitions

    Click the Connectors tab.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes

    Click the Connectors tab.

Set up node connectors. This page enables you to associate gateways and connectors to a node.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Using the Integration Broker Connector SDK"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Service Operations

PeopleSoft delivers service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

To setup these service operations use the information in this table and refer to the setup instruction in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.1 PeopleBook, "Implementing Integrations" chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With





No website






Oracle Supplier Network






Oracle Supplier Network






Oracle Supplier Network






Oracle Supplier Network

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Requisition Lines Using the Exchange Oracle Website

Direct connect enables PeopleSoft eProcurement requisition users to interact directly with a supplier's website. is a website containing supplier-hosted item catalogs. Using punchout, PeopleSoft users can go from an eProcurement requisition to where they can search the item catalogs of one or multiple suppliers and then select items to be placed on their requisition. The requisition is eventually converted to a purchase order, which can be dispatched to the Oracle Supplier Network. The steps to punchout to are:

  1. The PeopleSoft user navigates to the Web tab of an eProcurement requisition (eProcurement, Create Requisition, Add Items and Services Select the Web tab.) and selects the EXCH_ORACLE link.

  2. The system saves the current requisition. This preserves the state of the requisition so that changes made since the creation or the last save of the requisition are not lost.

  3. Using the synchronous service operation PV_DC_CONNECT_REQST and the routing EXCH_ORACLE, the PeopleSoft Integration Broker performs a hand shake with the

    1. The outbound request uses the transformation program PV_POSR_EXCH to sent a message to with the proper credentials.

    2. processes the request and sends a response (inbound to PeopleSoft) using the transformation program PV_RSP_EXCH. This response also sends a URL and redirects the PeopleSoft user to the search page within

  4. The user browses the website and adds items to the shopping cart.

  5. Once the user checks out the shopping cart in, the items are loaded into the PeopleSoft eProcurement requisition using the transformation program PV_POOM_EXCH. These lines inherit the requisition's line default values just as any other item being added. The system displays the requisition Summary page to the user.

The PeopleSoft system is delivered with the following setup for punchout to, this data may need to be altered for your environment:

For additional setup information, see the Integrating with Direct Connect Suppliers chapter of this PeopleBook.

See Integrating with Direct Connect Suppliers.

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eProcurement, Create Requisition, Add Items and Services

Select the Web tab.

Select the Exchange Oracle link to access

Click to jump to parent topicSending Purchase Orders and Change Order to the Oracle Supplier Network

Purchase orders can be sent to OSN suppliers using the following steps:

  1. The purchase orders are created and approved in either PeopleSoft eProcurement or PeopleSoft Purchasing. Attachments can be included with the purchase orders at either the header level or line level.

  2. The purchase orders are dispatched to an OSN supplier using the electronic data exchange (EDX) method in either PeopleSoft eProcurement or PeopleSoft Purchasing. The dispatch process places the purchase orders in the PeopleSoft outbound staging tables.

  3. The PeopleSoft Integration Broker picks up the purchase order data in the outbound staging tables and uses the service operation PV_ORDER to create the message. The routing on the service operation contains the transformation program PV_ORD_OAG that converts the purchase order from PSXML to OAG XML.

  4. The connector address, fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector, receives the XML message from PeopleSoft eProcurement, wrap the final message in a multipart MIME envelope, and then ships the message to OSN. This connector is also responsible for handling PO attachments and including them with the corresponding purchase order in the message to OSN.

  5. The Oracle Supplier Network passes the purchase order to the OSN supplier.

Change orders follow the same business process flow but only the modified lines are sent to OSN and the XML document indicates that this is a change order instead of a purchase order.

In order to send a PeopleSoft purchase order or change order to the Oracle Supplier Network the OSN supplier must be defined on the Linked Supplier page with a EDX PO Dispatch Type of OAG72. The OSN supplier ID and supplier type are also on this page to link the PeopleSoft vendor ID to the OSN supplier.

The PeopleSoft system is delivered with the following setup for transmitting purchase orders to OSN, this data may need to be altered for your environment:

PeopleSoft Service Operation

OSN Transaction Name

cXML Equivalent


OAG Process PO 007

cXML Order Request


OAG Change PO 006

cXML Order Request (update)

See Dispatching Purchase Orders in PeopleSoft eProcurement.

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Purchase Order Acknowledgements from the Oracle Supplier Network

Purchase order acknowledgements (POAs) can be sent from OSN suppliers to PeopleSoft using the following steps:

  1. The Oracle Supplier Network transmits the POAs from the OSN supplier.

  2. The PeopleSoft connector, fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector, catches the inbound message which is routed to the PURCHASE_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT service operation.

