Receiving Shipments

This chapter provides an overview of the receiving business process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Receiving Business Process

PeopleSoft Purchasing provides components that enable you to receive goods, create receipts, and enter receiving details. These components facilitate the tracking of receipt information such as distributions, assets, and serial IDs.

Receiving goods using PeopleSoft Purchasing can make the transfer of receipt information to PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Asset Management, and PeopleSoft Manufacturing virtually seamless.

The PeopleSoft Purchasing receiving business process enables you to receive, inspect, return, and put away received goods. Receiving rules are defined in the business processes leading up to the actual receipt. These processes include setting up items and creating requisitions and purchase orders.

When stock arrives at the receiving location, you receive it using the PeopleSoft Purchasing Receiving component. You can receive inventory or non-inventory items, with or without associated purchase orders. Direct ship orders are not eligible for receiving in PeopleSoft Purchasing, because they are normally sent directly to a customer site and received there.

Here is the basic flow of the receiving business process:

  1. Create receipts using online pages or batch processing.

  2. If the stock is to be tracked as an asset, enter asset information, including serial, asset IDs, and asset tag information, using the Asset Management Information page.

  3. Enter override putaway information for the stock using the Inventory Putaway Information page.

    You can also use this page to enter serial ID and lot ID information.

  4. Use the Inspection page to inspect the stock, if inspections are performed as a separate business process in the organization.

    In this case, the Insp Qty field on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page is unavailable for entry during the receiving transaction, and received stock is putaway to an inspection location where you will perform the inspection process.

    If the organization performs inspections as a separate business process, you can enter override putaway information using the Inspection & Putaway Information page.

    Note. If this is how you want the receiving agents to process shipments and receipts, you must select the Separate Inspection check box when setting up the purchasing definitions on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page.

  5. Use the Delivery component to view and enter delivery details about the receipt for non inventory transactions.

  6. Use the Receipt ChartFields - ChartFields page to view and enter distribution detail overrides for the receipt.

  7. Use the Return to Vendor - RTV page to create and enter details for an RTV.

    If you are already using the Inspection page, you may use the RTV Setup page to create the RTV without having to leave the component. However, to modify RTV detail information, you must be on the Return to Vendor - RTV page.

  8. Use the Receive Interface Push process (PO_RECVPUSH) to transfer receipt information to the staging interface tables for use by the inventory putaway process, asset load process, and manufacturing routing process.

    In conjunction with the process, the system can launch the Close Short process. If the Run Close Short check box is selected when the receipt is saved, and one or more of the receipt lines have the Close Short check box selected, the system calls the Close Short process when it runs the Receipt Push (PO_RECVPUSH) process. The Receipt Push process deselects the Run Close Short check box on the receipt header after the Close Short process has run.

    The creation of receipt-landed cost transactions is another function performed by the PO_RECVPUSH process.

  9. Use the Close Receipts process (PO_RECV_COM) to close receipt schedules that have been interfaced to assets, inventory, or manufacturing (if required) and matched (if required).

See Also

Closing Receipts

Entering Asset Information

Entering Override Inventory Putaway Information

Entering Receipts

Running the Receive Load Process

Receiving Items Using EDC

Using the Receiver Interface Push Application Engine Process (PO_RECVPUSH)

Establishing PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units

Entering RTV Setup Information

Inspecting Receipt Items

Specifying Putaway Location Overrides

Entering RTV Transactions

Modifying Receipt ChartField Values

Working with Delivery Information

Processing Enterprise Integration Points (EIPs)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Receipt Statuses

Receipt statuses are maintained at the receipt header, line, and distribution levels. After you've entered the receipt header information, selected the purchase order lines and schedules to be received, entered the quantities, updated pertinent asset information, input putaway information, and saved the receipt, the save time editing on the receipt adjusts the appropriate receipt statuses.

Receipt Header Status Values

Status Definition


Not all edits have passed. One or more receipt lines are in Open status.


All edits have passed. All lines are in Received or Canceled status.


Receipt is on hold until released by user.


Receipt has been processed by RECVPUSH, which creates the landed cost transactions for new receipts, and may interface them to PeopleSoft Asset Management, PeopleSoft Inventory, or PeopleSoft Manufacturing.


All receipt lines have been moved and matched (when required). All interface requirements have been fulfilled and no further processing is required.


All lines are canceled. Canceling cannot be reversed.

Receipt Line Status Values

At the line level, the status changes to Received only when all exceptions for the line have been addressed. This means that serializations have been completed and lot-control information has been provided. If the exceptions have not been addressed, the affected lines remain in Open status.

Only when all lines on the receipt have a status of Received does the receipt header have a status of Received. If any receipt lines have a status of Open, the receipt header has a status of Open.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Quantity Tolerances

When you save the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page, the system checks for over shipments of items for which the Reject Quantity Over Tolerance check box is selected on the purchase order schedule.

PeopleSoft Purchasing takes into consideration the purchase order schedule quantity, the current receipt quantity, and any quantity previously received for the purchase order schedule. When the quantity previously received, plus the current receipt quantity is greater than the purchase order quantity, the difference is compared to the value in the Qty Rcvd Tolerance % (quantity received tolerance percent) field, specified on the Purchase Order Schedule page.

When the tolerance percent is exceeded, the Qty Status (quantity status) field on the Line Status Details page is set to Over Shipment, and the system displays a message indicating a quantity not within tolerance. The tolerance check uses the accepted quantity, which is derived by subtracting the reject quantity from the received quantity.

The system performs this kind of edit for dates, serialization, and lot control, as well. You can save the receipt even if the appropriate action has not been taken. The line status remains Open until the serial and lot statuses have been completed and any other necessary adjustments have been made.

See Also

Entering Receipts

Viewing Receipt Line Details

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Shipment Date Edits

On the Purchasing Attributes - Purchasing Controls page, you can specify, at the item level, the number of days a receipt can vary from the scheduled due date indicated on the purchase order. If the receipt date is prior to the due date of the purchase order schedule minus this tolerance value, then the receipt line is identified as early. If the receipt date is past the due date of the purchase order schedule plus this tolerance value, then the receipt line is identified as late.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Partial Receipt Edits

Use the Partial Qty field on the Purchasing Attributes - Purchasing Controls page to specify the preference for how partial shipments are handled by PeopleSoft Purchasing. You can specify that you want to be able to accept partial shipments when receiving items. Valid options, as well as how they are handled by the system during receipt, are explained in the following table:

Partial Receipt Flag Value

Result when Partial Quantity is Received

Recvd (received)

No error and no warning are issued. Line status is set to Received.

Recvd/Warn (received/warning)

Warning message is issued. Line status is set to Received.


No error and no warning are issued. Line status set to Open.

Open/Warn (open/warning)

Warning message is issued. Line status set to Open.


Shipment cannot be received. Error message is issued. Line status set to Open.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Directed Putaway

Directed putaway is a method of putting away stock that helps optimize available storage space. Implementing directed putaway can also enable you to create more logical putaway plans. In designating stock for directed putaway, you can select very specific rules about the way in which stock should be put away, such as according to volume and weight constraints. In addition, you can specify that similar items be stored together or that certain materials always be stored in the same area of the warehouse.

In PeopleSoft Receiving, you use the Directed Putaway Locations page to confirm default directed putaway information for an item or override the existing default rules.

See Also

Calling Directed Putaway

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you receive items on PeopleSoft Purchasing pages, you must:

See Also

Establishing PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Area/Storage Area

Identifies the segment of the warehouse in which this item is to be stored. If the item being received requires inspection, the chosen area must be associated with an inspection location. The available values that appear in the override storage location fields (Area/Storage Area and Lev 1 - 4 ) vary depending on the distribution's consigned and non-owned item values.

  • If the item is owned, only owned storage locations appear.

  • If the item is non-owned and not consigned, both owned and non-owned storage locations appear.

  • If the item is received as non-owned and consigned, only non-owned storage locations appear.

Distribute by

Value by which the line is to be distributed. If the material is being received by amount only, the default distribution method is Amt.

Qty (quantity): Designates that the line is to be distributed by quantity.

Amt (amount): Designates that the line is to be distributed by amount.

Dist Seq (distribution sequence)

Distribution sequence number associated with the selected asset or putaway row. These numbers are assigned to detail rows on the putaway, asset, manufacturing, and device tracking pages. These values can be greater than 1 if multiple lot numbers, serial IDs, or tag numbers exist.

IN Unit (inventory business unit)

Inventory business unit for the distribution. For non-purchase order receipts, this value appears by default from the ship to location. For purchase order receipts, this value appears by default from the purchase order distribution.

Lev 1 - 4 (level 1 - 4)

Identifies the next levels of storage within the storage area location.

PO Receipt

This check box is selected and unavailable when the receipt is purchase order-related. The check box is clear and unavailable when the receipt is non-purchase order-related.

Recv UOM (receiving unit of measure)

The receiving unit of measure.

Std UOM/Standard Unit of Measure

Unit of measure that reflects the most common unit of management for the item.

Stock UOM (stocking unit of measure)

Unit of measure used to put away stock. The stocking UOM is used to stock quantities in a UOM other than the standard UOM. You cannot change the stocking UOM for an item once the stock has been put away in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Note. If you change the stock UOM, and the UOM conversion option selected for the item on the Business Unit Item Definition - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page is set to any value other than Use Entered UOM, continuing with the change limits the ability of certain batch functions to process the transaction. This includes functions such as the auto move of goods from an inspection location to a non-inspection location.

Vndr UOM (vendor unit of measure)

Item unit of measure assigned by the vendor and used on the purchase order line.

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Purchase Order Items

To take advantage of the purchasing authorizations established during the requisition and purchasing process, goods and services received need to be referenced against a purchase order.

Steps in receiving a shipment against a purchase order might include:

Not all of these actions are required for every purchase order receipt. It depends on the items received and the method of receiving.

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Non-Purchase Order Items

A non-purchase order receipt can be interfaced to the same products as a purchase order receipt, with the exception of PeopleSoft Manufacturing subcontracts, which must be received with a purchase order. Some information that would be copied from the purchase order for a purchase order receipt must be entered or selected when entering a non-purchase order receipt, while other information appears by default.

You add a non-purchase order receipt line on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page in Add mode. You must complete the Vendor ID, Vendor Location, and Ship To Location fields in the Header section of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page before entering other non-purchase order receipt information on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

You can enter an item ID for the receipt line or, if you have the authority, a description of the item and category ID. If you have the authority to change a non-purchase order receipt price, you can enter just a description for the item that you want to receive and an associated category and you can also change the price associated with the item until the receipt line has been moved to PeopleSoft Inventory, moved to PeopleSoft Asset Management, or a voucher has been partially or fully matched in PeopleSoft Payables.

When you change the price of the description only item, the new price will be used to recalculate transaction and base merchandise amounts for the receipt line.

After you establish this part of the receipt, apply the expense portion of the receipt to the appropriate account by selecting the general ledger unit, account, department number, and distribution quantity on the Receipt Distributions for Line page.

Receipt lines with associated purchase orders cannot be added to non-purchase order receipts.

See Also

Entering Receipts

Entering Receipt Header Information

Maintaining Receipt Distribution Information

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Items by Amount

You can receive items by amount rather than quantity. In some cases, receipt quantities for services may be difficult to calculate, whereas receipt amounts for services may be more easily calculated over the life of a purchase order or contract. As phases of the job are completed, you can receive and pay for services in partial amounts, rather than in quantities. This functionality also enables partial receipts, which accommodates the possibility that it may take several receipts to complete a service or project worth a large monetary amount.

When the Amount Only check box is selected on the associated contract or purchase order, the quantity field for the transaction is set to 1 and made unavailable for entry. The amount of the transaction row is entered in the price field. For amount-only transaction lines, the open amount and prior received amount are calculated instead of the open quantity and prior received quantity.

The distribution method for amount-only transactions is always by amount.

Amount Only transactions are always associated with a purchase order and cannot be an inventory-related transaction (targeted for an inventory business unit). The Amount Only functionality is not available for non-purchase order transactions, barcode receiving, inspections, and returns to vendor.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Receipts

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Receipts

Page Name

Definition Name



Select Purchase Order


  • Purchasing, Receipts, Add/Update Receipts, select a purchase order

  • Click the Select Purchase Order link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

Search for and retrieve purchase order schedules against which to create receipts.

Select the PO Receipt check box before entering the Select Purchase Order page.

Note. This page is not available when creating a receipt for non-purchase order items.

Maintain Receipts - Receiving


  • (PO receipt) Select a purchase order line on the Select Purchase Order page and click the OK button.

  • (non-PO receipt) Purchasing, Receipts, Add/Update Receipts, Maintain Receipts - Receiving

Create receipts for non-purchase order and purchase order line items.

Item Description


Click the Item Description link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page or the Select Purchase Order page.

The item description link is composed of the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

Enter and view descriptions for a specific item.

Maintain Receipts - Header Details


Click the Header Details link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

View and enter receipt header information.

Maintain Receipts - Receipt Header Comments


Click the Add Comments link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

View and enter comments for the receipt header level.

