Issuing Material to Production

This chapter provides an overview of component issue methods and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Component Issue Methods

After releasing production, you need the proper components to manufacture the item on the shop floor. There are several ways to make sure that the materials are there. You can stock components in the WIP locations, you can issue material directly to a production ID, or you can move the components to the shop floor when material is needed at a work center. You can also move material to production using electronic data collection.

You can issue material to production in the same manner that you control component items. In some instances, you may want only a fixed quantity located on the shop floor, especially when space is limited. In addition, there may be some items that do not need to be allocated to specific orders or a production run. In this case, you'll want to keep components on hand in the WIP locations to fulfill this need. PeopleSoft Manufacturing supports three methods of issuing components to the shop floor: Issue, Kit, and Replenish.

You define the issue method for each component of an end item at the production area and end item level. Define the issue method by selecting one of these options:


Use this method to generate a picking plan and issue material directly from inventory to the operation's work center for all components. When you select this option, all the components for the end item are issued using this method.


Use this method to generate a picking plan and issue material from inventory directly to a production ID. During the picking process, the components are assembled into batches or kits. When you select this option for regular production, all the components for the end item are issued using this method. For rework and teardown production, the end item to be reworked or torn down is issued using the kit method. The system issues any additional components required for rework or teardown production using the issue method set for each item at the production area and item level. This issue method appears automatically from the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing page, and it can be overridden on the Production Area - Item Detail page.


Use this method to stock all of the components for the end item in the WIP locations. The system doesn't generate pick plans for component requirements. However, the system uses the Replenishment Notification workflow to notify a defined role when the quantity on hand in the WIP location falls below a minimum stocking quantity. When you select this option, all components for the end item are managed using replenishment.

If you're using PeopleSoft Flow Production, and the issue method is replenish, you can also replenish the WIP locations directly from an inventory location, feeder line, or vendor using Kanban cards or online replenishment requests.

Component's Method

Use this method when you want to mix the method of issuing components. With this option, you can issue some of the components using the issue method, some using the kit method, and others using the replenishment method. In this case, you'll use the component's method that is defined on the Define Business Unit Item pages.

Note. Quantities of an item that are stored in a nettable, available WIP location and that are reserved for production use are not available for other purposes.

See Also

Understanding the Flow Production Process

Defining Manufacturing Information for an Item

Defining Production Area and Item Detail

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Manufacturing

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Production ID

The production order identifier.

Production Area

The production area identifier where the manufacturing process occurs.

Item ID

The item and description of the item being manufactured.

Prdn Type (production type)

The type of production being processed. Values are Production, Rework, and Teardown.

Start Date

The date the production is or was due to begin.

Due Date

The date the production is or was due to be completed.

Component Issue Methods

Options are Issue, Kit, or Replenish.

Prdn Start Qty (production start quantity)

The quantity required at the beginning of the production process. This quantity is rounded up to account for any operation yield if the system calculates the production start quantity based on the production end quantity.

Prdn End Qty (production end quantity)

The quantity expected at the end of the production process. This quantity is rounded down to account for any operation yield if the system calculates the production end quantity based on the production start quantity.

Serial in Prdn (serial in production)

A display-only check box that indicates if serial genealogy information is captured for the production ID.

Trace Usage

A field indicating whether serial or lot genealogy is captured for the component ID. If the component's trace usage is serial or lot and the assembly's Serial in Prdn option is selected, then genealogy information is captured. Values are Serial, Lot, and None.

See Also

Using Serial Genealogy in PeopleSoft Manufacturing

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Issue Method

Use this method to issue components for a defined period of production. When using the issue method, you generate a picking plan that specifies certain parameters for picking components. For example, you might have the system to recommend the location from which to pick the components, or you might want to view all locations and then select one. You can also specify that you want to pick enough components to cover production for a certain number of days, for a date range, or for current production.

Once you define how you want to pick the material, you use picking plans to translate requested stock into material picking instructions for stockroom processing. After the material has been pulled and the picking plan is confirmed, the system decrements the picked quantities from the quantity available at the stockroom location.

When choosing the material to pick, the system uses the existing on-hand inventory quantity in the WIP location. This logic includes all component requirements for the specified time frame and nets that against the existing quantity in the WIP location as well as all pending pick plans ready to release. The logic also takes into account any operation yield. This ensures that excess material in the WIP location is always used before additional material is issued. In addition, PeopleSoft Manufacturing includes all production from the beginning time, taking into account all previous material shortages.

Note. Quantities of an item that are stored in a nettable, available WIP location and reserved for production use are not available for other purposes.

With this method, you can set a minimum quantity for the item in a specific WIP location. This enables you to maintain a buffer or a safety stock in the location to ensure sufficient quantity on hand is always available.

If you display substitutions on the pick plan, the process verifies that sufficient quantity on hand exists to pick the full issue quantity. If not, all effective substitute items with available quantities are listed, along with their locations. The substitute items listed are based on the list of substitutes defined in the business unit's item attributes for the original component.

See Also

Reviewing and Confirming Picking Plans

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Kit Method

Use this method to issue components directly to production IDs for discrete production runs. When using the kit method, you generate a PUSH or PULL picking plan in the same manner as the issue method. The material is then assembled into batches or kits. You cannot use kitting with production schedules.

When additional kitted components are required for a production ID—or when excess material must be returned back to stock—use the Issue/Return Kit Components page. If you need to return a kit in its entirety, use the Component De-Kit page.

Kitting is the required issue method for rework and teardown end items. The end item to be reworked or torn down is issued using the kit method from a non-nettable storage location. The system issues any additional components required for rework or teardown production using the issue method set for each item at the production area and item level. This issue method appears automatically from the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing page, and it can be overridden on the Production Area - Item Detail page.

If you display substitutions on the pick plan, the process verifies that sufficient quantity on hand exists to pick the full, required quantity for the specified production ID or operation. If not, all effective substitute items with available quantities are listed, along with their locations. The substitute items listed are based on the list of substitutes defined in the business unit item attributes for the original component.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Replenishment Method

To define storage locations, use the Storage Locations (STOR_LOCATIONS) component. To define storage area locations, use the Storage Areas (STORAGE_AREAS) component.

To define replenishment locations, use the Production Replenish Locations component (REPL_LOCATIONS). Use the REPL_LOCATIONS_CI component interface to load data into the tables for this component.

Use the replenishment method to stock components in the WIP locations at the work center where you use the component. These components are typically stocked to a defined on-hand quantity that you establish. During completions, the components are consumed from the WIP location. When the quantity on hand for an item falls below its replenishment quantity in that location, a workflow notification is sent to the stockroom, indicating the location must be replenished.

If you use PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can also use Kanban cards, pull tickets, and pull lists to communicate the replenishment request. Before you move components into replenishment locations, specify the replenishment point for each component that you manage by using the replenishment method. You must also specify the issue multiple that is used to replenish the WIP location. Define both of these parameters using the Define Business Unit items pages. If you use PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can also replenish the WIP locations directly from an inventory location, feeder line, or vendor using Kanban cards or online replenishment requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the Replenishment Method

Page Name

Definition Name



Prdn Replenish Locations


Inventory, Maintain Storage Locations, Production Replenish Locations, Prdn Replenish Locations

Define production replenishment locations. This is required if you use PeopleSoft Flow Production. If you use PeopleSoft Manufacturing without PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can set up production replenishment defaults if you use the replenishment component-issue method.

