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Oracle® Identity Manager Connector Guide for SAP Employee Reconciliation
Release 9.1.2
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What's New in Oracle Identity Manager Connector for SAP Employee Reconciliation?

This chapter provides an overview of the updates made to the software and documentation for release 9.1.2 of the SAP Employee Reconciliation connector.

See Also:

The earlier release of this guide for information about updates that were new for that release

The updates discussed in this chapter are divided into the following categories:

Software Updates

The following sections discuss software updates:

Software Updates in Release 9.1.0

The following are software updates in release 9.1.0:

Support for IDoc-Based Reconciliation

In earlier releases, the connector used custom BAPIs to exchange data with the target system. From this release onward, the connector supports IDoc-based reconciliation. Both tRFC and file ports can be used as modes of communication between the target system and Oracle Identity Manager.

Dedicated Support for Trusted Source Reconciliation

The connector provides all the features required for setting up SAP HRMS a trusted (authoritative) source of identity data for Oracle Identity Manager.

The connector cannot be used for setting up SAP HRMS as a target resource. In other words, the connector does not support provisioning operations and target resource reconciliation with SAP HRMS. This is because person records maintained in SAP HRMS are not accounts that users can use to log in to the system and perform business-related work.

Support for Configurable Attribute Mapping

In earlier releases, you could not modify or add to the predefined attribute mapping between the target system and Oracle Identity Manager. Support for IDoc-based messaging ensures that you can customize attribute mappings.

See Section 4.1, "Removing or Adding Attributes for Reconciliation" for more information.

Support for All Major (Including Effective-Dated) Lifecycle Events

The connector can recognize and respond to both current-dated and effective-dated lifecycle events.

See Section 1.4.4, "Reconciliation of Effective-Dated Lifecycle Events" for more information.

Support for Synchronization of Employee Type Data and Reconciliation by Employee Type

From this release onward, a lookup definition is used to specify mappings between the following items:

You can use a predefined scheduled task to synchronize this lookup definition with changes made on the target system. You can also specify the employee type (that is, employee group and subgroup combination) for which you want to fetch data during reconciliation.

See the following sections for more information:

Reconciliation of the Manager ID Attribute

In earlier releases, the Manager ID attribute was not included in the predefined list of attributes reconciled from the target system. Data about employees' managers is reconciled from this release onward.

See Section 1.4.6, "Reconciliation of the Manager ID Attribute" for more information.

Support for the Multiple Trusted Source Reconciliation Feature of Oracle Identity Manager

The connector now supports the multiple trusted source reconciliation feature of Oracle Identity Manager. See Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Guide for detailed information about multiple trusted source reconciliation.

Change in Certified Components

From this release onward:

See Section 1.1, "Certified Components" for the complete listing of certified components. See the following Oracle Technology Network page for information about certified components of Oracle Identity Manager:


The title of that section has been changed from "Certified Deployment Configurations" to "Certified Components."

Change in the Reconciliation Rule

The reconciliation rule for trusted source reconciliation has been modified. See Section 1.5.2, "Reconciliation Rule" for more information.

Software Updates in Release 9.1.1

The following are software updates in release 9.1.1:

Bug Number Issue Resolution
8722140 If the manager of the organization was changed, then the change was not automatically propagated to the OIM User records of individuals who belonged to that organization. These records were updated only when other changes made to the corresponding person records on the target system were reconciled into Oracle Identity Manager. This issue has been resolved. The Org Unit attribute has been added as a UDF in the OIM User record. In addition, the "SAP HRMS Unprocessed Manager Recon" scheduled task has been updated:
  • The scheduled task has been renamed to SAP HRMS Update Manager.

  • The "Update users with empty manager id only" attribute of this scheduled task can be set so that the scheduled task fetches Manager ID values for all users.

See Section, "Running the SAP HRMS Update Manager Scheduled Task" for more information about this scheduled task.

The attribute mappings table in "Lookup.SAP.HRMS.AttributeMapping" now includes the Org Unit UDF.

Software Updates in Release 9.1.2

The following is a software update in release 9.1.2:

Incremental Reconciliation of Manager ID Attribute Values Performed by the SAP HRMS Update Manager Scheduled Task

In earlier releases, the listener was used to reconcile manager ID values. This slowed down the incremental reconciliation process because manager ID reconciliation required the use of two lookup definitions in Oracle Identity Manager. From this release onward, manager ID reconciliation is no longer performed through the listener. Section 3.5.4, "Configuring Incremental Reconciliation of Manager ID Attribute Values" instructs you to use the SAP HRMS Update Manager scheduled task to perform incremental reconciliation of manager ID values.

Documentation-Specific Updates

The following sections discuss documentation-specific updates:

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release 9.1.0

See Section 1.6, "Roadmap for Deploying and Using the Connector" for detailed information about the organization of content in this guide.

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release 9.1.1

The following are documentation-specific updates in release 9.1.1:

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release 9.1.2

In this release, minor changes and corrections have been made across the guide.