Maintain Receipts - Activities


Click the Activities link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

Enter information that pertains to the receipt activity. You can use this page to record comments, due dates, and activity status.

Receipt DOC Status


  • Click the Document Status link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

  • Purchasing, Receipts, Review Receipt Information, Document Status, Receipt DOC Status

Access and review information about procurement documents associated with a receipt.

RTV Information


Click the Return To Vendor Data link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

View details about any RTV transactions created for the selected receipt.

Accrue Receipt


Click the Run PO Receipt Accrual button on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page. The button is only available if the receipt has been saved and is eligible for accrual.

Run the Receipt Accrual process, the Miscellaneous Charges process, or both.

Maintain Receipts - Receipt Line Details for Line


Click the Details button under any of the tabs of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

View receipt line item details.

Asset Management Information for Line


Click the AM Status Pending or Moved link under the Receipt Lines tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

If available, this link appears in the AM Status column in the grid section of the Maintaining Receipts - Receiving page.

View and enter information about asset purchases. This information is passed to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

This page is available for entry only if the selected receipt is targeted for PeopleSoft Asset Management. One or more of the distributions must have a PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit and AM profile designated, and optionally, other asset management data.

Inventory Putaway Information for Line


Click the INV Status Pending or Moved link under the Receipt Lines tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

If available, this link appears in the IN Status column in the grid section of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

View and enter overriding information used to put items away in inventory business unit storage locations.

This page is available only if the receipt line is targeted for inventory (one or more of the distributions must have an inventory business unit assigned). This is applicable to purchase order and non-purchase order receipts.

Device Tracking


Click the Device Track link under the Receipt Lines tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

View and enter serial/component and lot/batch information.

This page is only accessible for items that have been flagged for device tracking.

This option is only available if you select device tracking for the receipt line. The device tracking value appears by default from the Item Master table.

Receipt Line Comments


Click the Line Comments button under the Links and Status tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

View and enter comments and attachments for the receipt line.

Maintain Receipts - Receipt Distributions for Line


Click the Distribution button under the Links and Status tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

View distribution information for the selected receipt.

PO Distribution Details


Click the PO Distribution Details button on the Maintain Receipts - Receipt Distributions for Line page.

View purchase order distribution information.

Maintain Receipts - Manufacturing Information for Line


Click the Manufacturing Info button under the Item / Mfg Data tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

Maintain manufacturing information for the receipt line.

Inventory Item Information


  • Click the Item Detail link on the Inventory Putaway Information for Line page.

  • Click the Item Detail link on the Maintain Receipts - Manufacturing Information for Line page.

View detailed inventory information entered for an inventory-related item.

Storage Location Search


  • Click the Storage Location Search button under the Putaway Location tab of the Inventory Putaway Information for Line page.

  • Click the Storage Location Search button under the Putaway Location tab of the Maintain Receipts - Manufacturing Information for Line page.

Search available storage locations for the material that you are receiving.

Putaway Locations


  • Click the Putaway Locations button under the Putaway Location tab of the Inventory Putaway Information for Line page.

  • Click the Putaway Locations button under the Putaway Location tab of the Maintain Receipts - Manufacturing Information for Line page.

Define directed putaway information for receipt items. This button is active only if you have enabled Directed Putaway for the business unit and defined putaway rules on the Putaway Rules page.

Maintain Receipts - PRO Numbers


Click the Multiple Pros link under the Optional Input tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

Add receipt progressive numbers.

PO Comments


Click the PO Comments button under the Source Information tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

View purchase order header, line, and ship to comments for the associated purchase order line or purchase order schedule levels.

Pegging Workbench


  • Click the Pegging Inquiry button under the Source Information tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

  • Click the Pegging Inquiry button on the Maintain Receipts - Receipt Distributions for Line page.

View the pegging information.

Pre-AM 1


Click the Interface Asset Information link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

Preview data in the Pre-Interface Pre-AM 1 table. You can correct information in the fields that are available for data entry.

See Processing Purchasing and Payables Transactions with Asset Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Purchase Orders

Access the Select Purchase Order page (Purchasing, Receipts, Add/Update Receipts, select a purchase order, and click the Select Purchase Order link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page).

Note. This page is only available if you select the PO Receipt check box on the Add/Update Receipt dialog box.

The search functionality of this page enables you to perform a broad or narrow search on purchase orders based on a variety of search criteria. You can use one or all of the available fields. After the search retrieves a list of purchase order line and schedules that meet the search criteria, you can select the purchase order line and schedules and have the system place them on the transaction document.

PO Unit (PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit)

Select the business unit.


Enter the purchase order number or purchasing contract number. Entering a contract ID retrieves all of the purchase order schedules associated with the contract.

Note. The open purchase order schedules is controlled by the Retrieve Open PO Schedules check box.

Line and /Sched Num (schedule number)

Enter the purchase order line and schedule numbers.


Enter the release number of the contract associated with the item, if applicable.

Retrieve Open PO Schedules

Select this check box to retrieve only purchase order schedules that haven't been fully received. If you do not select this check box, purchase orders that have been fully received appear in the search, as well as purchase order schedules that haven't been fully received.

Days +/- Today

Enter a value to further restrict or expand the number of purchase order schedules that appear within the start date and end date values. This value is added or subtracted from the current date to calculate the start date and end date values. The default value appears from the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page. You may also enter the start date and end date. The system will select all schedules whose due date falls on or between the two dates.

Start Date and End Date

Used as a comparison against the purchase order due date to determine which schedules are retrieved. These values appear by default to the current date plus or minus the value in the Days +/- Today field.

Receipt Qty Options

Select No Order Qty (no order quantity), Ordered Qty (ordered quantity), or PO Remaining Qty (purchase order remaining quantity) to determine the receipt quantity to appear. These fields specify quantities to transfer to the receipt. Accessibility to these fields is determined by the user's blind receipt authorization set on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page.

No Order Qty (no order quantity)

Select this option to signify that the receiver must enter the actual quantity received. This selection requires a live count of the items prior to receipt in the system. If selected, the copy function does not transfer order quantities to the receipt. You will need to manually enter all receipt quantities.

Ordered Qty (ordered quantity)

Select this option to automatically make the received quantity the purchase order quantity. This selection makes the receipt quantity the purchase order quantity regardless of any prior receipt quantity.

PO Remaining Qty (purchase order remaining quantity)

Select this option to have the receipt display the numeric difference between the quantity ordered and the current quantity received. Selecting this option replaces the received quantity with the quantity that has not yet been received.


Click this button to display purchase order lines and schedules that match the entered criteria in the Retrieved Rows group box.

Retrieved Rows

In this group box, all the purchase order lines and schedules that match the search criteria appear.

Selected Rows

Sel (select)

Click this check box next to a purchase order line to work with a particular line. You can select multiple schedules at once when this page is accessed from the Maintain Receipts - Receiving and Return To Vendor pages.

Prior Receipt

Displays the number of items already received.

Shipping Related

Select the Shipping Related tab.

Orig Prom (original promise date)

This values appears by default from the purchase order schedule and contains the purchase order schedule original due date.

More Details

Select the More Details tab.

PO Amount (purchase order amount)

Displays the monetary value of the merchandise on the selected purchase order line.

Recv Reqd (receiving required)

Displays whether receiving is required for this item. Values are:

  • Y:Receiving is Required.

  • N:Receiving is Optional.

  • X:Do not receive.

If receiving is required, the item is subject to any receiving tolerances defined for the item.

Rcv Tol % (receiving tolerance percentage)

If tolerance is activated for the receipt of this item, the tolerance percentage appears. This percentage determines how much of an over shipment is allowed without having to reject items.


Displays the unit price of the item on the selected purchase order line.

See Also

Using ASRs

Entering Receipts

Running the Receive Load Process

Entering RTV Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Receipts

Access the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page (PO receipt) select a purchase order line on the Select Purchase Order page and click the OK button, and (non-PO receipt) Purchasing, Receipts, Add/Update Receipts, Maintain Receipts - Receiving).

Note. If a vendor sent you ASR information using electronic data exchange and the receipts have already been created by the Receive Load process, the receipt information appears in the scroll area for your review in Update/Display mode.

Header Details

Click this link to access the Maintain Receipts - Header Details page. Use this page to view and enter receipt header information.

Receipt Status

Status of the receipt header. Values are:

Closed (closed receipt)

Hold (hold receipt)

Moved (moved to destination)

Open (open)

Received (fully received)

Canceled (canceled)

Click the Cancel Receipt button to cancel the entire receipt. Canceling the transaction cannot be reversed.

Add/Edit Comments

Click the Add Comments link to access the Maintain Receipts - Receipt Header Comments page. Use this page to add header level comments that will be associated with this receiver ID. Once comments are added, the link will be displayed as Edit Comments. Click the link to add additional header level comments or to review existing ones.


Click this link to access the Maintain Receipts - Activities page. Use this page to add or review activities associated with the receipt header.

Document Status

Click this link to access the Receipt DOC Status page. Use this page to review information about procurement documents associated with the receipt.


Vendor ID, Vendor Location, and Ship To Location

Select the vendor ID, vendor location, and Ship To location for the non-purchase order receipt item. These fields must be entered before you can continue with a non-purchase order receipt.

For purchase order receipts these fields are display only and appear by default from the purchase order.

Close Short All Lines

Click to select the Close Short check box for all eligible receipt lines in the Receipt Lines grid box. Then, you can click the Run Close Short check box at the bottom of the page to initiate the closing of purchase orders at the time of receipt.

If the Run Close Short check box is selected when the receipt is saved, and one or more of the receipt lines have the Close Short check box selected, the Receipt Push process (PO_RECVPUSH) process calls the Close Short (PO_CLSSHORT) process. The Receipt Push process deselects the Run Close Short check box after the Close Short process has run. You can also run the Close Short process using the Close Short menu option.

You can also include receipts created using mobile devices when the Close Short process is run. When you save the receipt in the Mobile Inventory Management application and the Receipt Push process runs, the process calls the Close Short process to create the close short transactions for the purchase orders included in the receipt.

See Using Mobile Receiving.

You select the Run Close Short check box on the User Preferences Receiver Setup page to provide users with permission to close a receipt short.

Print Delivery Report

Click this button to save the currently entered receipt information and initiate the RECV_DEL multi-process job in the same business event. The RECV_DEL multi-process job contains the Receipt Delivery (PO_RECVDELV) application engine process that gathers data for the Receipt Delivery Detail report (receiving data along with purchase order header and line comments) and the Receipt Delivery Detail (POY5030) Crystal report that produces a report from the gathered information.

Note. This job can also be activated from a mobile device using the Mobile Inventory Management application.

See Using Mobile Delivery.

Run PO Receipt Accrual

Click this button to access the Accrue Receipt page where you can run the Receipt Accrual process, the Miscellaneous Charges process, or both. The button is only available if the receipt has been saved and is eligible for accrual.

Note. An error will appear if Do Not Generate Reversal is not selected as the reversal code on the Journal Generator Template.

Select Purchase Order

Click this link to access the Select Purchase Order page. Use this page to search for and retrieve purchase order schedules against which to create a receipt.

Receipt Lines

Receipt lines display in this group box for the purchase order lines selected on the Select Purchase Order page.

Click the Details button to access the Receipt Line Details for Line page, where you can view details about the receipt. This page formats the information you see here and on the subsequent tabs in a single long page format.


If you are receiving against a purchase order, the item selected and its description will be displayed. If you are entering a non-purchase order receipt, you can enter an existing item ID and a description and category will be displayed. If you have the authority to change a non-purchase order receipt price, you can enter just a description for the item you are receiving. After you enter the description for the item, the Category field is available for entry.

Receipt Price

When an item is received against the purchase order, the item's purchase order price is displayed in the receiving unit of measure. If you are entering a non-purchase order receipt and have specified an item ID, the item's purchasing item attributes price is displayed. If you have the authority to change a non-purchase order receipt price, you can make modifications here. Additionally, if you entered a description only item, you would enter the price here.

When the price is changed the new price will be used to recalculate transaction and base merchandise amounts on the receipt line.

Note. The item description, price, and category will no longer be available for modification once the non-purchase order receipt line has been moved to inventory, moved to assets, moved to manufacturing, or accounts payable matching has fully or partially matched a voucher.

Receipt Qty (receipt quantity) and Recv UOM (received unit of measure)

Enter the quantity delivered and the UOM in which it was received. When you enter the receipt quantity for a line, the Accept Qty value is calculated by subtracting the rejected quantity from the receipt quantity.

If you are using the vendor rebate functionality, you can still change the receipt quantity that was previously entered, even if there are accrued rebate transactions tied to this receipt with a vendor rebate claim. However, in this case the rebate accrual transaction won't be recalculated but a workflow and/or email notification will be sent to the rebate manager. After reviewing the changes, the rebate manager must decide whether manual actions, such as adjusting the subsequent claim amount, is required. If there are no accrued rebate transactions you can change the receipt quantity and the Rebate Accruals process will recalculate the rebate accrual transaction.