Prdn Replenish Detail


Inventory, Maintain Storage Locations, Production Replenish Locations, Prdn Replenish Detail

Click the Production Replenishment Detail button on the Production Replenish Locations page.

If you have PeopleSoft Flow Production installed, define how WIP locations are replenished. If you use PeopleSoft Manufacturing without Flow Production, set up defaults if you use the replenishment component-issue method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Production Replenishment Locations

Access the Prdn Replenish Locations page (Inventory, Maintain Storage Locations, Production Replenish Locations, Prdn Replenish Locations).

WIP locations

Select the storage location for the item. The storage levels that appear depend on the storage structure established on the Inventory Options page.

Iss Mult (issue multiple) and Repl Point (replenishment point)

Define values for these fields.

When the quantity on hand in the WIP location drops below the specified replenishment point, the system issues a workflow replenishment request indicating that additional material needs to be supplied, and it uses the issue multiple that you specify on this page.

If you use PeopleSoft Flow Production, the system uses the issue multiple for the Kanban quantity.

Note. If you haven't installed PeopleSoft Flow Production, the system uses the replenishment point for only those items that have a replenishment mode of Backflush-Controlled.

WIP Min Qty (WIP minimum quantity)

Enter a value to indicate the minimum amount of the item that you want stored at the WIP location and that is not associated with a specific order.

WIP RPL Source (WIP replenishment source)

Select to specify where to send the PeopleSoft Flow Production replenishment request and which source supplies the WIP location. Options are:

  • Feeder: A feeder line creates subassemblies that it feeds into the main production line.

    Once you have used a specified quantity of the subassemblies, you send a replenishment signal to start production on the feeder line.

  • Inventory: You replenish the WIP location directly from an inventory location.

  • Vendor: You replenish the WIP location by directly receiving purchased components from a vendor.

Repl Max Qty (replenishment maximum quantity), WIP RPL Source (WIP replenishment source), WIP RPL Mode (WIP replenishment mode), WIP RPL Type (WIP replenishment type), and WIP RPL Method (WIP replenishment method)

If you do not use PeopleSoft Flow Production, these fields are unavailable. In that case, the system uses the default replenishment mode of Backflush Controlled and a replenishment method of Workflow.

Repl Max Qty (replenishment maximum quantity)

If you are using PeopleSoft Flow Production, this field is set to the maximum amount of the item that you want stored at any WIP location using the item. This quantity includes the item's on-hand quantity and any open requests already made. The system issues a warning if you perform a replenishment transaction that exceeds the replenishment maximum quantity.

Note. This field is available for only those items using the Manual replenishment mode.

See Also

Defining Production Replenishment Locations

Understanding the Flow Production Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Replenish Details

Access the Prdn Replenish Detail page (Click the Production Replenishment Detail button on the Production Replenish Locations page).

Repl Point (replenishment point) and Iss Mult (issue multiple)

Define values for these fields.

Repl Max Qty (replenishment maximum quantity)

If you are using PeopleSoft Flow Production, enter a value to set the maximum amount of the item that you want stored at any WIP location using the item. It includes the item's on-hand quantity and any open requests already made.

Note. This field is available for only those items using the Manual replenishment mode.

WIP RPL Mode (WIP replenishment mode)

Select to indicate how PeopleSoft Flow Production generates replenishment requests for the item. Options are:

  • Backflush Controlled: You consume components from the WIP location while backflushing completions.

    When the quantity on hand falls below the replenishment point, the system automatically generates a replenishment request to bring the on-hand quantity back above the replenishment point. The replenishment request is a multiple of the issue multiple. For example, if the replenishment point is 60, the on-hand quantity is 30, and the issue multiple is 20, then the system generates a replenishment request for 40 to bring the on-hand WIP location quantity back above the replenishment point.

  • Kanban Card: The replenishment process uses Kanban cards as a manual request for material.

    Kanban cards are either entered or imported into the system and then printed out. A Kanban card would be attached to a box of components. Each Kanban card has a Kanban ID.

  • Manual: A visual indicator signifies that the WIP location needs replenishment, and you scan in the item ID and WIP location to generate a replenishment request for the specified issue multiple.

    This request includes the replenishment quantity and source location associated with that item and WIP location. This is largely used with electronic data collection.

Note. If you are using Kanban cards with PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can select a WIP replenishment type to designate whether you want the Kanban card to be used one time or to be reusable. This field is available only if you select Kanban Card for the WIP replenishment mode.

WIP RPL Source (WIP replenishment source)

Select to specify where to send the PeopleSoft Flow Production replenishment request and which source supplies the WIP location. Options are:

  • Feeder: A feeder line creates subassemblies that it feeds into the main production line.

    Once you use a certain quantity of the subassemblies, you send a replenishment signal to start production on the feeder line. If you select Feeder as the WIP replenishment source, the WIP Production Area field becomes available. Select the WIP production area that serves as a feeder line for the item.

  • Inventory: You replenish WIP location directly from an inventory location.

    If you select Inventory as the WIP replenishment source, the Source Location fields become available for entry. Select the source storage location that replenishes this item. The location field is not mandatory but, if completed, it must be a valid location. The storage levels that appear depend on the storage structure established on the Inventory Options Page.

  • Vendor: Use vendor replenishment to replenish the WIP location by directly receiving purchased components from a vendor.

    If you have selected Vendor as the WIP replenishment source, the Vendor ID and Vendor Location fields become available. Select the vendor ID and vendor location that directly replenish this item. You can override this before dispatch if necessary.

WIP RPL Method (WIP replenishment method)

Select to designate how the PeopleSoft Flow Production replenishment request is communicated. You must select Backflush or Manual as the WIP replenishment mode to use WIP replenishment methods. The WIP replenishment method options are:

  • Workflow: The system generates a worklist entry that links to the Production Replenishment worklist, and uses defaults for the item, quantity, and From and To WIP locations. You can override the values to complete the transfer.

  • Pull Ticket: You create a one-time replenishment request through either a backflush or a manual scan and run the pull ticket print process to print the pull ticket. This is similar to a one-time Kanban card.

  • Pull List: A pull list is a list of Kanban requests that you use in a manner similar to the one that you use for a pick list. You scan in Kanban IDs to transfer quantities. You run the pull list process on a scheduled basis that picks up all new requests. You scan in the Kanban ID from the pull list to transact each request.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Processing Picking Plans

PeopleSoft Manufacturing uses picking plans to translate requested stock into material picking instructions for stockroom processing. The system supports PUSH and PULL picking methods:

PUSH picking plan

The system determines the locations from which to pick each item, and it creates a hard reservation for the item when you generate the pick list. A hard reservation reserves the item in a specific location. Once a hard reservation exists, the item is unavailable for other inventory transactions.

PULL picking plan

The system lists all available locations from which the picker can pull the items. The picker then enters the actual location information. When pulling material to production, PeopleSoft Manufacturing doesn't make a hard reservation at the time that the picking plan is generated.

Note. Item quantities in WIP are not available to fulfill sales orders or material stock requests.

You can create a picking plan for items in a production area that use the production issue or production kitting material issue methods. Floor stock and expensed items are never kitted or issued.

If you pick lot-controlled items and the lot is not yet available (or has already expired), the picking plan report prints the applicable date. If the date has already passed, the lot has expired. If the date is in the future, the lot is not yet available. The picking plan displays material from a lot as available even if it has expired, but you can then change the location using the Review Plan process (SFS6000).

