A Using Agreement Management Reports

This appendix contains the following topics:

A.1 Reviewing Penalties

This section provides an overview of the Agreement Penalties report and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for the Agreement Penalties report (R38450).

  • Run the Agreement Penalties report.

A.1.1 Understanding the Agreement Penalties Report

You can print a report that includes one, several, or all customers whose agreements have incurred a penalty status. This report identifies any of the business partners who have not met the terms of the agreement or have exceeded them. In addition, the report specifies the penalty schedule that applies to each agreement or transaction with a penalty status.

A.1.2 Setting Processing Options for the Agreement Penalties Report (R38450)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.1.2.1 Report Dates

1. Enter the date which will be the 'From' Date for Calculated Penalties. (THIS DATE IS REQUIRED)

Specify the date that is the from date for calculated penalties. The first two report dates are required. This option identifies which transactions to select.

2. Enter the date which will be the 'Thru' Date for Calculated Penalties. (THIS DATE IS REQUIRED)

Specify the date that is the thru date for calculated penalties. The first two report dates are required. This option identifies which transactions to select.

3. Enter the date which will be used to calculate penalties when not at the transaction level. If left blank, the 'Thru' Date will be used.

Specify the date that is used to calculate penalties when not at the transaction level.

The third report date is the penalty calculation date. This date establishes the cutoff for the over-commitment or under-commitment penalties. The system compares this date with the dates in the Agreement Quantities program (P38011) and the date that you included in the penalty schedule.

A.1.2.2 Penalty Calcs

The schedule names that you enter in the penalty calculation options must be the same user-defined codes that you set up in the Price Adjustment Schedule program (P4070).

1. To calculate 'Trans Qty < Minimum' Penalties, enter the Adjustment Schedule Name here:

Specify a name for the adjustment schedule. The system performs the calculation only when a name is provided.

2. To calculate 'Trans Qty > Maximum' Penalties, enter Adjustment Schedule Name here:

Specify a name for the adjustment schedule. The system performs the calculation only when a name is provided.

3. To calculate 'Agreement Over Committed' Penalties, enter the Adjustment Schedule Name here:

Specify a name for the adjustment schedule. The system performs the calculation only when a name is provided.

4. To calculate 'Agreement Under Committed' Penalties, enter Adjustment Schedule Name here:

Specify a name for the adjustment schedule. The system performs the calculation only when a name is provided.

A.1.2.3 Currency

1. If you are using Multi-Currency, enter the Currency Code for calculated penalties. If left blank, the company Currency Code will be used.

Specify the currency code for calculated penalties. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the currency code that is set up for the company.

A.1.3 Running the Agreement Penalties Report

From the Agreement Reports menu (G382), select Agreement Penalties Report.