Click the Copy quantity down button to enter the same Receipt Qty (received quantity) value on the selected line to all Receipt Qty fields for all subsequent lines selected.

Accept Qty (accepted quantity)

Displays the quantity of items accepted. When you enter a Receipt Qty value for a line, the accepted quantity is calculated by subtracting the rejected quantity from the receipt quantity.


Displays the status of the receipt line.

Closed (closed schedule)

Hold (hold schedule)

Open (open schedule)

Received (received schedule)

Canceled (canceled schedule)


If you have entered a description only for a non-purchase order receipt line item, select the category to associate with the item.

Close Short

Select to indicate that you want to include this receipt line when the Close Short process is run. When you select the Run Close Short check box and if one or more receipt lines are selected, the Receipt Push process calls the Close Short process to create the close short transactions for the purchase orders. After the Close Short process is run, the system deselects the Run Close Short check box. To select all eligible receipt lines, click the Close Short All Lines button on the receipt header.


Identifies if the receipt line is serial controlled. If you are receiving a description-only purchase order line (no item ID) and the line is asset-related, the serial check box can be selected. For serial-controlled items, you must enter the serial ID at the time of receipt or the receipt line status stays in the Open status and is not eligible for interfacing to inventory or assets.

Device Track

Indicates whether a receipt line is device tracked. The default value is selected and unavailable for device-tracked items unless they are description only (no item ID). The field is available for items that are description only.

AM Status (asset management status)

Displays the status of the item data in relation to PeopleSoft Asset Management. Values are:

Pending: Indicates that the receipt line is asset-related and is pending interface with PeopleSoft Asset Management. Click the link to access the Asset Management Information for Line page where asset information can be recorded.

Moved: Indicates that the receipt line has been interfaced to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

If the receipt line is not asset-related this field is blank.

INV Status (inventory move status)

Displays the item status in relation to PeopleSoft Inventory. Values are:

Pending: Indicates that the receipt line is inventory-related and is pending interface with PeopleSoft Inventory. Click the link to access the Inventory Putaway Information for Line page where storage location information can be reviewed or entered.

Moved: Indicates that the receipt line has been interfaced to PeopleSoft Inventory.

If the receipt line is not inventory-related this field is blank.

More Details

Select the More Details tab.

Inspection processing may be performed as a separate business process for the organization. This involves receiving all goods, moving them to an inventory holding area, and then performing the inspection process. To have the receiving agents process shipments and receipts in this manner, select the Separate Inspection check box when setting up the purchasing definitions on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page. This makes the Inspect Qty field unavailable for entry during the receiving transaction. Inspections are performed in a separate inspection transaction using the Inspection page. If you want the receivers to be able to inspect items and enter inspection quantity at time of receipt, do not select the Separate Inspection check box.


If selected, this check box indicates that the receipt line requires inspection.


Reject Qty (rejected quantity)

Enter the quantity of items to reject. The values in the Net Receipt Quantity (net received) and Accept Qty (accepted quantity) fields are calculated by subtracting the reject quantity from the receipt quantity.

Reject Action

Select an action for the rejects. Values are:

C (return for credit)

R (return for replacement)

When you enter or modify a rejection against a PeopleSoft Manufacturing receipt line, and the receipt has already been moved to PeopleSoft Manufacturing, the following adjustments apply when updating the Manufacturing interface table:

  • If the reject action is for credit, the production receipt accepted quantity is decreased as long as the resulting quantity is greater than or equal to the sum of production accept quantity in the subcontract interface table and the completion quantities of unprocessed data collection completion transactions. The production receipt rejected quantity is increased as long as the resulting quantity is less than or equal to the production reject quantity in the subcontract interface table plus the scrap quantities of any unprocessed data collection completion transactions. .

  • If the reject action is returned for replacement, the production receipt accepted quantity is decreased as long as the resulting quantity is greater than or equal to the production accept quantity in the production interface table plus the completion quantity of any unprocessed data collection completion transactions. . The production receipt rejected quantity remains the same.

Reject Reason

Select a reason for rejecting the item or subcontracted item.

If the receipt line is subcontracted related, and you want to perform the streamline process, this reason code you select here must be a valid production scrap code if the reject action is return for credit.

RMA Number (return material authorization number) and RMA Line

If available, enter the RMA number the vendor assigned to the rejected item. Supplying this information helps you and the vendor to associate the rejected goods to the original purchase order. RMA information from any return-to-vendor transactions (RTVs) associated with the receipt line does not update the receipt RMA information.

Net Receipt Quantity

Displays the number of items received. This is the received quantity less the quantity of items rejected and returned. The quantity returned is included in this calculation if the RTV return action is return for replacement and the RTV Adjust Source check box is selected at the business unit level.

Allocation Type

Displays the allocation type for the receipt. The method selected is used when the receipt quantity is less that the quantity ordered. This field appears by default from the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page. Values are:

FIFO (first-in-first-out): Allocations to the distribution quantities are fulfilled based on the sequence in which they are added to the purchase order schedule for purchase order receipts or the receipt line for non-purchase order receipts.

Prorate: The receipt amount is prorated across the distributions for the schedule based on what percentage the receipt amount is to the total purchase order schedule's distribution amount. For example, if 50% of the required items were received, each distribution line would be allocated 50 percent of its required quantity.

Specify: The user will specify the quantity received for each distribution line.

Ship To

Displays the location to which the vendor delivered the items.

Attention To

Displays the person to whom, or place to where the services or goods are to be delivered. This value is copied from the purchase order and can originate from a requisition.

Item / Mfg Data

Select the Item / Mfg Data tab.

Click the Manufacturing Info button to access the Maintain Receipts - Manufacturing Information for Line page. Use this page to maintain the inventory putaway information related to the receipt line for the manufactured item when the related subcontracted operation is the last operation on the operation list.

Optional Input

Select the Optional Input tab.


Select this check box to put the receipt line on hold. When selected, the receipt line status is set to H (hold).

Invoice Number

Enter the invoice ID assigned by the vendor. The invoice ID from the receipt header appears by default to the receipt lines. If no invoice ID is assigned to the receipt header or line, the packing slip value will be copied to the invoice ID when the receipt is saved. An invoice ID is required for ERS processing of the receipt.

Packing Slip

Enter the packing slip ID for the received merchandise. The packing slip appears by default from the receipt header.

Pro Number (progressive number)

Enter the tracking number assigned to the shipment in which the material arrived. This progressive number appears by default from the receipt header. If multiple progressive numbers exist for this receipt line, you cannot change the value in the field. Click the Multiple Pro link to access the Maintain Receipts - PRO Numbers page where you can change the numbers.

Multiple Pros(multiple progressive numbers)

Click to access the Maintain Receipts - PRO Numbers page where you can view or add additional progressive numbers. Using the page, you can specify progressive numbers or you can add them using an auto-sequence function to create numbers.

Origin Country

Select the country from which the received items were shipped. This value is used for Intrastat reporting.


Indicate that a shipment is a replacement for a prior return. This is used for Intrastat reporting.

NA (not applicable)

RN (replaced goods not returned): Indicates that this shipment is a replacement for goods that were not returned to the vendor.

RR (replacement of returned goods): Indicates that this shipment is a replacement for goods that were returned to the vendor.

Intrastat Distribution Status

Used for Intrastat reporting and indicates whether this receipt has been processed by the Intrastat reporting process. Valid values are:

Distribute (Distributed)

Ignore (Ignored)

Archive (Archival entry)

Reversal (Reversal entry)

Undefined (Undefined)

Source Information

Select the Source Informationtab.

Click the Pegging Inquiry button to access the Pegging Workbench page. Use this page to view details associated with the pegged line.

Additional Information

Interface Receipt

This check box setting appears by default from the selection of this field on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page. Select this check box if you want to automate the passing of inventory, asset, and manufacturing information through the receiving process.

If the Interface Receipt check box is selected on the receipt, then one of the multiprocess jobs is submitted to the process scheduler upon saving the receipt. The type of receipt related lines determine which job is submitted by the system.

Run Close Short

Select to run the Close Short process when you save this receipt. When you select the check box and save the receipt, and one or more of the receipt lines have the Close Short check box selected, the Receipt Push process (PO_RECVPUSH) process calls the Close Short (PO_CLSSHORT) process. The Receipt Push process deselects the Run Close Short check box after the Close Short process has run. You can also run the Close Short process using the Close Short menu option.

You select the Run Close Short check box on the User Preferences Receiver Setup page to provide users with permission to close a receipt short.

Subcontract Streamline

This check box will appear at the bottom of the page if one or more of the receipt lines is subcontracted related. This check box indicates you want to use the streamline processing between purchasing receiving and subcontract completions in manufacturing. If selected during online receiving, the system will perform the purchase order receipt and the production completion in one step rather than multiple steps.

If the receipt is subcontracted related, this check box setting appears by default from the selection of this field on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page.

This check box will be cleared and unavailable if:

  • The setID for the receiving business unit does not exist in Data Collection setup.

  • None of the subcontract related lines on the receipt have a manufacturing move status of pending.

  • This field is unchecked on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page.

Also, you will not be able to change this check box setting if the source for the receipt is data collections.

If the Interface Receipt check box and the Subcontract Streamline check box are both selected on the receipt, then one of the multiprocess jobs is submitted to the process scheduler upon saving the receipt. The type of receipt related lines determine which job is submitted by the system.

Interface Asset Information

Click this link to access the Pre-AM1 page. Use this page to preview and correct data that is being sent to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

See Also

Accruing a Receipt

Processing Receipts

Defining User Preferences

POY5030 - Receipt Delivery Detail

Defining Purchasing Item Attributes

Inspecting Received Items

Understanding Electronic Data Interchange

Using Receipt Accrual

Item Rejection Versus Item Returns

Establishing Item Shipping and Handling Attributes

Using Device Tracking

Using Universal Item Identifiers

Using Item Quantity UOM

Integrating PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products

Creating Business Unit Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Receipt Header Information

Access the Maintain Receipts - Header Details page (click the Header Details link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page).

Receive Source

Identifies the method used to create the receipt. Included in the field values is Mobile. When this value appears, the receipt was created using a mobile device in the PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management application. Using the application, you can receive items with or without a purchase order.

See Using Mobile Receiving.

Receipt Date

Indicates the date when you physically received the material.

Receipt Time

Indicates the time that you physically received the material.

User ID

Identifies the operator who entered or is entering the transaction.

Last Change Date

Displays the date and time of the last change to the receipt.

Last User to Modify

Displays the last user to modify the receipt.

Shipping Information

Ship Date

Select a shipping date for this receipt.

Carrier ID

Enter the Carrier ID. This identifies the carrier who delivered the shipment.

Vehicle ID

Enter a Vehicle ID. This identifies the vehicle that delivered the shipment.

Driver ID

Enter a Driver ID. This identifies the driver who delivered the shipment.

Bill of Lading

Enter the bill of lading. The bill of lading that you enter here appears by default onto the receipt lines.

Pack Slip

Enter the packing slip. The pack slip value that you enter here appears by default to the packing slip on the receipt line. The field becomes unavailable when the match status on the receipt is Matched or Partially Matched.

Shipment Number

Enter the shipment number assigned to the shipment.

Pro Number (progressive number)

Enter the carrier's tracking number for this delivery of materials. The progressive number that you enter here appears by default to the progressive number on the receipt line.

Container ID

Enter a Container ID. This identifies the container in which the goods were shipped.

Nbr Cartons (number of cartons)

Enter the number of cartons received.

Pallets In

Enter the number of pallets delivered.

Pallets Out

Enter the number of empty pallets returned in exchange.

Port of Unloading

For international shipments when Intrastat reporting is required, identify the port of unloading. This is the actual shipping port where the goods were first unloaded when arriving in the destination country.

Ship From Country

Select the country from which the goods were shipped.

Ship From Location

Identifies the location from which the goods were shipped.

Match Options


The vendor-assigned invoice ID for the shipment. The value that you enter here appears by default as the invoice number on the receipt line.

Invoice Dt Op (invoice date options)

This value is used in PeopleSoft Payables voucher processing to determine the invoice date for ERS vouchers. Values are:

Frt Terms (freight terms): Use freight terms to determine the invoice date.

Recv Date (receipt date): Use the receipt date to determine the invoice date.

Freight Terms

Enter receipt freight terms, if applicable. The freight terms reflect who holds legal responsibility for the material until ownership has passed.

Allow ERS (allow evaluated receipt settlement)

If this check box is selected, the receipt can be used by PeopleSoft Payables for ERS (evaluated receipt settlement).

Match Status

Displays the receipt's matching status. Values are:

Matched (fully matched)

No Match (no match)

Partial (partially matched)

To Match (to be matched)


Match Rule

Displays the match rule assigned to the receipt, if applicable.

Receipt Hold Options

Hold Receipt

Select this check box to hold processing of this receipt in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Hold Inventory

Select this check box to hold any received inventory items from moving to PeopleSoft Inventory for putaway processing.

Hold Assets

Select this check box to hold any received items with asset management information from moving to PeopleSoft Asset Management for further processing.