The system generates picking plans for production IDs and production schedules in the Released or In Process status.

To create and process a picking plan for issue or kit components:

  1. Create a picking plan using either a PUSH or PULL picking method by using the Picking Options page.

  2. Pick the material.

    If you use the PULL method, record the picked components and the storage area and location from which they were picked. If you use the PUSH method, confirm that the components were picked from the storage area and location recommended in the pick plan. You can simultaneously confirm the picking plan and release material to production. To automatically initiate the Material Release process, select Release at Save, confirm the pick plan, and then save the page. Alternatively, you can schedule the process by running the Update Pick Batch process. Confirm the pick plan and selecting either the Update Pick Batch process or the Update Pick Batch and Release process.

  3. Review and confirm the picking plan using the Review Plan page.

    If you pick quantity for the pick line in phases, then you should not check the complete option until you execute the final pick.

  4. Issue material to the shop floor using the Material Release page, if the release process wasn't automatically initiated from the Update Pick Batch process or the Update Pick Batch and Release process.

See Also

Establishing or Updating Control Parameters for a Specific Lot

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Process Picking Plans

Page Name

Definition Name



Picking Options


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Create Picking Plan, Picking Options

Generate picking plans for production. You can generate pick plans for production with a status of Released or In Process.

Pick Plan Extract


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Create Picking Plan, Picking Options

Click the Attachment button to select a Pick Plan Extract file.

Indicate that you want to print the extract file for bar codes, and indicate where the file is located.

Picking Options - Production Selection


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Create Picking Plan, Production Range

Define the range of production IDs, production schedules, production areas, and item IDs for which you want to generate a picking plan.

Runtime Settings


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Create Picking Plan, Runtime Settings

Indicate the maximum number of locations to display once quantity has been fulfilled when running a pull pick plan and when displaying substitute items. Also, use this page to set the commit level during processing. The commit level is the number of components that are processed between updates to the database and is used to minimize database locking.

Note. This page is typically hidden, and it should be only be accessed by a system administrator. Once this page has been configured, the page should again be hidden.

Review Plan - Production Selection


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Review Plan, Production Selection

Select the specific pick batch that you want to review.

Note. You must generate at least one pick plan by using the Material Picking Plan process.

Review Plan


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Review Plan

Enter information on the Production Selection page and click the Search button to retrieve the plan.

Confirm that the material was pulled from the suggested stores location, or to indicate from which location the material was pulled.

Note. You must generate at least one pick plan by using the Material Picking Plan process.

Pick Batch Options


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Update Pick Batch, Pick Batch Options

Select the report parameters for the pick batch you'd like to update.

Note. You must first generate a pick plan for selected production.

Update Pick Batch - Production Selection


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Update Pick Batch, Production Selection

Select the production to update.

Material Release


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Material Release

Issue material to the shop floor. Use this page if you selected the Do Not Release at Save option on the Review Plan page or if you did not select the two-step process in the Update Pick Batch component.

Note. You must pick and confirm at least one pick plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Picking Plans

Access the Picking Options page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Create Picking Plan, Picking Options).

Report Only Mode

Select to preview the pick plan before running it. The system does not create material reservations in Report Only mode because it is an information-only report.


Select to print substitutes on the pick plan.

However, if you do not want the picker to pick substitutes, run the pick plan without displaying any substitutes. In this case, you can also run the pick plan in Report Only mode first, list substitutes, and then make the substitution on the component list before running the final pick plan.

Note. Substitute items for rework and teardown end items do not appear.

Once a partial pick has been done using an item or its substitute, it must be completed with the same item. No partial picking is permitted. If there is a shortage of the original item and it has substitutes, the substitutes appear on the pick plan. They are distinguished by a border around the substitute items.

Note. The pick plan does not perform automatic substitutions.

Reprint Pick Batch

Select to reprint a previously printed pick batch.

Pick Batch ID

This edit box becomes available when you select Reprint Pick Batch. Select the pick batch ID number.

If this is the first time you're printing the picking plan, do not select the Reprint Pick Batch check box.

System (Push) or Picker (Pull)

Indicate whether the system uses one of the following methods to determine the locations from which is picks components:

  • If you select the PUSH method, the system recommends from which inventory locations to pick the material.

    When the system uses this method, it transfers the material from the suggested location upon material release. You can change the location prior to confirmation in the Review Plan page.

  • If you use the PULL method, you decide which inventory location from which to pull the material and enter that information in the Review Plan page.

    The picking plan displays all locations (up to a maximum of 10) where available inventory is located.

Issue Method Option

Select from the following options: Issue, Kit, and Both Issue and Kit. Subsequent selection options depend on the issue method selected here.


When this method is selected, components on production IDs or schedules whose issue method is set to Production Issue are picked. Because these components are sent to WIP locations for consumption during end-item completions, the Production Selection process prompts you for WIP location information.

The issue method uses netting to determine the amount of components to send to the WIP locations. The system includes all requirements through the selected date, even past due requirements when a date range is entered. It also checks requirements from production areas outside the selected range of production areas, if they share the same WIP locations.

For each required component, the system determines the available quantity on hand in the WIP location. If the quantity on hand is negative, the system treats it as 0. The system then determines the required quantity of the component for the selected production. The system also reviews the quantity of in-process picking plans for the component and the WIP location.

The system then checks the WIP minimum quantity, which is defined at the item and location level. It defines the additional quantity to be issued over and above the demand for Issue components. If all requirements occur as planned—and no additional material is issued to the WIP location—the component should have this quantity remaining in the WIP location.

Once all demand is calculated (quantity required + WIP minimum quantity), it's netted against all supply (quantity on hand in the WIP location + all pending pick plans destined for the location). If the demand is greater than the supply, that amount appears on the pick plan. If supply is greater than demand, the component is not printed on the pick plan.


When this method is selected, components on production IDs whose issue method is set to Production Kit are picked. Because these components are issued directly to a production ID and are not consumed from WIP locations during end item completions, you specify the production area, production ID, and operation to which you want to send material. You cannot send material to a WIP location. The pick plan nets the component's scheduled quantity against the issued quantity. If the scheduled quantity is greater than the issued quantity, it prints the quantity on the pick plan. If the issued quantity is equal to or greater than the scheduled quantity, the system considers that component requirement fulfilled and does not print it on the pick plan.

Both Issue and Kit

This method assumes that you're picking components for production regardless of the issue method. Using this option, some components are sent to WIP locations and some directly to a production ID. On the Production Selection page, you specify to which production ID kitted components are sent as well as which WIP locations are stocked.

Production Type

Select Production, Rework, or Teardown.

Note. A component with the item status of Hold for the production type Production cannot be picked. However, a component with item status of Hold for rework and teardown production can be picked.

Picking Report Sort

You can sort the picking plan by component, location, or production area. The production area option is available for only pull and push kits.


Select to indicate that you want each component or location to print on its own separate page. The options available depend on the issue method selected. These are the valid combinations and sort options:


Push or Pull

Issue Method

By Component

By Location

By Production Area/ID







Issue, Both










Issue, Both





Picking Date/Shift Selection

Indicate the production start dates and shifts for which you want to include picking plans. This information is required. The system issues a picking plan for all components associated with operations due to start within specified periods. Options are:

  • Date Range: The system picks all components associated with operations due to start on or between the From and Thru date and shifts specified.

