A Tables Used by the Operational Sourcing System

This appendix contains the following topics:

A.1 Tables Used by the Operational Sourcing System

This table lists the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Operational Sourcing system tables:

Table Description
Event Header (F43Q10) Stores event header information, such as business unit, company, start times, event properties, payment information, and buyer contact information.
Event Detail (F43Q11) Stores information for each line in an event, such as item number and description, quantity, and line weight.
Event Currencies (F43Q15) Stores the currencies in which bidders can submit their bids for an event and the corresponding exchange rate.
Event Header Bid Questions (F43Q20) Stores the header questions attached to each event, along with information such as best and worst values, ideal answers, and question weights.
Event Header Bid Question List (F43Q201) Stores the list questions attached to an event and the list of values from which bidders can select responses.
Event Detail Bid Questions (F43Q21) Stores the questions attached to each line in an event, along with information such as best and worst values, ideal answers, and question weights.
Event Detail Bid Question List (F43Q211) Stores the list questions attached to each line in an event and the list of values from which bidders can select responses.
Event Detail Bid Question Price Component (F43Q212) Stores the price component information for each line in an event.
Event Detail Price Break (F43Q213) Stores the price break information for each line in an event.
Event Invited Bidders (F43Q30) Stores the bidders and suppliers who were invited to each event and information such as address book number, email address, fax number, bid status (accepted, declined, submitted, and so on), and search type.
Event Bidder Password Temp Table (F43Q35) Stores the address book numbers of bidders and suppliers who have been invited to events and their passwords.
Response Header (F43Q40) Stores the address book numbers of bidders and suppliers who have responded to an event and information such as their bid status and their header score.
Response Header Question (F43Q401) Stores the responses to all header questions for each bidder and supplier who are participating in an event.
Response Header Question List (F43Q402) Stores the responses to list questions of each bidder and supplier participating in an event.
Bidder Response Decline (F43Q403) Stores the bidders and suppliers who have declined an event invitation and their reason for declining.
Response Disallow (F43Q404) Reserved for future use
Response Disallow Line (F43Q405) Reserved for future use
Response Line (F43Q41) Stores the line information for each bid for an event, including the quantity, bid amount, question score, and the promised delivery date.
Response Detail Question (F43Q411) Stores the responses to all line questions and the corresponding score for each bidder and supplier who are participating in an event.
Response Detail Question Price Break (F43Q412) Stores bidder price break information for each event, including price break quantity and price.
Response Detail Question Price Components (F43Q413) Stores price component information for each event, including component description and price.
Response Detail Question List (F43Q50) Stores the responses to list questions of each bidder and supplier participating in an event.
Analyze Event Detail (F43Q51) Stores analysis information by event line for each event, including bidder or supplier number, item number, bid amount, bid question score, award action, award quantity, and award percentage.
Bid Questions (F43Q60) Stores all bid question templates and their associated information, such as effective date range, best and worst values, and weight.
Bid Question List Values (F43Q61) Stores the values for list questions.
Bid Question Price Component (F43Q62) Stores component information for price questions, including the component descriptions, question weights, and associated item or commodity values.
Sourcing Constants (F43Q90) Stores the values specified in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Operational Sourcing system constants.
Bidder Registration (F43Q91) Stores bidder registration information such as address book number, currency codes, minimum and maximum order values, and tad identification number.
F43Q911 – Bidder Country VAT (F43Q911) Stores VAT (value added tax) information for bidders, such as country and VAT identification number.
Adhoc Item Definition (F43Q92) Stores information for items that are added on an ad hoc basis during RFx creation, such as item number, stocking type, location, and so on.