See Also

Viewing and Updating Match Rule Controls

Viewing and Updating Match Rule Definitions

Running the Matching Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Receipt Line Details

Access the Maintain Receipts - Receipt Line Details for Line page (click the Details button under any of the tabs of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page).

Receipt Quantity

Receipt Qty (receipt quantity)

Displays the quantity received on the receipt line.

Reject Qty (reject quantity)

Displays the quantity rejected on the receipt line.

Accept Qty (accept quantity)

Displays the quantity accepted on the receipt line.

Return Qty (return quantity)

Displays the quantity returned on the receipt line.

Inspect Qty (inspected quantity)

Displays the quantity inspected on the receipt line.

Recv UOM (receiving unit of measure)

Displays the unit of measure in which the items were received.

Vndr UOM (vendor or ordering unit of measure)

Displays the unit of measure in which the items were ordered from the vendor.

Std UOM (standard unit of measure)

Displays the standard unit of measure for the item.

Stock UOM (stocking unit of measure)

Displays the unit of measure in which the items are to be stocked in inventory.

Conversion Rate

Convert to PO

Displays the conversion rate applied to the receipt UOM quantity to determine the purchase order UOM quantity.

Convert to Stock

Displays the conversion rate applied to the receipt UOM quantity to determine the stocking UOM quantity to put away the item.

Vendor to Std Rate

Displays the conversion rate applied to the vendor / purchase order UOM quantity to determine the standard UOM quantity for the receipt line.

Convert Stock to Standard

Displays the conversion rate applied to the stocking UOM quantity to determine the standard UOM quantity for the receipt line.

Receipt Status

Asset Applicable

Designates whether the receipt line is an asset related line, along with its status. Values are:

Moved: The receipt line has been interfaced to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

N/A (not applicable): The receipt line is not asset-related.

Pending: The receipt line is an asset item that has not been moved to the assets staging area and is pending interface with PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Intrastat Distribution Status

Used for Intrastat reporting and indicates whether this receipt has been processed by the Intrastat reporting process. Values are:

Distribute (distributed)

Ignore (ignored)

Archive (archival entry)

Reversal (reversal entry)

Undefined (undefined)


Designates whether the receipt line is an inventory related line, along with its status. Values are:

Moved: The receipt line has been interfaced to PeopleSoft Inventory.

N/A (not applicable): The receipt line is not inventory-related.

Pending: The receipt line is inventory-related and is pending interface with PeopleSoft Inventory.

Mfg Applicable (manufacturing applicable)

Designates whether the receipt line is a PeopleSoft Manufacturing related line, along with its status. Values are:

Moved: The receipt line has been interfaced to PeopleSoft Manufacturing (production management).

N/A (not applicable): The receipt line is not manufacturing-related.

Pending: The receipt line is manufacturing-related and is pending interface with PeopleSoft Manufacturing (production management).

Serial Control

Designates whether the receipt line is serial controlled, along with one of the following statuses: Complete or Incomplete.


Designates whether the receipt line item requires inspection, along with one of the following statuses: Complete or Incomplete.

Process Complete

Displays Y if the Receiver Interface Push process has completed for the receipt line. This includes the creation of receipt-landed cost transactions and receipt-notification transactions.

Lot Control

Designates whether the receipt line item is lot controlled, along with one of the following statuses: Complete or Incomplete.

Ship Date Status

Displays the status of the ship date. Values are:

Date OK (passes date check): Shipment date passed the ship date tolerance check.

Early Ship (early shipment): Shipment date was too early to pass the ship date tolerance check.

Late Ship (late shipment): Shipment date was too late to pass the ship date tolerance check.

Due Date

Displays the requested due date and due time of the receipt line.

Quantity Status

Displays the tolerance status of the receipt line item's received quantity. Values are:

Qty OK (passes quantity check): Received quantity passed the quantity tolerance check.

Over Ship (over shipment): Received quantity was greater than the quantity tolerance.

Under Ship (under shipment): Received quantity was less than the quantity tolerance.

Ship Days

Displays the number of days the shipment was late.


Indicates whether matching is required for the receipt line.

Ship Qty Pct (ship quantity percentage)

Displays the percentage of items that were overshipped.

Match Status

Displays the receipt line matching status. Values are:

Matched (fully matched)

No Match (no match)

Partial (partially matched)

To Match (to be matched)

Vouchered (vouchered)

Manufacturer Information

IN Unit (PeopleSoft Inventory business unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit value used for PeopleSoft Manufacturing-related transaction.

Operation Sequence

Displays the operation sequence of the PeopleSoft Manufacturing-related transaction. This is the manufacturing subcontracted operation for which the outside processing service was performed.

Production ID

Displays the production ID of the PeopleSoft Manufacturing-related transaction. This is the production ID for which the outside processing services were performed.


Displays the revision number of the item if applicable.

Manufacturer ID

Displays the item's manufacturer ID.


Displays the name of the manufacturer.


Displays the model of the item.

Mfg Itm ID (manufacturing item ID)

Displays the manufacturer item ID for the item.

Configuration Code

Displays the identification code assigned to specific configuration details for the items, if applicable.

Optional Data


Displays the line hold status. Y if on hold and a N if not on hold.

Bill of Lading

Displays the bill of lading for the receipt line.


Identifies if the receipt line is for goods returned for replacement. Possible values are Replacement of Returned Goods, Replace Goods Not Returned, and Not Applicable.

Pro Number

Displays the progressive number of the receipt line.

Origin Country

Displays the country from which the receipt line item originated.

Invoice ID

Displays the vendor assigned invoice ID assigned to the shipment for the receipt line.

Packing Slip

Displays the shipment packing slip for the receipt line.

Source Information

PO Unit (PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit of the purchase order schedule associated with the receipt line.

PO Amount

Displays the merchandise amount of the purchase order schedule associated with the receipt line.


Displays the purchase order ID of the purchase order schedule associated with the receipt line.

PO Type

Displays the type of purchase order from which the receipt line was created. This is a user-defined value. Types are not used in purchase order processing, with the exception of Kanban; however, you can use them for tracking and reporting purposes.

PO Line

Displays the purchase order line number of the purchase order schedule associated with the receipt line.

PO Schedule

Displays the purchase order schedule number of the purchase order schedule associated with the receipt line.

Amount Only

If Y, indicates that the receipt line is to be received by amount only.

Distribute by

Displays the distribution method used for the receipt line. The method can be by quantity or by amount.

PO Quantity (purchase order quantity)

Displays the purchase order quantity available for this receipt line. This field does not appear when the Blind Receiving Only check box is selected for the user on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page.

PO Merchandise Amount (purchase order merchandise amount)

Displays the purchase order merchandise amount for this receipt line. This field does not appear when the Blind Receiving Only check box is selected for the user on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page.

Total Qty Received (total quantity received)

Displays the total quantity that has been received for this receipt line. This field does not appear when the Blind Receiving Only check box is selected for the user on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page.

Total Received Amount

Displays the total amount that has been received for this receipt line. This field does not appear when the Blind Receiving Only check box is selected for the user on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page.

Total Open PO Qty (total open purchase order quantity)

Displays the total open purchase order quantity for this receipt line. This field does not appear when the Blind Receiving Only check box is selected for the user on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page.

Total Open PO Amount (total open purchase order amount)

Displays the total open purchase order amount for this receipt line. This field does not appear when the Blind Receiving Only check box is selected for the user on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page.

See Also

Using Item Quantity UOM

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Asset Information

Access the Asset Management Information for Line page (click the AM Status Pending or Moved link under the Receipt Lines tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page. If available, this link appears in the AM Status column in the grid section of the Maintaining Receipts - Receiving page).

Note. If the defaults for the asset purchases are setup in such a way that you do not need to override them during the receiving process, it is not necessary to access the Assets pages in PeopleSoft Asset Management. These rows are generated and populated with defaults at save time. However, if the receipt line is serial controlled, you must supply the appropriate required information.

If the purchase order distribution has a PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit and asset profile ID specified, the receipt items are identified as asset purchases. Use this page to enter or override default asset information to be sent to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Use this page to accommodate split-funded assets. For example, if you purchased a vehicle to be shared by three departments, use this page to split-fund the vehicle between the departments. This can occur only if the purchased vehicle is an asset and is not inventory-related, meaning there is no inventory business unit specified for it on the purchase order distribution. In this scenario, a single asset tag number is assigned to the vehicle and associated with each of the three department distributions.

In addition, if the receipt line is serial controlled, the system verifies the following for the selected receipt line:

Next Asset ID

Click this button to temporarily assign a value of AUTO-ASSIGN as the line item asset ID value. This value is replaced with the next available asset ID value upon saving the receipt.

Use One Asset ID

Click this button to group multiple receipt distribution lines into a single asset identification.

Note. This functionality is not available if the receipt line has a single distribution only.

When you use this functionality, the system combines split asset distribution lines into a single asset ID. This is accomplished by assigning a value of 1 to the Seq Nbr (sequence number) field on each of the receipt asset row for each distribution row of the receipt line that appears.

Distribution Information

Business Unit

PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit associated with the selected distribution line. The PeopleSoft Asset Management unit can be entered for new non-purchase order receipts, but cannot be changed once the receipt has been saved.

Profile ID

Displays the identifier for the receipt item product profile defined in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

CAP # (capital acquisition planning number)

Displays the capital acquisition plan identifier. This identifier is defined in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Cost Type

Displays the cost type code for the receipt item, if applicable. Cost types represent different components of the cost of an asset, such as materials, labor, and overhead. For example, you can differentiate between the cost of building an asset and its market value by allocating the cost of production to one cost type and the margin of profit to another cost type. Cost type, in combination with asset category and transaction code, determines into which accounts the costs are entered in the general ledger.


Designates whether or not the receipt item is capitalized. Values are:

Non Cap(not a capitalized asset)

Capitalize (capitalized asset)

CAP Sequence (capital acquisition planning sequence)

Displays the sequence number for the capital acquisition plan.

Apply to Details

Assign Tag IDs and Assign Serial IDs

If the receipt line is serial controlled, both the Assign Serial IDs and Assign Tag IDs options are available. If the receipt line is not serial controlled, only Assign Tag IDs is available.

Enter Starting Number

If you assign serial IDs, this represents the starting serial ID, which is assigned to the first detail row and is indicated by the Start Row field. If you assign tag IDs, this represents the starting tag ID, which is assigned to the first detail row and is indicated by the Start Row field.


Enter the number multiplier. The system used this value to increment the starting number from detail row to detail row.

Start Row

This is a required field and automatically changes to a value of 1. Indicate the detail row to use as the starting point for assigning values that are determined by the starting number and multiplier.

Overwrite existing numbers

Select to override existing values in the detail grid rows for either the tag ID or serial ID, depending on which action is selected (Assign Tag IDs or Assign Serial IDs).


Click this button to assign values to the detail rows in the grid.

When you click this button, the system uses the assign tag ID (or assign serial ID), the starting number, the multiplier, and the start row values to determine how values are assigned to the grid.

Asset Information

AM Business Unit (PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit.


Displays the receipt asset row status. Identifies whether or not this specific asset row has been passed to the PeopleSoft Asset Management system. One asset row can have a status of Moved and another row on the same distribution can have a status of Open.


Displays the quantity assigned to the asset row. If the receipt line is serial controlled, the quantity is not available for change.

Note. The sum of the quantities on the asset rows must equal the distributed quantity on the receipt.

Tag Number

Enter the asset tag number for the asset row. If you enter the tag number value on the purchase order distribution, those values appear by default from the purchase order distribution.

In addition, the system checks the tag number that you entered on the receipt to make sure it is not already assigned to an asset, when the Allow Dup Tags option is not set for the PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit. If the tag number has already been assigned to another asset the system gives you a warning message. The system only looks at the Assets table it does not look at the interface tables, previously entered receipts, purchase orders, or requisitions to see if the tag number has been assigned to another pending transaction.

Serial ID

Serial ID for the distribution sequence. This field is available for entry only when the Serial option is selected for the selected line on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

Asset ID

Asset ID for the asset row. The default value is NEXT. If you do not override this value, NEXT is passed to PeopleSoft Asset Management, where the next asset ID is assigned. You may choose to override the NEXT value and manually enter an asset ID or assign one by using the Next Asset ID button.

If the Asset ID value is anything other than NEXT and the same Asset ID value is assigned to multiple asset rows for the selected receipt line, then these asset rows must all have the same custodian, location, model, and manufacturer values as well.

Number (sequence number)

Work field that is linked with the asset ID default value of NEXT upon exiting the secondary page. Leave this field blank if the asset ID has any value other than the default value of NEXT.

Profile ID

Identifier for the receipt item product profile. This value is not available for change by the receiving agent and is populated by the value on the receipt distribution.

Click the Cancel Row button to cancel this asset row information. This row is a child of the distribution line. If the receipt has not been interfaced, this asset row is not be interfaced and is deleted during receipt interface processing. If the receipt has been interfaced, then a retirement asset transaction is passed to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

More Details

Select the More Details tab.


(Optional) Enter the VIN number for each individual serial receipt. Only one VIN can be assigned to each serial ID.