    For example, if you enter from 3/1/02 shift through 3/2/02 shift 1, the pick plan includes all the material required for production scheduled to start on 3/1/02 shifts 1, 2, or 3 and 3/2/02 shift 1. If you have selected Issue as the issue method, the From date field is unavailable. The pick plan automatically includes all requirements from the beginning time and nets that against what was already consumed (issued to the production ID or production schedule), pending pick plans ready to release and any quantity remaining in the WIP location. This ensures all past due shortages are fulfilled.

  • Lead Time: Enter the number of days of production that you want to pick in the Lead Days field.

    The current date is considered one lead day. Once the lead days are entered, the date through which production is picked is displayed in the Thru date and shift fields. Because the production or work center calendars are not used, the number of lead days also includes weekends in its Thru date calculation.

  • Today: Select this option to run pick plans for all components associated with operations due to start on the current day.

    When selected, the Thru date automatically appears as the current date and shift 3. This indicates a pick plan will be run for all shifts. You can change the date or shift if you want to pick for a different day or through a different shift. When you exit the page and return, the Thru date automatically displays the current date and shift 3, regardless of what was entered and saved in a previous session.

Print Bar Code

Select to have the system print bar codes for bar coded fields on the Pick List.

Note. PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM applications do not support the printing of bar codes from processes running on OS390 servers. You should run your SQRs that print barcodes on a process scheduler server that is running on a non-OS390 operation system.

Print Bar Coded Control Flags

Select to attach an item's control flags to the bar code printed on each line of the Picking Plan report. These control flags enable the electronic data collection system to prompt for the lot ID, serial ID, staged date, or shipping serial ID immediately after the user scans the bar-coded line number field. For cases that do not require control flags (for example, when you are using a wedge to scan the pick batch ID or pick batch line number bar codes directly into the Inventory Picking page), you might prefer not to select this check box.

The format for the bar code printed for each detail line is LSDAH:99999, where:

  • L = Lot ID Control Flag

  • S = Serial ID Control Flag

  • D = Staged Date Control Flag

  • A = Actual Cost Control Flag

  • H = Shipping Serial ID Control Flag

  • : = Constant

  • 99999 = Line Number

Note. PeopleSoft Inventory delivers printer settings for all Structured Query Report (SQR) output to a generic line printer. However, when printing bar coded information on reports, such as the Material Putaway Plan report and the Picking Plan report on a printer control language printer (for example, HP LaserJet), you must first define the printer type accordingly. You can do this by changing the printer type settings that PeopleSoft Inventory delivers in SETENV.SQC from LINEPRINTER to HPLASERJET.

If you use electronic data collection, you can create a pick plan extract file. This file can be downloaded to a data collection device and used instead of a paper pick plan. The extract file is ASCII format and contains all the information included within the regular pick plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Pick Plan Extract Page

Access the Pick Plan Extract page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Create Picking Plan, Picking Options. Click the Attachment button to select a Pick Plan Extract file).

Print Extract File

Select to create a picking plan extract file.

File Directory and File Name

Enter the location to which you want to save the pick plan extract.


Click to return to the Picking Options page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Picking Plan Production Criteria

Access the Production Selection page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Create Picking Plan, Production Range).

Production Area Information

The production selection options available on this page depend on the material issue method that you choose on the picking options page.

For example, if you select the kit method on the picking options page, the WIP Location Range for Issues group box items are not available.

Prdn Areas (production areas)

You can select one of these options when generating picking plans for components using the issue or kit method:

  • All: If you select this option and the issue method you selected is issue, you can additionally enter a range of WIP locations.

  • Range: If you select this option, the system checks all WIP locations for the production selected.

Options for Kits

You can select one of these options when generating picking plans for components using the kit method:

  • All

  • Range

  • Prdn ID: You can also indicate either all or a range.

  • Item ID: You can also indicate either all or a range.

WIP Location Range for Issues

Select All or Range if all production areas use the issue method. Within the range of storage area, you can further define the selection by any of the four location levels set up in the inventory. If you selected a range of production areas, you cannot select a range of WIP locations.

Note. If you're selecting consigned kit issue components, including lot- and serial-controlled components, the system picks from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.


Click to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Pick Plan process and report (SFS6000) at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Runtime Settings for Pick Plans

Access the Runtime Settings page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Create Picking Plan, Runtime Settings).

Pick Plan Commit Batch

This field controls database pick plan commit level processing.

Pick Plan Commit Batch

Enter the number of components that you want to process before a database update is performed.

If you do not want to do intermittent commits, then set the commit level to a higher number that is larger than the normal number of components that are usually processed within a pick plan. You may need to try different commit levels to achieve the maximum level of performance while minimizing database locking. The default is 100.

Max Pull/Substitute Locations (maximum pull/substitute locations)

Enter the maximum number of locations that you want displayed when running a pull pick plan. This value is also used to determine the number to display for substitute components and their locations. The default is 10.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Confirming Picking Plans

Once you generate the picking plan, you must review the plan, make any modifications to PUSH picking plans before picking the material, and enter the picking locations for the material if you're using the PULL method to issue material. You can modify the picking plan before or after you pick the material.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Production Criteria for Reviewing Pick Plans

Access the Production Selection page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Review Plan, Production Selection).

Unit and Pick Batch ID

When reviewing the pick plan, these fields are required.

Line #, Component ID, Production ID, and WIP Location

You can use these fields to narrow the selection or as a way to view the pick plan.

Pick Batch ID

Enter the number associated with the batch. You can select the ID for the entire pick batch, or you can select From Line # and To Line # to review part of the pick batch. The pick list line number is a sequential number corresponding to each heading on the report, the component and production ID, or production schedule and operation for kitted production, or a component and a WIP location for issue production.

Component ID

Enter to review a picking plan for a specific component ID.

Production ID

Enter to review a picking plan for a specific production ID.

WIP Location and storage Area

For picking plans using the issue method, enter values for these fields and for the levels of locations defined for the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit to review a picking plan for a specific location.


Click to retrieve the selected pick plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Pick Plan

Access the Review Plan page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Review Plan. Enter information on the Production Selection page and click the Search button to retrieve the plan).


Select how you want the material release to occur. Options are:

  • No Release at Save: Upon saving the page, material is reserved but not released to the production floor.

    You can release material to the production floor by using the Material Release page.

  • Release at Save: Upon saving the page, material is reserved and released to the production floor.

    The system automatically runs the Material Release process, which decrements the quantity on hand in the selected stores locations and issues the material to the WIP locations or to the production ID.

Kit Components

Where substitutes exist, the Comp ID (component ID) field is available, and you can display substitutes for the component.

The substitute component list is obtained from the BOM. No partial substitutions are allowed if components have previously been issued.

Note. When a kit component is substituted, the component list is updated to reflect the substitution when you click Save on the Review Plan page.

If a substitution is done on a PUSH pick plan, the original component is unpicked and the new component quantity picked. If the substitution is done on a PULL pick plan and a pick has already been recorded, the substitution is treated the same as for a PUSH plan.

Issue Components

For issue components that are consigned, the pick plan prints only non-owned material locations. If this component exists in an owned location, it must be manually transferred to an owned WIP location to be used in production. This cannot be done using the pick list.

The substitute component list is obtained from the business unit level because the component may be associated with multiple end items, resulting in multiple substitute item lists.

Where substitutes exist, the Comp ID (component ID) field is available, and you can display substitutes for the component.

