5 Running Inquiries and Revising EDI Documents

This chapter contains the following topics:

5.1 Understanding EDI Documents

You use the Status Inquiry/Revisions program to:

  • View transaction information for both inbound and outbound documents:

    • Revise inbound documents before you run the EDI Request for Quote Edit/Create program (R47091) to copy the data to the application tables.

    • Revise outbound documents before you send them to the translator software for processing.

  • Determine the status of a document or a set of documents.

5.2 Determining Document Status

This section includes an overview of document status and discusses how to run inquiries on document status.

5.2.1 Understanding EDI Document Status

Use the Status Inquiry/Revisions program to determine the current status of inbound or outbound documents in the EDI interface tables. The Status Inquiry/Revisions program enables you to troubleshoot any errors when sending or receiving EDI documents. For example, you might receive an error message when running the Inbound Edit/Update program to receive an inbound document. You can use the Status Inquiry program to view the current status of the EDI document in the EDI interface tables and to determine how to correct any errors. Status Inquiry/Revisions is available as an option on all EDI transaction menus.

The Status Inquiry/Revisions program appears on every menu where you can exchange EDI documents.

5.2.2 Form Used to Determine Document Status

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Status Inquiry/Revisions W47126A Product Activity Data (G47241), Status Inquiry/Revisions Inquire on document status.

5.2.3 Running Inquiries on Document Status

Access the Status Inquiry/Revisions form.

5.3 Revising EDI Documents

This section includes an overview of EDI document revision and discusses how to:

  • Correct or delete EDI documents.

  • Revise EDI control information.

5.3.1 Understanding EDI Document Revision

Use EDI revisions programs to revise current inbound and outbound documents in the EDI interface tables before processing.

For example, suppose that a trading partner sends you a purchase order with an incorrect item number. Before you run the Inbound Edit/Update program, you can access the document in the EDI inbound interface tables and delete it. The trading partner can then send you a corrected document. You can also use the revisions program to correct the item number. The document is correct when you use the Inbound Edit/Update program to process the data into the application tables.


Changing the data in the EDI interface tables does not change the original data. If you must change an outbound document, delete the document from the EDI interface tables first. Then, change the data in the application tables, and run the Outbound Extraction program again with the correct data. This procedure ensures that the same data is in both the application tables and the EDI interface tables that are sent to the trading partner.

Do not revise the control information without first contacting Technical Support. Modifying the control file incorrectly can cause unpredictable results in the Electronic Commerce system.

5.3.2 Form Used to Revise EDI Documents

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Status Inquiry/Revisions W47126A Product Activity Data (G47241), Status Inquiry/Revisions View and change EDI documents.
Revisions (Varies depending on your menu selection.) On the Status Inquiry/Revisions form, select a record in the detail area, and then click Select. Revise EDI documents.

5.3.3 Correcting or Deleting EDI Documents

Access the Revisions form.

5.3.4 Revising EDI Control Information

Access the Status Inquiry/Revisions form.

You cannot access the EDI Control Revisions form from a menu. You can only access the EDI Control Revisions form from a column on Revisions form for each transaction set. Use caution when you revise control fields. If you change information on a header record, you must change the same information on every detail record associated with the header.

You use the EDI Control Revisions form to review and revise EDI control fields associated with every EDI header and detail record. EDI control fields are categorized as follows:

  • Fields that control processing of the transaction.

  • User reserved fields, which you use for data that cannot be mapped.

  • Fields that you use for audit purposes.

5.4 Reviewing or Changing Inbound Shipping Information

This section includes an overview of inbound shipping information and discusses how to access inbound shipping notices.

5.4.1 Understanding Inbound Shipping Information

After you receive an advanced ship notice (ASN), you can use the Status Inquiry/Revisions program (P47030) to:

  • Review, add, update, and delete the records that are contained in the F47031 table and the F47032 table.

  • Copy records to the EDI Shipping Notice Header Inbound table and the EDI Shipping Notice Detail Inbound table.

5.4.2 Forms Used to Review or Change Inbound Shipping Information

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With Inbound EDI Shipping Notice

(Status Inquiry/Revisions)

W47030F Ship Notice (G47224), Status Inquiry/Revisions Review, add, update, copy, and delete EDI documents.
Inbound EDI Shipping Header Revisions W47030E On the Work With Inbound EDI Shipping Notice form, select a record and then select Header Revisions from the Row menu. Review and update header information.
Inbound EDI Shipping Detail Revisions W47030A On the Work With Inbound EDI Shipping Notice form, select a record and then select Detail Revisions from the Row menu. Review and update detail information.