Note. This field is available only if you are receiving a serial-controlled item and the Asset Type associated with the item and asset profile is FLEET.


Enter the recipient of the asset item on the selected distribution sequence. If the asset ID value is anything other than NEXT and the same asset ID value is assigned to multiple asset rows for the selected receipt line, then this value must be the same on those same asset rows.


Select the delivery location for the distribution sequence. If the asset ID value is anything other than NEXT and the same asset ID value is assigned to multiple asset rows for the selected receipt line, this value must be the same on the asset rows.

Mfg ID (manufacturer ID)

The manufacturer ID for the item appears by default from the manufacturer ID assigned to the purchase order line using the Maintain Purchase Order - Details for Line page. You can also select a manufacturer ID if one is not displayed. Once you select a manufacturer ID the description for the manufacturer appears in the Manufacturer field.


The model appears by default from the model associated with the item on the Purchasing Attributes - Purchasing Attributes page.

If a model does not appear, you can modify or select the model of the product. If the asset ID value is anything other than NEXT and the same asset ID value is assigned to multiple asset rows for the selected receipt line, this value must be the same on the asset rows.


Select the manufacturer of the product. If the asset ID value is anything other than NEXT and the same asset ID value is assigned to multiple asset rows for the selected receipt line, this value must be the same on the asset rows.

Note. If a manufacturer ID is entered for the line then you will not be able to select a Manufacturer. If the manufacturer ID field is blank then you can select a manufacturer using this field.


Displays whether or not the receipt item is capitalized. Appears by default from the value of the parent distribution row, but can be overridden by validation edits.

PO Comment

Displays the purchase order line comments for the selected item. Information such as the asset tag numbers can be entered upon creation of the order.

Validations Edits

Edits and validations are performed when you click the OK button on the Asset Management Information for Line page. Capitalization to asset ID cross-edits ensures that the capitalization flag is either on or off for all asset rows for a given asset ID. Rows with an asset ID of AUTO-ASSIGN or NEXT are not included in the edit. However, the row with an asset ID of NEXT and a sequence number value (NEXT1, NEXT2, and so forth) will be included in the edit. If a combination of on and off capitalization flags are detected for one asset ID, a message appears requiring an action to be selected.

If you select Yes on the message prompt, the system turns on the capitalization flag for all asset rows with the same asset ID.

If you select No on the message prompt, the system turns off the capitalization flag for all asset rows with the same asset ID.

The original capitalization flag value copied from the purchase order distribution remains on the receipt distribution. Only the receipt line asset row changes.

The system performs edits on the Tag Number, Custodian, Location, Model, and Manufacturer fields to ensure that these fields contain consistent values for the same asset ID within the receipt line.

Additional edits and validations are performed at receipt save time to ensure that a specific asset ID assignment has only one profile ID, serial ID, and tag number value.

See Also

Viewing Receipt Line Details

Establishing Asset Processing

Setting Up Asset Profiles

Defining Purchasing Item Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Override Inventory Putaway Information

Access the Inventory Putaway Information for Line page (click the INV Status Pending or Moved link under the Receipt Lines tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page. If available, this link appears in the IN Status column in the grid section of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page).

Note. If the defaults for the inventory purchases are set up in such a way that you do not need to override them during the receiving process, it is not necessary to access the Putaway pages. These rows are generated and populated with defaults at save time. However, if the receipt line is serial controlled or lot controlled, you must supply the appropriate required information.

Companies typically accept items through receiving and then route them to a staging area. In PeopleSoft Purchasing, items are staged until you initiate material putaway. The putaway process assigns the items to appropriate inventory business unit storage locations.

If purchase order distributions have an inventory business unit specified, the Inventory field on the Line Status Details page is set to Y. When receiving items are identified as inventory purchases, you can override the default information for the putaway process on this page.

Distribution Information

Distributed Quantity

Displays the number of items being received for this distribution line. This value is dependent on the value entered in the Quantity field.

Merchandise Amt (merchandise amount)

Displays the merchandise amount allocated to this distribution, expressed in the transaction currency. This value is dependent on the value entered in the Quantity field.

Base Amt (base amount)

Displays the distribution merchandise amount in the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit currency. This value is dependent on the value entered in the Quantity field.

Default Location

Displays the location designated as the default putaway location for this item. This is not required on the receipt. You can enter an override location on the receipt or assign a default location in inventory before running the Putaway process after the Receiver Interface Push process (PO_RECVPUSH).


If this check box is selected, indicates that the distribution items are consignment items. Consigned items can only be putaway in non-owned locations.

Non-Owned Item

If this check box is selected, indicates that the distribution items are non-owned. Non owned items can only be putaway in non-owned locations.

Apply to Details

This group box is only available when the receipt is serial controlled or lot controlled.

Putaway Information


Displays the receipt putaway row status. Identifies whether the specific putaway row has passed to the PeopleSoft Inventory system. One putaway row can have a status of Moved, while another row on the same distribution can have a status of Open.


Enter the number of items being received for the distribution sequence. The value in this field determines the values that appear in the Distributed Quantity, Merchandise Amt, and Base Amt fields. If the receipt line is serial controlled, the quantity is not available for change.

Note. The sum of the quantities on the putaway rows must equal the distributed quantity on the receipt distribution.

Serial ID

Enter the serial ID for the distribution sequence. This field is only available for entry if the Serial check box is selected for the receipt line on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

Lot ID

Enter the lot ID for the distribution sequence. This field is only available when lot control is Y (yes) for the receipt line on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page. If the item being received for inventory is lot controlled, then a lot ID has to be specified on the receipt putaway page. If the target inventory business unit Allow Auto-Add of New Lots check box is selected, a lot ID that does not exist within inventory may be specified. Otherwise, enter an existing lot ID or select a lot ID from the list of values. If you enter a new lot ID and the business unit does not permit the automatic adding of new lots, the system validates the lot ID against the existing list. You can use the Lookup button to find existing lot IDs.

Vendor Lot

Enter the identifier assigned to the item's lot by the vendor. This field is only available when the lot control status is Y (yes) for the receipt line on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

The system checks for duplicate serial IDs for all serial-controlled lines on a receipt document. This edit is only for serial ID assigned within the receipt document.

Note. The vendor lot value defaults to the value that you enter for the lot ID.

Expiration Date

Expiration date for a lot-controlled item. If the item is a non-inventory receipt line (subcontract, expense only, or an asset only interface receipt), then this field is left blank. If the item lot ID has been assigned an expiration date, this value cannot be changed. If the item lot ID doesn't have an assigned expiration date, the item shelf-life value (if greater than zero) is added to the receipt date to calculate the expiration date. You can override this value. You must enter a value if the item's shelf life is zero.


Click the Cancel Row button to cancel the putaway row of the distribution line. If the receipt has not been interfaced, this putaway row is not to be interfaced and is deleted during receipt interface processing. If the receipt has been interfaced, the putaway rows are removed from inventory at receipt save time.

Putaway Location

Select the Putaway Location tab.

IN Unit (PeopleSoft Inventory business unit)

Identifies the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit for the distribution. For non-purchase order receipts, this value appears by default from the ship to location. For purchase order receipts, this value appears by default from the purchase order distribution.

Container ID

Displays the container with which the received item is associated.

Kanban ID

Displays the identification code assigned to the Kanban card associated with the putaway of this item. This code appears by default from the kanban details.

Using the Receiving Putaway Integration

These conditions control the receiving putaway integration after PO_RECVPUSH has processed the receipt transaction and set the status to moved:

See Also

Entering Receipts

Entering Asset Information

Processing Receipts

Using the Receiver Interface Push Application Engine Process (PO_RECVPUSH)

Receiving Consigned Stock

Receiving and Putting Away Stock

Establishing Item Tracking and Lot-Control Attributes

Using Item Quantity UOM

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Inventory Item Storage Details

Access the Inventory Item Information page (click the Item Detail link on the Inventory Putaway Information for Line page or click the Item Detail link on the Maintain Receipts - Manufacturing Information for Line page).

Shlf Life (shelf life)

Displays the item shelf life expressed in days. PeopleSoft Inventory calculates the lot-expiration date by adding the value of the shelf life to the creation date of the lot. The shelf-life value appears by default from the value defined on the Business Unit Item Definition - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page.

MSDS ID (material safety data sheet ID)

If this item requires an MSDS, the appropriate MSDS ID appears.

Hazard Code

As required for business needs, the appropriate code appears. This field is informational only.

See Also

Establishing Item Shipping and Handling Attributes

Defining Additional Item Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Available Storage Locations

Access the Storage Location Search page (click the Storage Location Search button under the Putaway Location tab of the Inventory Putaway Information for Line page).

Storage Location and Storage Level 1 - 4

Select storage location areas and levels to search.


Click the Additional Search Criteria button to search on the storage location values that you entered in the Storage Location and Storage Level fields. The search results appear in the scroll area.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Receipt Distribution Information

Access the Maintain Receipts - Receipt Distributions for Line page (click the Distribution button under the Links and Status tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page).

Allocation Type

Displays the allocation type for the receipt. This field appears by default from the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page. This field becomes available if there are multiple distributions for a schedule. Values are:

FIFO (first-in-first-out): Allocations to the receipt distributions are fulfilled based on the sequence in which they are added to the purchase order schedule for purchase order receipts or the receipt line for non-purchase order receipts.

Prorate: Allocate the receipt amount across the distributions for the schedule based on what percentage the purchase order distribution amount is of the purchase order schedule amount for purchase order receipts.

Specify: Allocate the receipt amount or quantity across multiple distributions for the schedule based on the quantity or amount that you enter for the distribution lines. When you select this value, the Qty Std UOM or the Amount field become available for entry.

Note. An allocation type of Specify does not affect processing when only one distribution line exists for a schedule.



Displays the distribution line number.


Displays the status of the distribution row.


Displays the location to where the goods are to be delivered.

Qty Std UOM (quantity in the standard unit of measure)

Displays the quantity of items being distributed, expressed in the standard UOM.

If you select an allocation type of Specify, enter the quantity received across the multiple distribution lines.

Qty VND UOM (quantity in the vendor's unit of measure)

Displays the quantity of items being distributed, expressed in the vendor UOM.


Displays the merchandise amount for the distribution row in the transaction currency.

If you select an allocation type of Specify, enter the amount received across the multiple distribution lines.


Displays the transaction currency code.

Base Amt (base amount)

Displays the merchandise amount for the distribution row in the base currency code.


Displays the base currency code which is used by general ledger, inventory, and asset integration.

IN Unit (PeopleSoft Inventory business unit)

If the item is an inventory item, it displays the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit associated with the item.


Designates whether the item is consigned or not. You may override the setting on this page for non-purchase order items only. This setting can only be overridden if it appears by default from the item as consigned. If the setting changes to not consigned, this setting cannot be overridden.


Designates whether an item is owned or non-owned. This value is set at the item level. An item is non-owned if it is maintained in inventory but is not owned by the associated business unit.

Click the PO Distribution Details button to access the PO Distribution Details page where you can view the details of the purchase order distribution.

Click the Pegging Inquiry button to access the Pegging Workbench page. Use this page to view details associated with the pegged distribution.

See Viewing Pegging Information.

See Pegging Supply and Demand.

Asset Details

Select the Asset Details tab.

AM Business Unit (PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit assigned to the purchase order for the selected receipt items by the originating PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit.

Profile ID

Identifier of the item's asset management profile.


Displays the capitalize asset indicator. Values are Capitalize or Non Cap.

Cap #

Displays the asset's capital acquisition plan number.

Cap Sequence

Displays the asset's capital sequence number.

Employee ID

Displays the employee ID associated with the asset.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Manufacturing Information

Access the Maintain Receipts - Manufacturing Information for Line page (click the Manufacturing Info button on the Item / Mfg Data tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page).

This page contains three types of information. At the top of the page, the details for the receipt line pertaining to manufacturing appear. In the Distribution Information group box, the receipt distribution details appear along with the default inventory putaway location and other inventory details.

Note. The Putaway Information grid appears only when the Operation Sequence field and the Last Op Seq (last operation sequence) field are equal.


Displays the item related to the manufacturing information. When the receipt line is subcontracted related, the assembly item ID (manufactured item) and its description appear.

Last Op Seq (last operation sequence)

Displays the last operation sequence for the production ID.

Operation Sequence

Displays the operation sequence for the subcontracting operation on the production ID.

Production ID

Displays the manufacturing production ID. When the receipt line is subcontracted related, the production ID that contains the subcontracting operation appears.

Distribution Information

Item Detail

Click this link to access the Inventory Item Information page. Use this page to view the detailed inventory information entered for an inventory-related item.

Default Location

Displays the default inventory putaway location for the inventory business unit and item ID.

Putaway Information

Use this section of the page to enter the putaway inventory information for a receipt that is subcontracted related.


Displays the status of the last operation. Values are: Open or Canceled.

Serial ID

Select the serial ID for the assembly. This field is not available for non-serial controlled items.

Lot ID

Select the lot IDs for the assembly. This field is not available for non-lot controlled items.