When an issue component is substituted, you must maintain the information at the component list on the Component List Maintenance page or the Edit/Issue Components page to record the substitution on the appropriate production IDs and production schedules. Until the data is updated or if another pick plan is run, the system attempts to pick the original component again.

The system displays the number of storage levels defined for each storage location. Click the Storage Location Search button to search for a different storage area.

If you're using the PUSH material issue method, the recommended storage area appears. You can modify the storage area, if you pulled material from an alternate location, as well as the quantity picked. If you need to change the picking location for a component, set the quantity to 0 or delete the existing row, and insert a new row.

Storage Area

If you're selecting consigned kit issue components, including lot- and serial-controlled components, you can pick from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations if material exists in both.

If you're using the PULL material issue method, specify the storage location such as Aisle, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4, depending on the storage level setup.

When using the PULL material issue method for rework or teardown production, you can override the typical method and select a nettable location.

Container ID

Enter the value if you're picking from containers.


After reviewing each entry, you can confirm the selection by selecting this option. If you confirm an item with the item status of Hold, you'll receive a warning at save time. However, you are not prevented from confirming the pick. Only those components that have been confirmed are released to production.

Note. If you're modifying previously saved pick information, only the quantities can be modified. If you want to change picking location information, set the quantity to 0 or delete the row, and insert a new row.


Select to indicate that you are finished picking this pick line location. This option works with the Confirm option as follows

  • If you select both Complete and Confirm, you cannot pick additional quantity for this pick line location after the material release process has been run.

  • If you do not select Complete but you do select Confirm, you can pick additional quantity for this pick line location after the material release process has been run.

  • If you select Complete but you do not select Confirm, then the Material Release process does not process this pick line.

  • If you do not select Complete or Confirm, then the material release process does not process the pick line.

Lot ID and Serial ID

If you're using the PUSH material issue method, the serial ID is the serialized component that should have been picked from the storage area. If the component is lot-controlled, the system displays the lot ID from which the component should have been picked. If you need to change the serial ID or lot ID for a component, set the quantity to 0 and insert a new row.

If you're using the PULL material issue method, specify the serial ID or lot ID for each component that you picked.

If you are entering data for rework or teardown production IDs that are using serial genealogy, keep these points in mind:

  • If the assembly is serial-controlled and the Serial in Prdn option is selected and the component being issued is the assembly item, then you must enter a serial ID when prompted.

  • If the assembly is not serial-controlled, but the Serial in Prdn option is selected, then you must enter a serial ID when prompted.

  • The serial association occurs during the update.

Note. If the component to be issued is not serial-controlled but trace usage is serial, the Pick Plan process does not suggest the serial ID to pick. You must indicate which serial IDs are to be picked. The system verifies that the components have not been assigned to another production ID.

Note. This logic is also applied to other kit issues.

If you do not need to make any changes to locations or quantities (or once all changes and selections have been made), you can confirm all of the suggested locations and quantities at one time when you click the Confirm All button at the top of the page.

Click the Unconfirm All button to reverse all confirmed locations and quantities.

If you do not pick any of the items on the pick plan, click the Delete All button to remove these rows from the pick plan. This relieves any hard material stock reservations that have been made.


You can confirm selected pick lines by selecting this check box to indicate that these pick lines are correct and material is ready to be released.

Click the Next button to access additional items in the scroll area.

Click the All Complete button to indicate that all pick lines have been picked and there is no other quantity to be picked.

Click the All Incomplete button to indicate that all pick lines are not complete. This indicates that you may want to pick additional quantities for specific pick lines.


Click to process the review plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Pick Batches

Use the Update Pick Batch component to review the plan for a pick batch as a whole, or for a range of components, WIP locations, or production. This enables you to confirm, unconfirm, complete, uncomplete, or delete entire pick batches rather than maintaining each component one at a time. When you select the delete option, it will not affect any lines that have been previously released. Use this transaction to clear any unpicked pick lines.

In addition, you can simultaneously update the pick batch and release material to production using this component by running the Update Pick Batch and Material Release process (SFCONREL) or the Update Pick Batch process (SFS6002).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Pick Batch Options

You can select pick batch options to update.

To select pick batch options to update:

  1. Access the Pick Batch Options page.

  2. Enter the following information:

    1. Select the pick batch ID.

    2. Select all or a range of line numbers.

    3. Select the option of Confirm, Unconfirm, or Delete (Unreserve).

    4. Select the option of Complete, Incomplete, or Unchanged.

    5. To update the pick batch only, select Update Only - No Report.

    6. To delete the pick batch detail, select Update and Report.

Note. All items specified on the pick plan are confirmed, even if they have been placed on hold subsequent to the generation of the pick plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Production Pick Batches

You can select production pick batches.

To select a production pick batch:

  1. Access the Production Selection page.

  2. If you're updating a pick batch for kitted material, select a range of production IDs or item IDs.

  3. (Optional) Click the Item Search button next to the Item ID field to access the Item Search link to locate a different item.

  4. Select all or a range of WIP locations by storage location, depending on the storage level setup, when updating a pick batch for components using the Issue method.

  5. (Optional) Click the Storage Area Location button next to the WIP location fields to access the Storage Location Search link to select a different storage location.

  6. Click Run to run this request.

    You can choose to run the Update Pick Batch and Material Release (SFCONREL) process or the Update Pick Batch (SFS6002) process. The Update Pick Batch and Material Release process is a two-step process that simultaneously updates pick batches and releases material to the production floor. This process must run on a server. If you do not want to release material to production at this point, select the Update Pick Batch process. Process Scheduler runs either process at user-defined intervals.

See Also

Defining Manufacturing User Preferences

Structuring Inventory

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIssuing Material to the Shop Floor

You can issue material to the shop floor.

To run the Material Release process to issue material to production:

  1. Access the Material Release page.

  2. Indicate whether you want to release material for all confirmed picking plans, or only for those picking plans that are associated with a single pick batch.

  3. Click Run to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Material Release process at user-defined intervals.

Note. Items with the item status of Hold can be released.

See Also

SFS6000 - Material Picking Plan

Click to jump to parent topicReplenishing WIP Locations

As you're completing assemblies at either an operation or to stock, components using the replenish method are consumed from the WIP location associated with the operation sequence that you're completing. Once the quantity on hand for the component falls below the recommended stocking level, the WIP location must be replenished. The Replenishment Notification workflow can be used to notify the stockroom that a set quantity should be moved to the WIP location. If you are using PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can also use Kanban cards, pull tickets, and pull lists to communicate the replenishment request. WIP locations can be replenished directly from an inventory location, feeder line, or vendor using Kanban cards or online replenishment requests

See Also

Understanding the Flow Production Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Replenish WIP Locations

Page Name

Definition Name





Worklist, Worklist

(Optional) Issue components whose issue method is Replenish. Backflush material to create worklist entries for components whose issue method is Replenish.

Prdn Replenish Locations (production replenish locations)


Inventory, Maintain Storage Locations, Production Replenish Locations, Prdn Replenish Locations

(Optional) Define production replenishment locations. This is required if you're using PeopleSoft Flow Production.

If you're using PeopleSoft Manufacturing without PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can set up production replenishment defaults if you use replenishment as the component issue method.

Kanban Transfers


  • SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Kanban Transfer

  • Production Control, Process Production, Transact Kanbans, Scan Kanban Transfers, Kanban Transfer

  • SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Inventory, Storage Location Transfer, Inventory Transfer

(Optional) Enter or scan in Kanban transfers to replenish WIP location using electronic data collection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIssuing Components using the Replenish Method

Access the Worklist page (Worklist, Worklist).