  3. The routing on the service operation contains the transformation program SAC_OAG72POA that converts the POAs from OAG XML to PSXML.

  4. The handler PurchaseOrderAcknowledgement, that is defined on the service operation, is executed to update the POA tables in PeopleSoft.

  5. POAs can be reviewed on the Manage PO Acknowledgements page in PeopleSoft (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Acknowledgements, Manage PO Acknowledgements).

  6. If the POA results in changes, a change order may be generated.

There are two options for receiving a purchase order acknowledgement from the supplier. The first is a POA which uses the PeopleSoft Purchasing functionality, and stores the status within Purchasing tables. The second is the POR (purchase order response) where you can view the status from the PO Dispatch Message page (eProcurement, Buyer Center, Dispatch Purchase Order, Dispatch Message Log).

The PeopleSoft system is delivered with the following setup for receiving purchase order acknowledgements from OSN, this data may need to be altered for your environment:

PeopleSoft Service Operation

OSN Transaction Name

cXML Equivalent


OAG Acknowledge PO 008

cXML Confirmation Request


OAG Change Sales Order 008

(no cXML equivalent)

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Advanced Shipment Notifications from the Oracle Supplier Network

Advanced shipping notifications (ASNs) can be sent from OSN suppliers to PeopleSoft where they are received as advanced shipping receipts (ASRs). The following steps are used:

  1. The Oracle Supplier Network transmits the advanced shipping notifications from the OSN supplier.

  2. The PeopleSoft connector, fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector, catches the inbound message which is routed to the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_RECEIPT service operation.

  3. The routing on the service operation contains the transformation program SAC_OAG72ASN that converts the ASNs in OAG XML to the ASRs in PSXML.

  4. The handler AdvancedShippingReceipt, that is defined on the service operation, is executed to update the Receipt Load tables in PeopleSoft.

  5. The Receipt Loader process is then executed to create a receipt, which may then be approved by an administrator.

  6. ASRs can be reviewed on the ASR Review page in PeopleSoft.

Note. A link to the PeopleSoft eSettlements application and to the PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection application is provided within the Oracle Supplier Network on the Trading Partners section.

The PeopleSoft system is delivered with the following setup for receiving ASNs from OSN, this data may need to be altered for your environment:

PeopleSoft Service Operation

OSN Transaction Name

cXML Equivalent


OAG Show Shipment 005

cXML Ship Notice Request

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Load Purchase Order Receipts


Purchasing, Receipts, Load Receipts

Run the Receipt Load Application Engine process (PO_RECVLOAD) to load receipt data from the PeopleSoft staging tables into the PeopleSoft Purchasing records.

See Loading Receipts Received Using EIPs and EDC.

ASR Review


Purchasing, Receipts, Review Receipt Information, Advanced Shipment Receipts, ASR Review

Access information about receipts received using the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_RECEIPT Enterprise Integration Point (EIP) or created by supplier-entered ASNs.

See Using the ASR EIP.

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Invoices from the Oracle Supplier Network

Invoices can be transmitted from OSN suppliers to PeopleSoft where they are received as vouchers in PeopleSoft Payables. The following steps are used:

  1. The Oracle Supplier Network transmits the invoice from the OSN supplier.

  2. The PeopleSoft connector, fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector, catches the inbound message which is routed to the EM_VOUCHER_IN service operation.

  3. The routing on the service operation contains the transformation program SAC_OAG72INV that converts the invoices in OAG XML to vouchers in PSXML.

  4. The handler EmVoucherIn, that is defined on the service operation, is executed to update the voucher staging tables in PeopleSoft.

  5. The Voucher Build process is then executed to create a voucher.

  6. The Voucher Inquiry page can be used to review vouchers.

Note. In order to receive invoices from OSN suppliers, PeopleSoft Payables or PeopleSoft eSettlements must be installed. A link to the PeopleSoft eSettlements application and to the PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection application is provided within the Oracle Supplier Network on the Trading Partners section.

The PeopleSoft system is delivered with the following setup for receiving invoices from OSN, this data may need to be altered for your environment:

PeopleSoft Service Operation

OSN Transaction Name

cXML Equivalent


OAG Process Invoice 002

cXML Invoice Detail

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Voucher Build


Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Vouchers, Voucher Build

Run this process to create voucher record sets from many sources including XML invoices.

See Processing Batch Vouchers.

Voucher Inquiry


Accounts Payable, Review Accounts Payable Info, Vouchers, Voucher, Voucher Inquiry

Search for and review vouchers and any payment information.

See Reviewing Voucher Information.