Click the Cancel Row button to cancel the detail row.

Click the Add a New Row button to add a row to the putaway information grid. This button is available for non-serial controlled items that do not have a status of canceled. It also enables you to split the quantity received between lot IDs or different storage locations.

Putaway Location

Select the Putaway Location tab.

Click the Storage Location Search button to access the Storage Location Search page. Use this page to search for available storage locations for the material that you are receiving.

Click the Putaway Locations button to access the Storage Location Search page. Use this page to define directed putaway information for the receipt items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Receipt Progressive Numbers

Access the Maintain Receipts - PRO Numbers page (click the Multiple Pros link under the Optional Input tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page).

You can assign multiple progressive numbers on receipt lines for multiple receipts for each line.

Starting Number

Enter a starting value for progressive numbers. The system assigns this value to the progressive number row that you specify in the Start Row field. When you click the Apply button, the system applies the values that you define to the rows in the Pro Numbers grid box.

Overwrite existing numbers

Select to override existing values in the Pro Number grid rows with the new values that you enter. The numbers are overridden when you click the Apply button.

Start Row

Enter the first row to which you want to apply the values you define. For example if you have 10 rows and you want to replace the rows starting with row seven, you would enter 7 in the Start Row field. When you apply the new values, the system applies your updates starting with row seven.


Enter the number multiplier. The system uses this value to increment the starting number from detail row to detail row.


Click to assign values that you have entered to the detail rows in the Pro Numbers grid box.

Pro Number

Enter a progressive number value. You can enter as many values as needed. You can manually enter a value or use the Apply to Details section to define a range of values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Purchase Order Comments

Access the PO Comments page (click the PO Comments button under the Source Information tab of the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page).

The purchase order header, line, and ship to comments that are related to the receipt line appear.

Send to Vendor

If this check box is selected, designates that these comments were sent to the vendor as a part of the purchase order dispatch.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Return-To-Vendor Details

Access the RTV Information page.

All RTV lines associated with the receipt ID appear.


The status of the RTV line.


Return action designated for the returned item.


Method of disposal designated for the returned item.

Reason Code

The return reason code for the returned item.

Rev (revision)

Displays the item's revision number, if applicable.

Return Qty (return quantity)

Number of items being returned in the vendor unit of measure. This does not include any quantities rejected before receipt.

Ship Qty (ship quantity)

Number of items being shipped back to the vendor in the vendor unit of measure. This does not include any quantities rejected before receipt.


The per vendor unit of measure price.

Vndr UOM

The vendor unit of measure used on the receipt.

See Also

Item Rejection Versus Item Returns

Entering RTV Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccruing a Receipt

Access the Accrue Receipt page (click the Run PO Receipt Accrual button on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page. The button is only available if the receipt has been saved and is eligible for accrual).

This page enables you to enter parameters to initiate a process request.

Accounting Date

(Required) Select the accounting date. The current date appears by default. An error appears when you click the OK button, if the date used is not in an open period.

Default Entry Event Code

Displays only if entry events are enabled on the Installation Options - Entry Event page, and cannot be left blank if entry events are required. The values available are set at the business unit level. A warning appears when you click the OK button if this is not a purchase order receipt and entry events are optional and the field is blank.

For purchase order receipts with no entry event code on the purchase order distribution line, the value selected here populates the expense and accrual accounting lines. The encumbrance line is blank.

If there is already an entry event code on the purchase order distribution line, it is not to be replaced by the value selected on this page and the entry event code populates expense, accrual, and encumbrance accounting lines.

For non-purchase order receipts, the value selected here populates the expense and accrual accounting lines.

Eligibility Requirements for Accrual

The following list provides eligibility requirements for accrual:

  1. For both purchase order and non-purchase order receipts:

    1. The receipt must not be fully matched and matching must be required.

    2. The receipt status must be Moved, Not Recv'd (not received), Open, or Received.

    3. If the receipt line is purchase order related then the purchase order line must have Receiving Required selected.

    4. The receipt distribution line must be non-inventory-related for the distribution to be accrued. The inventory-related distribution rows are still eligible for receipt accrual reporting.

  2. For purchase order receipts, the Accrue PO Receipts check box in the associated PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit must be selected.

  3. For non-purchase order receipts, the Accrue Non/PO Receipts check box in the associated PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit must be selected.

Click to jump to parent topicModifying Receipt ChartFields

This section discusses how to modify receipt ChartField values.

Note. While it is unusual for the receiving department to change distribution information copied directly from the purchase order, PeopleSoft Purchasing has built this flexibility into the system should your business practices require this functionality.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Modify Receipt ChartFields

Page Name

Definition Name





Purchasing, Receipts, Maintain ChartFields, ChartFields

Modify ChartField values for receipt distribution lines.

Item Description


Click the Item Description link on the ChartFields page.

The item description link is composed of the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

Enter and view descriptions for a specific item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying Receipt ChartField Values

Access the ChartFields page (Purchasing, Receipts, Maintain ChartFields, ChartFields).

Receipt Lines

Vndr Rcpt Qty (vendor receipt quantity) and Vndr Accept Qty (vendor accept quantity)

Displays the received and accepted quantities expressed in the vendor UOM.

Account Lines

Dist Qty (distribution quantity)

Displays the distribution quantity to be charged to the ChartField combination.

See Also

Defining Receiving and RTV User Preferences

Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise ChartFields

Receiving Items by Amount

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Receipt Activity

This section lists the pages that are used to track receipt activities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Receipt Activity

Page Name

Definition Name





Purchasing, Receipts, Maintain Activity and Comments, Activity

Enter and track activities associated with a receipt. You can set up reminders for receiving activities and activities that should be done after the goods are received. Enter as many activities as necessary.

Receipt Header Comments


Click the Header Comment link on the Activity page.

View and enter header-level comments for the selected receipt.

Receipt Line Comments


Click the Line Comment link on the Activity page.

View and enter line-level comments for the selected receipt.

To access this page, enter the appropriate receipt line in the Receipt Line field.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing ASRs

This section discusses how to:

Note. If the installation includes PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, the suppliers can enter advance shipment notifications directly into the PeopleSoft system. Once a supplier's ASN is submitted, it becomes an ASR in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise ChartFields

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Understanding Electronic Data Interchange

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

ASR Item

If the ASR uses a different item ID, such as the vendor item ID, that item ID appears.

ASR Seq (ASR sequence)

If multiple ASRs were sent in the same transmission, designates the sequence in which they were inserted.

ASR Stat (ASR status)

Displays the ASR status. Values are:

Error (ASR error): Indicates that there was an error in processing the transaction. Click the Error Message Text link to access details about the error.

New (ASR new): Designates a new transaction that has not been processed by the Receive Load process.

Processed (ASR processed): Indicates that the transaction has been processed by the Receive Load process and a receipt has been created.

Ready (ready for processing): Indicates that the transaction has been reset from Error status after corrections were performed.

Validated (ASR validated): The ASR is being processed by the Receive Load process. This is the only time at which the ASR will have this status.

Canceled (ASR canceled): Indicates that the transaction has been canceled.

Msg (message)/ Message Number

If the ASR status is set to Error, it displays the message number that identifies the type of error that occurred.

Order No (order number)

Displays the order number assigned by the vendor that sent the ASR.

Pro Number (progressive number)

Displays the tracking number assigned to the package in which the material was delivered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use ASRs

Page Name

Definition Name



ASR Review


Purchasing, Receipts, Review Receipt Information, Advanced Shipment Receipts, ASR Review

Access information about receipts received using the ASR Enterprise Integration Point (EIP) or created by supplier-entered ASNs.

Item Description


Click the Item Description link on the ASR Review page.

The item description link is composed of the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

Enter and view descriptions for a specific item.

Header Details


Click the Header Details link on the ASR Review page.

View purchase order header details for the selected ASR.

Shipment Header


Click the Shipment Header link on the ASR Review page.

View shipment details for the selected ASR.



Click the Address link on the ASR Review page.

View shipping address details for the selected ASR.



Click the Lot/Serial link on the ASR Review page.

Enter lot and serial ID information for lot- and serial-controlled items.

Select Purchase Order


Click the Select Purchase Order link on the ASR Review page.

Select purchase order items and attributes that you want to reconcile with a receipt received by ASR.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing ASR Information

Access the ASR Review page (Purchasing, Receipts, Review Receipt Information, Advanced Shipment Receipts, ASR Review).

EIP Control ID (enterprise integration point control ID)

Displays the identifier assigned to the service operation that imported the selected batch of ASRs.

Note. If the installation includes PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, the system assigns an EIP control ID when a vendor submits a supplier ASN using the Advance Shipment Notification component.

Click the Cancel button to cancel the ASR. Canceling an ASR cannot be reversed.

Click the Reset Error Status button to reset the status from Error to New after data correction has been made. This would be used to reset the status after a missing purchase order line was added.

ASR Lines

PO Unit (PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit associated with the ASR. You can override the purchase order unit by changing the PO Business Unit value on the Header Details page. You can change the value for one purchase order line on this page or change the information on the Header Details page to populate the change to all purchase order lines at once.

PO Number

Select the purchase order number associated with the ASR. You can use this field to correct purchase order key information. You can change the value for one purchase order line on this page or change the information on the Header Details page to populate the change to all purchase order lines at once.


Select the purchase order line number associated with the ASR. You can use this field to correct purchase order key information.

Sched Num (schedule number)

Select the purchase order schedule number associated with the ASR. You can use this field to correct purchase order key information.

More Line Data

Select the More Line Data tab.

Shipment Unit of Measure

Displays the unit of measure used for the shipment.

Unit of Measure

Displays item unit of measure used on the purchase order.

Qty Shipped (quantity shipped)

Displays the quantity shipped expressed in the shipment unit of measure.

Rev Override (revision override)

Select this check box to enter a value if the revision on the ASR is different from the revision value on the purchase order.


Select the revision number associated with the item ID, if applicable.

Invoice ID

Enter the invoice identification number that is to be assigned to the receipt line , if applicable.

Note. When you enter an invoice ID value in this field, ASR processing loads that information into the PO Receipt line transaction.

Vendor Contract ID

Enter the identification code assigned to any associated vendor contract, if applicable.

See Also

Entering Receipt Header Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing ASR Purchase Order Header Details

Access the Header Details page (click the Header Details link on the ASR Review page).

Shipment Number

Displays the shipment number assigned by the vendor or supplier to the ASR shipment.

PO Business Unit (PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit)/ PO Number

PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit and purchase order associated with the ASR. Changes that you make to the values in these fields are reflected on the ASR Review page.

See Also

Creating Advanced Shipping Notices

Viewing ASR Shipment Details

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing ASR Shipment Details

Access the Shipment Header page (click the Shipment Header link on the ASR Review page).

Shipment Header

EC Primary Event Code (electronic collection primary event code)

Displays the EDC primary event code generated by the system when the service operation is processed.

EC Secondary Event Code (electronic collection secondary event code)

Displays the EDC secondary event code. This is an internally assigned value.

OM Unit (PeopleSoft Order Management business unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit associated with the ASR, if applicable.

Customer ID

Displays the identification code assigned to the organization by the vendor.

Inventory Unit

Displays the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit associated with the ASR, if applicable.

Process Instance

Displays the identification code assigned to the process instance that loaded the ASR.

ShipTo Set

Displays the ship to address setID assigned to the shipment.

Ship To

Displays the ship to address assigned to the shipment.


Displays the vendor location code.

Device ID

Displays the identification code assigned to the device that generated the ASR. This is an information-only field value that can be supplied on the input transmission.

DtTime (date and time)

Displays the date and time that the ASR was received.

Cancel ASR

Select this check box to cancel the entire ASR. Canceling a receipt cannot be reversed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing ASR Shipping Address Details

Access the Address page (click the Address link on the ASR Review page).

Demand Line No (demand line number)

Displays the demand line number from the vendor shipping system. This value is informational only.

Customer Address Type

Indicates the type of customer address that appears on the page. Values are H (ship to customer) and S (sold to customer).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering ASR Lot and Serial ID Information

Access the Lot/Serial page (click the Lot/Serial link on the ASR Review page).

Lot Seq No (lot sequence number)

Number assigned to give a record a unique identifier for processing purposes.


Unit of measure used to ship the ASR items.

Lot ID

If the item is lot controlled, enter the lot ID assigned to the item.

Serial ID

If the item is serial controlled, enter the serial ID for the item.

See Also

Establishing Item Tracking and Lot-Control Attributes

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Items Using EDC

This section provides an overview of entering receipts using EDC, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Entering Receipts Using EDC

You can use EDC to enter receipts in PeopleSoft Purchasing. Use the Purchasing Receiving - Receiving page to complete five receiving-specific transactions using an EDC system. You can also choose to enter data manually on this page to create receiving data that could have been automatically entered using an EDC device.

When you save an EDC transaction page, the page clears so that you can enter another transaction immediately. These transactions are saved in the transaction log until they are picked up by the background processes. These background processes can be set up to continually scan the transaction log.