The worklist entry includes the business unit, component ID, destination location, and the source location. The system recommends an issue quantity based on the item's issue multiple. When you select the worklist entry, the system displays to the Kanban Transfers page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Kanban Transfers

Access the Kanban Transfers page (SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Kanban Transfer).

Transfer Qty (transfer quantity)

The total quantity required at the WIP location.

Stocking UOM

You can change the stocking UOM by changing the UOM that appears next to the transfer quantity field. If the business unit parameter allows negative inventory balances, you can drive the on-hand quantity of the source location negative.

Original Location

The location from which you picked the material. The system supplies a default original location based on the information defined on the Item/Replenish Location page or the WIP Replenishment page in business unit items. You can override the suggested location if you picked the material from a different location.


Enter the appropriate area from which you're transferring material.

Capacity Checking and Replenishing WIP Locations

If the item is designated as an isolate item on the Inventory-Shipping/Handling page in the Define Business Unit Item component, you can replenish it to only empty WIP locations or to locations containing stock with the same item ID. The system prevents you from moving an isolate item to a WIP location with other items.

If you designate a WIP location as storing only one item on the Volume/Weight Capacity page, the system replenishes only material with that item ID to the location. If you do not specify an item ID for a single-item WIP location, the first replenishment transaction to the empty WIP location defines the only item ID that the location can contain until the item quantity has been fully depleted.

See Also

Allowing Negative Inventory and Displaying Warning Messages

Defining Basic Business Unit Attributes

Establishing Item Shipping and Handling Attributes

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Kit Issues and Returns

Use the Issue/Return Kit Components page to issue additional material to a production ID or return excess material back to stock. When processing kit issues and returns, you can only select production where at least one component from the component list has an issue method of kit.

You can only process kit issues and returns for production with Released, In Process, or Pending Complete statuses. If the production ID is in the Released status and you issue material using this page, the status is updated to In Process. You cannot return a component that is not included on the component list, but you can issue different components by adding a row. You cannot return more than was issued for the component nor can you do a miscellaneous issue or return of an expensed item.

Capacity Checking and Processing Kit Issues and Returns

For kit returns, if you designate a storage location as storing only one item on the Volume/Weight Capacity page (accessible from the Material Storage Locations page), the system only puts away material with that item ID in the location. If you do not specify an item ID for a single-item storage location, the first putaway transaction to the empty storage location defines the only item ID that the location can contain until the item quantity has been fully depleted. If the storage location is flagged as storing one item, the system prevents you from returning a different item to that location. If the WIP location is flagged as storing one item, the system prevents you from issuing a different item to that location.

See Also

Defining Default Storage Location Structures and Attributes

Structuring Inventory

Defining Items at the Business Unit Level

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Prdn Start Qty (production start quantity)

The quantity required at the beginning of the operation sequence or production process. This quantity is rounded up to account for any operation yield.

Prdn End Qty (production end quantity)

The quantity expected at the end of the operation sequence or production process. This quantity is rounded down to account for any operation yield.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Kit Issues and Returns

Page Name

Definition Name



Kit Issue/Return Summary


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Summary

Issue additional kit components to production and return excess or defective components back to stock.

Note. You must define a production ID with at least one component using the kit issue method.

Kit Issue/Return Location


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Location

Indicate where you want to return kit components.

Kit Issue/Return Detail


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Detail

Edit additional kit components details.

Directed Putaway Locations


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Location

Click the Directed Putaway link.

(Optional) Use directed putaway rules for the component that you're returning to inventory.

Note. If directed putaway is not activated on the Putaway Rules page in PeopleSoft Inventory, the Directed Putaway link is unavailable.

Lot/Serial Number Selection


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Location

Click the Select Lot/Serial link.

Indicate the lot ID and serial numbers of the components to be issued or returned.

Issue/Return Kit Components


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Detail

Edit or view detailed information for each component on the component list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Kit Issues and Returns

Access the Kit Issue/Return Summary page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Summary).

Print at Save

Select to print production documents for a particular production ID at save time.

Setup Print Options

Click to access the Process/Output Options page to select different print criteria for the production documents.

Click the Issue/Return Location button to access the Issue/Return Location page to select a specific location to which you want to return the kit components.

Click the Detail button to access the Kit/Issue Return Detail page to view additional component details.

Component ID

Displays all components used to manufacture the end item that are issued to production using the Kit method. Each component ID is a valid item ID for the business unit.

For regular production, the system displays the components in effect for the end item at the due date of production or for the item revision if one is specified. For rework production, the end item is the only component listed unless the item has a rework BOM or you have previously maintained the component list and added those components necessary to rework the end item. Teardown production is similar to rework in that the end item to be torn down is the only component listed unless you included additional material on the component list.

You can change any component to a different item ID, or add a new component or substitute. You cannot change the component ID or operation sequence that it is associated with after any quantity has been issued.

For all production types, when adding a new component with item status of Discontinue, you receive a warning message. For regular production, you receive a warning message when adding a component with item status of Hold. In both cases, receiving the warning message does not prevent you from performing the action. For rework and teardown, components with item status of Hold are issued.

For regular production, you cannot add the end item as a component. For rework production, you cannot delete the reworked end item from its component list. For teardown production, you cannot delete the end item to be torn down from its component list. Duplicate components can exist as long as the operation sequence is unique.

Note. Consigned kit components can be issued from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations. However, consigned kit components are returned to owned WIP locations only.

Click the Item Search button to access one of these pages.

  • Item Search: To search for the item ID using various search criteria.

  • Item Availability: To determine whether the item you want to use is available.

  • Item Substitution: To display substitutes.

Pending Issue Quantity

Enter the additional amount to be issued for each component as a pending issue quantity. If you've added a new component, enter the amount of the new component that will be issued. If you're returning components, enter the amount as a negative quantity. The system allows only quantities up to the component list issue quantity to be returned. You cannot process returns for components that do not exist on the component list.

Pending Yield Loss Quantity

If a certain number of the components were lost either during the issue process or during production, enter that amount in the pending yield loss quantity.

Note. If you have enabled PeopleSoft Workflow, the system uses the Replenishment Notification workflow to notify the production supervisor (or other defined role) that there is a non-zero quantity in the pending issue field of a component.

Adding Components

You can add components to a component list.

To add components to the component list:

  1. Click the Add button and select the component ID.

  2. Select the operation sequence at which the component is used, and indicate whether the component quantity is per assembly or per order.

    The operation sequence is 0 by default. Change the operation to indicate where the component is used.

  3. Enter the pending issue quantity and any pending yield loss quantity.

    Note. For teardown and rework production, the system suggests that you issue the end item to be torn down or reworked from a non-nettable location, but you can issue from any location.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

See Also

SFS2003 - Production Documents

Checking Item Availability

Making Item Substitutions

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Manufacturing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Location for Issued and Returned Kit Components

Access the Kit Issue/Return Location page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Location).

Issue Qty Total (issue quantity total)

Displays the total quantity to be issued.


Indicates if the component is either non-owned or consigned. You can issue additional configured, kit components from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.

Storage Area

Select a value to indicate the storage area.

Click the Storage Location Search button to select a different storage location.

If you're returning a component to inventory and you do not want to use the default putaway location, you can use directed putaway to determine the component's putaway location. The system suggests putaway locations that meet the predefined rules for directed putaway. For example, you might want to put away items in zones or based on available space or weight constraints. You can override the system-suggested storage location if necessary.

