20 Tracing and Tracking Operations

This chapter contains the following topic:

20.1 Tracing and Tracking Operations

This section provides an overview of tracing and tracking operations, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Operation Trace/Track (P31B60).

  • Trace and track operations.

  • View end lots for operations.

20.1.1 Understanding Tracing and Tracking Operations

Tracing enables you to follow the bulk material back through its processes to understand how it became a finished product. Tracking enables you to review various parts of operations to understand how the finished product was impacted and how future products might be impacted. You can review actual and planned information, such as start dates, end dates, operational gains, and operational losses to help prevent undesirable results in planned operations. The system displays instructed and summary attributes. You can also choose to display named calculations.

The system displays operations in a tree structure with various icons representing the different types of movements. The indentation of the tree structure represents the levels at which the operations are nested.

You can trace and track lots by:

  • Vessel number and class.

  • Operation number.

  • Date range.

    When you enter the Operation Trace/Track form for the first time, the system automatically populates the End Date field in one of two ways. If you are tracing the operation, it subtracts the value in the Number of Days processing option from the instructed start date of the operation. If you are tracking the operation, it adds the number of days to the instructed start date.

  • Additive item and lot.

  • Consumable item and lot.

    When you filter by lot, you must have an additive or consumable item set up.

From the Operation Trace/Track form, you can:

  • Review the details of a selected operation.

  • View details of the Before and After lot of the operation.

  • View the lot master record for additive items, if you set up the items as lot-controlled.


You can also trace and track the vessels that you use in operations. Configured Grid Columns

You can use configured grid columns to view a variety of data. You can specify a named calculation user default path to use in the Operation Trace/Track program by setting up a named calculation default path or by setting the Named Calculation Path Name processing option on the Defaults tab in the Operation Trace/Track program. The system searches for a named calculation path in the processing option first. If it does not find a value, it searches the Named Calculation User Default table (F31B104) for the named calculation path to use for this program in this order:

  • User and Application/Report ID.

  • User and *ALL.

  • Role and Application/Report ID.

  • Role and *ALL.

  • *ALL and Application/Report ID.

  • *ALL and *ALL.

If you do not specify a named calculation user default path, the system does not display any named calculation columns. On the Operation Trace/Track form, you can change the named calculation format by selecting different named calculation formats from the Named Calculation Path and Format field. In addition, you can override the current named calculation format and enter an override named calculation format. To change the named calculation default path, you must close the program and change the named calculation user default path or the value in the Named Calculation Path processing option. Spirits

For spirit operations, you specify whether you want to see spirit volumes at standard or ambient temperature. If you select Ambient Temperature, you must enter a temperature and unit of measure. The system displays spirit volumes at standard temperature initially, but if you select Ambient Temperature and click Trace Back or Trace Forward, the system displays spirit volumes at ambient temperature. End Lots

End lots are the points along the dependency chain where the chain no longer branches and where the vessels still contain quantities of bulk material. The View End Lots program (P31B61) enables you to track the downstream operations that use a specific consumable or additive item or that contains bulk material that was harvested from a specific block. The ability to track this information is critical, for example, when a supplier informs you that an item that was used in the blend process is flawed or contaminated. In this case, you want to be able to find any operation where the item was used so that you can deal with the affected lot.

You can also view end lots for selected operations from the Operation Trace/Track program. However, using this option, you can review the end lots for only one operation at a time.

20.1.2 Prerequisites

To view configured grid columns in the Operation Trace/Track program:

  1. Set up a user default path for named calculations.

  2. Specify the named calculation path name in the processing options.

20.1.3 Forms Used to Trace and Track Operations

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With Operations W31B60C Blend Operations (G31B03), Operations - Trace Track Locate the operation that you want to trace or track.

Note: On this form, you can also choose to trace and track the vessels used in operations by selecting the Vessel Trace/Track option.

Operation Trace/Track W31B60A Click the Trace Back or the Track Forward button on the Work with Operations form. Trace or track operations.
View End Wine Lots W31B60B Click the View End Wine Lots link on the Operation Trace/Track form. Review vessel information, the order number, and blend ID for the finished product.

Review work orders and weight tags that are associated with the end blend lots.

Search for End Lots W31B61A Blend Advanced Operations (G31B05), View End Lots View end lots for selected operations.