5.4.3 Accessing Inbound Shipping Notices

Access either the Inbound EDI Shipping Header Revisions form or the Inbound EDI Shipping Detail Revisions form.

5.5 Reviewing or Changing Outbound Invoice Information

This section includes an overview of outbound invoice information, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

  • Revise header information for outbound invoices.

  • Change detail information for outbound invoices.

  • Revise detail charges for outbound invoices.

5.5.1 Understanding Outbound Invoice Information

You can use the Outbound EDI Invoice Inquiry program (P47046) to add or revise EDI fields in EDI maintenance programs and to support the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Scheduling Execution (40R) system. This program supports Type 6 detached adjustments. The system uses the EDI outbound interface tables for maintaining invoice information, and it sends these fields using the Invoice Print 810/INVOIC EDI version:

  • Shipment Number.

  • Demand ID.

  • Release Number.

  • Release Date.

  • Release Time.

  • Pull Signal.

  • Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC).

  • Country of Origin (Item).

  • Authorization Code.

  • Excess Responsibility Code.

  • Excess Reason Code.

  • Routing Step Number.

  • Delivery Date.

  • Delivery Time.

  • Number of Pieces.

  • Reference Number.

  • Demand Address Values.

  • Party Type and Party Name.

  • ID Number Type and ID Number.


    These demand address values are contact information that is entered into the system through inbound EDI. This information is stored in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Scheduling Execution (40R) system database. The system populates the F470462 table and F470472 table with additional demand-related EDI Detail data only if the Demand ID (DEID) field in the F4211 table is not blank. In either case, the system populates the F470473 table with this information by populating the EDI tables with advanced pricing information. Taxed Prices

If you use taxed prices and access the Outbound EDI Invoice Inquiry program (P47046), the system displays fields that relate to taxed prices.

On the Outbound EDI Invoice Header Revisions form, the system displays the Use Taxed Prices column in the grid. When the system creates a record in the EDI Invoice Header (Sales) - Outbound table (F47046), it also creates a record with the value of this check box in the EDI Order Header - Outbound Tax table (F47006).

On the Outbound EDI Invoice Revisions form, the system displays both the domestic and foreign fields:

  • Taxed Unit Price

  • Taxed Extended Price

  • Foreign Taxed Unit Price

  • Foreign Taxed Extended Price

  • Taxed Price Override Code

When the system creates a record in the EDI Invoice Detail (Sales) - Outbound table (F47047), it also creates a record with the value of these fields in the EDI Order Detail - Outbound Tax table (F47007).

See "Entering Sales Orders with Taxed Prices" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

5.5.2 Prerequisite

Set up Detached Adjustments (Type 6) in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing to handle miscellaneous charges.

5.5.3 Forms Used to Review or Change Outbound Invoice Information

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With Outbound EDI Invoices

(Status Inquiry/Revisions)

W47046A Sales Invoice (G47217), Status Inquiry/Revisions Add or revise EDI fields for outbound sales invoices.
Status Inquiry/Revisions Outbound EDI Invoice Expanded Header Revisions W47046C On the Work With Outbound EDI Invoices form, locate the invoice and select Header Revisions from the Row menu. On the Outbound EDI Invoice Header Revisions form, select EDI Expanded Header from the Form menu. Review or change invoice header data for outbound EDI documents.
Status Inquiry/Revisions Outbound EDI Invoice Expanded Revisions W47046F On the Work With Outbound EDI Invoices form, locate the invoice and select Detail Revisions from the Row menu. On the Outbound EDI Invoice Revisions form, select EDI Expanded Detail from the Row menu. Review or change invoice detail information for outbound EDI documents.
Status Inquiry/Revisions Outbound EDI Invoice Detail Charges W47046H On the Work With Outbound EDI Invoices form, locate the invoice and select Detail Revisions from the Row menu. On the Outbound EDI Invoice Revisions form, select Detail Charges from the Row menu. Review or change invoice detail charges for outbound EDI documents.

5.5.4 Revising Header Information for Outbound Invoices

Access the Outbound EDI Invoice Expanded Header Revisions form.

5.5.5 Changing Detail Information for Outbound Invoices

Access the Outbound EDI Invoice Expanded Revisions form.

5.5.6 Revising Detail Charges for Outbound Invoices

Access the Outbound EDI Invoice Detail Charges form.