Note. Consigned kit components must be returned to owned storage locations.

Container ID

Specify the container if you want to move the quantity to or from a container. If a container is specified and the container exists in a storage area, the system displays the storage location for the container. If the container doesn't exist in a location or if a container is not specified, enter the storage area from which the components are issued or to which they will be returned.


Enter the issue or return quantity. If you're returning components, enter the quantity to be returned as a negative number. To issue components, enter the quantity to be issued as a positive number.

Selecting Directed Putaway Locations

Click the Directed Putaway link on the Kit Issue/Return location page to use directed putaway rules for the component that you're returning to inventory.

Note. If directed putaway is not activated on the Putaway Rules page in PeopleSoft Inventory, the Directed Putaway link is unavailable.

If more than one option meets the putaway rules, the system displays all options. Use the check boxes to select a location. The system suggests a storage area, including storage levels such as Aisle Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4, that have been defined.

You also indicate the putaway rule, whether or not to mix stage dates or lots, and whether or not it's the default rule on the Putaway Rules page.

Capacity Checking and Directed Putaway

For kit returns, if you designate a storage location as storing only one item on the Volume/Weight Capacity page (accessible from the Material Storage Locations page), the system only puts away material with that item ID in the location. If you do not specify an item ID for a single-item storage location, the first putaway transaction to the empty storage location defines the only item ID that the location can contain until the item quantity has been fully depleted. If the storage location is flagged as storing one item, the system prevents you from returning a different item to that location.

See Also

Preparing to Implement PeopleSoft Inventory

Defining Your Operational Structure in PeopleSoft Inventory

Receiving and Putting Away Stock

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIssuing or Returning Kit Serial-Controlled Components

Access the Lot/Serial Number Selection page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Location. Click the Select Lot/Serial link).

Serial IDs

If you are issuing additional serial-controlled components, this page displays the serial numbers of the components in the storage location. If you're returning components, the page displays the serial IDs that were already issued to the production ID.

If you are returning components on a production ID that has the Serial in Production option selected but the components are not serial-controlled, you must select a serial ID when prompted. The system disassociates the component from the assembly serial ID when you save the page.

If you are returning components on a rework or teardown production ID that has the Serial in Production option selected, you must select a serial ID when prompted. The system disassociates the component from the assembly serial ID when you save the page.

Sel (select)

Select the serial-numbered components that you want to issue or return by selecting one or more check boxes.

If you're issuing additional serial-controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can pick from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.

If you're returning serial controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can only select the component's owned WIP storage locations.

Lot ID

The component's lot number indicates if the item is both serial- and lot-controlled. Otherwise, the default value is NONE.

Issue Quantity

Indicates the display-only issue quantity for serial-controlled items. It should always be 1.0000 for items with serial numbers.


Click to accept the selections and to return to the Kit Issue/Return Location page. The lot and serial numbers that you selected appear on the Kit Issue/Return Location page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIssuing or Returning Kit Lot-Controlled Components

Access the Lot/Serial Number Selection page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Location. Click the Select Lot/Serial link).

Lot ID

If you're issuing components, this page displays the lot associated with the storage location. If you're returning components, the page displays the lot IDs for the components that were already issued to the production ID.

If you're issuing additional lot-controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can pick from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.

If you're returning lot- controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can only select the component's owned WIP storage locations.

If an assembly item's Serial in Prdn option is selected and you are returning a lot-controlled component, the system disassociates the lot component from the assembly serial ID when you save the page.

Issue Quantity

Specify the quantity of components that you want to issue or return from each lot.


Click to accept the selections and to return to the Kit Issue/Return Location page. The lot and serial numbers that you selected appear on the Kit Issue/Return Location page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing or Editing Kit Issue/Return Detail

Access the Kit Issue/Return Detail page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Issue/Return Kit Components, Kit Issue/Return Detail).

Pending Issue Qty (pending issue quantity) and Pending Yield Loss Qty (pending yield loss quantity)

Although these values appear by default from the Kit Issue/Return Summary page, you can change the quantities here.

Issue Qty (issue quantity)

Displays the quantity issued from the storage location and charged to work in process.

Yield Loss Qty (yield loss quantity)

Displays the component quantity that was scrapped during end item completion or lost during the issuing process.

Note. If you're issuing additional material and the storage location doesn't have sufficient unreserved quantity but the business unit is set up to allow negative quantity and to notify you when it is driven negative, the system will display a warning. If you continue, the location's quantity on hand is decremented and the issue quantity for the component is updated when you save the page.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Component De-Kits

If you need to return a complete kit to stock or reverse all kit transactions for a production ID, use the Component De-Kit component.

Note. You cannot de-kit production IDs if completions, scrap, or actual labor times have been recorded.

Note. If you are de-kitting a production ID that is traced by serial genealogy, the components associated with the production ID are automatically disassociated during the de-kit process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Process Component De-Kits

Page Name

Definition Name



Component De-Kit Selection


Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, De-Kit Components

Return a complete kit to stock, or to reverse all kit transactions for a production ID.

Note. You can only de-kit a production ID with an In Process production status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReturning Kits to Stock

Access the Component De-Kit Selection page (Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, De-Kit Components).

Return to Location and Default Putaway Location

The defaults for these fields appear. The components are returned to their default putaway location if one has been previously defined.

If you want to return the kit to a specific location, the location fields become available. If you're returning both owned and non-owned inventory (including consigned items), you must specify a owned components location as well as a non-owned components location. When a specific location is selected, all components are returned to the location specified. Consigned items are returned to an owned location.

If you're returning lot or serial-controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can select only the component's owned WIP storage locations.

Note. All components with item status of Hold can be returned to inventory.

Directed Putaway

Select this option if you're using directed putaway to select a location.

Storage Area

The system displays the number of storage levels, such as Aisle Level 1 Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 that have been defined for each storage area.


Click to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Component De-kit process (SFS6003) at user-defined intervals.

Once the process runs, the production ID's status is changed back to Released as long as no other components have been issued with issue methods of issue or replenish.

Capacity Checking and De-Kitting Components

If capacity checking is activated, the system updates the location's capacity balances when de-kitting components.

For kit returns, if you designate a storage location as storing only one item on the Volume/Weight Capacity page (accessible from the Material Storage Locations page), the system only puts away material with that item ID in the location. If you do not specify an item ID for a single-item storage location, the first putaway transaction to the empty storage location defines the only item ID that the location can contain until the item quantity has been fully depleted. If the storage location is flagged as storing one item, the system prevents you from returning a different item to that location.

See Also

Preparing to Implement PeopleSoft Inventory

Defining Your Operational Structure in PeopleSoft Inventory

Receiving and Putting Away Stock

Click to jump to parent topicIssuing Material Using Electronic Data Collection

PeopleSoft Manufacturing enables you to use both the picking plan and the kit issues and returns processes with an electronic data collection system. You can access electronic data collection transactions through the SCM Integrations navigation, and you can process them using electronic data collection hardware.

When you save an electronic data collection transaction page, the page clears so that you can enter another transaction immediately. The transaction is saved in the transaction log until it is processed by background processes that continually scan the transaction log. Only selected pieces of information have edits to verify the data that is entered with electronic data collection transaction pages. The background processes validate all information before any updates are performed.

PeopleSoft Manufacturing provides the Production Picking EIP (PRODUCTION_PICKING) to import picking information from third-party systems.