When you enter the transaction data using these data collection pages, selected pieces of information on the page trigger edits that validate the data entered. In addition, the background processes validate all information before any updates are performed.

See Also

Integrating to Electronic Data Collection Systems

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Identify the segment of the warehouse in which this item is to be stored. If the item being received requires inspection, the area chosen must be associated with an inspection location.

Device ID

Identification code assigned to the device that scanned the transaction.

End Trans (end of transaction)

Set to Y to signal the end of the transaction.

Lev 1 – 4 (level 1 – 4)

Identify the next levels of storage within the area location in which you want the items stored.


Identifies the number of records scanned during the transaction.

Tag Number

If this is an item that is tracked as an asset, the asset tag number is required.

Trans Nbr (transaction number)

The last number assigned to the last record that was inserted in the transaction log.

Vendor Lot

For a lot-controlled item, identifies the vendor-assigned lot ID associated with the item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Receive Items Using Electronic Data Collection

Page Name

Definition Name



Purchasing Receiving - Receiving


SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Receiving, Purchasing Receiving, Receiving

Complete five receiving-specific electronic data collection transactions.

Transaction Maintenance


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Transactions, Transaction Maintenance

View EDC receiving transactions in the transaction log. The transaction log provides access to transaction detail pages that enable you to correct transaction errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInitiating Receiving Using EDC

Access the Purchasing Receiving - Receiving page (SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Receiving, Purchasing Receiving, Receiving).

Note. Fields on this page hide and appear depending on the electronic data collection transaction code that you enter in the Transaction Code field.

Transaction Code

Select one of these transaction codes to access the associated page function. Values are:

  • 0101 - Receipt Total Shipment by ID: Select this transaction code to update an ASR status staged by the Receive Load process.

  • 0102 - Receipt Total PO w/Plan or BC: Select this transaction code to receive an entire purchase order.

  • 0103 - Receipt PO Lines w/Plan or BC: Select this transaction code to receive a purchase order line.

  • 0104 - Receipt PO Schedules w/Plan: Select this transaction code to receive a purchase order schedule.

  • 0105 - Receipt PO End Tran: Select this transaction code to end the receiving transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating ASRs Using EDC

Access the Purchasing Receiving - Receiving page and select transaction code 0101 in the Transaction Code field.

Use this version of the page to update an ASR status previously staged by the Receive Load process.

Container ID

Enter the container that holds the items being received.

Shipment Number

(Required) Enter the shipment number assigned to the ASR shipment.

See Also

Integrating to Electronic Data Collection Systems

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceiving an Entire Purchase Order Using EDC

Access the Purchasing Receiving - Receiving page and select transaction code 0102 in the Transaction Code field.

Use this version of the page to receive all lines of the specified purchase order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceiving a Purchase Order Line Using EDC

Access the Purchasing Receiving - Receiving page and select transaction code 0103 in the Transaction Code field.

Use this version of the page to receive a specific purchase order line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceiving a Purchase Order Schedule Using EDC

Access the Purchasing Receiving - Receiving page and select transaction code 0104 in the Transaction Code field.

Use this version of the page to receive a specific purchase order schedule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnding an EDC Receiving Transaction

Access the Purchasing Receiving - Receiving page and select transaction code 0105 in the Transaction Code field.

Use this version of the page to end the transaction when you have finished receiving a shipment.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the ASR EIP

This section provides an overview of the ASR EIP and discusses how to use the ASR EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the ASR EIP

The ASR EIP enables you to upload a vendor's advanced shipment notice. This asynchronous batch subscribe service operation also supports flat-file processing for EDI transaction X.12 856.

Run the Receive Load Process Application Engine process (PO_RECVLOAD) to move the ASR service operation data from the staging tables to application tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the ASR EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Receiver Load


Purchasing, Receipts, Load Receipts, Receiver Load

Run the Receive Load process.

Data Collection Setup


SCM Integrations, Setup, Data Collection, Data Collection Setup

Set the option to keep transaction log history for electronic data collection transactions and to set the default file suffix.

Data Def Maint (Data Definition Maintenance)


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Data Definitions, Data Def Maint (data definition maintenance)

View data detail or correct errors for service operations that contain data rather than transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the ASR EIP

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

Before you can use the ASR EIP, you must:

  1. Setup the service operation within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components:

    Use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Management Integration 9.1 PeopleBook.

    Service Operation

    Direction and Type


    Chunking Available?

    Integrates With






    third-party system

    EDI transaction (X.12 856)

  2. Run the Receive Load process to move the ASR service operation data from the staging tables to application tables.

  3. Use the Data Def Maint page to view service operation data and correct error messages that are picked up in the processing of the service operation.

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Understanding Electronic Data Interchange

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Purchase Order Receipt EIP

This section provides an overview of the Purchase Order Receipt EIP and discusses how to use the Purchase Order Receipt EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purchase Order Receipt EIP

The Purchase Order Receipt EIP processes a service operation that contains receipt information from the Warehouse Management System (WMS) partners and PeopleSoft CRM. This asynchronous batch subscribe EIP updates the status of purchase order receipts in PeopleSoft to indicate whether the quantity on the receipt has been received in the WMS system.

Run the Receive Load Application Engine process (PO_RECVLOAD) to move the service operation data from staging tables to application tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the Purchase Order Receipt EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Receiver Load


Purchasing, Receipts, Load Receipts, Receiver Load

Run the Receive Load process.

Data Collection Setup


SCM Integrations, Setup, Data Collection, Data Collection Setup

Set the option to keep transaction log history for electronic data collection transactions and to set the default file suffix.

Transaction Maintenance


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Transactions, Transaction Maintenance

View all electronic transactions in the transaction log and access the detail pages that enable you to correct transaction errors.

Data Def Maint (Data Definition Maintenance)


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Data Definitions, Data Def Maint (data definition maintenance)

View data detail or correct errors for service operations that contain data rather than transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Purchase Order Receipt EIP

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

Before you can use the Purchase Order Receipt EIP, you must:

  1. Setup the service operation within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components:

    Use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Management Integration 9.1 PeopleBook.

    Service Operation

    Direction and Type


    Chunking Available?

    Integrates With






    third-party system

    PeopleSoft CRM

    Warehouse Management System (WMS)

  2. Run the Receive Load process to move the data from staging tables to application tables.

  3. Use the common Transaction Maintenance or Data Def Maint pages to view service operation data and correct error messages that are picked up in the processing of the service operation.

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Purchase Order Expected Receipts EIP

This section provides an overview of the Purchase Order Expected Receipts EIP and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purchase Order Expected Receipts EIP

The Purchase Order Expected Receipt EIP processes expected receipts against a dispatched or changed purchase order to Warehouse Management System applications.

This asynchronous batch publish service operation provides the Warehouse Management System with a list of expected receipts that have not been received for a dispatched purchase order.

Use the common Publish Outbound Message page to initiate the PO_POEROUT_AE Application Engine process that processes the PO_EXPECTED_RECEIPT_BUS_UNIT and PO_EXPECTED_RECEIPT_SHIPTO service operations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the Purchase Order Expected Receipts EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Receipts - Receiving


Purchasing, Receipts, Add/Update Receipts, Maintain Receipts - Receiving

Create receipts for non-purchase order and purchase order line items.

Publish Outbound Message


SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message

Initiate the outbound service operation publish process for outbound PeopleSoft SCM service operations that use the batch publish design pattern.

PO Expected Receipts Selection Criteria


Select PO Expected Receipts check box on the Publish Outbound Message page to enable the PO Expected Receipts link. Click the PO Expected Receipts link to initiate the PO Expected Receipts Selection Criteria page.

Launch the PO Expected Receipts Outbound Transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Purchase Order Expected Receipt EIP

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

Before you can use the Purchase Order Expected Receipt EIP, you must:

  1. Setup within other PeopleSoft applications:

  2. Setup the service operation within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components:

    Use the information in the next table and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Management Integration 9.1 PeopleBook.

    Service Operation

    Direction and Type


    Chunking Available?

    Integrates With






    third-party system

    Warehouse Management System (WMS)






    third-party system

    Warehouse Management System (WMS)

  3. Create or change a purchase order by one of these methods stages the purchase order for processing by the Purchase Order Expected Receipt EIP:

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing the Purchase Order Expected Receipt EIP

Access the PO Expected Receipts Selection Criteria page (select thePO Expected Receipts check box on the Publish Outbound Message page to enable the PO Expected Receipts link, then click the PO Expected Receipts link to initiate the PO Expected Receipts Selection Criteria page).

See Processing the RFQ EIP.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP

This section provides and overview of the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP

The Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP processes purchase order receipt information to external systems such as surgical resource software applications.

Use this EIP to notify vendors about purchase order receipt information. For example, receiving material against a purchase order in the PeopleSoft Purchasing Receiving component triggers the publication of the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP to the POU supplier. This service operation identifies all direct-purchase items and quantities that have been received and are being delivered to specified locations.

Run the Receiver Interface Push Application Engine process (PO_RECVPUSH) to stage the PO_RECEIPT_NOTIFICATION service operation data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Use the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Process Receipts


Purchasing, Receipts, Process Receipts

Define parameters to run the Receiver Interface Push process, Receipt Push Inventory multiprocess job, Receipt Push Assets multiprocess job, and the Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

Before you can use the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP, you must setup the service operation within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components:

Use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Management Integration 9.1 PeopleBook.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






third-party system

surgical resource software

point of use (POU) supplier

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP

Run the Receiver Interface Push process to process the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP.

Receiving material against a purchase order in the PeopleSoft Purchasing Receiving component triggers the processing of a service operation to the POU supplier using the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP. This service operation identifies all direct-purchase items and quantities that have been received and are being delivered to specified locations. The Receiver Interface Push process loads the stage table (RECV_PUSH_NTFY). If a chunking rule for the service operation exists, then the system creates staging records for only those par location receipt transactions where the par location is defined on the par location chunking table (IN_BU_PAR_EOC). If the chunking rule does not exist, then staging records is created for all par location receipt transactions. Once the stage table is loaded, it calls the program that in turn processes the receipt notification service operation.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading Receipts Received Using EIPs and EDC

This section provides an overview of the Receive Load process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Receive Load Process

The Receive Load Application Engine process (PO_RECVLOAD) enables you to load transactions into the PeopleSoft Purchasing tables. Receipts can be received through the following methods:

These transactions enable you to bypass manual receipt entry using the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

The Receive Load process requires that a purchase order exists before a receipt can be created and that receiving is required for the purchase order line. The Receive Load process excludes purchase order lines that have receiving required as X Do Not Receive. Therefore, it is only able to create purchase order-related receipts. The process does not load non-purchase order receipts.

Loading ASR Transactions

When you load ASR transactions, the Receive Load process uses the purchase order line number and line quantity to allocate or cascade quantities to all open or unreceived schedules. Allocations are done on a sequential basis.

If the purchase order line quantity is 100:

If the ASR is for a quantity of 100:

Note. ASR transactions can include supplier-created ASNs from PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection.

Loading EDC Transactions

If you are using an EDC system to load receiving transactions, load the receipt data to the data collection transaction log.

Loading WMS Transactions Using the PO Receipts EIP

If you use a warehouse management system (WMS) application, the transactions are loaded from the WMS application like the EDC transactions. However, in the receipt confirmation transaction from the WMS application, the inventory business unit can be included to associate receipts to the appropriate distribution line. If the inventory business unit is included, the receipt quantity is applied to that business unit distribution line. If you have selected the Allow Receipt Load Cascade check box on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page, the receipt quantity is applied against the next schedule. This applies only to WMS 0103 transactions.

If the receipt confirmation transaction from the WMS application includes a storage location, the storage location sent from the WMS application overrides the default storage location for the putaway of the item.

See Also

Integrating to Warehouse Management Systems

Integrating to Electronic Data Collection Systems

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Load Receipts Received by EIPs and EDC

Page Name

Definition Name



Receiver Load


  • Purchasing, Receipts, Load Receipts, Receiver Load

  • SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Load Purchase Order Receipts, Receiver Load

Run the Receive Load process.

Select Purchase Order


Click the Select Purchase Order link on the Receiver Load page.

Select purchase order items and attributes that you want to process through the Receive Load process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Receive Load Process

Access the Receiver Load page (Purchasing, Receipts, Load Receipts, Receiver Load).

Receiver Load Options

Fields on this page hide and appear depending on the value that you enter in the Receiver Load Options field. Select one of the following options in the Receiver Load Options field to access the associated page function.

Load Data Collect Trans (load data collection transactions): Select to process data collection transactions that are in the transaction log. This includes transaction data received using EDC and WMS systems.

Load ASR Transactions (load ASR transactions): Select to load ASR transactions, also known as ASN transactions, into the purchasing tables.


Use Current UOM Conv Rate (use current unit of measure conversion rate)

Select this check box to use the current unit of measure conversion rate. If you do not select this check box, the system calculates the standard quantity using the purchase order conversion rate.

Note. This check box is only available when PeopleSoft Inventory is installed. When Inventory is not installed, the system always calculates the standard quantity using the current conversion rate.