20.1.4 Setting Processing Options for Operation Trace/Track (P31B60)

These processing options control default processing for the Operation Trace/Track program. Defaults

This processing option controls how the system displays configured grid columns.

Named Calculation Path Name

Enter the named calculation path that you want the system to use as the default on the Operation Trace/Track form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the named calculation user default path. Filter

This processing option controls how the system calculates the filter date for tracing and tracking.

Number of Days

For Track: The number of days are added to today's date to determine the filter date.

For Trace: The number of days are subtracted from today's date to determine the filter date. Versions

This processing option controls which version the system uses when it calls other programs.

1. Create/Edit Operation Detail Version (P31B87)

Specify the version that the system uses for viewing selected operations. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default version ZJDE0001.

20.1.5 Tracing and Tracking Operations

Access the Operation Trace/Track form.

Base or Configured

Click either Base or Configured to restrict the display to only certain base or configured operations, for example, quality operations. However, the system always displays move operations. If you have specified that you only want to displays quality operations, the system displays quality operations, move operations, but no other in-place operations.

The system always displays the first operation from which you are tracking or tracing, regardless of the filter setting.

Spirit Volume

If you are tracing or tracking spirit operations, you specify whether you want the system to display volumes at standard or at ambient temperature. If you select Ambient Temperature, you must enter a temperature and temperature unit of measure. The form displays the Temperature field only if you select Ambient Temperature. The system determines the correct spirit volume for the vessel based on the temperature conversion chart that you have set up.


When you trace or track spirit operations, the system displays spirit volumes as alcohol or proof volume in the grid, based on the setting in the winery constants.


The system displays this field only if you select Ambient Temperature for displaying spirit volumes. In this case, you must enter a temperature and a temperature unit of measure. The system issues an error if you leave this field blank.

End Date

Enter a date by which an operation has ended to limit the operations that the system displays.

Blend ID

Enter the blend ID to limit the operations that the system displays.

Single or Multiple Level

Select either Single Level or Multiple Level, depending on whether you want to trace or track operations at the top level or whether you want the system to display all top-level operations with associated nested operations.

If you select Single Level, the system displays the tree structure in the detail area with nodes next to operations that contain nested operations. You can click the node next to each level to display the nested operations within the higher-level operation.

Named Calculation Path and Format

The system displays the default path from the processing option. You can select a different format from the path.

Override Format

To enter a different format, select this option and enter the desired named calculation format.

View Before Lot

Select to access the View Wine Lot Details form to review lot attributes for the Before lot of the selected operation.

View Operation

Select to access the Edit Operation Details form to review detail information about the operation.

View Additive Lot

Select to access the Work With Lot Master form if the additive item on the operation is lot controlled. From the Work With Lot Master form, you can access lot and location information for the additive inventory item.

Trace Additive Lot

Select to access the Lot Management Workbench form if the additive item on the operation is lot controlled. On the Lot Management Workbench form, you can trace and track the inventory lot for the additive item.

View After Lot

Select to access the View Wine Lot Details form to review lot attributes for the After lot of the selected operation.

Inventory Trace/Track

Select to access the Lot Management Workbench form to trace or track lot-controlled items for bills of lading (BOL) and bottling operations.

For BOLs, the system retrieves material type and lot numbers for the purchase or sales order from the BOL header and the item number from item cross-reference for the material type.

For bottling operations, the system uses the item that you set up for the end-use reservation.

Farming Operation History

Select to access the View Operation History form to review the farming operation history for weigh tag operations.

View End Wine Lots

Select to access the View End Wine Lots form to review the end lots for the selected operation. You can view end lots for only one operation at a time. To review end lots for multiple operations, use the View End Lots program (P31B61).

20.1.6 Viewing End Lots for Operations

Access the Search for End Lots form.

To locate end lots, you must enter at least a beginning date and the additive, consumable, or block that you want to trace. In addition, you can search by operation number, vessel number, winery, end date, additive or consumable lot, and operation status.

Based on the search criteria, the system displays the operations that use the additive, consumable or block, and any downstream end lots associated with these operations. For each vessel and lot, the system displays summary and instructed attributes, as well as named calculations. In the column titles, the system displays the descriptions that you set up for this information. You cannot revise any operation and lot information in this program.