See Also

Receiving and Putting Away Stock

PeopleSoft Manufacturing Integrations

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Production Picking


SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Production Picking

Import picking information from third-party systems by using the Production Picking EIP.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Picking Plans Using Electronic Data Collection

You can use electronic data collection to run picking plans.

To run picking plans using electronic data collection:

  1. Create a picking plan.

    The picking plan can be either a paper report or alternatively, the download of the pick plan in the form of an extract file. If an extract file is created, it may be downloaded to the data collection device and used instead of a paper pick plan. You have the option to create an extract file when you request the picking plan.

  2. Run the pick plan, which is performed by going to the physical warehouse and collecting the items and recording the pick information.

    This step is performed using a hand held device, such as a Radio Frequency (RF) device or a batch data collector. If you use a pick plan extract file, the data collection activity has the advantage of electronically comparing the picker's input against the desired pick plan for immediate validation and correction. In a paper-based system, you manually record the pick plan feedback using a RF device. Another option is to enter the data at periodic intervals using a stationary workstation equipped with a wedge.

PeopleSoft Manufacturing production picking is based on the assumption that the warehouse already has the required bar code labels in place (such as item labels, storage location, bin, carton, and package labels) to facilitate the data collection. Various bar code labels are available through the PeopleSoft Inventory label generation process.

When a pick batch is complete, or at designated time intervals, the collected data is transferred to the main system to be processed and updated in the database. Any line transferred and residing in the bar code transaction log is available for processing.

The Production Pick Location process moves components to production from a storage location or container as per pick plan requirements. You can enter transactions using a bar code wedge reader or manually.

You can run these electronic data collection transactions using the Production Picking component:

Note. If your environment includes inventory transfer transactions from electronic data collection systems, such as keyboard wedges or the Inventory Transfer EIP, then you should verify that the Inventory Transfers process (IN_TRANSFER) has been run before processing any production picking transactions. Processing your picking data before the completion of any pending bin-to-bin transfer transactions can drive quantity in the material storage location negative and generate errors.

See Transferring Materials Using the Inventory Transfer EIP.

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Production Picking


SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Production Picking

Run the Production Picking data collection process on transactions.

Production Picking


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Manufacturing, Production Picking

Continuously scan and process the electronic data collection transaction log as long as there are picking transactions in the log.

Note. There must be outstanding pick transactions in the electronic data collection transaction log.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Production Picking Transactions

Access the Production Picking page (SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Production Picking).

Pick Batch ID

Select a pick batch.

Pick Line

If you're using transaction M301 or M302, enter a value.

Complete Flag

Select a processing option. Values are:

  • Process Location: Processes the entered values for the pick line location, and closes the pick line location against further transactions.

    Subsequent pick transactions can be entered for the pick batch. This value is used for transaction M301

  • Process Location - Incomplete: Processes the entered values for the pick line location, and will allow for additional pick transactions for this same pick line location.

    This value is used for transaction M301.

  • Pick Line Complete: Processes the values for the current transactions and then closes the pick line against further transactions, clearing any remaining quantities for that line.

    This value is used for transaction M301.

  • Pick Batch Complete: Processes the values for the current transaction before shutting the entire pick batch to subsequent transactions.

    All remaining quantities for the batch are cleared.

  • Pick Line as Planned: Processes any values for the current transaction and then accept the quantities at the other locations for this line as reserved or designated on the pick plan.

    The line is then closed against further transactions. This completion level is appropriate for PUSH pick plans. This value is used for transactions M301 and M302.

  • Pick Batch as Planned: Processes any values for the current transaction and then accept the quantities for all other lines and locations for this batch as reserved or designated on the pick plan.

    The batch is then closed against further transactions. This completion level is appropriate for PUSH pick plans.

Component ID

This field is used for transaction M301. If you're using the issue method and as long as valid substitutes exist, substitutions can be made. If the issue method is kit and the component has previously been picked, substitutions cannot be made and the field is unavailable.

Quantity and Storage Loc (storage location)

This field is used for transaction M301. Enter values for these fields.

The system displays the number of storage levels that have been defined for each storage location.

Click the Storage Location Search button to select a different storage location.

If you're issuing consigned kit issue components, including lot and serial-controlled components, you can pick from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.

Container ID

Enter the value if you're picking the item from a container.

Lot ID or Serial ID

Enter values if applicable.

If you are capturing rework or teardown production IDs that are using serial genealogy, keep these points in mind:

  • If the assembly is serial-controlled and the Serial in Production option is selected and the component being issued is the assembly item, then you must enter a serial ID when prompted.

  • If the assembly is not serial-controlled but the Serial in Production option is selected, then you must enter a serial ID when prompted.

See Processing Kit Issues and Returns.

See Also

Understanding SCM Integration

Creating and Processing Picking Plans

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Electronic Data Collection Picking Plan Transactions

Access the Production Picking process page (SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Manufacturing, Production Picking).

Note. If no pick transactions exist in the log when a process scans the log, the process terminates and can be restarted by the Process Scheduler. Use the Process Scheduler with the background process to ensure that it runs continuously.

Process Frequency

Because the background processes for electronic data collection run continuously and you use the Process Scheduler to restart the background processes, this value should be set to Always.


Click to run this request at user-defined intervals. Select one of these processes:

  • Production Picking Process (SFPEPICK)

  • Pick Process and Matl Release (SFPIKREL)

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Kit Issues and Returns Using Electronic Data Collection

You can use electronic data collection to process kit issues and returns.

You can process kit issues and returns for these electronic data collection transactions:

See Also

Defining Basic Business Unit Attributes

Establishing Item Shipping and Handling Attributes

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Kit Issue/Return


SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Kit Issues/Returns, Kit Issue/Return

Enter issue or return transactions for kit components using electronic data collection.

Kit Issue/Return background process


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Manufacturing, Kit Issues/Returns

Continuously scan the electronic data collection transaction log as long as there are kit issue or return transactions in the log.

Note. There must be transactions in the electronic data collection transaction log.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Kit Issue/Return Transaction

Access the Kit Issue/Return page (SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Kit Issues/Returns, Kit Issue/Return).

Component ID

Enter the value of the component to be issued, returned, or substituted.

Sub Item (substitute item)

If you're substituting a component using transaction 060S, enter a value.

Quantity and Yield Loss Qty

Enter values to be issued, returned or substituted. These values must be positive numbers, even if you're returning material.

Container ID or Storage Area

Enter the location from which you issued the material.

Click the Storage Location Search button to select a different storage location.

If you're issuing consigned kit issue components, including lot and serial-controlled components, you can pick from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.

Serial ID or Lot ID

The system displays the values, if applicable.

See Processing Kit Issues and Returns.


This value is display-only for serial-controlled items.

Note. The format for several quantity fields on this page may be determined by the item's unit of measure and quantity precision combination that is defined in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Electronic Data Collection Kit Issue and Return Transactions

Access the Kit Issue/Return background process page (SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Manufacturing, Kit Issues/Returns).

Important! If no transactions are in the log when a process scans the log, the process terminates. It can be restarted by the Process Scheduler. Use the Process Scheduler with the background process to ensure that it runs continuously.

Process Frequency

Because the background processes for electronic data collection run continuously and you use the Process Scheduler to restart the background processes, this value should be set to Always.


Click to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Production Misc Issues/Returns process (SFPFMISC) at user-defined intervals.