Use PO Unit as Receipt Unit (use purchase order unit as receipt unit)

Select to set the receipt business unit value on the ASN transactions equal to the purchase order business unit value. When the system inserts the receipt later in the process, the receipt business unit will have the same value as the purchase order business unit. The receipt load default values for the receipts being loaded will be those in the Business Unit record for the receipt business unit value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading EDC Transactions Using the Receive Load Process

Access the Receiver Load page and select Load Data Collect Trans in the Receiver Load Options field (Purchasing, Receipts, Load Receipts, Receiver Load).

Use this version of the page to process data collection transactions in the transaction log.

The Load Data Collection Transactions process, like the other data collection processes, is set up to scan the transaction log continuously as long as there are transactions in the log. If no transactions are in the log when a process scans the log, the process shuts down and can be restarted by the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. Use of PeopleSoft Process Scheduler with this background process ensures that it runs continuously.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading ASR Transactions Using the Receive Load Process

Access the Receiver Load page and select Load ASR Transactions in the Receiver Load Option field (Purchasing, Receipts, Load Receipts, Receiver Load).

Use this version of the page to load ASR transactions into the Purchasing tables.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Receipts

This section provides an overview of the receipt processes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Receipt Processes

PeopleSoft Purchasing provides several multiprocess jobs to use when processing receipts. Working together, these processes load receipt information into PeopleSoft application tables managed by the PeopleSoft Inventory putaway process, PeopleSoft Asset Management asset load process, and PeopleSoft Manufacturing routing and completions update process.

Depending on individual receipt characteristics, each receipt transaction should be processed by at least one of these processes. A receipt's status changes from Received to Moved once it has been successfully processed.

Note. These processes also generate receipt landed cost transactions and any applicable receipt notification messages. For this reason, it is important to run these processes on all receipts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Process Receipts

Page Name

Definition Name



Process Receipts


Purchasing, Receipts, Process Receipts

Define parameters to run the Receiver Interface Push processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Receiver Interface Push Application Engine Process (PO_RECVPUSH)

The Receiver Interface Push process moves data to the PeopleSoft application interface table, where it is picked up by the different batch processes. This process is one of the processes in all of the receipt multiprocess jobs.

Before a receipt can be a candidate for the independently run Receiver Interface Push process, the following criteria must be true:

You can also run the Receiver Interface Push processes from the Process Receipts page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Receipt to Inventory & AM Multiprocess Job (RECV_03)

The Receipt to Inventory & AM process processes receipts that contain inventory-related lines, asset-related lines, or lines that contain both.

The Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job runs these processes automatically:

Also, other receipt multiprocess jobs are provided to assist you with receiving receipts that contain inventory related lines only or asset related lines only. These processes are:

Note. Care should be taken when modifying the PeopleSoft Job Definitions used to process receipts. PS Job RECV_INV must be the second job in the PS Job submitted to process any inventory related receipts. Otherwise the receipt transactions will not be processed by the inventory processes. This rule applies to PS Jobs RECV_01, RECV_01G, RECV_03, and RECV_03G. Modifications to PS Job RECV_INV should only be done with PeopleSoft Inventory product support direction.

Before a receipt can be a candidate for the Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job, the following criteria must be true:

The Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job inserts any applicable putaway rows from the receipt and loads them into the Putaway staging table for the inventory putaway segment of the process.

When a receipt requires corrections to asset-applicable lines, assets previously interfaced can have their quantities both increased or decreased. In addition, if an asset row is canceled on the receipt, a retirement transaction is created and sent to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Notifications of the receipt of subcontracted purchases are routed to PeopleSoft Manufacturing through the Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job. The identifying keys of the Production ID from the original request, along with details about the receipt are passed to the Manufacturing receipt process. When a subcontracted receipt is updated, the Manufacturing receipt process is notified of any changes to the accepted and rejected quantities.

When processing a receipt for a subcontract line that is marked for subcontract streamline and that has a data collection receipt source, transaction log entries are created that are later processed by PeopleSoft Manufacturing batch processing. When processing a last operation receipt, Subcontract Receipt to Stock (0112) transactions are created. Otherwise, Subcontract Receipt Operation (0113) transactions are created.

The successful completion of this process generates landed cost transactions. After these transactions are generated, the process complete status on the receipt line is set to Yes. In addition, receipt notification messages are generated for applicable PeopleSoft Inventory par locations for non-inventory receipt.

You can run the Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job from the Process Receipts page.

See Also

Integrating PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products

Receiving and Putting Away Stock

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Receipt + INV + MFG + AM Multiprocess Job (RECV_07)

The Receipt + INV+ MFG + AM process processes receipts that contain inventory-related lines, asset-related lines, and subcontracted related lines.

The Receipt + INV + MFG + AM multiprocess job runs these processes automatically:

Also, other receipt multiprocess jobs are provided to assist you with receiving receipts that contain subcontracting related lines only, subcontracting and asset related lines only, or subcontracting and inventory related lines only. These processes are:

If the Interface Receipt check box and the Subcontract Streamline check box are both selected on the receipt, then one of the multiprocess jobs is submitted to the process scheduler upon saving the receipt using the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page. The type of receipt related lines determine which job is submitted by the system.

See Also

Integrating PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products

Receiving and Putting Away Stock

Completing Operations and Recording Scrap

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Additional Receipt Processes

Use additional receipt processes to process receipts that contain inventory-related lines, asset-related lines, or subcontracted related lines. Use PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to run one or more of the following additional receipt multiprocess jobs:

Note. Job names ending in the letter G means the receipt accrual process is being requested as well.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Receipts

Access the Process Receipts page (Purchasing, Receipts, Process Receipts).

Autogenerate Labels

Select this check box to generate labels for the receipt using the PO Receipt Labels report page.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Close Short Process

This section discusses how to submit the Close Short process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Close Short Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Close Short


Purchasing, Receipts, Close Short

Submit the Close Short process for a specified business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting the Close Short Process

Access the Close Short page (Purchasing, Receipts, Close Short).

Use this page to run the Close Short (PO_CLSSHORT) process for specific business units. The process creates the batch purchase order change requests, but does not update the purchase order. The Process Change Orders batch program must be run subsequently to updating the purchase orders. The Close Short process creates the change order transactions for the purchase orders.

You define close short settings for receipt lines using the Receiving page. Use the Receiving tab on the Purchase Order page or the Close Short Workbench to define close short settings for purchase orders. You can run the Close Short process from this page, from the Purchase Order page, or using the Close Short Workbench job.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which you want to run the Close Short process.

Close Days

Enter the number of days that a purchase order line can remain open without receipt activity when the Close Short check box has been selected for the line. The system cancels those purchase order lines that exceed the close days value


Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Landed Costs on Receipts

This section provides an overview of landed costs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Landed Costs

Landed costs are miscellaneous charges that you can add to a purchase order in addition to sales and use tax and VAT. If PeopleSoft Cost Management is installed, you can use the landed cost charges in PeopleSoft Cost Management to calculate the actual cost of an item.

If PeopleSoft Cost Management is not installed, you can still define a landed cost miscellaneous charge on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page. You can then set up PeopleSoft Purchasing to calculate the landed cost automatically based on items and item vendors using the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page, or you can manually add landed costs charges on the purchase order. Receipt lines generated at receiving push time are assigned these estimated landed costs from their associated purchase order schedules.

PeopleSoft provides landed cost reports, such as the Estimate vs. Actual Landed Cost report (CMS3000), Total Purchase Variance report (CMS3010), and Standard Purchase Variance report (CMS3020) to assist you in landed cost analysis.

See Also

Defining Miscellaneous Charges and Landed Costs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Landed Costs on Receipts

Page Name

Definition Name



LC Manual Close (landed cost manual close)


Purchasing, Receipts, Close Landed Costs, LC Manual Close

View and enter details about landed costs applied to a receipt and the vouchers created to pay for them. Perform manual overrides, closing individual or all landed cost lines associated with the selected receipt line.

Voucher Details


Click the Misc Chg link on the LC Manual Close page.

View voucher details for the selected landed cost applied to the receipt line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Receipt and Voucher Landed Cost Information

Access the LC Manual Close page (Purchasing, Receipts, Close Landed Costs, LC Manual Close).

Receipt Line Charges


Select this check box at the header level to close all landed cost lines for the selected receipt. Select at the line level to close an individual landed cost line.

LC Status (landed cost status)

Displays the landed-cost status of the selected receipt line. Values are:

Open: The landed cost status for the receipt line remains in an Open status until all landed cost voucher lines have a Closed status.

Closed: The landed cost status for the receipt line changes to Closed when all of the landed cost voucher lines have a Closed status.

Misc Chg (miscellaneous charge)

Displays the miscellaneous charge code assigned to the landed cost charged to the receipt line. Click this link to access the Voucher Details page.

Charge Amount

Displays the estimated landed costs from the purchase order schedule.

Voucher Amt (voucher amount)

Displays the actual amount paid on the voucher for the landed cost. This value appears by default from the accounts payable system.

Voucher Qty (voucher quantity)

Displays the actual landed cost item quantity accounted for on the voucher. This value appears by default from the accounts payable system.

Amount Variance %

Displays the percentage by which the landed cost charge amount value varies from the landed cost voucher amount value.

Quantity Variance %

Displays the percentage by which the landed cost accept quantity value varies from the landed cost voucher quantity value.

Amount Tolerance %

Displays the percentage by which the actual landed cost (voucher amount value) can be more or less than the estimated landed cost (charge amount value). This value enables the charge to be automatically closed for landed costs when the voucher amount is within tolerance of the charge (purchase order) amount.

Quantity Tolerance %

Displays the percentage by which the actual landed cost quantity (voucher quantity value) can be more or less than the estimated landed cost quantity (accept quantity value).

Note. A receipt cannot be reconciled unless the amount and quantity variances are within the amount and quantity tolerances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Voucher Details for Landed Costs

Access the Voucher Details page (click the Misc Chg link on the LC Manual Close page).

Matching Vouchers

Voucher Qty Converted (voucher quantity converted)

Displays the original quantity of items received on this receipt line.

Charge Amount Converted

Displays the original estimated landed cost charge from the purchase order schedule.

Charge Amount

Displays the actual landed cost charge paid on the voucher converted from the estimated landed cost on the purchase order schedule using the voucher currency and UOM (unit of measure).

UOM Vchr (unit of measure voucher)

Displays the unit of measure assigned to the landed cost quantity on the voucher.

Quantity Vouchered

Displays the landed cost quantity vouchered after conversion to the UOM of the voucher.

Click to jump to parent topicClosing Receipts

This section provides an overview of the Close Receipts process and lists the page used to run the Close Receipts process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Close Receipts Process

Use the Close Receipts Application Engine process (PO_RECV_COM) to close and assign a Closed status to receipt schedules that have been interfaced to assets, inventory, or manufacturing (if required) and matched (if required).

When you add a new run control or change the business unit value, the system derives the Close Days field default value from the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit table (BUS_UNIT_TBL_PM.CLOSE_DELAY_DAYS). The numeric value can then be changed. The Receipt Close process then uses the Close Days field value from the run control when determining if a receipt is eligible for closing. The process subtracts the Close Days value from the current date time value and compares it to the receipt header Last Change Date field value. The system does not change the receipt status to a Complete status unless the last change date on the receipt header is less than the current date minus the Close Days field value.

Closing a receipt prevents maintenance from being performed on the receipt because the receipt is no longer visible in the receipt update option. You can use the Receipts inquiry page to view closed receipts.

The receipt line has a Closed status when all the required interfaces for the line have been satisfied (moved to inventory, assets, and / or manufacturing, as well as matching). The receipt header has a Closed status when all line items have been identified Closed. A receipt can have some lines in an Open status and other schedules and lines that have been Closed. Canceled lines are ignored in determining the status of the receipt.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Close Receipts

Page Name

Definition Name



Close Receipts


Purchasing, Receipts, Close Receipts

Run the Close Receipts process.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Receiving Labels

This section provides an overview of barcode label generation and lists the page used to generate receiving labels.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Barcode Label Generation

Use the PO Receipt Item Usage Labels page to generate the Receipt Item Usage Label SQR Report (PORC920). This report provides for barcode scanning in the warehouse, on the manufacturing floor, or later in the supply chain. You can print barcode labels from PeopleSoft through an in-house or third-party bar code label product.

Note. PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM applications do not support the printing of bar codes from processes running on OS390 servers. You should run your SQRs that print barcodes on a process scheduler server that is running on a non-OS390 operation system.

To generate barcode labels:

  1. Set up the attributes for each label type on the Data Collection Label Setup page.

  2. Generate a flat file containing the label data by running a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler SQR program from the label-specific run control page.

  3. Pass the flat file to an in-house or a third-party barcode label product to print the labels.

In PeopleSoft Purchasing, you can use the PO Receipt Item Usage labels page to create:

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Page Name

Definition Name



PO Receipt Item Usage Labels


Purchasing, Receipts, Reports, Receipt Item Usage Labels, PO Receipt Item Usage Labels

Define parameters for the PO Receipt Item Usage Labels flat file that you want to produce.