Archiving and Purging Production Data

This chapter provides overviews of the production archive and purge process (SF_PURGE) and the ramifications of archiving and purging production data and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Production Archive and Purge Process

PeopleSoft Manufacturing enables you to archive or purge production data contained in production tables to reduce storage needs and increase performance. You can move the production data into archive tables.

Before you archive production data, keep these points in mind:

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Understanding the Ramifications of Archiving and Purging Production Data

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Once you have completed production, determine if you want to move or purge production data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Archive and Purge Production Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Archive Production Data


Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Archive Production Data, Archive Production Data

Select production data to be archived or purged.

Archive Parameters


Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Archive Production Data, Archive Parameters

Enter selection criteria for the production data to be archived or purged.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Parameters to Archive or Purge Production Data

Access the Archive Production Data page (Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Archive Production Data, Archive Production Data).

Purge Process Option

Select one of these options:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Archive Parameters

Access the Archive Parameters page (Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Archive Production Data, Archive Parameters).

Date, Select Production IDs, and Select Production Schedules

Select values based on All or a Range for production dates, production IDs, production areas, or item IDs.

Note. Using the Date option enables you to select data based on the production due date.

Warning! The purging function is powerful. Improper use might result in the unintentional loss of data. We recommend that you use the purging process only after you have been properly trained to use it.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Ramifications of Archiving and Purging Production Data

Keep these points in mind when you determine which production data you want to archive or purge:

See Also

Generating Production ID Splits

Using PeopleSoft Enterprise Product Configurator

Costing Transactions and Creating Accounting Entries